Friday, August 9, 2024

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal

One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a video call from Richie. The streets of Ukanafun were bustling with energy. People were going about their daily routines, the aroma of street food mingling in the air with the sounds of lively chatter and laughter. Richie was taking a leisurely stroll, greeting friends and neighbours with enthusiastic waves. From a nearby barbershop, his hit song Kapital No was blasting through loudspeakers. The infectious rhythm had children dancing joyfully, their faces alight with smiles as they sang along. The scene was vibrant and full of life, with the local market in full swing, vendors calling out their wares, and the sunlight casting a bright, cheerful glow over everything.

As Richie strolled, he glanced at his phone, his face lighting up with a broad, affectionate smile when he saw Night’s name appear on the screen. He turned his attention back to the camera, his eyes filled with love.

‘Hello, Best,’ Richie greeted her, his smile as warm as the afternoon sun. ‘I’ve been thinking a lot about us lately,’ he said, sliding one hand gracefully into his trouser pocket. Dressed in black, his favourite colour, his outfit hugged his slim figure perfectly, making him look both casual and stylish.

Night smiled back, her heart swelling with happiness. ‘Me too, My Lord. I can’t stop thinking about our future together.’

Richie took a deep breath, his expression growing serious yet tender. ‘I want to make this official, Night. I want us to be together, to build a life full of love and happiness. Will you be mine, now and always?’

Tears of joy welled up in Night’s eyes. She had been waiting for this moment, and now that it was here, it felt almost surreal. ‘Yes, Bahbah Richie. I will be yours, now and always.’

Richie’s smile broadened, and his eyes sparkling with delight. ‘I can’t wait to start this journey with you, Nightengale. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.’

As the call ended, Night felt a sense of completeness. She knew that with Richie by her side, their love story would continue to unfold beautifully, filled with countless cherished moments and an unbreakable bond.

And so, with hearts full of love and a future bright with promise, Richie and Night began their journey together as an engaged couple, ready to face whatever life had in store for them, united by their love and the beautiful letters that had brought them closer.

After the interview that day, Night returned home with a smile on her face. She pulled off her dress and changed into a casual pink home dress. Then, she prepared a bowl of garri, a popular Nigerian treat. She mixed the dry garri with a bit of water, along with a generous amount of milk, sugar, and roasted groundnuts she had bought on her way home. This quick mix gave the garri a slightly softened texture while maintaining some of its original crunch. The roasted groundnuts added a delightful crunch, perfectly complementing the creamy and sweet mixture. The combination created a harmonious blend of textures and flavours, making the garri incredibly delicious and irresistible. After stirring the mixture to perfection, Night took the bowl to her study desk, savouring a few spoonfuls of the delicious treat before reaching for her diary. With the smile still pinned on her beautiful face, she wrote:

To the man of my dreams, to the man that makes my heart beat so much, to the man that I willingly give my heart to without reservations, to the man I wish my childhood had begun with, I want to say that I love you so much. They say love comes when you’re not expecting it, I guess that’s true. You’re the true definition of love, and I know that many different people in the world found their own love in their own different ways. I am just so happy that it was you that I fell in love with because you give me the love I never imagined I would have. And today I drink from your love, and I feel satisfied and blessed.

I have always wanted to sit under cherry or peach blossoms, watching the petals fall gracefully on me while drinking tea and writing. I want to experience that beautiful moment with you. I want to walk in the snow with you, kiss you on the first day the snow falls, and play love rain with you. Of course, my love, I adore the rain and the romance of walking in it, and I want us to walk together, laughing and chatting while the rain soaks us. I dream of visiting Verona, the enchanting city of love where Romeo and Juliet’s love story was created. There, in Juliet’s courtyard, amidst the whispers of history and love, I envision us writing our own love letter. We would pin it to the centuries-old tree, and sign our names in gold for people to read. Imagine the centuries-old tree adorned with countless love letters, each one a symbol of love stories from around the world. We will add our own, letting our words intertwine with the echoes of past lovers. With you, I want to experience all the extreme emotions. Do you know why? Because you are the only one qualified to see all of that with me.

As the sun rises, I imagine us greeting the new day together, our faces illuminated by the soft glow of dawn. I want to gaze into your eyes and see the warmth and love they hold, sharing intimate moments and silent conversations that convey our deepest feelings. Picture us embracing as the sun paints the sky with its first light, our hearts in perfect harmony with the beauty of the morning. And we’ll dance together under the stars, a sweet, soothing song playing softly in the background, as we hold each other close and let the world fade away around us.

You said Dubai is your favourite country; of course, we will go there and enjoy its beauty. We will also visit other countries with romantic views, and with our kids on the way, we will make memories together as a happy family.

The world is so vast, filled with countless people, and in this immense world, I am so happy that I found you among them. It’s like searching for someone in a sea of faces with a compass, and once the compass pointed to you, it indicated that you’re the one. Of course, you’re the one I have been searching for all my life, and I am glad that I finally found you. I ask, where have you been all my life? If you had come sooner, when we were kids, I would have loved it even more, as I would have cherished experiencing all the silly things kids do with their favourite person. But then in love, we don’t ask questions like that. We don’t ask love why it came when it came; we are just happy that it came when it came because that moment it came was the right moment. So, you came at the right moment for me, and I will cherish every moment with you because you’re my cherished jewel.

Once she finished writing, she closed her diary with a tender smile, not planning to send Richie this particular letter just yet. She imagined herself on their wedding day, writing the letter out on exquisitely textured paper, using her most elegant, flourishing handwriting, dipped in a golden fountain pen that seemed to capture the light. The envelope, she envisioned, would be a masterpiece of romance itself, adorned with an elaborate design and tied with a soft, satin ribbon that whispered of love’s grace. On the back, in elegant gold calligraphy, Letter To My Love, Richie would be inscribed, the letter a symbol of her affection. She pictured slipping the letter into this envelope, feeling the weight of her love in her hands as she prepared it as part of a collection of precious gifts for him on that day. The thought of this heartfelt gesture made her heart flutter with the anticipation of sharing it with him.

Richie, seated outside under the shade of a tree, penned a heartfelt line on a blank page of his notebook: Your love, Night, gave me all…I will always be your guard, cover you in and out of seasons. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on his face as he closed the book, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. With the book cradled in one hand and the other hand casually slipped into his trouser pocket, he embarked on a leisurely stroll.

Unbeknownst to him, Night was also taking a walk, as if guided by an invisible thread that drew them together. Both wore smiles, their steps in perfect rhythm with the soft breeze that caressed them. The air was filled with a sweet, floral fragrance, adding a touch of enchantment to their walk. It was a moment of serene perfection for this engaged couple, and as if the universe was conspiring in their favour, Ed Sheeran’s Perfect began playing in the background, weaving a romantic ambiance into their surroundings.

Love makes everything beautiful; we just have to find the right person for us. When they appear, they transform our world, making every moment magical and every experience a cherished memory shared between two hearts destined to be together.

Letters To My Love

Chapter Three: A Heartwarming Video Call

Walking through the streets of her home in Imo State, dressed in a casual red turtleneck paired with a beautiful black pleated skirt and matching shoes, Night received a video call from Richie, who was enjoying a mango after finishing writing the song he was about to release. From the camera, Night could see his handwriting, which was a stunning display of elegance. Each letter was crafted with a graceful flourish, the strokes perfectly balanced and smooth. His handwriting had a refined, artistic quality, embodying both his creativity and attention to detail. It was not just legible but mesmerising, with every curve and line flowing seamlessly into the next, capturing the warmth and sincerity of his words, making the handwritten notes as captivating as the music he created. His writing was the most beautiful writing Night had ever seen. It was stunning and mesmerising.

Night’s heart skipped a beat as she answered, ‘My lord.’

‘My Best, how are you doing this morning?’ Richie’s voice was warm and tender. He always called her Best because, to him, she was the best of everything he could think of. She called him My Lord because, to her, he was her everything and deserved every respect a woman should give a man.

Night, looking at him through the camera, smiled shyly and said, ‘I am doing fine.’

Richie’s smile was reassuring. ‘I want you to always believe in me. Never worry about anything. For as long as I live, I will always make your life happy. This is not just a promise to entice you; these are words that came straight from my heart which must be fulfilled.’

Richie walked towards the window and leaned his tall body against the frame. The sunlight streaming through the glass highlighted the contours of his face, which was illuminated by a warm and radiant smile. The gentle light enhanced his handsome features, making him look both approachable and utterly charming as he gazed at Night through the screen.

Night’s eyes sparkled as she smiled, her voice soft yet earnest. ‘I’ve always believed in you, Richie. You’ve shown me time and again how special you are.’

Richie looked into her eyes through the screen, his expression sincere. ‘Each moment I think of the future we are going to build together.’

The word we thrilled Night. It signified a partnership, a shared future. ‘I think of that too, My Lord,’ Night said softly. ‘And with a man like you, I need not worry about our future because you are the perfect person for me.’

A wave of vulnerability washed over Richie as he gazed at Night through the screen. The fear of losing her, despite his undying love, gnawed at him. He had seen many faces in his career, but none had made his heart beat faster or touched him as deeply as Night. Would this beautiful writer turn away from him after taking his heart? The thought was unbearable, as he didn’t want to lose her to anyone or anything. He was madly in love with her and wanted her all to himself.

Night sensed his worries and looked into his eyes. ‘I love you, Richie.’

To Richie’s surprise, he heard himself say, ‘And I love you, Night. Really, I do.’ The words felt natural and true, even though it was the first time he had said them to any woman.

After the call ended, Richie went back to his writing desk. There, as usual, lay the book he had bought specially to write down his love for Night. He picked up his pen and began to write:

Dear Best,

My Best, my all, You came into my life like a thief, unexpected with good intentions, to build and establish a home. You surprised me with all the good things about you. You made me love life even more. Suddenly, you became the best choice I’ve ever made.

I Choose You because you’re kind-hearted. You always have the heart to help people surrounding you, even strangers. You have the advocacy to share what you have. You are generous, in all forms. You are not hesitant to bring the light into someone else’s life. You make things better.

I Choose You because you’re honest. Your sincerity covers all the questions in my mind. You have the power to speak and point out your thoughts right away. You will straightforwardly say what I look like or what wrong I’ve done. You are my instant adviser. You are my anchor.

I Choose You because you’re brave. You always fight for me, for us, and for what we have. Together, we are facing the struggles of this relationship. You have proved to be everything I ever wanted from a woman. You are my greatest shield. You are not afraid to get back up after being held down. You are a soldier, and you cast your own wars.

I Choose You because you’re special. You may not see it, but you deserve to be treated like one. You have the ability to make love with my soul. You have the capacity to keep my universe brighter. You are the stars, the moon, and the skies. You are everything I hoped for. You are a blessing, the answer to my prayers.

I Choose You because you make me happy. No matter what we’ve been through, I can always have you. I can always count on you. Your efforts still make my heart jump. Your simple gestures of love can give me bliss. Your corny jokes and goofiness make me laugh too hard. Loving you makes me smile more with an abundance of peace. You are the pursuit of my happiness. You make everything worthwhile.

I Chose You because you encouraged me to be bold, courageous, a chaser of good things, a believer, and an achiever of all good things. You are the woman for me now and always.

You have made my soul come alive, and my heart couldn't stop loving you for a mere moment. I am utterly grateful to destiny for you and your love. You are the sweetest thing in my life, and there is nothing else I would ever love as I love you. Thank you for being in my life and making me believe in true love.

Yours Forever,


A radiant glow beamed from Richie’s face as he sent the letter to Night. He was surrounded by a cloud of peace as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. At that very moment, he felt so glad that his Best had come into his life, and he had the overwhelming feeling that their love was destined to last forever.

Night received Richie’s letter and felt a wave of warmth wash over her. The words he had written were so full of love and sincerity that they left her breathless. She read the letter several times, savouring each sentence, feeling the depth of his emotions.

Later that evening, Night sat by her window, the sky now painted with hues of pink and orange as the sun began to set. The beauty of the twilight mirrored the glow she felt inside. She picked up her pen, ready to pour out her heart and feelings once more. Beside her was a small bowl of ripe udara, its sweet and creamy flavour delighting her. The udara was delicious, and each bite brought her a moment of pure delight.

From the living room, she could hear their two beautiful English dogs, Eva and Daisy, playing happily with each other. The sweet sounds they made as they played gladdened Night. Each time they ran towards her, she would ruffle their heads playfully before they darted off to continue their play.

Outside her bedroom window, she could see children from her neighbour’s compound, taking out sand from the red tipper. Her neighbour operated a tipper truck used to deliver sand to people for construction work. Each time he returned home, children, including his own, would help unload the remaining sand that didn’t roll out completely during deliveries. They used spades to gather the leftover sand and add it to a heap. Once the heap reached the size of a full trip, he would sell it to customers. The children enjoyed this task, knowing they would be rewarded with money for sweets or biscuits. It was a joyful activity for them.

From the kitchens of her neighbours, the aroma of delicious dinners filled the air. The children created a lively atmosphere by drumming on the soakaway pit, using chairs as drums, and tapping rhythms on the ground. Some sat on the soakaway pit while drumming, others used chairs for their beats, and a few drummed directly on the verandah floor. Their drumming, accompanied by singing, added an energetic touch to the scene. The cheerful sounds of the drums and children’s voices, perhaps motivated by the delicious foods their mothers were cooking, blended with the rich smell of the food, creating a joyful and dynamic environment.

Amidst this, she could hear the cries of children who didn’t want to bathe, their protests filling the air. Others cried while being bathed, their wails mixed with splashes of water. Some children, feeling sleepy, whimpered for their beds, while those who were hungry cried out for food. The sound of generators also added to the energetic atmosphere as people headed towards compounds with running generators to charge their phones and other devices. Smiling, Night began to write, not affected by the noise but rather enjoying it, as it brought warmth and a sense of community to her surroundings.

Night’s Reply:

My Lord,

Your letter took my breath away and filled my heart with joy. I am overwhelmed by your feelings and the beauty of your words. You have a way of making me feel cherished and loved, and I am so grateful for your love.

You are my light and my inspiration. Since we met, you have brought a warmth into my life that I never knew was possible. You’re mine, and I am yours. Your kindness, honesty, and support have made me believe in the magic of love.

Reading your letter, I felt like you saw into my soul. You understand me in ways no one else ever has, and you accept me completely despite my flaws. Your love gives me strength, and your presence brings me peace.

I promise to stand by you come hell or high water, to always be there for you anytime you need me, to celebrate our victories and comfort you in times of sorrow. I vow to be your safe haven, the place where you can always return to find love and peace and understanding. You are my heart’s desire, and I am blessed beyond words to be loved by you.

Richie, my Lord, you have given me a gift more precious than anything else in this world: the gift of your heart. I cherish every moment we share, every laugh, every struggle, every whispered word of affection. Together, we have created a world filled with love, and I am excited for the future we will build together along with our beautiful children.

With all my love,


As she finished writing, she felt a sense of peace. She took a photo of the letter and sent it to Richie, her heart racing with anticipation. The thought of him reading her words filled her with happiness.

The next morning, Night woke up to another message from Richie. His words were as heartfelt and loving as always, filling her with a deep sense of connection. She read his message, feeling the bond between them grow stronger with each letter.

Richie’s Letter:

Dear Best,

Your letter is a treasure I will hold close to my heart forever. Knowing that you feel this way fills me with a joy I can’t even begin to describe. You are my strength, my inspiration, and the love of my life. Every word you write to me is a song that touches my soul profoundly. As a singer, I will sing our love story for everyone to hear.

Though I am not usually one to write love letters, you make me cherish the act of writing them. You’re the first woman I have devoted my time to writing love letters for, and I am happy to do that with you.

I am eager to start our journey together, to create beautiful memories, and to build a life full of love and happiness. I promise to always cherish you, to be your support, and to make you smile every day. You are my everything, and I am forever grateful to have you by my side. You are mine, and I’m so thankful our paths led us to each other. You enchant me whenever we talk, and I’m deeply grateful for our love story.

Yours always,


Richie’s words made Night feel incredibly happy. It was like living in a dream where love wasn’t just an idea but something real and beautiful. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held for them.

The days that followed were filled with more letters, more heartfelt messages exchanged between Night and Richie. Each letter drew them closer together, weaving their hearts into a stronger bond and deepening their love. Their conversations often turned to dreams of their future, as they painted a vivid picture of a life they would build together—one brimming with love, peace, joy, and the promise of a shared tomorrow filled with endless possibilities.


Letters To My Love

Chapter Two: Night’s Morning Reflections

The sun was climbing up the sky, casting a warm golden glow through her bedroom window. Night, wrapped in a soft white cotton dress, walked over to the window, pulled it open, and inhaled the crisp morning air. A gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of the rich, earthy aroma from her neighbour’s garden, filling her senses with tranquility. Birdsongs filled the air, and she leaned out to watch the birds fluttering from branch to branch, their cheerful chirping making her heart feel light and happy. She felt like one of those birds—free, beautiful, and joyous. This happiness stemmed from her love for Richie, a love that made her feel complete.

Taking a deep breath, she whispered to herself, ‘I’m in love with Richie, just as much as he is in love with me,’ and a tender smile spread across her face.

Just then, her phone buzzed with a WhatsApp notification. Curious, she picked up her phone and her smile widened when she saw it was from Richie. The message read: ‘Thank you so much for your love…’

Settling at her desk, she picked up her blue pen and her diary, the one where she poured out her deepest thoughts and feelings. With a heart full of emotion, she began to write.

Night’s Letter:

Dear Richie,

My Lord, what more can I say when you have given me your love unconditionally? You made me realise what falling in love is all about. Yes, I write a series of love stories, but for the first time, I must say that I am experiencing what loving someone deeply is all about. You have always been sincere with me from day one. Your honesty draws me closer to you each moment and makes me only think about our future together.

She paused for a moment, reflecting on their journey together, and then continued writing with a renewed sense of purpose. For the first time in life, Night felt she was pouring out her soul to someone who understood what she was trying to say.

After finishing her letter, she carefully took a photo of it and sent it to Richie. As she waited for his response, she returned to the window, gazing out at the lively scene before her. The bustling activity of the village where she lived with her parents and siblings drifted in through the window: aromas of delicious foods being cooked on firewood or gas stove filled the air, women selling akamu and sugar from white plastic buckets balanced on their heads or carried in their hands, calling out to the local residents. Their voices mingled with the chatter of people walking by on the dusty, sandy, typical village road of Nigeria, the sound of bikes zipping past, and the occasional honk of cars as they navigated the narrow street, giving way to children playing freely. Some were playing football, some playing hide and seek, and some skipping. The clink of bottles and cans from Hausa recyclers shouting ayan kundin in their distinct accent, meaning iron condemn, filled the air. The recyclers pushed wheelbarrows filled with plastics and scraps, their voices echoing through the streets. The Hausa accent, with its unique intonations and melody, made the call sound rhythmic and almost musical. Once people heard ayan kundin, they rushed out to meet the recyclers, eager to sell their items after negotiating prices.

In front of the compound stood a mango tree, its leaves rustling softly, while beside it, a coconut tree added to the lush greenery. Men, professionals in cutting palm fruits, worked skillfully with ropes tied around their waists to maintain balance as they brought down the ripe fruits in nearby farms. Nearby, a palm wine tapper, dressed in patched shorts and a worn-out shirt, was expertly climbing a tall palm tree. With practiced ease, he used a long, curved knife to tap into the tree’s trunk, carefully positioning a container to catch the sap. His hands were roughened by years of work, and his attire, though tattered, was suited for the labourious task. The air was filled with the rich, aromatic blend of palm wine, mingling with the earthy scent of the village. Women tended to the nearby farms, harvesting crops or weeding, and the area was dotted with clotheslines where residents washed and spread their clothes to dry. Night’s house, an L-shaped tenant house with four apartments owned by a retired police officer, was nestled among this vibrant community. The laughter of neighbourhood kids, the occasional barking of dogs, the crowing of roosters, and the fluttering of birds created a lively melody. Women with wheelbarrows full of cooked food or moi moi moved through the streets, offering their dishes to eager customers who hadn’t had the chance to prepare anything for their children yet. The air was filled with the rich, aromatic blend of street food, home-cooked meals, and the simple joy of daily village life.

Night enjoyed the lively scene unfolding before her, feeling a deep sense of connection to her surroundings. Yet, it was the thought of Richie that truly brightened her heart. The love they shared added an extra layer of happiness to every moment, making the bustling village scene even more radiant and joyful for her. As she imagined Richie’s warm response, her smile widened, and her heart swelled with more love for him.

Richie’s Reply:

Dear Night,

Best, I just wanted to take a moment to express the depth of my sincerity towards you. From the moment we exchanged our words, I knew that you were someone special, and every word we’ve shared since then has only reinforced that belief.

You bring so much joy and light into my life, and I am constantly in awe of your kindness, intelligence, and beauty. Your smile is the sunshine that brightens up my day, and your laughter is the music that fills my heart with happiness.

I promise to always be honest and transparent with you, to listen to you, support you, and make you feel loved and cherished every day. I vow to be your rock, your confidant, and your partner in every sense of the word.

I love you more than words can express, and I can’t wait to spend forever making memories with you.

Yours only,


Night read Richie’s message over and over, her heart swelling with joy. His words were like a balm to her soul, reaffirming everything she felt about their relationship. She could imagine him sitting at his desk in Akwa Ibom State, composing his reply with the same care and affection she put into hers. She wondered what song he would be heading to the studio to produce next. Richie was a remarkably talented songwriter and singer, and Night felt a deep sense of pride in his achievements. She was so glad to have met him, and he was so glad to have met her too.


Letters To My Love

Chapter One: The Start of Something Special

Far from Uremma and Obinna’s beautiful home in Uyo, the capital of Akwa Ibom State, Richie, a singer from Ukanafun in the same state, was deeply immersed in his music. His songs were always loved by fans, with his latest release capturing the heartfelt emotion of his audience.

Meanwhile, in Mbaitoli, Imo State, Night, a writer and journalist with a passion for storytelling, was busy with interviews and story writing. She often crafted love stories because she believed in the magic of love, though she had not experienced it herself until she met Richie. Inspired by the beauty of relationships, she infused her stories with emotional depth, much like Uremma and Obinna’s letters.

Richie and Night’s connection began professionally. In late 2020, Night, seeking musicians to interview for her blog, posted her email address on her WhatsApp status, requesting anyone with musician contacts to reach out. A friend forwarded her email to Richie, who then contacted Night by email, introducing himself and mentioning that he was a singer.

A flicker of excitement danced in Night’s eyes as she scrolled through her emails, receiving her first email from Richie on September 23, 2020. The aroma of freshly brewed bamboo tea filled her cosy room, which she sipped from time to time as she typed away on her laptop. The soft strains of Celine Dion’s The Power of Love playing in the background added a touch of warmth to her evening. As she crafted her response, she thought with a smile that an interview with Richie, the rising star whose voice captivated audiences with its raw emotion, would be a great addition to her blog.

Night’s fingers flew across the keyboard as she typed, ‘Okay Richie, how may I help you?’ Her professional curiosity was piqued. However, she knew that this wasn’t the right question to have asked him since he had already told her that he was a singer. She still had to ask anyway, perhaps to ensure she was speaking to the right person and not just some random person who had slid into her inbox. She hoped that if he was among the singers seeking an interview, he wouldn’t find her question boring or unprofessional.

Weeks passed with no response. Just as Night was about to give up on receiving a reply, a notification appeared on her phone—Richie had replied, briefly mentioning his hometown in Akwa Ibom. Night’s smile widened; this could turn into a great interview.

Weeks later, another email arrived from Richie. Without hesitation, Night responded, ‘Hi... You’re a singer, right? I accept interviews, or better put, I grant interviews for my blog... Do you mind if I interview you? I am from Imo State... If you accept my request, I would like the interview to be via WhatsApp, which means you’ll drop your WhatsApp contact to this email. Thanks for your time and consideration... See you around.’

The conversation was moving forward. Her heart skipped a beat as she extended the official invitation for the interview.

Several more weeks went by with no word from Richie. Then, on a quiet Tuesday morning, another email arrived. Richie had provided his WhatsApp number, and Night felt a surge of satisfaction. The interview was finally on track. She sent the interview questions via WhatsApp.

Initially, Night had no interest in a personal connection; after the interview was published, she deleted their conversation. However, as she continued to interview Richie and delete their chats after each session, a different dynamic began to emerge. Their professional exchanges grew warmer, hinting at a deeper connection.

By January 2024, their relationship took a turn. Richie called Night after missing her call and apologised for not answering her interview questions due to illness and hospitalisation. Night expressed her concern, and their calls grew more frequent. On January 24th, 2024, Richie promised to introduce her to his parents, acknowledging her support for his music career. From this casual promise, their friendship blossomed into love.


Letters To My Love


Part Two: Night and Richie



A Sneak Peek into Night and Richie’s Love Letters…

Letters To My Love

Epilogue: A Love that Endures

Years later, Uremma and Obinna’s love story continued to inspire everyone around them. Their home in Uyo became a haven of love and warmth, where friends and family gathered to celebrate life’s joys and support each other through challenges. Their children grew up surrounded by the love that their parents had nurtured, learning the values of kindness, unity, and support despite the challenges they might face.

On their tenth wedding anniversary, Uremma and Obinna sat in their garden, now filled with blooming flowers and the laughter of their children. They enjoyed delicious suya they had bought from a barbecue stand not far from their house, washing it down with a jug of rich palm wine. Blessed with twin boys and a beautiful daughter, they reminisced about their journey, from their first letters to the life they had built together.

In a special corner of their home, Uremma had hung a stunning painting she had created. The painting captured the heart of their lives together: a beautiful depiction of their entire family, surrounded by the lush beauty of their gardens. The artwork showcased their beloved butterfly garden in full bloom, with colourful butterflies dancing among the flowers, and scenic moments from their shared experiences. The painting also envisioned their future together, filled with hope and dreams for more beautiful moments as a family.

Obinna had also achieved a significant milestone. As an accomplished engineer, he had founded his own firm, Urembin Engineering Solutions. The company, named after their combined names to symbolise Unity and Advancement, had become a leading name in the industry. Known for its innovative engineering solutions and commitment to excellence, Urembin Engineering Solutions had successfully completed numerous high-profile projects across the region. Obinna’s expertise and leadership had earned him respect and recognition, not only for his technical skills but also for his dedication to improving infrastructure and contributing to sustainable development. His success in the engineering world was proof of his hard work and vision, and it added another layer of fulfillment to their lives. His firm not only provided for their family but also created job opportunities and positively impacted their community, embodying the values and dreams they had shared.

‘We’ve come a long way,’ Uremma said, her voice filled with emotion.

‘And we still have a long way to go,’ Obinna replied, his eyes shining with love. ‘Our love story is just beginning.’

They held hands, knowing that no matter what the future held, they would face it together. Their letters, now bound in a beautiful album, served as a reminder of their enduring love—a love that had withstood the test of time and distance.

As the sun set on their special day, Uremma and Obinna made a promise to each other. They vowed to continue writing letters, not only when they were apart but even when together, as a way to cherish every moment, every emotion, and every memory. Their love story, captured in words, would be their legacy—a legacy of a love that endures, forever and always.

Leaning forward, Obinna kissed Uremma rapturously, and at that moment, it was as though beautiful petals were falling down gracefully around them, blessing them even more. Colourful butterflies, drawn to the beauty of the romantic scene, danced around them in a joyous celebration of their love. The chirping birds, too, seemed to join in, their songs creating a melody of happiness. It was a scene of pure bliss, a manifestation of love that would remain engraved in the hearts of many.

The End.

Letters To My Love

Chapter Five: A Beautiful New Beginning

After their wedding, they found a charming house in the beautiful city of Uyo, complete with a garden that Uremma fell in love with at first sight. They spent their weekends planting flowers, building butterfly gardens, and growing herbs, creating a sanctuary that was uniquely theirs. Their butterfly garden, in particular, was a source of immense pride and joy. Not only did it add beauty to their home, but it also allowed them to contribute positively to the planet, supporting local wildlife and fostering a vibrant ecosystem. They delighted in knowing that their efforts helped create a haven for butterflies and other pollinators.

Uremma also decorated their home with beautiful paintings she had made, each one a beautiful reflection of their shared memories and love. Her artwork adorned the walls, bringing warmth and a personal touch to every room. She continued to paint, capturing the beauty of their surroundings and their life together, each new piece adding to the home’s charm and character. The combination of her artistic creations and their lovingly tended garden made their house a true reflection of their happiness and creativity.

Their love continued to grow, nourished by the simple pleasures of daily life. They cooked together, laughed together, played together, and faced challenges together. Each day was a new adventure, a new opportunity to strengthen the bond they had fought so hard to preserve.

One cool evening, as they sat in their garden watching the sunset and enjoying ripe, delicious udara, oranges, and bananas from a beautifully crafted fruit basket beside them, Uremma turned to Obinna with a smile, her hand gently stroking her belly, which was now carrying their child. The fruit basket, woven by a local artisan, was a work of art in itself. Made from richly, hand-dyed raffia, it featured exquisite designs and delicate beadwork, each detail showcasing the artisan’s skill and care. The basket added a touch of elegance to their serene setting, symbolising the richness and beauty of their life together.

Uremma’s Thoughts:

I never imagined that our love could bring me such peace and happiness. Every moment with you is a gift, and I am grateful for the journey that brought us this far. Our letters were the bridge that kept us connected, and now, they are a beautiful reminder of the love that sustained us through the toughest times. With our first baby on the way, I feel truly blessed and grateful for everything. I have no doubt that you will be the most wonderful father.

Sensing her thoughts, Obinna squeezed her hand gently.

Obinna’s Thoughts:

Having you as my wife has always been the greatest blessing in my life. You are my pillar of strength, my soulmate, and my greatest love. The distance we endured only made our reunion sweeter and stronger, and I am thankful for every letter that brought us closer. Our love story is so great that it will endure through the ages, and I am excited for the future we will build together along with our children. With you as the mother of our children, I can’t help but be grateful every day of our lives.

Through every trial and triumph, they had found their way back to each other, proving that true love could withstand any challenge. As they sat together, clothed in the golden light of the setting sun, they knew that their love story was far from over. It was a story that would continue to unfold, chapter by chapter, scene by scene, as they navigated the beautiful, unpredictable journey of life together.


Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...