Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 353)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma didn’t say a word, for she was certain Julia was trying to cause trouble.                                                                                                          

‘Chioma, no matter how unaffected you look on the outside, inside you must be in torment, in pain, dripping in blood…’                                  

‘And why did you assume that?’Chioma asked coldly.                                  

Julia chuckled. ‘Oh yeah, that’s right, with your poor mindset, there is no way you can congratulate others. Even if you’re Michael’s fiancée, someday, someone else would snatch him away from you as you did to Jessica. And I will be excited in the sight of you being heartbroken. Since anything can change in this world, you should be prepared to have things snatched from you at all times…from now on, I will advice you to be more open minded…’                                                   

‘When will they be officially engaged?’ Audrey asked Julia calmly.                                                                                                                                         

‘They are already engaged, a low-key engagement.’                        

‘Really, then I have to say congratulations in advance,’Audrey said in lieu of Chioma as she maintained her smile, then raised her glass at Julia. However, as these words landed on Julia’s ears, they somehow didn’t sound sincere.                                                                      

  ‘Audrey, I know you actually want to see Jessica and Michael get engaged, then, your brother and Chioma…’                                                                   

‘Don’t tell me I am supposed to answer you instead of enjoying my nkwobi?’Audrey laughed questioningly.                                                               

‘Audrey, I am sure you didn’t know Chioma’s mother is a thief,’Dana said, laughing.                                                                                                    

Andrew wanted to slap stars out of Dana’s face for insulting his mother, but Chioma stopped him.                                                                            

  Chioma laid one hand on Audrew’s forearm. ‘Just let her be,’she said quietly.


  ‘Dana,’Audrey said reprovingly. ‘Stop making up stories. That’s no way to behave.’                                                                                         

  ‘But that’s the truth, Audrey. The news has gone viral. Chioma’s here. You can ask her.’                                                                                         

Audrey turned to Chioma. ‘I know it’s not true…’                                          

‘My mother was accused. She didn’t do it,’Chioma lowered her head and said.                                                                                                  

  ‘How could she not have done it and the police arrested her,’Emmanuella said sarcastically. ‘Young master Michael, will for sure hate your family for this.’                                                                                                   

Daniel stared at Dana, furious, he asked, ‘Is it good for a young girl like you to be this idiotic?’                                                                     

  Dana laughed. ‘I have never been idiotic, but I think your family was cursed to cause trouble. Your days are numbered.’                        

Audrey snapped at Dana, ‘Can you shut up? You are just an ordinary girl from a lowly-family too. What are you blabbing for?’                                  

Displeased, Dana retorted, ‘Why are you supporting Chioma? Yes, I am from a lowly family, but at least we can afford two or more cars. Jessica was in the market when the incident happened. If she wasn’t there to stop the beating, Chioma’s mother would have been dead meat by now.’                                                                                                      

  Daniel looked at Audrey and smiled with pride. He felt that not only did Julia and her friends lose to Audrey in looks and figure, but they also lost in dignity. He could see that Audrey had no intentions of bickering with them. Not wanting to waste her time, she requested that they change to a different table. Her request was granted, Audrey and her group moved to a different table recently used by a customer who was done eating with his friends.                                                                                                 

Chioma looked at the waitress nearby and asked, ‘Where is the restroom?’                                                                                                          

The waitress led Chioma to the female restroom, and then turned back.               

Julia stood up calmly, heading for the restroom. Her lips curled in ridicule as she pulled the restroom door open. Chioma was done, and was about leaving when she saw Julia.                                                                     

‘Chioma, did you think by becoming young master Michael’s fiancée, you would really be respected? Let me tell you, without Michael, you are nothing. Don’t glory yet because very soon you will be stepped all over by his family. Pretty soon Jessica will get back his man and you will return back to your filthy position as a lowly-woman good for a lowly man. Jessica is so beautiful that she can have any man. But you are ugly, good at bewitching rich men.’                                                                              

  ‘Yes, you’re right, Jessica is more beautiful than me. She can have countless men as she want while I will be left with nothing.’ Chioma agreed with Julia but her tone of voice was filled with hidden mockery.        


  Julia never accepted Chioma to admit defeat. Hearing what Chioma said, Julia smiled.                                                                                               

‘Since you are aware of your status, after we leave this place, as long as you give back Michael to Jessica, I will never hate you. But…if you still have the intention to still be with young master Michael, then don’t blame Jessica for being ruthless!’                                                                               

‘So, if I give up Michael, Jessica will have him, and then dump Nathan… for who? Don’t tell me you want to have Nathan?’                    

  Julia glared at Chioma and said, ‘You have no reason to know.’                                                                                                                                           

Chioma stared at her with no hint of fear. ‘I am sorry to tell you this, but I should still tell you. Nathan will never fall for you. If I were you, I will give up now. He wouldn’t love you, not because of your average status, but because you’re a scheming bitch. Nathan loves honest women, and not women who love to cause trouble everywhere they go.’ After speaking, Chioma started out. However, Julia spoke up to hold her back.                                                                                                               

‘Chioma, I know you are not willing to accept young master Michael will leave you soon for Jessica, then, Nathan will come to me, I will definitely convince you sooner or later.’                                                                 

Hearing Julia speak like she was swearing an oath, Chioma sneered as she paused, and without turning back, she said to Julia, ‘Today has been wasted on listening to your nonsense… but, hope you know that you need to know that anyone that hurt me, no matter who they are, they won’t get away with it,’ Chioma looked at Julia and said, enunciating each word.


‘Ooh, you’re feeling impatient and want to leave already because you are afraid your mother might steal again, you can leave first…you might pee on your pant if you stay here long,’Julia said as she lifted her brow.                                                                                           

 ‘My pleasure.’                                                                                                              

Julia watched as Chioma left. At this time, Julia thought of what to do to Chioma to make her sink deeper into the ocean. But then, she thought of what Chioma told her and felt annoyed. She was going to have Nathan to herself. What right does Chioma have to insult me? I can’t have Nathan, but she can have Michael? Anyway, even if I can’t have Nathan, I will never allow Chioma have Michael.                                 

As Chioma sat back to her seat, her phone began to ring. She went out to receive the call. Her face went pale immediately she received the news of what was happening in their house. Not wanting Audrey to know what was happening, she texted Chisom, Andrew and Daniel before returning back to her seat.                                                                    

Chisom feigned tired, trying to find excuse for them to leave without Audrey raising suspicious. But Audrey with her high IQ understood everything.                                                                                            

   ‘I am tired too,’Audrey said, as she stood up calmly.                           

Just as they exited the door, segun rushed over and told them to get in his taxi. Waving Audrey goodbye, they four of them boarded Segun’s taxi while Audrey went in her car.                                                                         

On their way home Chioma said, ‘This might be a plot from Jessica.’                                                                                                                                           

‘Isn’t Jessica engaged to Nathan, what reason would she have to do this?’Daniel looked at Chioma and asked.                                            

‘Perhaps, she isn’t really engaged to Nathan. She might just be deceiving Nathan.’                                                                                                                 

‘Well, Chioma, I have seen movie where relationships that started in deceit ended up being strong and unbreakable. Don’t bother yourself about Jessica and her ploy. We should think of how to find another house for your family,’Chisom said.                                                               

  ‘Could Dana be saying the truth? Was Jessica at the market when my mother was accused? She was the one that stopped the men from beating my mother to death?’Chioma wondered.                                                

‘Enemies are always in front. Sometimes it is difficult to notice their next move,’Daniel said. ‘This might be Jessica’s little game. We have to be careful.’

Andrew lent her head on the window of the taxi, the glass was warm. He promised himself that he would find work soon to support his family. It was not that he didn’t want to ask help from anyone, he simply didn’t want to be looked down on by people who would say that his life became better because he hung out with rich people. He wanted to get a job because he merited it.                                          

After passing a few traffic lights, the taxi finally pulled in front of their house. Chisom and Daniel were with them.                                               T

hey saw a gathered group of people, who were neighbours and perhaps, onlookers or rather passers-by.                                                                                  

  ‘Told you to start packing, didn’t I? Or you want us to do the packing for you?’ A harsh sounding voice was heard. It was obviously the landlord’s voice.                                                                             

‘My children aren’t home yet. Please give me a little time.’                      

‘Why should I listen to you? This is my house. I can do whatever I want to do.’                                                                                               

  Louisa said calmly, ‘How can you ask us to move suddenly? It is not as if we owe you. We paid your rent.’                                                                  

‘Market thief, keep your mouth clean and don’t utter any word. Just pack your things and leave. I don’t want my house to be den of thieves. Today, you must empty this house; I don’t want your bad reputation to corrupt this neighbourhood.’ The landlord pushed his way across Louisa and started throwing their stuff out of the door.                    

Andrew ran forward to stop the landlord but the men the landlord had hired to help him throw out the stuff blocked Andrew’s way.                                                                                                                                                  

  Oga landlord, please stop! My mother isn’t a thief. I know you know the truth,’Chioma pleaded.                                                                    

  ‘I know the truth and that is, your mother is a thief, a market thief,’the landlord yelled. He was about forty years old, wearing an agbada. His agbada was embroidered with gold thread around the collar. He was fat and shot.                                                                                                         

‘Stop it; just let us stay here for a while. We will find another place soon,’Andrew said, confused. He had lost his job and didn’t receive this month’s pay. He wondered where to stay and how to start.             

  Daniel patted Andrew’s shoulder and said, ‘My house will always welcome you and your family.’                                                                                          

Andrew looked at Daniel. ‘I know but it’s not possible. I am engaged to your sister, I don’t want to ruin her reputation.’                                                       

Daniel nodded. ‘We’ll find a way.’                                                                    

Just then Audrey arrived, looking worried. ‘What is happening, why are there so many people here, and why is the landlord throwing out your stuff?’                                                                                                                

Chioma turned to Audrey. The edges of her eyes reddened, tears started to fall, and she looked extremely pitiful.                                             

  ‘We were asked by the landlord…’Chioma had wanted to tell Audrey that they were asked by the landlord to move. However, a person, brimming with fury, rushed over and interrupted her.                  

   ‘The landlord wants to renovate this building so he asked them to leave. They will return later…’                                                                                         

Chioma let her tears fall as she glared at the man. ‘How dare you lie? Didn’t you come here with the landlord to throw our stuff out? I could forgive you and the landlord for this, but accusing my mother, no, I don’t think I will forgive you.’                                                                            

Audrey gave the landlord a cold glance. It stopped him in his tracks.                                                                                                                                                   

The startled landlord said, ‘I know you are friends with them Madam Audrey, but I know you know that this is my house… I need to renovate the house,’he smiled warmly.                                                                          

  ‘If you don’t put back their stuff, I swear I will use every ounce of my energy to take you to court. Throw out their stuff again if you dare,’Audrey said with a smile.                                                                         

The landlord had from rumour that Chioma was friends with Audrey, but had waved the rumour off. But today, he seems to believe that. He knows so much about the rich and powerful Njemanze family, and looking at Audrey, her appearance right now emanated absolute power from head-to-toe. She was a woman not to be trifled with.                        

The landlord wanted to argue some more but Audrey wasn’t going to listen to him. Not knowing what to do, he stood there, thinking of what to do. His men had already stopped throwing out their stuff. No one would dare go against Audrey. He and his men were physically stronger than Audrey that they could possibly strangle her with just one hand, and then continue with their task, but why were they so afraid of her? Of course, her formidable background made them afraid. Who will dare go against the Njemanze family? Only those wanting to embrace death would go against them.                                                                                               

Before they landlord could say another word, Audrey asked, ‘Who ordered you to do this?’                                                                                          

‘What?’The landlord felt afraid even more. He wouldn’t dare say Rebecca Nnaji had ordered him to do this. He can’t go against the Njemanze family neither would he go against the Nnaji family. So he would have to lie, and take the balme silently. At first, he didn’t want to throw Louisa and her children out of the house but Rebecca threatened to makes his life a living hell. He had no choice than to take the 3 million naira Rebecca had given to him as well as throw Louisa out of the house. He knew that Louisa and her family are good people. But then, greed got the best of him.                                                                                                                   

‘Tell me who ordered you to throw them out of their home and I will pretend I didn’t see this. Or else the next time we meet would be in the law court, you wouldn’t want that, would you?’                                                

Breaking out in cold sweat, the landlord laughed dryly, ‘This is…just a misunderstanding, Miss, you have misunderstood my action. I only threw their stuff out because I want to renovate the house.’                         

‘Misunderstanding, really?’Audrey’s eyes flashed.                                    

The landlord knew that Audrey wasn’t bluffing. She would bring her to the courthouse if he doesn’t tell her who the instigator was. But how would he face Rebecca if he revealed her name. Rebecca wouldn’t let her off if he gave her name. She was a high-profiled woman, and might out of humiliation kill him or even go after his family. Yet, he measured everything in his mind and felt that it was not worth to get him a lawsuit from the Njemanze family just because of a woman from the Nnaji family. To be on the safe side, he would give out only Rebecca’s surname.     


The landlord stroked his nose and said, ‘A woman paid me handsomely to chase Louisa and her children away. I don’t really know anything about her except her surname Nnaji.’                                                 

‘Jessica Nnaji?’Chioma asked.                                                                           

The landlord shook his head. ‘Jessica wouldn’t do this to your mother. She saved your mother, remember? Besides, what motive would she ask me to chase you people away? I know nothing about the woman that paid me for this, but I know that Jessica isn’t involved in this,’ he paused, and then said, ‘I promise to return back the money. Louisa, you can stay here as long as you want.’                                                                   

‘If the instigator isn’t Jessica, how come you know her too well? Chisom asked the landlord meaningfully.                                                      

‘I know about the love triangle between Chioma, Michael and Felix. I also know about Jessica Nnaji. I read entertainment news a lot, so you see, anyone would easily know about this love story. And of course, everyone has a good reason to suspect Jessica, but I swear she didn’t ask me to do this. Maybe a fan of hers with the same surname,’the landlord shrugged innocently.                                                              

  ‘Enough of this melodrama, I want Chioma and her family to have peace and quiet. Never disturb them again, and never dare you embarrass them by throwing their stuff out of the house.’ Audrey turned to look at Chioma and she nodded with a thank-you-smile.         

‘If you chase them out next time, I promise to deal with you,’Audrey turned back to the landlord and warned.                                       


‘Yes, Madam Audrey,’ the landlord said, letting go of the breath that he didn’t know he was holding.


  ‘We will find a new place to live, we can’t live here anymore,’Andrew said suddenly.                                                                              

  Chioma looked at Andrew worriedly, trying to see if she had heard wrong. But no, Andrew wanted them to find a new place. She walked to him, took his hands in hers, ‘We don’t have enough money for this, you have lost your job. Mum’s cart was wrecked by those hoodlums… I know you have lost the taste to live here but we can still manage this place until we get back on our feet.’                                                       

‘We are already standing,’Andrew said.                                                           

Chioma sighed. ‘Audrey just helped us…’                                                        

‘As a man I feel so ashamed of myself.’ His eyes were filled with tears but he was strong not to let it fall. ‘We must find a new place to live soon…’                                                                                                                        

‘But why the stress…’                                                                                  

‘Because, this place is not suitable for an aspiring young man like me, it will add to our backwardness,’Andrew explained. ‘The instigator might repeat again. So, we must move as quickly as possible.’                                      

‘Andrew, why don’t you work at Moon Corporation, the salary is high as well as benefits offered, and you can work alongside Chioma. That way, you will locate a new better- place, and be able to pay the rent,’Audrey suggested.                                                                                              

‘I will think about it, ‘Andrew replied, but Audrey could feel that Andrew wasn’t going to accept her offer.                                                                 

Audrey nodded, and turned to leave. But before she left, she went to Daniel. Their eyes met and they both smiled at each other.                

‘Can you convince your friend to work at Moon Corporation?’                                                                                                                     

  Daniel didn’t respond, he just simply reached out his hand to touch Audrey’s hair.                                                                                                                   

Upon seeing what they were doing, the landlord got goosebumps all over. These two, he had only heard about them from gossip mongers, but seeing them now made him think if truly their relationship would last. Of course yes, they resemble a married couple that has been married for years. He would admit that they look good together, the landlord thought as his men returned back the stuff they had thrown out of the house.                                                                                  

‘Let me see you off,’Daniel said, taking her hand and walking towards the door. Feeling her palm as warm as a silk cocoon, he beamed, and wanted to kiss it. 

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