Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 445)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Robert had delivered a letter to Michael when he was in the middle of a video conference.                                                                                              \

 The Moon Corporation had started a new project since January which had kept Michael very busy, plus the annual party which was coming up soon had combined to make him work overtime in most of the nights.                                                                                                             

Hearing Robert’s footsteps, Michael looked up at him while continuing to chat on his video call. He rubbed his temple as he glanced at the thick pile of documents from Robert.                                                                

When Robert saw how busy he was, he left the office and came back again. Michael frowned, ignoring Robert but he glanced up and saw him placing something on top of his desk. By the time the video conference ended it was already 7:30 PM.                                                             

As Robert had left already, he had to make himself a cup of coffee. Returning to his desk, he went through the pile of documents that Robert had delivered, but his eyes first caught a mail package that had been placed besides the documents.                                                                 

Michael wondered while Robert had brought the mail package as he glanced through the mailing address and immediately picked it up to read.                                                                                                 

When he pulled a letter out and saw Chioma Chima on the envelope, he raised an eyebrow, wondering why Chioma had written the letter instead of sending him Whatsapp message or calling him.                       

Michael wished that Chioma had not written something that would break his heart like she had done before. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed a blade and cut it open. Then, he pulled the letter out from the envelope and unfolded it and began to read. He skipped the beginning part, which was mostly made of general greetings, and then went ahead to read the important part;                                                                                                   

 Honey, you’re so charming that you could brighten the sky, your beauty could make an angry person smile again. Your facial features are chiseled, your skin flawlessly perfect, your thin lips are extremely nice, and each strand of your hair shows that GOD was careful while making you….So, honey, after writing these sweet things to you, can you please give me another invitation card to the party? I lost three invites. I won’t be allowed inside without it.                                                 

know that I could easily get it from you but I don’t want to take advantage of the fact that we love each other and do things out of line. I had to be official because that’s the right thing to do.                                         


After Michael finished reading the letter, he couldn’t help but laugh. Women could be foolish sometimes, Michael thought still laughing. Honestly, he was so handsome that anyone watching him laugh would never take their eyes away.                                                           

Michael had no idea how much time had passed. He kept reading the letter. His mind only came back to focus when the incessant ringing of his phone filled his ears. Not picking up the call or even looking at the caller ID, he walked over to the French window, still holding the letter.                                                                                                          

Michael was happy to be holding the flourish writing of the woman he loves most in this world. When he came back to the Njemanze Villa after a tiring day in office, he went straight to his study room, and as soon as he stepped inside, he reached for his laptop on the desk and turned it on to finish up the work that he didn’t finish in the office.                                                                                                

Just then, he heard a knock at the door.                                    

‘Come in,’ Michael said without taking his eyes off his laptop screen.                                         

Patricia walked in, holding a cup of tea. ‘Son, I brought tea for you.’                                                                              

‘I just had coffee at the office.’                                                                         

‘Actually I wanted to thank you for agreeing to this party even though it wasn’t end of the year.’   

 ‘I agreed to it because I wanted to spend time with Chioma.’               

‘You know how much I hate that girl…’                                                  

Michael stopped typing and looked up like he was observing a joke. It seemed he was enjoying her anger because of the smirk on his face. He stood up and took slow steps towards his mother. Patricia was staring at him as he approached her. When Michael got closer to her, a smirked formed its way on his lips as he spoke, ‘It’s okay for you to hate anyone, mum. But if you hate my woman I might as well hate you.’               

  ‘I wanted this party because I want to meet my old friend Louisa, not for you to be friends with just some girl. That girl is rude. She is only after your money. She said it herself; she wants the whole of Moon Corporation.’                                                                                                     

‘Then, I will willingly give it to her…mum, please I beg you to open your heart to Chioma, but if you don’t then I will find my own private villa…’ Michael looked at her one more time before turning back and walking to his table and reaching to his chair, he said, ‘I understand that you invited Jessica…make sure she doesn’t cause trouble else her family will leave the party in shame.’                                                                    

Patricia didn’t say a word. She placed the tea on his table before leaving the study room.                                                                                   

The following day, after a warm breakfast, Michael went to the office. When he was done with signing the documents handed to him today, he headed to Star Restaurant.                                                                          

Reaching the restaurant, he met Emeka at the entrance and told him to bring Chioma for him. Bowing respectfully to Michael, he went immediately to Chioma who was standing with a female customer. The customer left after she was done with speaking to Chioma.

‘Bye,’ Chioma said cheerfully to the woman, and then turned curiously as he smiled. ‘Boss, what’s it?’                                                               

‘Someone outside wants to see you,’Emeka said.                                    

‘Who could it be?’Chioma asked, glancing at the entrance door.                                                                                                            

 ‘You will find him there. Go on.’Emeka turned and left.                          

 Chioma shrugged, and then headed towards the door. She was surprised to see Michael’s gold Lamborghini parked outside. He was waiting for her in the car.                                                                                   

As the car windows were tinted, one couldn’t see the interior. But it was obvious that Michael owned the car and was likely to be inside. When Chioma walked over, and knocked on the car door, Michael smiled pretending not to have seen her.   

 Revealing a smile, Chioma pretended to turn around and leave.                                                                                                                              ‘Chioma!’                                                                                                   

The driver’s door of the car immediately opened, Michael’s beautiful and delicate cheek stuck out a little as he sweetly called Chioma.                                   

 ‘Chioma pretended to be shocked as she turned around, ‘What is this man doing here?’ She finally let out a laugh.

 ‘I’ll take you somewhere,’ Michael said immediately. ‘Come on in.’ After speaking, Chioma went inside and Michael started the car and drove to Abuja’s most expensive downtown area and blissfully led Chioma into one of the most expensive branded stores.                               

As they walked inside, people stared at the two of them. Michael was wearing a dark blue suit which wrapped around his alluring body with a matching tie. Honestly, he looked like an emperor from a painting.                                                                                                                   

Chioma wore a simple white t-shirt with her hair pulled back in a sleek bun. She might not be charming like Michael but she was beautiful in her own unique way.   

 ‘What are we doing here?’ Chioma whispered.                                      

Michael stopped to look at her. ‘I brought you to this store because they have just released a series of couple designs. In the entire world, there is only one of each… as the special guest, who is going to stand with me I released that you don’t need any invitation card, and we need to wear matching clothes.’  

 ‘From the sound of your voice it seemed you have selected something already. And what will happen to those dresses you sent to me?’                                                                                                                                  ‘You’re the only person that would be by my side, so I should take good care of you. No matter the status I have, and where I am, you will be the only one qualified to stand side by side with me…even if our clothes wouldn’t be the same colour, but the matching of it and the same logo gives me satisfaction. I know that I should have named this party something else but for some reason I chose for it to be our company’s annual party…I really want to use this opportunity to show off my woman to the world. And yes, the first set of clothes I ordered could be used for something else. But for this party, I want you to wear something special because it might be just a party to the people, but for me it’s something important.’                                                                                   

Hearing these words, Chioma’s heart felt warm that she hugged him so tightly, and whispered into Michael’s ear, ‘I thank GOD for the gift of you…I am not really qualified, but you always make me feel so important. I love you so much Michael Njemanze.’ Chioma held back her tears of joy, for she didn’t want Michael to feel heartbroken at the sight of the tears in her eyes.                                                                                     

‘Let’s go inside,’ Michael said, leading her to the changing room. Behind the partition, Chioma was speechless when she saw the dress on the mannequin’s body. She looked at Michael, not knowing what to say to him. ‘It’s for you…go and try it. I know it will fit you perfectly well.’                                                                                                             

Chioma felt like crying. This was the first time in her life she was made a queen. She had seen so many dresses in movies, magazines and even online, but known of them matches this luxury pearl crystal evening dress. She gently removed the dress from the mannequin, held onto it like it was a treasure that should be guarded jealously.                     

Everything about the dress was perfect, from the cutting to the sewing. When Chioma pulled it on, it fitted her well, making her body look slender and perfect. On her body, this stunning dress appeared soft and graceful that anyone who saw her would think that she just came out of a painting. Chioma was speechless when she saw how much she had transformed. She couldn’t believe it that the person in the mirror was actually her. She held her heart which was beating fast.

Just then, Michael who had just changed into navy handmaid suit with a champagne tie stepped out behind her. Complimenting his dress was the matching handkerchief which sat out of his front pocket. He looked poised like an English gentleman.

 Michael and Chioma looked at themselves in the mirror. Michael smiled and grabbed Chioma’s hands. ‘No doubt we are made for each other.’                                                                                                              

Hearing him say this, Chioma’s heart warmed up. However, deep down Chioma knew that it would take a long time before people would see them as perfect for each other.                                                            

‘I forgot to tell you, I love your hand writing. Maybe you should write me often instead of Whatsapp messages which are mostly filled with emojis and sometimes boring to read.’                                                

Chioma looked up sweetly and teased him, ‘I know that you must have pooed in your dress when you saw the letter, right?’                                     

‘You did that to scare me but I do know that you didn’t lose those invitation cards. Someone must have done it…one thing is sure; I will always protect you because you are my woman. I love you so much, and I will never care what the world says about you.’                                                 

Chioma was so pleased to hear these words from him. She turned around and embraced him. She didn’t know how to express her gratefulness. Michael knew that she had a lot to say, but didn’t know how to say them. He returned the embrace, staring into her eyes.                       


‘It’s okay…you don’t need to speak.’                                                                

Chioma nodded as she buried her head into Michael’s shoulder as tears of joy streamed down her face. Michael smiled as he gently patted her back. She was the best gift he had ever received on this earth, he was pleased.


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