Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 381)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Very quickly, noon arrived. Felix looked up from the documents he was signing and said to Peter who had just walked inside with a blue file, ‘Are you hungry? I’ll treat you for lunch.’                       

Touching his stomach, Peter said, ‘I remember we are going to Chioma for lunch.’                                                                                              

‘No, I am the one treating you while Chioma will treat me…Don’t think too highly of yourself,’ Felix frowned slightly at him.                                                                                                                                   

‘Well, I am a hardworking fellow, and since my superior is treating, I don’t think I should object,’ Peter laughed.                                              

  ‘Go to any restaurant of your choice and eat whatever that you want,’Felix handed him a card as he spoke. ‘I will be leaving now.’ He slowly stood up, grabbed his jacket at the back of his seat and left his office.                                                                                           

    Felix might have a cold personality, but Peter felt that talking to Felix was really relaxing; there wasn’t any pressure, even though most times Felix was strict with him. In his heart, Felix was really a very good boss.                                                                            

When Felix walked out of his office, he happily responded to his employees that greeted him as he urged them to have their lunch break which he would pay for. His action surprised them. It was evident that Felix was really happy.                                                       

Felix headed for the private parking lot belonging to him and Michael and entered his black Rolls-Royce, heading for Star Restaurant.                        

Felix seems to have remembered something. He took out his phone and sent Michael a short text. ‘Going to have lunch with Chioma.’                                                                                                                 

‘Okay,’ Michael replied.                                                                           

As Felix drove on, he felt his heart beating faster. He was going to have lunch with Chioma who was going to treat him to it. Having a Rolls-Royce was a form of status, and sitting in the car was undoubtedly comfortable. But it seems, Felix sees Chioma more expensive, so he didn’t care whichever restaurant she would bring him to, he only cared about the fact that she was treating him to lunch.                                                                                                                

Reaching the restaurant, he rang Chioma to come out and meet him. He was happy, for he was going to have lunch today with Chioma. It was like winning a lottery. Grinning, he looked at the built-in exquisite clock in the car, wondering what was still keeping her inside.  Felix had wanted to ring her to hurry up, however the moment he turned his head, he saw her coming out of the restaurant in a green polka dot dress and she paired the look with an olive purse and matching shoes. This moment caused Felix to hold his breath. He was unable to say a word.

Her hair tied in neat ponytail, made Chioma look like a young fresh university graduate. Her dress fitted her graceful body.

When Felix got back to his senses, he quickly opened the passenger seat for her. He was the one driving the car, so she was expected to seat with him in the front.                                                                   

‘Sorry, I had to account for the number of foods that I sold today before leaving.’ She turned to Felix. ‘I am really sorry if I wasted your time.’                                                                                       

Felix shook his head. ‘Not at all…’                                                           

Chioma gave a thank-you-smile which was adorable.                             

As they went, Felix could smell the charming fragrance constantly released from Chioma’s body. His mood got excited to the highest level. Chioma wasn’t that special, but having her go for lunch together was very precious, Felix thought with a smile.                    

‘I told Michael that you are treating me for lunch, ‘Felix said to her as his gaze fell on her engagement ring. ‘I want you to relax, okay?’

Chioma nodded with a smile.                                                                           


   ‘For what…’Chioma paused when she noticed his gaze on her ring, and then she said, ‘Thank you.’                                                                         

  ‘It’s beautiful and fits you well.’ Having seen numerous jewelries, Felix quickly recognized the item. It was the rarest, designed by Michael himself. The ring wasn’t seen in the market but only on Chioma’s finger. The sweet scent of her fingers coupled with the ring on it gave Felix the urge to grab her hand and kiss it. However, knowing that it might cause a rift between him and Michael, and it will also ruin his friendship with her, he decided to shake off the crazy idea.

 ‘Where exactly are we heading for the lunch?’Felix asked suddenly. It seemed he couldn’t wait to have lunch with her.                       

‘We are almost there.’                                                                         

  ‘Are we going to a refined Chinese restaurant or to a quiet western restaurant…?’

  ‘There.’ Chioma pointed to a simple roadside restaurant that served noodles and rice.                                                             

Felix frowned, for he hadn’t visited a restaurant like this before. But because it was Chioma that brought him here, he had no choice than to smile at her kindness to treat him to lunch.

As Felix parked the car by the side of the road, the phantom of the black Rolls-Royce caught the attention of everyone that saw it. The car was considered a remarkable first-grade luxury car. When Felix came down, his presence attracted gazers as he was like a god who wasn’t meant for a place like this. But he was here because it was Chioma that had brought him.                                                

Being born in an influential and rich family, Felix had never visited a cheap restaurant like this one he just entered with Chioma. The restaurant was really warm and small, with its customers being poor folks who wore cheap dresses and construction uniform. Their appearance attracted strange looks, which was more on Felix.                                                                                 

In fact, Felix and Chioma became the main focus in this restaurant. Some in the restaurant were guessing Chioma’s relationship with Felix, since it was known that Felix hadn’t gotten married yet. Some speculated that maybe Chioma decided to give Felix a chance and some felt that it could have been nothing but a friendly lunch. With these thoughts going through their minds, it was obvious that they had recognised that the special diner today was Felix.

Chioma summoned the owner of the restaurant over, and happily ordered two plates of rice for each and also two plates of noodles, making Felix stare at her in shock.                                                      

‘Chioma, we can’t finish them…’Felix said.                                       

Waving her hand, Chioma said, ‘What are you afraid of? You can eat ten plates and the bill would still be very cheap. I’m a very generous girl, eat all you want!’                                                                               

Felix didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Even if a hundred dishes were ordered he wouldn’t still feel comfortable eating here.

‘Sir Felix, do you want some drink? Pepsi or any soft drink cost 100 naira a bottle. Should we get two bottles? Don’t worry I can afford them,’ she laughed.                                                                                

Looking at the rice-strewn bowls, onion slices, chicken bones, strands of noodles on some of the tables, he frowned slightly but didn’t say a word because he didn’t want Chioma to feel bad.                                                                                                                       

 There was a light pause before Felix said, ‘We will just eat and go…’                                                                                                                   

  ‘Oh, you feel hungry already? Tell me when you are full; I will gladly finish your food for you. Rest assured, I don’t mind having leftovers. Being wasteful is unacceptable even in the bible while eating too much is glorious, Chioma said smilingly.                   

After a short while, two plates of rice and stew, plus two plates of noddles were served. Since Chioma brought an impeccable man like Felix, the owner ended up giving a plate of fried chicken and two bottles of Malt for free, making Chioma feel really pleased and excited.

 It was satisfying eating with Chioma, but being surrounded by a dirty environment, eating in such a noisy restaurant, which was obviously Felix’s first time, made him want to leave. At this moment, Felix even doubted himself. He felt that he was an alien, and not the Felix that would tolerate sitting in a place like this for a second. If it hadn’t been Chioma, he definitely wouldn’t dare start eating.                                                                                              

Without looking at anyone, Chioma happily started to eat. She laughed and said after a while, ‘Hey, Mr Felix, this is exactly why I like going to a small restaurant. I can eat and do whatever I want unlike big restaurants that are too troublesome. You have to be careful with your food so that it doesn’t elude your fork. Total rubbish, absolute nonsense,’Chioma pouted. ‘It feels better to enjoy food in a merry environment. Since I am with you, I decided to act coquettish in front of you instead of wolfing down the food in one gulp.’                                                                                              

  Felix couldn’t help but smile. ‘I am glad you treated me to lunch even though the environment is not favourable to me.’                     

‘You’re welcome,’Chioma said happily. ‘I brought you out for lunch today to thank you for trusting in me. even though I had hurt you, I am still grateful that you understood everything and didn’t do anything despicable…some people might think that I am with Michael because of his status, but no, I brought you here also to show you who I really am. I don’t care about the wealth or fancy things. I like to be straightforward, sometimes lazy, not qualified to have the best in life. The me that you see eating with no grace is real, the me sitting in front of you who likes to help others is real. Believe it or not, while I was still in Uniabuja, there were times when I hawked to buy my textbooks. I don’t care if I became the wife of the poorest man, as long as I love the man, the me will be happy. However, I am grateful that I have Michael…I have you too, as my special friend.’

Looking at Felix who stared at her silently, Chioma opened her bottle of Malt. Lifting the bottle to her lips, she said, ‘Drink yours. Don’t look at me like I stole something. The last time I checked, I didn’t run away from taxes since I didn’t enter the minimum tax bracket.’           

Felix laughed at her joke. Lifting his already opened bottle of Malt, he drank a mouthful, even though he didn’t like the place. Today was rare for Felix, so he had to cherish this moment.                  

The two chatted happily as they ate. Felix didn’t like the food, so he ate only the noodles and gave Chioma his own plate of rice. However, Chioma who had three plates of foods that looked impossible for her to finish, devoured everything with ease.                    

Felix didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. But then, instead of hating her, he liked her unique presence even more.                                

After eating, Chioma happily settled the bill. When the walked to the entrance ready to leave, she saw Ali. Turning to Felix, she said, ‘Wait in the car; I have to meet that man in white kaftan. I will be back soon.’                                                                                             

Without waiting for Felix to reply, Chioma quickly went to him. ‘Ali, good to see you again.’                                                                    

Turning towards the voice, Ali smiled when he saw it was Chioma. ‘How have you been lately?’                                                               


‘I can see it, ‘Ali said, laughing. ‘I have found another place to set up my workshop…just waiting to finalise things before I share the good news with you.’                                                                     

‘You have already shared the news with me,’Chioma said and Ali laughed.                                                                                                        

After a silence, Ali asked, ‘Have Andrew found a new job?’                      ‘Not yet…but it seems he might be joining Daniel in his shop,’Chioma said. ‘I don’t think he would like to work for you anymore.’ 

Ali looked disappointed. ‘Can’t you talk to your brother about working for me? I can even ask him to manage the garage…’                                                                                                              

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think my brother will like to be a roadside mechanic anymore. But, I will still talk to him…don’t raise your hopes up.’                     

 Ali nodded.‘I understand.’                                                                                  

  Chioma returned to Felix who was patiently waiting for her in the car.                                                                                                            

‘Chioma, it seems the man is an old friend,’ Felix asked as Chioma buckled her seat belt.                                                                   

‘My brother’s former boss,’ Chioma said with a smile.                                  

‘Audrey told me your brother was fired, but he refused accepting her help. Maybe, you could talk to him.’                                           

‘I’ll try,’ Chioma smiled.                                                                             

After sending Chioma back to Star Restaurant, Felix returned to Moon Corporation, happy for sharing the moment with Chioma.


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