Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 417)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Under the lighting of the beautifully lit bedroom, Patricia discovered atop their bed, a bunch of red roses. She excitedly placed the flowers in her hand as she leaned in to smell the lovely fragrance of the roses.                                                                                                           

‘What are we celebrating?’Patricia curiously asked Edward when he came inside the luxury bedroom. She was in the middle of counting them. ‘You only give me many flowers whenever there is an occasion.’

 ‘Today’s our wedding anniversary,’ Edward said, looking at Patricia’s happy face. ‘You seem to have forgotten about it because you are busy pulling another girl down with Jessica.’                                            

Patricia laughed gently. She lifted her head to reply to Edward, ‘I am doing this for our family, isn’t that what you want as well? I don’t want Chioma. She is after our assets.’                                                                         

‘Happy anniversary,’ Edward said as he leaned over and kissed Patricia.          

Patricia grabbed onto Edward’s shoulders and pulled herself closer to return the warm kiss. ‘Happy anniversary, hubby.’                                

The corners of his lips were curved sweetly.



‘Today is my parent’s anniversary, so I will cook dinner,’ Michael said when he went into the kitchen.   

 ‘I’ll gladly love that.’ Felix removed the apron from his body and placed it on Michael.                                                                                                    

Felix went to the fridge and took a can of coke and began to drink as he watched Michael cook dinner. Felix smiled at how calm and capable Michael was chopping the vegetables.                                                      

‘You’re like a piece of art,’ Felix complimented. ‘You treat your ingredients like you treated life, quick, efficient and clean. No mess at all.’                                                                          

Michael smiled and immediately the scene of cooking in Chioma’s kitchen flashed before him. He wanted that moment again, and he would do anything to have it. Michael reassured himself as he cooked.                                      

After a while, Michael finished preparing dinner and they went to the dining to eat.                                                      


Early the next morning, Chioma arrived Adekunle Enterprise accompanied by Andrew. At the same time, Jessica walked in through the main entrance of the company; her imposing manner was the same as usual. Upon seeing Jessica, the staff greeted her with respect. However, towards Chioma some were even casual, some even ignored her. Chioma forced a smile, thinking that she was treated this way because she was just new. She wasn’t bothered anyway. She only needed the job and not greetings.                           

Jessica curled her lips, turned to look at Chioma and then looked behind her at Andrew, ‘Chioma, towards a person that owns your life, you better be careful.’                                                                                              

‘If a slummy girl like me could make you restless that means you are becoming my inferior soon.’                                                                               

‘I admit, your mouth is becoming sharp and impressive, but no matter how you open it wide, it will never change the fact that you are a slummy girl. Didn’t anyone tell you? You are here because of me. I sponsored the company in return for you to work here.’                            

‘I am a huge threat to you…Oh, so sorry.’ Chioma smirked. ‘Anyway, thanks for helping me with the job. At least, Michael Njemanze, my lovely boyfriend, will appreciate it. If you treat me the way I deserve to be treated, I don’t think that we would have problems. You and I are both girls, and we should treat each other with respect. From now on, Jessica, if you respect me, I will respect you back.’ Chioma turned to leave, and as if she remembered something she paused, and said, ‘By the way, a princess like you shouldn’t step into this muddy place.’ Chioma looked at Jessica who was wearing a flawless white dress with nude pumps and nude clutch. ‘Miss Jessica, I will advice you leave this slummy area because you might be infected.’             Chioma spoke strongly; not even minding today was her first day at work. She was determined to stand against Jessica, and that she did, and would always do until Jessica learns to show her some respect.           

  Those that treated Chioma as though she was invincible immediately realised who Chioma was. Yes, she was a slummy girl but her beau was the high and mighty, Michael Njemanze. He was still in Lagos. If the mess with Chioma, they are sure to disappear from Lagos. So, the instantly reacted by greeting Chioma and Andrew respectfully. Their voices were even louder than they greeted Jessica.                             

  ‘The spotlight is shifting Jessica.’ Chioma was satisfied as she turned to one of the staff, ‘I don’t need to introduce myself because Jessica Nnaji has already done it. So, can I see the CEO? I have an appointment with him today.’                                                                                  

One of the front desk staff dialed the CEO’s office to confirm, after speaking to him, Chioma was led into his office while Andrew turned and left.                                                                                                         

 ‘Chioma must be dreaming if she thinks that I will let her have Michael,’Jessica muttered as she went into her car, parked at the entrance of the company.                                                                                              

Meanwhile, Chioma pushed the door open and entered. There in a fairly new chair, Charlie Adekunle, the CEO of Adekunle Enterprise, busied himself with a cup of hot piping tea. He was a broad-shouldered middle-aged man with dark-brown eyes and head of thick hair that had once been rich black and was now turning grey.                                                       

‘Good morning, sir. I am Chioma Chima,’ Chioma politely smiled.                   

Charlie nodded but didn’t say anything yet to her. He was busy studying her. Chioma became scared, wondering if her outfit wasn’t good enough for the job. For a good impression, Chioma had selected a dark tweed skirt suit she had recently bought from a street store, hoping she might be needing the skirt suit sooner or later for a new job. But now, the man was staring at her.

‘I see how much of an intelligent woman you’re,’ Charlie told Chioma when he was done with studying her appearance.                                 

Chioma forced a smile.                                                                                      

‘I didn’t hire you because of your qualification, I hired you because of Jessica Nnaji recommended you here. I gave her my word.’          

  Chioma was still silent.                                                                              

 ‘I have heard rumours of your love rival with her. You are in the news that means I know everything about you.’ He sipped his tea and looked with satisfaction round his small office, which was filled with files, boxes crammed with books, the cabinet, pot of flower by the window and a small fridge. ‘People want different things. Jessica wants your man and I want you to do a good work here,’ Charlie went on; picking up a pen from the table and putting it back into the yellow pen-holder. ‘Do you like it here? Look, know that we might not be able to pay you well, but we can still try to pay you and never owe you a dime.’ He beamed at Chioma.                                      

‘I will do my very best.’                                                                                     

‘Hope you won’t get bored in this job, girl. You never know from one day to the next what’ll happen…or who would cause trouble…we can’t compete with big companies even if we try hard…’He swung his feet down from the desk and became more businesslike. ‘What I need is someone to remind me of my schedules, keep the files tidy. There are appointments to keep, clients to satisfy, coffee and tea to make. Do you think you can manage it?’

‘In other words, you want me to be your personal secretary?’Chioma was very smart.                                                                  

‘Exactly,’ Charlie smiled.                                                                                    

‘I can deal with it.’                                                                                             

‘Can you use a telephone?’                                                                         

Chioma didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. But she still maintained a smile.‘Yes, Sir.’                                                                                

‘What about a computer?’                                                                      


‘Okay, I love the answer. We’ll see how things go for a week or two. If you don’t like the job you can say so, and if I don’t think you fit in, I’ll have to tell you, girl. I can start you off at forty thousand naira.           

It wasn’t much for a graduate like her, but Chioma couldn’t say no, because beggars can never be choosers. She nodded, and glanced down at her skirt suit.                                                                                            

‘You will be in my office.’ He pointed at a desk by the other window; from there she could see the hustle and bustle of the slummy area. ‘We don’t have a cleaner yet, so for now, I am begging you to keep the office clean.’                                                                                         

‘It’s okay,’ Chioma said with a smile.

 The offices here were both small and cramped. The building was on rent, and it stood close to a bakery and a few other small companies here in Ajegunle.

A narrow door and dark wooden stairway always lit led directly from the office to the street outside, so Chioma can go in and out everyday without having to bump into the front desk. Each morning, as soon as she arrived, she got the office clean and got everything ready before Charlie arrives to the office. When the day was done, she had to wash her hands often before leaving, because Charlie told her it was safer to avoid having germs spread from your hands and to other parts of your body.                         

 Charlie Adekunle was an easy-going man, with the smile of turning the people who worked for him into a second family. From the first day, Chioma loved her work, and after a few weeks it seems to her that coming to Lagos was the best decision she made.                                        

While she was working in the tiny office there was no time to think of anything else, except how the company would levitate to the next level. As soon as she was done with the day’s work, she would buy fruits or snacks or anything that her money can afford for her family. Louisa and Andrew were happy for Chioma now she had gotten a job, instead of the plastic bottles she sold.                                                                 

‘Chioma, if you keep up with the good work, your boss might not let you go,’ Louisa said to Chioma one evening. ‘You are really making us proud.’                                                                                                     

‘I am glad to hear that.’                                                                                        

‘If father was here, I am sure he will praise you more.’ Andrew reached out and pinched her nose lovingly.                                                            

Chioma laughed as she washed the fruits she bought on her way home.‘Maybe you could try working at the company?’ Chioma glanced at Andrew and suggested.                                                    

 ‘It’s risky for us to work at the same company. I hope to get a better job soon.’                                                                                               

‘Christmas is almost here,’ Chioma laughed.                                           

‘We have our rich girl to make it grand,’ Louisa said blissfully.              

 ‘Of course, I am here.’ Chioma seemed happy.


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