Friday, August 9, 2024

Letters To My Love

Chapter Three: A Heartwarming Video Call

Walking through the streets of her home in Imo State, dressed in a casual red turtleneck paired with a beautiful black pleated skirt and matching shoes, Night received a video call from Richie, who was enjoying a mango after finishing writing the song he was about to release. From the camera, Night could see his handwriting, which was a stunning display of elegance. Each letter was crafted with a graceful flourish, the strokes perfectly balanced and smooth. His handwriting had a refined, artistic quality, embodying both his creativity and attention to detail. It was not just legible but mesmerising, with every curve and line flowing seamlessly into the next, capturing the warmth and sincerity of his words, making the handwritten notes as captivating as the music he created. His writing was the most beautiful writing Night had ever seen. It was stunning and mesmerising.

Night’s heart skipped a beat as she answered, ‘My lord.’

‘My Best, how are you doing this morning?’ Richie’s voice was warm and tender. He always called her Best because, to him, she was the best of everything he could think of. She called him My Lord because, to her, he was her everything and deserved every respect a woman should give a man.

Night, looking at him through the camera, smiled shyly and said, ‘I am doing fine.’

Richie’s smile was reassuring. ‘I want you to always believe in me. Never worry about anything. For as long as I live, I will always make your life happy. This is not just a promise to entice you; these are words that came straight from my heart which must be fulfilled.’

Richie walked towards the window and leaned his tall body against the frame. The sunlight streaming through the glass highlighted the contours of his face, which was illuminated by a warm and radiant smile. The gentle light enhanced his handsome features, making him look both approachable and utterly charming as he gazed at Night through the screen.

Night’s eyes sparkled as she smiled, her voice soft yet earnest. ‘I’ve always believed in you, Richie. You’ve shown me time and again how special you are.’

Richie looked into her eyes through the screen, his expression sincere. ‘Each moment I think of the future we are going to build together.’

The word we thrilled Night. It signified a partnership, a shared future. ‘I think of that too, My Lord,’ Night said softly. ‘And with a man like you, I need not worry about our future because you are the perfect person for me.’

A wave of vulnerability washed over Richie as he gazed at Night through the screen. The fear of losing her, despite his undying love, gnawed at him. He had seen many faces in his career, but none had made his heart beat faster or touched him as deeply as Night. Would this beautiful writer turn away from him after taking his heart? The thought was unbearable, as he didn’t want to lose her to anyone or anything. He was madly in love with her and wanted her all to himself.

Night sensed his worries and looked into his eyes. ‘I love you, Richie.’

To Richie’s surprise, he heard himself say, ‘And I love you, Night. Really, I do.’ The words felt natural and true, even though it was the first time he had said them to any woman.

After the call ended, Richie went back to his writing desk. There, as usual, lay the book he had bought specially to write down his love for Night. He picked up his pen and began to write:

Dear Best,

My Best, my all, You came into my life like a thief, unexpected with good intentions, to build and establish a home. You surprised me with all the good things about you. You made me love life even more. Suddenly, you became the best choice I’ve ever made.

I Choose You because you’re kind-hearted. You always have the heart to help people surrounding you, even strangers. You have the advocacy to share what you have. You are generous, in all forms. You are not hesitant to bring the light into someone else’s life. You make things better.

I Choose You because you’re honest. Your sincerity covers all the questions in my mind. You have the power to speak and point out your thoughts right away. You will straightforwardly say what I look like or what wrong I’ve done. You are my instant adviser. You are my anchor.

I Choose You because you’re brave. You always fight for me, for us, and for what we have. Together, we are facing the struggles of this relationship. You have proved to be everything I ever wanted from a woman. You are my greatest shield. You are not afraid to get back up after being held down. You are a soldier, and you cast your own wars.

I Choose You because you’re special. You may not see it, but you deserve to be treated like one. You have the ability to make love with my soul. You have the capacity to keep my universe brighter. You are the stars, the moon, and the skies. You are everything I hoped for. You are a blessing, the answer to my prayers.

I Choose You because you make me happy. No matter what we’ve been through, I can always have you. I can always count on you. Your efforts still make my heart jump. Your simple gestures of love can give me bliss. Your corny jokes and goofiness make me laugh too hard. Loving you makes me smile more with an abundance of peace. You are the pursuit of my happiness. You make everything worthwhile.

I Chose You because you encouraged me to be bold, courageous, a chaser of good things, a believer, and an achiever of all good things. You are the woman for me now and always.

You have made my soul come alive, and my heart couldn't stop loving you for a mere moment. I am utterly grateful to destiny for you and your love. You are the sweetest thing in my life, and there is nothing else I would ever love as I love you. Thank you for being in my life and making me believe in true love.

Yours Forever,


A radiant glow beamed from Richie’s face as he sent the letter to Night. He was surrounded by a cloud of peace as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. At that very moment, he felt so glad that his Best had come into his life, and he had the overwhelming feeling that their love was destined to last forever.

Night received Richie’s letter and felt a wave of warmth wash over her. The words he had written were so full of love and sincerity that they left her breathless. She read the letter several times, savouring each sentence, feeling the depth of his emotions.

Later that evening, Night sat by her window, the sky now painted with hues of pink and orange as the sun began to set. The beauty of the twilight mirrored the glow she felt inside. She picked up her pen, ready to pour out her heart and feelings once more. Beside her was a small bowl of ripe udara, its sweet and creamy flavour delighting her. The udara was delicious, and each bite brought her a moment of pure delight.

From the living room, she could hear their two beautiful English dogs, Eva and Daisy, playing happily with each other. The sweet sounds they made as they played gladdened Night. Each time they ran towards her, she would ruffle their heads playfully before they darted off to continue their play.

Outside her bedroom window, she could see children from her neighbour’s compound, taking out sand from the red tipper. Her neighbour operated a tipper truck used to deliver sand to people for construction work. Each time he returned home, children, including his own, would help unload the remaining sand that didn’t roll out completely during deliveries. They used spades to gather the leftover sand and add it to a heap. Once the heap reached the size of a full trip, he would sell it to customers. The children enjoyed this task, knowing they would be rewarded with money for sweets or biscuits. It was a joyful activity for them.

From the kitchens of her neighbours, the aroma of delicious dinners filled the air. The children created a lively atmosphere by drumming on the soakaway pit, using chairs as drums, and tapping rhythms on the ground. Some sat on the soakaway pit while drumming, others used chairs for their beats, and a few drummed directly on the verandah floor. Their drumming, accompanied by singing, added an energetic touch to the scene. The cheerful sounds of the drums and children’s voices, perhaps motivated by the delicious foods their mothers were cooking, blended with the rich smell of the food, creating a joyful and dynamic environment.

Amidst this, she could hear the cries of children who didn’t want to bathe, their protests filling the air. Others cried while being bathed, their wails mixed with splashes of water. Some children, feeling sleepy, whimpered for their beds, while those who were hungry cried out for food. The sound of generators also added to the energetic atmosphere as people headed towards compounds with running generators to charge their phones and other devices. Smiling, Night began to write, not affected by the noise but rather enjoying it, as it brought warmth and a sense of community to her surroundings.

Night’s Reply:

My Lord,

Your letter took my breath away and filled my heart with joy. I am overwhelmed by your feelings and the beauty of your words. You have a way of making me feel cherished and loved, and I am so grateful for your love.

You are my light and my inspiration. Since we met, you have brought a warmth into my life that I never knew was possible. You’re mine, and I am yours. Your kindness, honesty, and support have made me believe in the magic of love.

Reading your letter, I felt like you saw into my soul. You understand me in ways no one else ever has, and you accept me completely despite my flaws. Your love gives me strength, and your presence brings me peace.

I promise to stand by you come hell or high water, to always be there for you anytime you need me, to celebrate our victories and comfort you in times of sorrow. I vow to be your safe haven, the place where you can always return to find love and peace and understanding. You are my heart’s desire, and I am blessed beyond words to be loved by you.

Richie, my Lord, you have given me a gift more precious than anything else in this world: the gift of your heart. I cherish every moment we share, every laugh, every struggle, every whispered word of affection. Together, we have created a world filled with love, and I am excited for the future we will build together along with our beautiful children.

With all my love,


As she finished writing, she felt a sense of peace. She took a photo of the letter and sent it to Richie, her heart racing with anticipation. The thought of him reading her words filled her with happiness.

The next morning, Night woke up to another message from Richie. His words were as heartfelt and loving as always, filling her with a deep sense of connection. She read his message, feeling the bond between them grow stronger with each letter.

Richie’s Letter:

Dear Best,

Your letter is a treasure I will hold close to my heart forever. Knowing that you feel this way fills me with a joy I can’t even begin to describe. You are my strength, my inspiration, and the love of my life. Every word you write to me is a song that touches my soul profoundly. As a singer, I will sing our love story for everyone to hear.

Though I am not usually one to write love letters, you make me cherish the act of writing them. You’re the first woman I have devoted my time to writing love letters for, and I am happy to do that with you.

I am eager to start our journey together, to create beautiful memories, and to build a life full of love and happiness. I promise to always cherish you, to be your support, and to make you smile every day. You are my everything, and I am forever grateful to have you by my side. You are mine, and I’m so thankful our paths led us to each other. You enchant me whenever we talk, and I’m deeply grateful for our love story.

Yours always,


Richie’s words made Night feel incredibly happy. It was like living in a dream where love wasn’t just an idea but something real and beautiful. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held for them.

The days that followed were filled with more letters, more heartfelt messages exchanged between Night and Richie. Each letter drew them closer together, weaving their hearts into a stronger bond and deepening their love. Their conversations often turned to dreams of their future, as they painted a vivid picture of a life they would build together—one brimming with love, peace, joy, and the promise of a shared tomorrow filled with endless possibilities.


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Letters To My Love

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