Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 414)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma sat down on the chair after her mother left the room. She thought of what her mother told to her about unblocking Michael’s number. Reaching for the phone, she saw that she had more than a dozen missed calls, all from Stanley. There were also three unread messages on Whatsapp.                                                                                            

‘Chioma, I know you must hate me right now but I did what I did because I felt the sadness that you felt within even though you tried to conceal it with your sweet smiles.’                                                                       

‘Chioma, I’m in Abuja now.’                                                                     

‘Chioma, I will like it very much if you and your family return to Abuja, okay.’                                                                                                                       

Chioma may have had a thousand words that she wanted to say, but seeing that Stanley had good intentions, she didn’t speak anymore. She only smiled, happy that Stanley helped her see Michael again. After some thought, she replied to the message. ‘I won’t forget what you did for me.’                                                                                   

Stanley replied a few seconds later. ‘Okay, as long as it will bring you happiness…remember to treat me to a meal.’                                                  

‘Okay,’ Chioma replied. She softly sighed, and immediately, she unblocked everyone that she had blocked for the reason they might find her location and track her down.                                                                      

   It was pointless anyway, trying to hide in this world where everything was open for anyone to see. She already knew that Michael was going to find her even without Stanley’s help. She felt stronger and happier after seeing Michael today.                                                                      



At Banana Island, and in the majestic Njemanze Villa, a silver Ferrari steered slowly onto the grounds of the breathtaking villa. The car slid to a stop before the front door of the villa and both Nathan and Sharon stepped out from the car and headed inside.                                     

At this moment, Michael was on the phone as he sat on the living room couch, flipping through a document that sat on his lap. He was speaking to a client that would be arriving Abuja tomorrow, from Canada.

 ‘Yes, yes, yes…you will be in good hands. I’ve got an important work to do here and I must finish it before I go back to Abuja.’

Michael hung up after speaking, and looked up. ‘Why are you here?’Michael finally noticed them. He glanced at Nathan and Sharon.          

‘I have something important to discuss with you,’ Nathan said.          

‘Are you getting married?’ Michael guessed.                                          

‘No,’ Nathan replied.                                                                                

Sharon laughed. ‘As far as I know, my brother is still heart broken and is still single.’                                                                                           

 ‘Then why are you here?’                                                                            

‘To plead on behalf of Jessica. I don’t want you to use extreme measures on her.’                                                                                                   

‘You are still in love with that silly girl, right?’                                                   

Nathan nodded. ‘Yes, I still love her so much.’                                            

‘That is the main reason I have not destroyed her completely,’ Michael revealed. ‘I was hoping that she would change and come to you…but I don’t think that girl would stop being cruel…well, I still believe that she might change. Maybe in prison.’                                                  

‘Please, give her another chance,’ Sharon pleaded.                              

‘Like I said I am just quiet on her because of Nathan who still is  recuperating from heart break…but believe you me, if Jessica crosses the line again, then I will teach her a  generational lesson. Besides, the Njemanze family and Nnaji family have been friends for years, which makes it another reason.’ Michael’s face was cold and emotionless as he spoke, ‘Honestly, if Chioma is hurt again by Jessica, I will forcefully acquire their company at a very low price, which will force them into a debt of hundreds of millions of naira. I will also make sure Emmanuel is disgraced and impeached. They won’t have any choice but to commit suicide.’ 

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