Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 366)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu     

 Meanwhile as Michael reached the airport, and boarded the Rolls-Royce that was sent for his arrival, he received a call from Patricia.                   

‘I have to reach City Hospital,’Michael said to the driver when he hung up.             

  Robert glanced at Michael. ‘Boss, what could be the problem?’Feeling it was something serious, Robert asked worriedly.                       

‘It’s my dad…’                                                                                                     

‘What’s wrong with him?’                                                                                 

‘He was hospitalised due to high blood pressure…I should go to the hospital before going to Chioma.’                                                                  

  Robert nodded with a smile. ‘Family first…’                                                    

‘I am only making sure he would be alive to witness my wedding with Chioma, not that I pity him.’                                                           

  ‘But sir, he is still your father,’Robert said calmly, not wanting to anger Michael.                                                                                                  

‘You don’t think I am still kind to visit this man that has ruined my life?’Michael countered with a question of his own.                         

‘No, no, that’s not what I meant; I just wanted to say…’                        

  ‘You should be happy that I am kind enough to have my father witness my wedding, all he did was trying to remove the woman that I truly love from my life? He wanted someone else for me, and so would do anything for it. I want him to be alive and see Chioma in my arms. He must live to see it.’Michael’s face fell.                                                      

Instead of going to Chioma, Michael rang Felix to go and explain everything to her, and would visit her tomorrow. Felix who was in his office, pulled on his coat and left at once to Star Restaurant when he received the call from Michael.                                                                                              

When Felix arrived outside the Star Restaurant, to his surprise he saw people throwing raw eggs and rotten fruits at Chioma. Most of the eggs broke on her head; Chioma couldn’t escape from them because Jessica’s fans were all over the place, making no room for her to escape. Everyone of them looked fierce. Her head was covered in viscous liquid. It was eggs and rotten fruits.

 Chioma touched the liquid on her head, confused as to why some people enjoy hurting others.                                                                    

  ‘You’re so vicious, always plotting to separate Jessica from Michael!’                                                                        

  ‘Chioma, you slut! Get out of Abuja. You ruin the state name!’                                                                                                                   


After stepping out of the car, Felix hurriedly went to the scene. Chisom caught a glimpse of him. This man, just like Michael was the centre of attention, always seemed to disregard their own identity, just for Chioma’s sake. At this moment, Chisom wished for Felix to find eternal love soon.

 She watched as Felix approached Chioma. Seeing her shoulders exposed and her face decked with broken eggs and rotten fruits, he quickly removed his coat and placed it on her, receiving the torture on her behalf. ‘Didn’t you think of asking for help?’ Seeing her like this made his heart ache.                                                                                                     

Chioma stared at him, enjoying the fragrance of him. She was speechless at how Felix decided to stand and let the eggs and rotten fruits be thrown at him, instead of stopping them with his power.                                                                  

  ‘Stop, you’re hurting him,’Chioma yelled when she couldn’t stand it anymore.                                                                                                               

‘Why should we listen to you…shameless bitch?’                                          

‘Because you’re hurting young master Felix and not me,’Chioma hurriedly explained, and every one of them became shocked.                                                                                                                                            

‘What do you think she is? A toy?’Felix coldly said to Chioma’s attackers. ‘Do you know how annoying you are? Can’t you be reasonable for once? How dare any of you hurt her? For hurting her I am going to teach all of you a lesson.’Felix pulled out his phone to dial a number, but Chioma stopped him.                                                                          

‘Felix, they didn’t mean to treat me like this, please don’t call the police, Chioma pleaded.                                      

 Felix looked down at Chioma and said; ‘I do not attack those that don’t attack me first, but if someone attacks me…I will make it impossible for them to return from the pit of hell…’                                             

  Felix at this moment was vicious and domineering. Chioma didn’t know how to pacify him-Felix was just as powerful as Michael.          

  ‘I understand, I know that they were hurting me, but I still saw it that they were only trying to protect Jessica, who they love so much. And you received the punishment meant for me because you didn’t want me to get hurt, right? So please, just let it go.’Chioma tried her best to pacify Felix.                                           

After letting out some anger, Felix turned to Chioma and said calmly, ‘If you feel guilty, then why don’t you give me free food later.’ 

  Felix thought that she would refuse, but to his surprise, Chioma really agree to buy him lunch. Felix smiled as he dotingly held onto her hands and helped her into his car, ‘Michael is aware. He wanted me to talk to you about something. I can’t do that with the way you stink,’he teased her.        

 Chioma frowned slightly. ‘Hey, aren’t you stinking as well,’Chioma pouted, and Felix laughed. She could see how happy he was to be with her. ‘Sir…’                                                                                     

  Felix waved his hand. ‘My name is enough…I love to hear you call me by my name.’                                                                                                  

Chioma blushed. ‘Felix…’                                                                                  

Felix was pleased, he was in fact on cloud nine. But she didn’t want to give him any hope.                                                                     

‘Chioma I came here because Michael asked me to. I know you love him more than you love me, but please, can we be friends…just friends.                                                                                                       

  Chioma nodded. He was a good person, and had most times saved her from danger, so why can’t she be friends with him. She would be friends with him, but what she wasn’t sure of was how to repay him for all his kindness towards her. She couldn’t give him her love, for she had given it to the man of her dreams. But, she would earnestly pray for him to find love soon.                                                                                                         

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