Sunday, November 22, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 30)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Arriving at Paradise Hotel, one of the properties under Moon Corporation, his assistant Robert rang him. Without giving Robert an opportunity to speak, Michael said, ‘What’s it?’                                                   

Robert could sense Michael’s foul mood. Anxiously, he stuttered, ‘Do I need to come to Paradise Hotel?’                                                                           

‘Get all the information you know about Chioma Chima, that’s all’. After that the line went dead.                                                                                 

While Michael stood in the elevator, his mind raced towards the accident scene. He wondered how she was doing. Was she still in pain? What if she decides not to talk to him again because of the accident? Would she hate him forever? Should he visit her and apologise again? But if I don’t ask for forgiveness again, would she not accept me?  Will he run into her again?                                                                                                  

Michael sighed deeply as possible scenarios played out in his head. When he finally reached the top floor, he glanced around before exiting the elevator with the documents and headed elegantly to the presidential suite.                                                                                                      

The contract signing was scheduled to be by 10:00 am but Michael had arrived at 9:40 am. He was right in time despite the little delay caused by the accident. Michael had selected to arrive earlier because he was a man that believed in punctuality.  He never believed in African time.                                                                                                      

Reaching the magnificent door, the guards at the entrance bowed in greeting before Michael placed his graceful palm against the bio-metric palm scanner and unlocked the door. The presidential suite door could only be unlocked by his palm.                                                             

This was the only presidential suite here in Paradise Hotel. It was the most glamorous room belonging only to Michael.                                         

Michael walked into the luxurious suite glowing with confidence. A refreshing morning breeze was blowing from the bay window, with sunlight streaming in. from time to time, the gentle morning breeze lifted the gold curtains fluttering and flipping.

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