Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 392)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Nathan walked out of the shower after washing up, wearing a snow white towel. Sharon quickly walked over to help him dry his hair when she entered his room. She laughed and gently asked, ‘Nathan, have you seen the trending news?’                                                                       

Nathan waved his hand for her to stop. ‘I don’t want to listen to any entertainment news. I might be heart broken again. All I want to do today is to go for a walk to the beach and wait for the sunrise.’                            

‘Of course I want to go see the sunrise too,’Sharon laughed gently. ‘But I guess we will be seeing the sunset and not sunrise.’                         

 Nathan raised an eyebrow. ‘Why is that?’                                                      

‘Look over there.’Sharon pointed to the exquisite clock on the wall.                                                                                                                      

 ‘Oh, it’s almost four o’clock in the evening,’Nathan murmured. Ever since he had been to Lagos with Sharon, Nathan had never been this relaxed. He had always been on the news because Jessica always dragged him to it. But now, he had decided to shut his ears from news, which Sharon respected. This was all thanks to Sharon who took him to places for him to relax and wave behind his pain.                                                   

Sharon smiled as she pulled out a set of fresh clothes from Nathan’s walk-in-wardrobe and waited for him to change before she reached for the glass of watermelon juice on the nightstand.                                      

Sharon sat on the bed, quietly drinking her juice while Nathan answered his ringing phone. Sharon finished the tea, and was about to put the cup on the nightstand, when Nathan who had been on the phone, came over and took the cup from her and gently placed it on the nightstand. Then he held onto Sharon’s hand as they headed for Eleko Beach, which lies off Lekki-Epe expressway right on Eleko beach road.        

Nathan and Sharon enjoyed the view of the beach as they walked barefoot on the beach. Sharon was just wearing a white A-line dress with a straw hat, and around her neck hung a camera. Nathan was also wearing half sleeve floral printed shirt with matching shorts. The waves were huge; crashing down with such noise and force that Sharon couldn’t help but hold up her camera and take a photo of the crashing waves, which was exciting to behold.                                                       

The beach happens to be one of the much-loved beaches here in Lagos and has always been a less crowded and clean. At this beach, there were interesting sports activities going on. Seafood lovers would never skip having best grilled seafood sold here. There were numerous coconut trees, and delicious fresh coconut juice was always hawked on the beach.                    

Nathan turned his head, watching the horseback riders as he enjoyed the sea breeze.

Sharon gave a huge grin at the sight of their surroundings which looked exciting. She loved the bamboo huts; the fresh breeze that smelled the sea and brilliance of waves.                                                                

‘I think we need to buy some fruits to eat,’Sharon said, looking around to check on where to buy the freshest fruits. ‘Really want some strawberries.’                                                                                                       

 ‘Then go get some.’ Nathan dug out his wallet from his pocket to take out a bank card. Handing it to Sharon, he said, ‘Sharon, please don’t waste time in getting the fruits.'                                                                            

‘I won't,’ Sharon smiled as she accepted the card. She turned and left.                                                                                  

As Sharon left to buy the fruits, Nathan posed to take a selfie with the camera when his phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw it was Jessica. He frowned. However, he still took the call.                                     

‘Chioma has willing ended things with Michael, so I called for you to congratulate me,’ Jessica chuckled over the phone.                                           

‘Jessica, there is no wall thick enough to block out everything. The way you have treated Chioma, you will soon have to pay it back a thousand times.’                                                                                                  

Jessica froze for a moment, before she spoke again, ‘I am sorry for breaking your heart. If I could control fate, then I could have loved you back…but I can’t control the universe…’                                                         

‘With what you did Jessica, you told me that I am not fit to love you…the intense pain that you brought upon me spread through my veins and fiercely, reaching all parts of my body…I have always loved t o stay by your side, but now the mere sound of your voice irritates me so badly.’                                                                                                                   

‘Nathan, do you know that Michael is hurting my heart?’ Jessica lifted her hands up and jabbed at where her heart is. ‘If I were to remove it, I would never be able to live…’                                                                   

‘But if you don’t, it will always hurt you,’Nathan interrupted with a ridiculing smile. ‘Michael will never love you.’                                                           

‘Are you sure?’Jessica finished the bottle of milk in her hands and stood up. Walking over to the fridge, she took out another bottle of milk and gulped it down. ‘Chioma destroyed my relationship with Michael.’                                                                                           

 ‘I don’t know why you still think that, but I believe the Chioma I know isn’t someone wicked who would intentionally destroy people’s relationship,’ Nathan said as he gazed at Sharon who had returned, holding a plastic bag and a newspaper. ‘I just hope you don’t do what you would regret in the end.’                                                                                 

After hanging up, Nathan took the newspaper from Sharon. On the front page, there was a large title in bold; ‘Chioma Chima has moved to unknown state after breaking up with Michael, bringing fear in the hearts of everyone.’                    

Below the title, there was an image that was zoomed in, which showed Michael restlessly looking all over for Chioma, with his face looking very sad.                                                                                                        

Sharon sighed and said, ‘I have no doubts, Jess is behind this.’               

‘I know,’Nathan mumbled. ‘We are going to help Michael search for her.’                                                                                                             

‘But we don’t know exactly where she could be…What if Chioma has gone back to Imo State or another state?’                                                          

‘Maybe you should contact Audrey,’Nathan suggested.                                    Sharon pulled out her phone to ring Audrey but it wasn’t reachable. After some thoughts, she decided to call Celine.                              

Meanwhile Celine and Prince were having milkshake in an ice cream parlour with tall stools, just like in American films, when her phone began to vibrate.                                                                                               

She told Sharon the state where Chioma had moved to before ending the call. She then glanced at Prince and said, ‘Everyone is searching for Chioma. She just turned celebrity over night. ‘She rolled her eyes. ‘That girl brings nothing but trouble yet my cousin still likes her.’                                     

‘Michael doesn’t like her,’Prince said.                                                              

Celine waved her hand and said, ‘I wish you are serious with this.’             

‘I am,’ Prince smiled. ‘Michael actually loves her.’                                        

Celine reached out her delicate hand and coquettishly pinched his face lovely, laughing. She wore Chanel trench coat over a sweater with matching jeans. She was also wearing lace-up boots while Prince wore a casual white suit with matching shoes.                                                                        

On the other side, Nathan and Sharon walked out of the beach. Sharon felt that Jessica had something to do with Chioma leaving Abuja. She looked down at her phone as she was dialing Chioma’s phone number. Celine had sent it to her.                                                          

Nathan glanced at Sharon and said meekly, ‘Chioma should be fine. She’s a strong woman.’                                                                                

But Sharon did take a glance at him. She was only focused on calling Chioma. But, she was not picking up. ‘It seems Chioma isn’t seeing my calls,’ Sharon muttered.                                                                        

‘Maybe she doesn’t want to answer unregistered calls as she might be tracked if she did so, ‘Nathan analysised calmly as they drove home.                                             

Sharon sighed in the car, and said, ‘We might have to get father to help us.’                                                                                   

‘Father might be too busy for this,’Nathan said.                                           

‘If father employs the help of so many people just to find Chioma, it would not be a big deal to him. As long it would make Michael happy, it wouldn’t matter to him even if all of the efforts that had been put were just for Michael to see Chioma again.’       

 ‘We’ll help in our own way.’ Nathan gave a reassuring smile.   


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