Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 38)

By Nigtengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Michael scoffed and said, ‘you have never been my woman. You’re just my childhood friend, even though is very clear that I gave you a few years gap and it was also clear that i never wanted you around me.’                                                                                

‘Don’t speak nonsense.’ She turned back to look at Michael. ‘Being your childhood friend makes me your childhood sweetheart.’             

Michael laughed mockingly, and then he walked over to the wine rack in his room and filled a glass of wine. ‘Young girl, don’t act like a crazy fool. I’m never your man and will never be.’ He lifted the glass to his thin lips and took a sip. ‘Stop making your life appear like you are in Asian drama series or maybe soap opera. You don’t even qualify to be a lead female character of a movie. It doesn’t suit you.’ He curved his lips coldly. ‘You can only qualify to act dead.’                                                         


‘I don’t understand the nonsense you said, I just love you, so I will stick to you and we will get married sooner or later. You can’t change destiny.’ Jessica stroked down a few strands of hair that was out of place, this was a simple movement yet was alluring and enchanting. But Michael seemed not to notice the existence of her beauty. Even with the white silk sleep dress that obviously made her look sexy, Michael wasn’t at all interested in her. ‘For you, I will be willing to play dead,’ she muttered.                                        

‘I want you to go home,’ Michael said, not looking at her.        

‘Why would I do that?’                                                          

‘Because this isn’t your home, got that?’ Michael tilted his head to look at Jessica.                                                                                                           

Jessica charmingly rolled her eyes at Michael and said, ‘Aunt Patricia asked me to stay, you can’t make me leave.’                                               


‘So, I’m going to sleep over. I have slept in this mansion before…’ she lowered her head and played with her manicured nails. ‘You can’t make me leave.’          

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