Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 459)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 Chioma was with Michael at the park, enjoying the glorious sunset together as they ate walnut, when suddenly her phone rang. It was Sharon that called her, so when she picked up the call, she spoke for a few minutes before hanging up.

‘Sharon is thinking begging you to forgive Jessica?’ Michael asked raising his eyebrows.                                                                                                  

Chioma nodded with a sigh.                                                                            

‘I won’t let you go to the police station. I know that’s what she wants you to do, to forgive Jessica. If she’s released she might hurt you over and over again. I don’t want you to get hurt, so I won’t allow you to go.’ Michael was protective of Chioma.                                                               

‘So bossy, so controlling…’ Chioma commented, but deep down she understood it was because he cared.                                                                  

Michael pulled her close and hugged her as he gently kissed her on the ear.‘You should always listen to me,’ he whispered.                   

‘But, I just want to go. I want to know why she’s so eager to see me. If I don’t go and she dies there, I won’t be able to control myself. I have refused her request so many times. I just want to go and see Jessica,’ Chioma said to Michael honestly.                                                   

‘Ain’t you afraid she might hurt you again?’                                                  

‘I won’t give her the chance.’                                                                 

‘I won’t stop your decision.’ Michael fed her walnut, and lifted her chin to look at him. Their eyes met, both looking at each other admiringly.


 Meanwhile at the Njemanze Villa, Edward and Patricia were having tea at the villa back garden. The place had an intimate feeling. Since Edward retired, he enjoyed spending quality time at the back garden every evening.                                                                                              

  He would feel better every time he had tea there. Sometimes, he took Patricia with him while sometimes, he went alone.            

‘Sharon said Jessica might be tortured to death if nothing is done to save her,’ Patricia told Edward.                                                   

  ‘Your son is always as stubborn as a cow.’ After a pause he continued, ‘I know that Jessica did so many unforgivable crimes but I still see her as my daughter.’                                                                                   

Patricia nodded. ‘I just wish to save her…Emmanuel had been impeached. He is no longer the governor; his company is now something that no one wants to partner with…I just wished Jessica didn’t cross the line. I just wished I didn’t aid her in her evil ways…maybe she would have changed a long time ago.’                  

  Edward sighed. ‘There is no need to blame you. I was part of the game too. Jessica might have hurt Chioma so many times, but I still think that she’s a good girl. I should talk to Michael to withdraw those charges against her. Anyone in her shoes might have done the same…’                          

‘But my son Felix didn’t do the same. I didn’t fight with you over Louisa. I just let you have her because you met her first and she loved you,’ Nicholas said and both Edward and Patricia turned to look at Nicholas. ‘Jessica should have done the same. But no, she chose to hurt an innocent person. She chose the wrong path. She should be strong enough to own up to her crimes. Not only did she physically assault Chioma, she attempted to kill her. Who in her right mind would want to kill an innocent girl because of love? Honestly, love doesn’t work that way. When you love someone you don’t have to take what makes them happy away from them.’ Sitting down in one of the benches, he added, ‘Not only did Jessica do all that, Rebecca paid heavily for Chioma and her family to be oust out of their house. Thankfully, Audrey intervened in the situation. After some times, Nnaji Group ordered for the demolition of that same house. The funny part was that Emmanuel never wanted to demolish it. As a sly business man he wouldn’t conduct deals that would make him lose money, like buying that piece of land which of course was in a slummy area. He only did that to force Chioma to break up with Michael so that Jessica could have the chance to be with him. Once Chioma agreed to end her relationship with Michael, he immediately took back the demolition orders he issued onto that piece of land. Then, Chioma decided to move to Lagos State for everyone’s peace of mind. Emmanuel never mentioned demolition again. She was willing to sacrifice her love for the sake of everyone’s happiness...But despite moving to Lagos, Emmanuel had to plot for their house in Ajegunle to be demolition…Whatever he is facing now, he brought it upon himself.’                   

‘I was part of it too. I just can’t bear to see my little girl go to gaol…I know that she had always been a spoiled brat but Jessica’s a good girl. I accept Chioma for my son, but I would do something to help Jessica…’ Patricia had not finished saying that when a servant came over to inform them that Rebecca was around. ‘Bring her here,’ Patricia said.                                                                                                                       

 ‘Patricia…I know that my family has caused your family trouble over and over again,’ Rebecca said when she came to the back garden. ‘After my daughter was arrested, I admit to have continuously caused ruckus. I don’t need to demand an explanation as to why Jessica was arrested and I don’t need to slander Njemanze family name…but I’ve come that you might help me beg Michael to have pity on my only child.’                                                                                                                  

‘Tell me why Michael should forgive your daughter?’Nicholas turned to Rebecca and asked. ‘Your husband colluded with the Lagos State governor to have Chioma’s house demolition…which he did for Jessica. You hurt the innocent girl as well…in fact, karma have come to bite your butt so deal with it…’                                                                                               

‘I put the blame on me. I wasn’t a good mother to Jessica…I deserve to be punished for it. Please, let my daughter go,’ Rebecca begged with tears in her eyes.                                                                                              

  ‘Rebecca you have to go. I would see what I can do,’ Edward who had been silent spoke up. ‘Jess is like a daughter to me, so I would do my best to make sure that she’s safe.’                                                                     

    ‘But the police aren’t going to pursue this if Michael wants to really punish Jessica. He purchased a major personal insurance on Chioma’s body parts which was a hundred million dollars…’                               

‘The insurance company would still compensate for it…’                                   

Nicholas shook his head. ‘The insurance company will sue Jessica because it was Jessica that inflicted the wounds on Chioma…and if you don’t pay the damages, then Jessica will be sued for deliberate injury…you know that she will go to prison…’                                                        

  Tears flowed down Rebecca’s face. ‘You know that it won’t be easy for us to pay such amount…Please, for old time sake beg Michael never to pursue this case legally… I promise that if my daughter is released, then we won’t bother you anymore.’                                                            

‘Just go home to your husband who is about to face the wrath of EFCC soon,’ Nicholas said. ‘As for your plea, we’ll see what we can do.’                                                                                                                                      Rebecca wiped off her tears and turned to leave.


Emmanuel had poured most of the money he received illegally into Nnaji Group with the reason that the company will survive the crisis and even expand in the future with such force that Nnaji Group won’t go down without a tough fight.                                                           

The last money that he siphoned from the state purse was about five billion naira and with that money, he believed that he would make up for the Nnaji Group lost in the business world since Michael cancelled all company projects with them. It was a harsh warrant from Michael which of course brought crisis upon the company.

He thought that he had succeeded in getting back up, but then he didn’t realise that the world was actually waiting for him to fall in broken pieces. Emmanuel wouldn’t just wait for his company to collapse, and as the governor of Imo State he had to use his power to get as much money as he wanted from the state so as to make up for the company loss. He had poured the newly stolen money to Nnaji Group, waiting confidently for the company to revive, unknowingly for him as he was celebrating his victory in his heart, he was impeached and today as he was leaving to Abuja to visit Jessica, a bunch of EFCC officers bumped into him by the door.

 ‘What’s the meaning of this?’Emmanuel who had almost left the house, furiously yelled.                                                                                                  

The leading EFCC officer explained calmly, ‘Emmanuel Nnaji, we are arresting you for embezzling the state money. Please do not struggle and follow us to our headquarters to aid in our investigation!’                        

Emmanuel smirked.’How can I aid you to punish me?’                     

‘It was on record that you embezzled five billion naira from the state. After some investigation, we found that the money was transferred into your personal account, which was used for your company. Don’t tell me you do not know about the five billion naira. We are arresting you for misappropriation of public fund and money laundering…the rest will be said when we reach the headquarters.’          

  ‘I used the money for the public not for own personal use,’ Emmanuel said coldly but fear slowly crept into his heart. For some reason, he felt his world was collapsing right before his own eyes. If he didn’t plot against Chioma, if only he had told his daughter to move on and forget about Michael, he would never be in this mess. But then, there are no ifs in life, only consequences and results.                                             

‘We’ll investigate everything you’ve told us, but now you must follow us to our headquarters. Take him boys!’ the leading EFCC officer ordered authoritatively.                                                                               

No matter how powerful he was, right now Emmanuel felt that he was just like an ant. The EFCC didn’t give him a chance to call Rebecca who was in Abuja trying to find way to help in the release of Jessica. They dragged him out of the house like a criminal as they made for the car.                                                                                                                             Emmanuel was surprised to see reporters around, and seeing him about to enter the car with EFCC team, the rushed over to him like flies waiting to devour a putrid food from a garbage can. Cameras kept flashing. Emmanuel begged for the EFCC to stop them, it was to no avail. The camera lights didn’t once stop. Emmanuel was furious. If it was before the media would only do what he wanted not what they wanted. He remembered using the power of the media to create scandals for Chioma. The tabloids and rumours was enough to push Chioma to the corner, he had laughed then at how sweet it was to be in power. However, the table had turned. He made life difficult for Chioma, now Michael had to make him live in hell while still alive.                     

‘Destroy all the cameras and camera phones here! Bring the legs of those who try to run and punish them severely,’ Emmanuel ordered authoritatively. However, he realised that his words never carried weight anymore; they were just like chaff, only worthy to be thrown away.                                                                                                                

  ‘Your trained bodyguards don’t have the power to tussle with us, and you can’t throw our cameras to the ground and shatter them in pieces…you have lost your throne as the governor of Imo State, so learn to deal with it,’ one of the reporters said from the crowd.                       

Emmanuel was forced inside the car and driven away to the airport.

At the same time at the Nnaji residence in Abuja, Rebecca was just returning from the police station after visiting Jessica and was about to step inside the house when a group of EFCC entered the compound and arrested her, and drove to the headquarters of EFCC.                    

What followed after they reached EFCC building was a series of investigations, where she was interrogated for hours about their involvement in embezzlement of Imo State funds since Emmanuel became governor in 2015.                                                                                                      

  She was still in the interrogation room when Emmanuel arrived. Rebecca was surprised to see her husband being detained.          

  ‘You claim that the five billion was used for the public, but our men just came back from an interview with the vice president of Nnaji Group and he admitted that the five billion was pushed into your corporate account, so how can you say the money was used to better the citizens of Imo State?’ EFCC executive chairman sneered.             

‘But I am here and the company is mine, shouldn’t you trust my words over that stupid vice president?’ Emmanuel stood up agitated but was pressed down by the officer standing behind him. ‘Sit still!’                                                                                                                                 

   Emmanuel calmed himself and said sternly. ‘No one has the right to accuse me. I might have been impeached but I am still a Nnaji. All of you know my family background, so don’t you dare mess with me.’                                                                                                                             

‘Not only did you and your beautiful wife mismanage the state funds, you own about 100 accounts in different banks. Both the corporate and individual accounts received so much deposit in cash without evidence of job or services rendered. We also found out that during your first term in office, you withdrew 500 million monthly which was not part of the security funds expended on the Nigerian Police, the Nigerian Army, DSS and others…you also diverted 383 billion revenue from the federation account, 55 billion Excess crude revenue, 10 billion loan, 2 billion agricultural loan and 55 billion ecological funds within just five to six years…Maybe if you audition for money heist am sure that you’ll be perfect as a thief.’                                                                                    

Emmanuel was dumbstruck. He had thought that nobody would have interrogated him for anything but here he was been probed by EFCC. 

The executive chairman smirked chillingly, ‘EFCC will file a motion seeking for an interim order for the forfeiture of funds and 48 houses linked to you…Mr Emmanuel, yesterday you had the whole world under your feet, and today the whole world has turned against you.’                                                                                                                                  

Rebecca gripped her fists tightly, her eyes burning with rage. Chioma must be happy now. She’s such a schemer…she really wants to take us down, so she used Michael to do it. She turned to her husband, ‘That slummy girl must have plotted against us from the beginning. I will make her pay and suffer!’                                                                                   

The Deputy detective behind her tapped her shoulder, berating, ‘Have you forgotten that you’re in EFCC territory? You dare to threaten someone in front of law enforcement? For long we have been investigating you but couldn’t do anything because you were under the Njemanze family, therefore we couldn’t do anything to you. But now that we have the chance, we won’t give you any chance to continue mismanaging funds.’                                                                                                 

Emmanuel glared at the deputy detective and yelled, ‘I don’t care whether you’re Economic and financial crimes commission or maybe a police officer, if you must punish me, then you must arrest other governors that embezzled the state funds, you must arrest all the internet fraudsters in all the states of Nigeria. You must arrest all the lecturers that extorts money from students to pass them, you must arrest all the lawyers that take money to sweep the truth under the carpet, you must arrest all the pastors that extort money from members in the name of open doors and deliverance, you must arrest all the traders who cheat their customers, you must arrest all the journalists who take brown envelopes to kill the truth, you must arrest builders who build with substandard materials that causes collapse of buildings, you must arrest all the medical personnel that have secretly killed so many lives, you must arrest you because you people are also corrupt.’   

The Executive chairman smiled. ‘Don’t worry my boys have already secured gaol terms for the 33 yahoo boys captured yesterday, so think for yourself and leave others alone.’                                          

  ‘What about the eight Ex-governors whose over 500 billion corruption cases with the almighty EFCC that was swept under the carpet? You people keep arresting people for misappropriation of state funds and in the end drop the case.’ Emmanuel narrowed his eyes. ‘How much did they all pay you? Yes, I am a corrupt ex-governor, what about you law enforcement agencies, and do you have ticket to heaven, no? That’s because almost everyone is corrupt…Not everyone is corrupt anyway…’he smirked. ‘Once I switch to the ruling party, then this interrogation will be swept to the dustbin and my sins forgiven... though the president had promised to fight corruption during his campaigns and even after winning elections for first and second terms in office…he won’t ignore someone who is in his party, right? Those ex-governors were forgiven maybe because they joined the ruling party or maybe because they paid some cash to EFCC. Don’t worry as soon as I join the ruling party my sins would be forgiven…’                                                            

  ‘Before then, enjoy your detention with your lovely wife,’ the deputy detective said, and the EFCC officers in the room left.


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