Sunday, October 11, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 14)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Tomorrow is another day,’ Andrew said with a reassuring smile.                

‘Thanks big brother, Andrew.’                                                                            

Louisa returned from the kitchen with plates and forks in hand and saw that Andrew had already started stuffing the food into his mouth as he sat casually on his seat. The food was very delicious that anyone would be tempted to devour it even without saying grace.  Louisa was very skilled as a cook and could make dishes that would make anyone want some more just like Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist.                   

‘Andrew?’ Louisa frowned at Andrew’s behaviour and Chioma laughed.                                                                                                                       

Andrew raised an eyebrow as he licked the food stains from his lips with the tip of his tongue. It was obvious he was very hungry. He hadn’t eaten since afternoon and was starving.                                                         

‘Mum, big brother was very hungry. You know the nature of his work, right?’ Chioma said, trying to defend her brother’s attitude. 'He barely had time to eat and when he returns home after a hard-working day, he deserves to full his stomach’.                                                                            

Louisa sighed but didn’t say another word. Instead, she ladled spaghetti into their plates. She knew her son was always piled with work. As a mechanic whose work was to perform repairs and regular maintenance on motorised vehicles, he was always cautious of doing a good job so as to attract customers in the garage where he worked, and also to make his boss proud of him. Being a mechanic involved a great deal of hands-on-work which Louisa was aware. She knew how much Andrew got his hands dirty in the process. But he wasn’t afraid of dirt because his family having food on the table was all that mattered. And she was aware how Andrew most at times skipped his lunch for the sake of the customers who are always in a hurry to drive away. 

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