Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 420)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘The rich will always remain rich,’ Chisom said when she came into the living room, holding a magazine.                                                              

Daniel turned to her. He was ironing, using the centre table in place of an ironing board, with an old brown blanket folded on it to protect it from the heat. ‘The poor can also be rich,’ Daniel said quietly. ‘But we need lots of hard work.’ He turned back to his ironing.                   

‘Indeed we need lots of hard work…which will take almost all our lives to achieve,’ Chisom sighed, settling herself on the chair as she flipped through the magazine. ‘In an exclusive interview, Nicholas Njemanze reveals that Celine was going Harvard by next year. He said that he was a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard law School, Edward a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law as well as Patricia…Aside from Michael and Audrey, all the Njemanze family went to Harvard…’                                                                                                                

‘You can still go to Harvard,’ said Daniel.                                                          

Chisom couldn’t help but laugh at his amusing words. ‘Well dreams are free,’ she shrugged. ‘Isn’t this cool?’ she lifted the magazine, revealing the page where Celine sported a Harvard T- shirt on a bike ride with Prince at Millennium Park.                                                        

‘They’re going to Harvard…that’s cool.’                                                

‘I’m pretty sure that they will see Malia Obama as she will be graduating next year.’ Chisom smiled at the idea. ‘Sasha, her younger sister graduated from Sidwell friends in 2019 and began attending the University of Michigan…I really love Michelle and Barrack’s daughters. They are beautiful and have this special aura that magnets people to them.’                                                                

 ‘You’re beginning to sound like all the girls. Just because they are rich and once ruled America doesn’t mean you should idolize only them. I deserve to be idolized as well,’ Daniel said with a smile and Chisom chuckled.                                                                                                          

‘Both of the Obama daughters have followed in Michelle and Barack’s footsteps by pursuing their college degrees at some of the best universities in the States.’                                                                                         

‘Enough of the Obama talk; can we talk about something else? Yes, they are good people but I’d feel that I attended the worst university if you keep repeating how fancy their universities are.’



Michael and Felix decided to spend Christmas day at Chioma’s home. When Louisa heard this she objected, but when Chioma insisted that she wanted them to spend Christmas with them, Louisa conceded. Louisa and Chioma cooked fried rice, ofe egusi, ofe eju, fried chicken and salad. Andrew took care of the juice as well as the akpu and garri, which would be used for the soup. There was plenty of food, and the family of three thank GOD for the blessings they had received within this short period of their stay in Lagos.                                                                        

Louisa made sure that their little house was immaculate, as usual, with beautiful decorations adorning the door and windows. Louisa had crocheted tiny snowflakes and hung them tumbling down from the window so that it appeared as though it was snowing. Chioma had asked her mother to crochet the tiny snowflakes after showing her how it looked like in the internet. Louisa had photographic memory so she was able to catch up and do a fancy work which left Chioma and Andrew in awe.                                                                                                           

While Chioma was busy outside, hanging out clothes to dry, she suddenly felt a man’s hand on her shoulder. It wasn’t her brother and she stiffened, turning around slowly. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was Daniel, dressed in little thick clothes to shield from the harmattan cold which had already set in. Chioma was so excited that she threw her arms around his neck, then just quickly released him and stood back.                                                                                                                    

 ‘You…You’re here Daniel!’ Chioma excitedly said, looking around to see if he had come with Chisom.                                                                         

‘Chisom came with me.’                                                                                      

As soon as Chioma heard that she left Daniel and ran inside to meet with Chisom.                                                                                                    

  ‘Did you leave me here just because of your bestie,’ Daniel murmured. Then, he revealed a slight smile. Turning to the bucket of clothes that were still to be hung on the clothe line to dry, he reached for the wet clothes and began to hang them out for her.                                      

Chioma walked into the loving room and immediately became shocked as well as pleased with what she saw before. Not only Daniel and Chisom, Segun, and Sola were also here. Chioma couldn’t hide her happiness. Maybe because she had never expected such a huge surprise or maybe because she was glad that today’s Christmas would be a memorable one.                                                                                               

Chioma hugged Chisom. ‘Oh bestie,’ Chioma said quietly, ‘you don’t know how pleasing it is to have you here. Don’t worry…I will make sure you finish a pot of rice.’                                                                          

 ‘I won’t disappoint you.’                                                                                

When Michael and Felix arrived for the Christmas, they all gasped with amazement as the two god-like figure walked into a slummy house like this one, dressed in casual white suits. Only true love could make this possible.                                                                                               

Louisa felt grateful as she looked around her small dining table at the people that were happy to share this moment with her and her family. Chioma and Chisom served the meal, and Louisa kept dishing out food from the kitchen.                                                                                                 

When they had finished their Christmas feast, Louisa went to one corner of the living room to the pile of gifts, wrapped in bright colours and tied with colourful ribbons. Louisa and her children had prepared so many gifts should anyone visit them today for Christmas.                            



On the other hand, since Jessica’s parents were in Imo State, she had to drive to Sharon’s home for the Christmas. But the scene she saw before her when she arrived made her jealous. Nathan was feeding Erica apple  in the living room.                                                                                  

Jessica was dressed in a white deep-v dress, she had a sexy aura. She was so stunning and beautiful. Nathan who wore a dark blue retro suit and a handsome face couldn’t help but sneak glances at Jessica even though he was pretending to be intimate with Erica.                                 

Nathan looked at the beautiful Jessica and was tempted to give her a smile. But, because he was pretending to be seeing Erica, he could only reveal a sad expression.

 ‘Food is ready,’ a maid came and informed them.                            

‘Erica, I am sure that this Christmas would be memorable for us.’ Nathan immediately took Erica into his embrace. ‘You smell really good,’ he complimented seductively as he came close and was only inches away from Erica’s lips.                                                                               

Nathan acted as though he hadn’t seen Jessica looking miserable as she looked at them. She was burning with jealousy.                       

  Jessica suppressed her tears, shouting, ‘Where is Sharon?’ Jessica shouted out those three sentences before stopping. Due to her loud voice, she attracted the attention of the servants who were busy with one task or the other.                                                                                             

Sharon walked over to to the living room as soon as she heard her name. Her lips curled into a smile when she noticed that Jessica was burning with jealousy. Her brother’s magic was really working on Jessica. Sometimes, it was best to ignore women who pretend to be hard to get, make them burn with jealousy and they would eventually fall for you. This time, it won’t be fake love, but true love, Sharon thought as she walked over to the sofa and sat down. She looked festive and elegant in her red and green plaid coat paired with black gloves and a fur hat.

After hearing Erica and Nathan’s chat, Sharon pretended as though she had remembered something and turned her head towards Jessica and said,‘Jessica, a few days ago while shopping, one of the female staff of the shopping mall told me something very romantic.’

 ‘What was it?’ Jessica, who was now sending Julia a text, put her phone away and looked up at Sharon.                                                                      

‘Let’s go to the dining first,’ Sharon offered, heading for the dining as Nathan and Erica held hands, following behind. Jessica followed too, furious at how Nathan and Erica proudly displayed their love to each other.                                                                                                     

‘Wow, everything looks yummy-yummy,’Erica excitedly said, kissing Nathan’s cheek.                                                                                          

Sharon purposely spoke a little louder. ‘Well, Michael and Felix are spending the Christmas with Chioma’s family. Her old neighbours came to visit her as well. I am optimistic that Michael would marry Chioma very soon, and my brother would marry Erica. It’s all going to be a grand wedding, don’t you think?’                                                                           

Jessica lowered her head pretending to be very hungry. The man that claimed to love her more than anything in this world was here before her flirting with another woman to the point of even going to marry her. Michael on the other hand was with a slummy woman and was also going to marry her. How could she swallow Sharon’s words with happiness? With a fuming sense of jealousy burning in her heart, Jessica forcefully stabbed the omelette roll on the plate.                                

‘What kind of relationship do you have with this woman?’ Jessica blurted out.                                                                                           

Nathan looked up, seeing that she had accidentally cut her hand, and seeing that a trickle of blood had escaped her finger, he couldn’t help but ask, ‘Are you all right? Your finger is hurting.’ Nathan immediately walked over and leaned down besides her, taking out a white handkerchief from his breast pocket to mop the bead of blood from her finger.                                                                   

‘Nathan, you’ll ruin your handkerchief!’ Jessica pulled her hand back and sucked at the injured finger. Luckily the cut was shallow.                           ‘Get me a plaster,’ Nathan said, and a maid returned with a plaster and handed it to Nathan. ‘It won’t hurt,’ Nathan comforted as he ripped the plaster open. Slowly, he stuck it on Jessica’s finger.

As Jessica lifted her head, she sneaked a glance at Erica. She was holding a bottle of red wine and pouring a glass for herself. She seemed not to care about what Nathan was doing. Could it be that they had no relationship and was only trying to make her feel jealous? She turned to Sharon who had her phone in her hand, and brought the screen up in front of Erica.   

‘Felix’s so cute,’ Erica giggled. ‘He might like you in the end, but you will end up breaking Johnson’s heart.’ She was wearing a peachy-pink dress.     

 Sharon smiled but didn’t say a word.                                      

Nathan returned back to his seat to continue with his food. Jessica couldn’t take it anymore as Nathan and Erica went back to their public display of affection.                                                                                       

‘I have to go somewhere,’ Jessica lied, standing up.                                      

‘Where? I could take you to the place,’ Nathan offered.                     

‘I can manage.’ Jessica turned to leave.                                                 

‘I think we should stop this game, it is hurting Jessica. As much as I hate her, I still want her for you because she makes you happy,’ Erica said.                                                                                                                    

‘Jessica hasn’t changed yet,’ Sharon said with a knowing smile. ‘Yes, she might be falling for Nathan, but the love isn’t still strong in her eyes. I will tell you when she becomes sincere. She is my friend. I know her too well.’                                                                                                   

Jessica cried for a long time inside her car, before she wiped her tears away with her hand and drove away.                                                                        

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