Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 361)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Mum…your daughter stole my akara!’ Andrew looked at Louisa, expecting her to come to his rescue.                                                               

‘She’s your little sister. You know how childish she could be sometimes.’                                                                                                                     

‘Mum…’Andrew didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.                                  

Louisa shrugged with a smile.       



Michael came home after hanging out with Felix for the night.                                                                                                                                                ‘Michael, your dad wants to talk to you,’Patricia said as Michael walked in through the door.                                                                              

‘Oh, is dad still in shock after I ruined his reputation?’                         

  ‘What you did today was unforgivable,’Patricia reprimanded Michael.                                                                                     

  ‘I have already accepted my fate, mum. Don’t worry too much about me. If you feel bored at home, you could take a trip to any mountain and enjoy hot springs. You are not too old, stop attacking yourself,’Michael said as he headed to the balcony where Edward was sitting, drinking tea.                                                                                                      

‘Michael, I never thought you would embarrass me this way,’Edward said angrily when he saw Michael.                                                            

  Michael wanted to reply, however, he saw Emmanuel, sitting beside him.                                                                                                                

‘For the sake of our family relationship, marry my daughter. I will forgive you for the foolishness you acted today.’                                                       

‘Really?’Michael smiled sweetly. ‘For the sake of our family relationship, you would really force me to marry your daughter?’                                     


  ‘Was I the one that brought the humiliation upon you people? It was your greed, obviously because you want to maintain the family wealth. Truth is, I don’t like your daughter, so don’t fantasise about things that will never happen. Your old folk ideas don’t represent mine. Do you think that apart from Chioma there would be someone else in this world that qualifies? Only Chioma…no one else… Jessica already has Nathan now. She should be very happy because Nathan is very nice.’                                                                                                                                                        

‘I don’t care about Nathan, my daughter loves only you. I actually…’Emmanuel wanted to say something else, but Michael cut him off.                                                                                                                                        

‘If you don’t stop your daughter from bothering me, I will make sure she cries her eyes out.’                                                                                      

Emmanuel was speechless. Michael was indeed ruthless. He was willing to do anything for Chioma’s safety.                                                             

‘Jessica has been your childhood friend, how could you replace her with any girl.’ Edward looked furiously at Michael. ‘I don’t think that girl has good intentions. There have been many reports about her. The fact that she was also friends with Felix even when dating you, should make you kick her out. You deserve a woman that is capable and beautiful…Michael, may I ask you how much you love that lowly-girl.’                                                                                                                     

‘More than my own life,’Michael said with determination.                           

'Total rubbish. What do you think will be in store for both of you in the future.’Edward looked at Michael questionably.                                      

‘Dad, I should rest. As for the future, it is still uncertain. Money shouldn’t be the fulcrums of any relationship rather love, and as long as I live, I will cherish and always love Chioma. I should go.’Then, he turned and left, leaving Emmanuel and Edward speechless.



Audrey was happily driving the black Maybach she had selected from their garage, heading for Chioma’s. She wasn’t happy because of the car she was driving, she was happy, for she was going to visit Chioma and have lunch with them as well with Daniel. She missed him so much. A day without seeing him was like a decade in her eyes.        

She muttered angrily when she was stuck between red lights. Bored, she took out her gold-coloured Iphone 12 pro, took a photo of the traffic jam, and posted the photo on her Whatsapp status. She wrote beneath the photo, ‘Rushing over to eat ofe ede, but this traffic jam suddenly became jealous.’ Audrey stuck out her tongue playfully after she finished posting the photo.


She was looking graceful in her pink dress with black accents around the waist and neckline. She complimented her look with a drop pearl earrings, black clutch and pumps to match.                              

Chioma chuckled and replied, ‘Hurry up, the food is about to finish.’                                                                                                                                               

Daniel also replied, ‘My love, should I come over like flash? I have superpowers activated only for you.’                                                                                 

Just as Audrey was about to reply to him, the light turned green, and she continued on her driving.                                                               

Hoping to buy some fruits and vegetables at a nearby supermarket, she pulled over and walked in. however, she saw people gather around a newspaper stand, and they seemed to be discussing the same thing, which was related to yesterday event.


She wanted also to explain everything that happened yesterday evening to Chioma, but she felt that Chioma would read it from a newspaper and there was no reason for it. However, the news that was released by morning was nothing she had expected. She was shocked with the headlines; Michael finally accepts Jessica; Chioma gets close to Michael for his money, not love; Michael realises Jessica is good for him; trouble brewing for Chioma; Michael sets to marry Jessica before December.


All the media outlets seemed to have taken bribe as they wrote in favour of Jessica. As the same time, they revealed that Louisa was a market thief but instead of running away with the wallet, she was caught and brought to prison; they even attached a video as proof.             

The news first started from a famous daily tabloid which attached a statement from Patricia and Edward, accepting Jessica as their daughter-in-law. They also wrote how Louisa had slapped Jessica at the police station. To clear the doubts from people saying there was no proof, they also attached a link from where the video could be seen. Louisa’s face was seen slapping Jessica, which made people sympathise with Jessica, thereby, seeing Louisa as a vicious woman.                                           

With the appearance of this video, Audrey doubted if Chioma would be left to have her peace. The news had already spread like wildfire. It was on every single media form. Also, because the news involved the god-like Michael’s love life, every media outlet wanted to report the news.                                                                                                                   

‘Chioma can’t come between Jessica and Michael now that they are engaged,’Audrey heard them say.                                                                                    

‘Everyone knows, but Chioma is a troublemaker.’                                

‘I’d never say this in front of Michael, but I think he lowered his status when he started dating that bitch. I’m glad my idol came back to his senses.’                                                                                                                     

   ‘That girl must have bewitched Michael. She must have given him love portion to eat. Owerri people are known for that.’                                    

‘Chioma is not from Owerri, she is from Mbaitoli,’ someone corrected.                                                                                                             

 ‘Still the same Imo State…I mean, how could she fight her own sister? Everyone knows that Michael was about to marry Jessica, suddenly that idiot appeared to ruin their lives.’                                                      

‘If Chioma loves money so much why doesn’t she marry a sugar-daddy? She is really the cheapest person.’                                                         

‘The thought of her pisses me off, how could there be such a despicable woman? Does anyone want to form a group and go beat her with me?’                                                                                                                                  ‘Luckily Michael came back to his senses and proposed to Jessica instead.’

 Audrey wanted to tell them the truth, but before she could open her mouth to speak, her phone began to ring. She answered Chioma; then went into the supermarket and bought fruits and vegetables before driving to Chioma’s house.                                                               

  Just as Audrey reached and went inside, Chisom arrived. She smiled as she saw the smart black Maybach at the entrance, circled enviously by a group of wide-eyed children giggling at the sight of the beautiful car before them.                                                                                                       

Just by the foodstall nearby, where loitered by a group of men who had been unable to find regular work, each of them staring at the Maybach, and discussing how much millions the car must have cost.            

Chisom felt that some people were blessed by the heavens to always remain on top while some are cursed to remain at the buttom.                                                                                                                                           

She walked to the door, smiling when she saw Chisom. ‘Where is Daniel?’                                                                                                                     

‘He promised to buy wine and juice,’replied Chisom.                         

As soon as Chisom entered, she was drawn into the kitchen by Louisa.       Chisom smiled at Audrey who was looking graceful and elegant in her dress, sipping tea.                                                                                    

  ‘You’ll have some tea?’  Louisa asked Chisom.                               

‘My stomach will be full before we eat the main course,’Chisom refused. ‘I will rather drink that after eating.’                              

  ‘You’re not foodie, foodie, right?’ Louisa teased Chisom and she laughed.                                                                                                                       Chisom blushed, glancing at the vegetables Louisa was doing. Then, she looked at the pot of soup which was boiling on the stove. The aroma was so good that Audrey began to salivate.                                          

‘How aromatic,’Audrey said as she went to the kitchen.                    

  ‘Oh, poor people are good with making delicious food,’Chisom said proudly.                                                                                                             

Louisa put the vegetables in the soup, then, she dried her hands and reached for her purse. ‘Before I forget, Chioma, buy akamu, it will serve as our dessert.  

 Audrey smiled as she saw Louisa rummaging in her small purse, then counting notes carefully. She handed Chioma 300 naira, and put the rest money into the purse. As Chioma took the money from her mother, Audrey’s gaze moved away, travelling round the room that was not in any way like the grand house she lived in. she smiled at the thought of how happy Chioma and her family are despite the poverty that decked them.                                                                                                               

Outside, Chioma ran quickly to a nearby store and bought 300 naira akamu. When she came back, Daniel had already arrived, talking with Andrew at the living room. Their face seemed grim as they talked in whisper. Chioma felt that something was off. Handing the akamu to Louisa, Chioma walked over to them but they changed the subject when they noticed Chioma standing behind them.                                         

Before Chioma could ask them what they were hiding from her, Chisom came and took her to the bedroom. ‘Here, look at this,’Chisom said, handing Chioma her mobile phone. ‘You will be shocked with this news…’                                                                                                        

‘It’s normal for journalists to write shocking news…’                            

‘This will make you sad.’                                                                      

Chioma raised an eyebrow, and then lowered her head to the phone.              Chioma looked at the viral discussions and articles online. She was shocked at the same time hurt. It was as though the wall came tumbling down. The person she loves the most getting married to someone else? She wondered if this was a twist of fate. Because of the news, she was about to fall apart. The phone in her hand subconsciously fell to the floor, her eyes filled with tears.                                                          

‘Chisom please tell me it isn’t true. Tell me Michael isn’t getting married to Jessica.’ There were tears in her eyes as she looked at Chisom. ‘Did I do anything to deserve this? Why did Michael go as far as breaking my heart? I can’t believe he will do this to me. I refuse to believe it.’ Her tears gushed out like a river with a broken dam, dripping down one after another.                                                                                  

‘Chioma, please don’t cry. It might not be the truth. Reporters are human version of vultures; they can do anything for money. It could be that someone paid them to write it,’Chisom tried her best to comfort her.                                                                                                        

‘I want to believe that also.’Chioma looked at Chisom as the tears kept falling down. ‘I want to believe that this man at the pinnacle of power, this man that possess so much power, could not be used easily. I want to believe that he didn’t leave me behind because of his status, because his parents forced him to. I love him so much. I don’t care whether he is poor or rich. I just love him, nothing more.’                         

‘It might just be nightmare, and not reality. Instead of crying a river, why not ask him yourself. He alone will tell you the truth.’Chisom reached out and embraced her.                                                         

‘What if he confirms it to be true? I will lose him forever.’                       

‘Hush,’Chisom whispered. ‘You will never lose him. Michael loves you more than anything in the world.’                                                                      

‘You’re absolutely right. But then, what if he finally changed his mind because of his special status? Oh, no. I feel like I have been outlawed from the universe, as if I am hovering around the cosmos, and then suspended by only a tiny thread…’                                                            

‘What nonsense are you talking? When did the universe get involved in this?’                                                          

Chioma tried her best to laugh, then she raised her hand to wipe her tear-streaked face. She felt that she have to believe in the trust she had in Michael and not in the viral discussion of Michael proposing to Jessica.                                                                                                              

‘We have a guest. I’m sure she will be worried if we do not join them at the dining.’                                                                                                              

Chioma took a look at the bright sunshine outside the window, and said, ‘I’m hungry. Please let’s go and eat. But I will join you after I wash my face.’                

  Chisom left, and Chioma went to the bathroom. After a minute, she went to the dining. Everyone was already seated to the large spread of food.         Chisom was at the kitchen dishing extra ofe ede in a bowl. 

   ‘Sorry I kept you all waiting,’Chioma said as she slid into her seat.                                                                                                                                          Louisa was sitting at the end table. She raised her eyebrows. ‘We were worried about you, thinking that something had happened to you. We know how much of a foodie you are, so of course, we were really worried.’   


‘Oh, mum, you needn’t have been. I was perfectly fine. Besides, I was with Chisom in the room before she left for the dining. Here I am now. I know you would like me to interest you all with my foodie foodie show.’Chioma thought she sounded like an idiot.                             

Louisa just stared at her quizzically. ‘Chioma,’ she said after a silence. ‘You have heard the news, right?’                                                                         

‘Of course.’Chioma nodded. ‘After all, I am a lowly-girl from the slums. I shouldn’t expect too much.’                                                                              

‘Of course you are.’ Louisa pursed her lips. ‘I mean, you will give up, won’t you?’ Louisa wanted to know if Chioma was defeated by the news or if she became stronger.                                                                         

For an awful moment Chioma was confused. ‘Give up on what?’                                                                                                                                             Chisom was carrying two bowls of soup; one was ofe ede and the other was ofe ugu. Placing them on the table, she went to her seat.                                                                                                                                              

  ‘With Michael’s handsome face, he always attracts many girls. Maybe those girls are only trying to flirt with him,’Audrey said as she ate her ofe ede with akpu. She was eating the food with relish.                        

‘Maybe, he is good with flirting,’Andrew said, trying to find out the truth from Audrey, but the word he said had almost made Chioma cry. He felt Audrey would know everything about the engagement since they are couisin.                                                                                             

Chioma wished Michael hadn’t abandoned her. She wished that the man she had loved the first time she met him, and had loved her back hadn’t left her for good. It seemed that all the blood in her body had frozen all of a sudden and she had lost all her senses. She remembered the sweet scenes they had shared together and immersed herself in the memory absentmindedly, so Chisom reached out her hand and moved it in front of Chioma’s eyes, saying, ‘Chioma, you can always fall in love again.’ Chisom was looking at Chioma as she spoke, but it seemed she was trying to provoke Audrey to explain the situation.           

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