Sunday, November 8, 2020

The moment I met you ( Chapter 25)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

She stared at the money in her hands, and could not help but let her tears roll down her cheeks.                                                                           

Michael wondered why she was silent. Could it be that the money wasn’t enough? Was she being greedy? Or perhaps, did he misinterpret her silence? At this thought, he took out all the money in his wallet, folded them into a roll, and then stuffed the money in her chest.                         

Chioma didn’t know what to do. But she felt that her pride has been insulted by this man as his cold fingertips brushed against her skin. How rude of him to humiliate her this way! Even though she had loved the intimacy she had felt as his fingertips brushed against her skin, she would not let him treat her this way! Perhaps, both of them had misinterpreted each other. She looked at the smirk on his face. She knew the man didn’t seem happy.                                                                        

 ‘Fortunately, your injury wasn’t severe. But seeing you like money, I will give you more,’ he paused, not knowing whether he had wronged her with his words. He took out another wallet and pulled out all the money in it. Pushing it into her hands, he said, ‘Don’t have enough time. Perhaps, this will do?’         

Hearing the ridicule in his voice, the anger in Chioma’s heart overflowed and flooded out. ‘What’s the meaning of this?’                            

  Michael’s brow twitched as he asked, ‘Want some more?’ Not waiting for her reply, he lowered his head and took out the last cash from the wallet and gave to her. ‘I don’t carry a lot of cash with me, so my wallets only contained 50,000 naira. I hope this little amount would be more than enough to patch up your wounds.’ He checked his luxury wristwatch.’ I have to go’. He rose up to go but Chioma’s words made him stop in his tracks.                                                       

  ‘Enough?’ Chioma smiled awkwardly.                                                             

‘Not enough?’ Michael furrowed his brow, glancing slightly at her. Was this woman so greedy? He smirked, his thin lips, forming into a smug curve. ‘Maybe you want more?’                 

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