Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 439)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘What are you reading?’Celine’s roommate, Catherine asked when she came to collect milk from her. Catherine ran out of milk and hadn’t gotten the chance to go out for shopping.                                        

Catherine wore a casual white cardigan with a pair of tight-fitting pale blue jeans. Her charming face didn’t have any make-up on. Her natural smooth and white skin looked alluring, with her very long red-head complimenting her look.  She was in marketing department, hoping to get a job in advertising like her mum after she graduates. Catherine had wanted to major in English, which meant she would spend the next four years reading and writing. She couldn’t imagine having to tie herself in reading and writing, so she chose Marketing instead.

 Becoming.’ Celine waved the book for her to see.                

Catherine nodded. ‘That’s one of my favourites. I sincerely admire Michelle Obama. She has established herself as a powerful advocate for women and girls in the US and around the world…’ After a light pause, she asked, ‘do you have milk?’                                                                  

‘Over there.’Celine pointed, and then Catherine walked over to the cupboard.                                                                                                                    Catherine took out a can of milk and said while pouring some milk in her bowl, ‘Going to buy some stuffs later. Will you come with me?’

We’ll see.’ Celine’s reply was vague. She didn’t know if Prince would come to visit her by that time.                                                                

Their first day at the dorm, Celine and Catherine had gone shopping for dorm-room stuff together at the campus store called The Coop. Audrey had stayed behind to help Celine unpack, putting sheets on the bed and setting everything in place for her. A few like, Celine had come with their parents or older siblings.

 Sometimes, Celine and Catherine stayed together, braiding each other’s hair, and telling stories of home. Actually, it was a bit of a relief for Celine to get along with her roommate, who was a first year, too, just like her.

A few seconds later her phone began to ring. It was Felix calling.                   

 ‘Are you still enjoying your life as a prefrosh?’Felix teased her, his voice was mesmerising.                                                                            

‘I am no longer a prefrosh…I am a princess in a coming-of-age movie.’                                                                                                          

 Felix laughed. ‘Okay, make sure to take pictures so that the Apley Court Flying Squirrel wouldn’t come to hunt you,’ he teased her even more. ‘You must have heard the story about the flying squirrel, right?’                                                               

 ‘Big brother Felix, I hate you right now.’                                                          

‘I know it’s the opposite,’ he said. ‘Don’t forget to have your meals.’                                                                                                                 

  ‘I won’t disappoint you.’                                                                                    

‘I know…You’ll soon get used to the school. You grew up in the States so I know you won’t have problems mingling with people. Tell me if you need anything.’                                                                                                

‘That’s why I will gladly rip you off,’ she pouted.                         

‘I will leave you now,’ Felix said and hung up.                                               

Celine put down her phone, and reached for the framed photo of her parents that was at the study desk. It was a beautiful photo taken on their 15th wedding anniversary. Celine had decided to take the photo because it matched with her birthday. She was fifteen, turning sixteen by October 18.                                                                                     

She stroked the photo adoringly. Her parents were smiling and looked very happy. Celine stood up and set the photo on the shelf above her desk. Then, she picked up her picture from prom. It was a picture of her and Prince. Celine was wearing a white ballgown and Prince had a casual black shirt with expensive diamonds cuffs. His black matched her dress perfectly.                                                                                 

‘You miss home, don’t you?’ Catherine’s voice was warm and charming.                                                                                                            

Celine nodded. ‘I miss home. Plus I am starving.’ She set back the picture and took out a jar of peanut butter. ‘I was so tired to go for lunch.’                                                                   

 ‘We can always go together.’                                                                 

‘Really? You will always remind me to go to the dining?’Celine was happy at Catherine’s kind offer.                                            

‘Of Course! You’re my roommate, which means you are like a sister to me. We both have huge appetites but will always remain slim no matter what we ate,’ she laughed.                                                                    

Celine looked at her roommate with adoration written all over her face.                                                                                                          


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