Friday, September 25, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 6)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

'The boss fired her, she was caught stealing from him,'Chisom pouted.

Chioma knew Vivian was a thief. Once when Chioma was going to meet Chisom at the kitchen to give her her  ringing phone, She saw Vivian searching through Emeka's bag like she was afraid of being caught. Chioma had wondered what she was doing with Emeka's stuff instead of serving the customers that were flooding into the restaurant.           

Moreover, Chioma seemed to know Vivian's family very well and had heard about someone complaining how her mobile phone was missing. She had waved it aside, thinking it was a neighbour who was trying to smear Vivian's name.                                                                                                        

Of course, Chioma didn't confront her about searching through Emeka's stuff because after all, she wasn't a staff and Vivian might have been asked by Emeka to get something for hm.                                                  

'I never thought someone as pretty as Vivian could be a thief', Chisom frowned at such thought. ' I used to be jealous of her long legs, slender body and even her pretty eyes...'                                                               

'Go and serve your customers', Chioma quickly ended the conversation.                                                                                                               

Chisom turned to leave, but glanced at Chioma and asked, 'About working here?'                                                                                                         

'Why not', Chioma said between bites. 'I'm in... If your boss will accept me', she shrugged, then added with a smile, ' But that will be after I try my luck tomorrow in another company.'                                               

'I see how much you want an office job. Suit yourself,' Chioma grinned, turning away. She walked over to the couple that had just arrived. They couple had looked for a small table by the window and sat down.               

'May I take your order?' Chisom said politely with a sweet smile...   

The moment I met you (Chapter 5)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

It was as though she had known him for years, as if they were destined hearts. She imagined herself walking   hand in hand with him, getting up early in the morning beside him, going to the cinemas on Saturday nights with him. This man was born with a kingly aura. She wondered if she was going to see him again. If she was going to smell his cologne,  stare at his sexy lips, his perfect eyes which could make anyone stop in their tracks. She didn't hear him speak, so she wondered if his voice will be sexy and beautiful, just like lead male characters in romance movies. Her thoughts were interrupted by Chisom who came, carrying a can of Coke and a plate of Sandwiches.                                                                             

'What are you thinking about?'Chisom asked, realising Chioma had been in deep thought.                                                                                           

Chioma smiled without saying anything and happily took a big bite out of a Sandwich.                                                                                                       

'Not getting a job shouldn't stop one from eating delicious food', Chisom said, smiling broadly.                                                                                     

Chioma nodded with a smile. Finishing one in less than three bites, she immediately picked up another.                                                             

'How hungry are you?' Chisom stared at Chioma who ate like a wolf. This was absolutely what people call eating with no grace.                                                                                                                    

'Very much', Chioma replied truthfully.                                                          

'I see - Anyway you've huge appetite', Chisom teased her.                   

Chioma smiled and lovingly rubbed her stomach.                                              

'Perhaps, you don't need to keep searching for a job. Maybe you should work here instead?'                                                                                            
'But why?' Chioma glanced around, realising she hadn't seen the funny and pretty, Vivian.'Where's Vivian?' She looked at Chisom and asked.

The moment I met you (Chapter 4)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Star restaurant's neon lit signboard wasn't at all considered dazzling, the restaurant that could only be considered as not being grand to be attended by upper-class, was mostly attended by civil servants or low class people who are looking for cheap food. The restaurant was small and had  brilliantly coloured Star shaped lights  decorated on the signboard.

'Oh my, Chioma, you're back! How did the interview go? Did you get the job?' At the door, her best friend, Chisom Onuoha who was throwing leftovers into the garbage can lifted her head and asked with a smile. Chisom was a beautiful girl and Chioma's best friend since Secondary School, and was currently working as a waitress for Star restaurant. Like Chioma, she was friendly and kindhearted.                                                               

Chioma shook her head, returning the smile as she made her way slowly to an empty chair by the window. several of the customers who noticed the arrival of Chioma nodded cheerfully at her. Most of them were frequent diners of Star restaurant owned by Emeka Ndubuisi, who was in his early 30's.     Chioma waved cheerfully at them before sliding into  her seat.                

At the counter, the tall, dark skinned, Emeka Ndubuisi could be seen calculating with his calculator, perhaps his earnings so far for the day. He was wearing a dark-rimmed glasses, a dazzling white open necked-shirt with sleeves rolled up and black flannel trousers. His jacket was hanging on the coat hook by the wall. Anyone could consider him good- looking but not breathtaking.                                       

Chioma didn't bother to wave at him in greeting since he was busy and she was too lazy to go to him. Suddenly, her mind raced with thoughts. She didn't know why, but she felt that the man she met few minutes ago had left something she couldn't define or understand just yet. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020



By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

He was  in a deep blue versace suit, expensive leather shoes, luxury wristwatch, and beside him was a white porsche 918 spyder which was obviously his. The man exuded the air of true nobility. with one look, anyone could see he was born rich and had never stepped  on mud.                                      

The faint smell of the chanel perfume on his body matched with his exquisite face. Chioma surveyed the god-like beautiful man before her, wondering if one could possess such a beauty. She had thought that korean male celebrities were the most handsome  in the world, but it seemed that this man was undoubtedly the most handsome man in the world.                                                                                                                        

Then, suddenly, the man's green Iphone 11 began to ring, shattering the sweet moment. She wanted to grab the mobile phone from the man and smash it on the ground. How dare the phone distract her from the beautiful scenery she was watching before her!  But then, it was only a thought and could do nothing anyway.  why would she smash the phone of a stranger? that would mean courting death. she was simply overwhelmed that her eyes nearly popped out.                             

'Thanks again', Chioma smiled awkwardly.                                                     

The man gave a slight nod. Just as he was about to hand Chioma the sheets of paper he picked up, his eyes were drawn to several words on them. Not saying a word, he handed her the papers, stepped into his porsche and drove out.                                                                                         

How could someone be this beautiful? He was the definition of being born with a diamond spoon, and not the silver spoon anyone could have, Chioma thought with a smile as she stared at the car until it was out of sight. She took a deep breath, stood for a second or two before turning and walked back towards the entrance of the star restaurant..                                                                                                      


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

She appeared to be in her late twenties, dressed in a fitting blue floral dress, and her dark hair rolled into a bun.                                                   

After she waved goodbye at the driver, she waited for the green coloured taxi to leave, then turned to enter the restaurant and accidentally dropped the papers.     

Chioma stopped opening the door to bend down and pick the sheets of paper.                                                                  

Suddenly, the wind became strong, blowing off the sheets. Chioma picked up just four when a gust of wind blew the rest in the direction of where a tall and slender man was standing, speaking to someone on the phone.                                                                                        

Chioma frowned. she was tired but had to still chase after the sheets because they were very important to her.                                                      

She happily chased after them like a child chasing after butterflies and bent down to pick them up. As she chased after the last three sheets of paper, she walked over to the front of the car, where the papers finally landed. But before she was about to pick them up, someone had already bent down to help her get them.                                         

'Thanks', Chioma said cheerfully, then lifted her head to a beautiful scenery-a tall and slender handsome man. The man was indeed beautiful to the point of being faultless. He was good looking, charismatic, and graceful.                                                                                               

He had a handsome brows and attractive jaw. The best part of his face which Chioma found alluring was his almond shaped eyes and his natural pink, thin lips. His beauty was the kind that no woman could possibly resist.                                                                                                           

He seemed to have come out of a painting, Chioma thought as their eyes locked onto each other.                                                                        

Not only was he beautiful, he appeared to be very rich.  

Monday, September 21, 2020




 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

It was a glorious sunny day. The wind blew gently, giving sweet caress, everyone seemed to have a smile on their face. Chioma Chima boarded a taxi after a few minutes of waiting by the roadside or perhaps, given up all hope of finding a taxi. It was at that moment when she had wanted to ring her neighbour who was a taxi driver that a taxi braked and stopped. She ran up to it as fast as she could.                                                         

'Where are you headed?'                                                                                  

'Going to pick a client, but i can still give you a ride?' he looked enquiringly at Chioma.                                                                                               

'I want to go to Star restaurant along Jimmy Carter street', said Chioma with a sweet smile.                                                                                          

'Get in then, that's on my way'.                                                                       

So Chioma got into the taxi, wiped the sweat beading on her forehead with wet wipe, then closed her eyes  a bit. she was weak with exhaustion after a long interview.                                                                    

'Did you get the job?' asked the driver as he drove out. He had brought Chioma in the morning for the interview.                                     

Chioma shook her head, opening her eyes. 'No, i didn't', she replied.            

'Tomorrow is another day', the taxi driver smiled hopefully. He was a Forty-something year old man, round face, dark hair and hazel eyes.                  

Arriving at Star restaurant Chioma pointed, 'You can stop me  anywhere here'. she was clutching a black handbag and a stack of papers in her hand.                                                                                                  

As the driver stopped at the front door of Star restaurant he said, 'Here you go...' He shook his head as Chioma held out some money to him. 'You still need to find a job, have it on me this time.'                               

Chioma gave him a thank- you- smile, and stepped out from the taxi. 

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...