Sunday, October 11, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 15)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

She beamed proudly at her son who was often praised by his boss to be physically and mentally fit, had a solid knowledge of mechanic’s tools, service, and diagnostic equipment. He started the job two months ago and had been known as the best mechanic here in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. Louisa wished he got a better job that would be stress free. Hopefully, someday, he would find a better job. Perhaps, a white collar-job or any lucrative work that will fit his profession as a mechanical engineering graduate or even own a big garage of his own.                                     

Chioma stared at the spaghetti in the plate. The spaghetti had egg toppings, a few beef slices and fresh fried fish. She had gotten a few cookbooks from Chisom and had learnt this particular way of cooking spaghetti and taught her mother.  In the end, her mother’s spaghetti cooking skills had exceeded hers.  Chioma knew that this simple dish, which smelled pleasing, was able to whet anyone’s appetite. She wasn’t that hungry but the dish before her was no doubt irresistible.                            

Without looking up, she took giant bites of her food, nodding with satisfaction. ‘You’re simply the best cook, mum. I’m sure you are better than those chefs who cook in hotels and mansions’, she praised her mother, raising her thumbs up.                                                                

Louisa waved a hand. ‘It’s no big deal. Anyone could do it even better’, she said, not wanting to take the credit. ‘Besides, you taught me how to cook spaghetti.'                                                                                      

‘Yea, I did but you cook it better now. I’m good with simple dishes’, Chioma pouted.                                                                                               

‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’, Andrew said, picking up his glass of water. ‘Rich men love good cooks’. He raised the glass to his lips. ‘You might be fortunate to bump into a rich guy’, he glanced at Chioma. ‘You ought to learn how to be a perfect cook, just like mum’. He sipped his water.                                                                    
Chioma chuckled, skillfully holding up the spaghetti with her fork. ‘I will try my best’, she said, stuffing her mouth with food in large portions.’ If my husband to-be hates my poor cooking skills, then I will invite mother over’, she joked, and they laughed.                                                        

‘What about table etiquette?’ Louisa asked, still laughing.                      

‘Who cares about table etiquette? For the poor, we should only care about our stomachs first. We’re not the rich that will mind those things. For the rich everything must be done in an aristocratic manner. But for me, if am very hungry I will be too lazy to bother about table etiquette and who is before me,’ she pouted.                                               

Andrew nodded. ‘Honestly, the etiquette of aristocrats is so boring’, he said, gobbling his food down.                                                             

‘The rich don’t know what it means to be poor and eat without minding table etiquette. Sometimes, am glad to be poor and free,’ Chioma said and they chuckled.                                                                      

The moment I met you (Chapter 14)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Tomorrow is another day,’ Andrew said with a reassuring smile.                

‘Thanks big brother, Andrew.’                                                                            

Louisa returned from the kitchen with plates and forks in hand and saw that Andrew had already started stuffing the food into his mouth as he sat casually on his seat. The food was very delicious that anyone would be tempted to devour it even without saying grace.  Louisa was very skilled as a cook and could make dishes that would make anyone want some more just like Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist.                   

‘Andrew?’ Louisa frowned at Andrew’s behaviour and Chioma laughed.                                                                                                                       

Andrew raised an eyebrow as he licked the food stains from his lips with the tip of his tongue. It was obvious he was very hungry. He hadn’t eaten since afternoon and was starving.                                                         

‘Mum, big brother was very hungry. You know the nature of his work, right?’ Chioma said, trying to defend her brother’s attitude. 'He barely had time to eat and when he returns home after a hard-working day, he deserves to full his stomach’.                                                                            

Louisa sighed but didn’t say another word. Instead, she ladled spaghetti into their plates. She knew her son was always piled with work. As a mechanic whose work was to perform repairs and regular maintenance on motorised vehicles, he was always cautious of doing a good job so as to attract customers in the garage where he worked, and also to make his boss proud of him. Being a mechanic involved a great deal of hands-on-work which Louisa was aware. She knew how much Andrew got his hands dirty in the process. But he wasn’t afraid of dirt because his family having food on the table was all that mattered. And she was aware how Andrew most at times skipped his lunch for the sake of the customers who are always in a hurry to drive away. 

The moment I met you (Chapter 13)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma went home after having a good time with Chisom. Her mother was in the bedroom when she came home while her elder brother Andrew was taking his bath in the bathroom. Chioma went to her mother and greeted her. Louisa was already wearing her pale pink  night dress.             

‘I was beginning to think you’d sleep over at Star restaurant,’ Louisa said, glancing at Chioma. 'What on earth have you been doing all this time? Anyway, I cooked your favourite’.                                                                                                                    

‘None of your business, mum,’ Chioma laughed, cheered by the fact that her mother cooked her favourite food; Spaghetti with fresh fish. She hopped into bed beside Louisa. She could smell the food from the bedroom. Anyone could follow the delicious fragrance and be able to trace the food.                                                                                     

‘We need to have our dinner else we might welcome worms’.           

Chioma chuckled. ‘I’ll love it,’ she pouted prettily.                                             

They walked from the bedroom into the living room which was small but comfortable, with a little dining table and four chairs.  Hand in hand, the mother and daughter happily walked into the kitchen.                    

‘Mum told me you didn’t get the job?’ Andrew asked Chioma when she appeared in the dining. He was already seated, looking fresh and dressed in blue pyjamas.                       

Chioma nodded with a smile, placing the big bowl of spaghetti she had carried from the kitchen, on the table.                        

The moment I met you (Chapter 12)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Where did you buy this afternoon tea?’ Michael asked between bites, feeling very happy. ‘It’s expensive and delicious. Robert, you’re so lavish. Tell me, did you win the Nairabet or did you steal from me?’ He didn’t seem appalled. He was happy today, which would make anyone close to him wonder why because it was rare for Michael to be this happy. Rare for anyone to see this gentle and happy side of him.                                  

‘I bought it at Galaxy coffee shop which is one of the most high-end coffee shops here in Abuja, frequented mostly by socialites since ordinary people could not afford it,’ he said proudly, trying to make Michael happy even more.                                                                           

‘Oh…’Michael’s voice trailed off. Following a long silence, his lips curled into a faint smile. Then, he glanced at the customised blue exquisite bag.                                                                                    

‘Do you want some more?’ Robert asked gently.                                           

Michael would have wanted a bag delivered to Chioma Chima. But then, he wasn’t sure where to find her. ‘I will want some another day.’ He smiled slightly at the thought of delivering food someday to Chioma. He was optimistic that destiny would make it happen.         

For the rich spending money was like buying chewing gum.  Robert had spent  30,000 naira for this afternoon tea, which was almost the same amount of the living expenses of most of the people, and being the national  minimum wage for federal workers   here in Nigeria, having such an amount at the end of every month was like  wining a lottery or bet, yet it was something Michael could spend without batting an eye.                                                                                                                                     

Robert left the office, and Michael gracefully  ate his afternoon tea.

The moment I met you (Chapter 11)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Robert came back later carrying a blue fancy plastic bag. ‘Here,’ he said, handing Michael the bag.                                                                                               

‘What is this?’ Michael asked, feigning a bit surprised.                                     

‘Afternoon tea, sir,’ Robert answered cheerfully.                                                             

‘Who eats afternoon tea by this time?’ Michael shrugged uncaringly as a lazy smile formed on his thin beautiful lips.                                                              

Robert didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. He had asked Michael if he wanted Afternoon tea and he gave him a nod    to go ahead and order for it. Why was his president acting surprised and uncaring? He was used to Michael’s cold nature. It was best not to anger his president to avoid his wrath.                                                                    

‘Maybe you could have it back’. Michael extended the bag back to Robert but as he was about to take it from him, Michael glared coldly at him. ‘You know how to rip me off.’                                                                         

Robert looked displeased. ‘If you don’t feel like eating the afternoon tea I could wolf it down for you.’ He folded his arms.                              

Michael frowned at him. Then, he slowly opened the exquisite bag and saw a box of blue chocolate scones, a box of buttermilk scones, blackberry meringue pie, a box of puffs, a cup of coffee, a box of fruit salad, apple, strawberries, and a bunch of banana.                                                                        

Everything looked fresh and yummy that Michael had to look at Robert with a blissful smile. ‘You know how to take care of your boss’, he said, and began to eat gracefully. ‘For being this good to me I will ask the finance department to give you a bonus this month’.                                   

Robert smiled. He was glad to hear such from his president. But then he knew that Michael’s happiness could not have come from the afternoon tea but from something else. That could obviously be from what or who he met in the afternoon. Perhaps, something from Jimmy Carter Street. What could it be? Robert was curious to know.                   

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Moment I met you (Chapter 10)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Michael rose to his feet, and walked over to his office desk. ‘Robert, it’s not for you to know. But then, today is a good day’. Michael sat on his leather chair. ’And I feel very happy’. He gestured for Robert to bring the documents over. Robert brought them to him. ‘You may leave’.                  

‘Thank you, sir’. Robert turned to leave.                                                         

‘Do you have a girlfriend?’                                                                                

Robert stopped in his tracks, shocked. He didn’t really understand why Michael would ask such a question out of nowhere? Could it be that he wanted to give Jessica a chance? He had always known how much Michael hated to be in contact with women. Even Jessica, his rumoured   girlfriend had many  times cried in frustration for Michael’s coldness towards her. Could it be that the president met someone in Jimmy Carter Street today? Who could it be?                                                    

After some silent debate in his head, Robert asked without thinking,  ‘Sir, is she the one you met at Jimmy Carter street? Is she more beautiful than Jessica? Or perhaps, are you trying to propose to young madam Jessica?’                                                                                               

Michael furrowed his brows. He stared coldly at Robert.                     

‘Sorry, sir. I won’t mention Jessica to you again. I’ll order afternoon tea right away.’ Seeing Michael’s cold expression, Robert didn’t dare speak more, and immediately left the office.                                      

‘He didn’t even answer the question I asked him,’ Michael muttered.                                                                                                                     

Sitting quietly in his office, his mind raced towards the young lady he met in the   afternoon. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her beautiful face staring at him. He wondered if she lived around that area. Could it be that she was looking for a job? He had glanced through one of the papers and saw it was her CV. As someone with a photographic memory he was able to capture her name Chioma Chima. His eyes twinkled, causing him to look very handsome. This was the first time Michael had felt this way, a special kind of feeling. He wanted to see her again, but wondered how and where? Maybe he’ll go back to the street and check for her. Michael might not say it, but it was obvious he had fallen  in love with this girl he met a few hours ago.

The moment I met you (Chapter 9)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

At Moon Corporation headquarters, the chief executive officer sat on a sofa in his lavish office examining the pile of documents carefully shown to him by his assistant, a tall man in his early 30s, dressed in a white shirt beneath a beige-coloured vest and black dress trousers, he looked elegant.                                                                                                         

‘President Michael, this is the contracts you’ll be signing with George enterprise during your meeting tomorrow morning. Here are the documents.’                                                                                                            

Michael nodded, taking the documents from his assistant.                            

‘President Michael, you haven’t had lunch. Would it be okay if I buy you afternoon tea?’                                                                                       

Michael checked his wristwatch, it was almost six thirty. ‘Okay,’ Michael nodded. He seemed to be in a good mood. ’Are you familiar with Jimmy Carter street?’                                                                                                

‘Yes, sir. You want me to do a background check?’ Robert asked, wondering why Michael suddenly asked about the street. He was there in the afternoon for a meeting with a client. Could it be that he wanted to erect a building there?                                                                                        

‘Not yet’, Michael answered with a smile.                                                      

Robert wore a dumbfounded expression at the way Michael replied gently and smilingly. Was today a special day of some sort? Robert was familiar with Michael’s cold nature, and so now he was smiling, he felt there was a good reason to it.                                                   

‘Sir, did our company score a project there?’ Robert asked, ready for gossip.                                                                                                                        

‘Yea, a special kind of project,’ Michael replied, still smiling.                            

‘That’s beautiful. Can you tell me what this new project is? I would like to share in your joy. Perhaps, you will like me to inform the executives? Robert chuckled.    

The moment I met you (Chapter 8)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Liquor,’ the man said with a teasing smile and she frowned. Then he leaned towards her and whispered  something into her ear which made her  blush. The woman looked like a girl who had just fallen in love.                       

 ‘Honey, you’re dirty,’ she pouted, poking his nose.                               

Chisom didn’t hear what the man whispered to his wife, but she felt that whatever it was must be very funny. Chisom walked over towards Chioma when she finished serving them, her face full of smiles.‘The couple over there looks cute’, She whispered to Chioma.               

‘Really?’ Chioma wore a smile on her face, glancing around for the couple. She was able to find them easily even though they weren’t the only couple in the restaurant. The couple was both dressed in white Nike outfits, and black baseball caps. They looked young and cute. Turning back to Chisom, she lowered her voice and whispered, ‘They are the sweetest couple in town’.                                                                    

Chisom laughed, then turned around and rushed towards the two men that just walked inside the restaurant.                                                            

Chioma was left alone again. She reached for her can of coke, forcing it open with the edge of the tab then, took a mouthful. Picking up the last sandwich from the plate, she took a big bite. And in less than four bites she finished the sandwich and took another mouthful of coke.  After eating the sandwiches and coke, chioma contentedly made a burp, rubbed her stomach and smiled at herself for being such a huge eater. She was afraid that if she continued eating like this she might turn into a pig. But then, she wasn’t planning on going into show business, so why watch her weight and be on  diet? Anyway, she would never grow fat no matter what she ate. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 7)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

When the couple were done ordering a bunch of dishes from Chisom, the lady asked her husband, ‘Would you like to order a few more plate?’ the lady leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder, feeling very happy.                                                                                                            

‘Why would I do that?’ the man understood why she had asked, but pretended not to know.                                                                             

‘Because you eat like a wolf’, she pouted.                                                 

‘But this morning you told me to bring you to the city’s most luxurious shopping mall. Could it be the reason you’re acting so cute?’ he teased her, pinching her rosy cheek lovingly.                                                       

‘Honey, can’t you see there are so many people here?’ the woman turned her face shyly.                                                                                

With the way they flaunted their love in public it seemed they were newly married. Old couples might not have time for this or perhaps might view this kind of show off as being childish. So it was obvious that the couple are still in their honeymoon stage, Chisom analysed as she stood there waiting patiently for them to finish their ordering.                             

‘Ma’am, anything else?’ Chisom asked, feeling like a third wheel in their lives.                                                                                                                           

‘No’, the woman gestured at Chisom to get the food they had ordered.                                                                                                              

Chisom smiled and walked away. She came back carrying a tray full of steaming dishes. She carefully placed the tray on the small table, and then turned to leave.                                                                                        

The woman seemed like she remembered something. Hurriedly, she asked her husband, ‘Honey, what do you want to drink?’     

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...