Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 580)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Under the luxurious lighting, everyone's focus was on Chioma as well as waiting in anticipation for what was about to happen. Chioma didn't have strikingly beautiful looks, or a powerful family or a high status, but she had this special uniqueness that made her different from other women.

Michael laughed. The ultimate goal of tonight's event was to let everyone know that Chioma was his alone. He was going to put an engagement ring on her and she will put on him, and here his wedding with her will be announced or maybe, he will still keep everyone on suspense as to the real date of the wedding. The decision was his alone to decide.

Chioma turned her head and glanced at Michael. This man was full of surprises. She didn't know what he could be planning next.  She looked at him curiously, just as she was about to question him, Robert came over and handed him a sky blue heart-shaped small box.

Michael took the jewelry box from Robert and opened it in front of everyone. Chioma didn't know why, but as soon as she saw the set of jewelry, she knew that Michael had organised this party to propose again to her, if not why would he have a jewelry box?

She had liked the jewelry set. The set happens to be; eternal love. Michael had himself designed this to be made specially for them. In the entire world, there was only one set. Chioma wasn't much interested in the necklace or earrings; she was only interested in the rings.

Michael picked the delicate and sparkling diamond ring and looked up at Chioma with a sweet smile. There was a name engraved in the inside of this diamond ring. It was MC forever. The perfect cut of the diamond sparkled under the luxurious light. Its glow was so dazzling that the guests looked at it with excitement in their hearts. They knew that the price must have been too expensive to imagine. It was beautiful.

As Chioma stared at the two rings in Michael's hand, she couldn't help but wipe her tears that were seeping out from the corners of her eyes.

'How could I have my ring without my female lead?' Michael spoke and his sexy voice was heard by everyone.'Yes, you might want to know what's going on here. I want to propose to you again, and I want to tell everyone that I have already fixed a date to our wedding...'

Chioma looked curiously at him.

'Yes, that's another surprise,' Michael smiled. He appeared noble and elegant, and he emanated an aristocratic aura. He was breathtakingly handsome.

Chioma glanced at Michael and back at the ring, 'Was this the reason for this?'

Michael's lips curved upwards. His face was handsome and gentle as he knelt on one knee, looking up at Chioma, 'this is nothing but a doesn't even represent even a zillionth of my love for you. Although, I had proposed to you before, but then, I don't want those sad moments to be attached to this our new beginning, which is why, I am proposing again with different ring, not only in front of your family but in front of mine as well...and in front of everyone. Yes, I made today a surprise and I planned everything from the beginning.'

Chioma didn't know what to say. She immediately helped Michael up as her sparkling tears rolled out of her eyes. 'You don't need to do this...'

'I need to do more than this. This is Jimmy Carter Street, the spot where we had first met. I thought I was right to propose to you here...I want you to tell me that you will marry me.' He wrapped his arms around her, wanting to place her hand into his chest so she could see how his heart beat only for her. 'Will you marry me?

Chioma vigorously nodded her head as Michael happily placed the ring on her fourth finger of her right hand, 'This set of rings is not only meant to be worn, it's a reminder of my love for you.'

Chioma took the male ring which had white and blue diamond with an extremely design and placed the ring on the fourth finger of Michael’s left hand.

The guests clapped excitedly at the romantic scene. They both snuggled up as Michael placed his left hand in Chioma's right hand, displaying their delicate engagement ring for everyone to see . These rings are the only pair in the entire world. 'What's engraved in our rings is surely true,' Michael's voice was deep and charming.

Chioma looked up at Michael as her heart overfilled with emotions. 'I know...forever we will be together.' The man in front of her was the only man she deeply loved. At this moment, like a little woman, Chioma leaned over and placed her head on Michael's shoulder.

'Beautiful... This is absolutely beautiful,' Sharon muttered excitedly.

Johnson who was standing beside her in his brown handmade suit, turned to look at Sharon. He could see how much she was immersed in the feelings between Michael and Chioma as she looked in admiration. Everyone seemed to be engrossed too. It wasn't until the two moved away from each other did the guests come back to their senses.

Everyone clapped from their heart, including Julia. It seems she had finally realised that she would be a sore loser if she kept on fighting Chioma.

Felix was indeed happy for Michael and Chioma but he wouldn't still deny the fact that his fragile heart felt defeated at the public display of affection between Michael and Chioma. He gulped down his glass of wine and picked another from a passing waiter.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Audrey's mind. She smilingly walked up to Michael and Chioma, congratulating them. Then, she grabbed Michael's hand and dragged him to the stage. Everyone was wondering what Audrey was about to do.

' seems Audrey wants Michael to sing for Chioma,' Catherine excitedly said.

'I wonder how Michael sounds like when he sings,' Chisom pouted.

'Handsome men probably know how to sing,' Daniel said with a smile.

'He sings well.' Andrew sounded so sure.

Chisom turned to Andrew. 'Well, you will have to sing for me on my wedding day.'

Daniel couldn't help but smile when he heard what Chisom said. 'Your boyfriend will go off tone...' He teased Chisom.

'My both brothers can sing as well as my boyfriend,' Celine said proudly and looked at Prince who was beaming from ear to ear. ‘Audrey loves to play flute, piano and Violin…’

'Hey, Daniel, I watched the song you sang for Audrey on her eighteenth birthday. It was really nice. Maybe you could sing her another one today?' Catherine laughed.

'Hey, I am not a singer. With so many famous singers here, I will definitely not want to embarrass myself. I only sang it for fun. Besides, Audrey isn't the reason for today. She wouldn't like it if I take over the scene.'

'I am not a singer but sometimes I guest star on shows...people say that I have a good voice and should venture into music...but I only sing for fun,' Catherine laughed. 'Michael isn't tone deaf, right?' She turned to Celine and asked.

'Would someone as capable as my cousin be tone deaf?' Celine rolled her eyes at Catherine.  ‘You might not believe it if I told you Michael could outdo all the best actors if he decided to act. He's absolutely good in everything.'

Meanwhile, Audrey came over to Felix and dragged him onto the stage as well. She handed Michael one of the microphones and handed the other one to Felix as she looked at him, wondering if he would be able to sing with his love rival. 'Felix, if you really don't want to I could pass on the microphone to Daniel. He sings very well,' Audrey whispered to Felix. 'It's just...I really want my two handsome brothers to sing for Chioma Chima. Only a few know how much you could sing.'

Felix lifted his eyebrows. 'What I am and isn't capable of, isn't anyone's business...'

'I know but you know that Chioma will be grateful if you do this.'

'She will only be grateful...'

'And she will be glad to have you as her best friend.'

Felix didn't say anything else. He simply took the microphone to one side and then he looked over to violinist who was in a grey suit and said, 'Pass me the violin.'

The man quickly handed his violin to Felix. Felix held the violin in his hands and looked at Michael who immediately understood what he meant. 'You do the singing while I play the violin...'

'You can't sing?' Catherine said from the crowd and everyone turned to her. Catherine blushed, turning her face away.

Felix only stared at Catherine, and then turned back his head to Michael. 'Let's get started,' he said as he placed the violin on his shoulder.

Playing the violin was one of Felix’s many skills, so Audrey wasn't surprised. However, this was the first time he was performing in front of a large crowd like this. He could sing as well like Michael. But today, he wanted Michael to be the one to pour out his heart to Chioma and so would only provide music with the violin.

Just like in beautiful scenery, a prelude to the song; I love only you resonated across everyone's ears. Michael lifted the microphone to his mouth and began to sing. Everyone was stunned with the pleasant voice of Michael. It was mesmerising, charming and sexy. They were all dumbstruck. Even Chioma couldn't believe it that her man was the one with this enchanting voice. No matter how good a famous singer was, there was no way they could compare to the pleasant music from Michael and Felix combined. Tears stole into Chioma's eyes as she listened to the song Michael was pouring out to her. 

The melodious sound of the violin which intertwined itself into the song, really surprised Catherine who was watching the scene with love in her eyes, could it be that she had fallen for Felix?

Although, Michael doesn't often sing this song, he was still able to remember all the lyrics and notes and his voice was magnetic to the ear.

Jessica was also mesmerised. She had only seen Michael play violin and other musical instruments but hasn’t seen him sing before.

Sharon too had only seen the suited Michael who ruled the business world but hadn't seen this side of him. He was indeed gifted with so many talents just like Felix.

Chioma remained in a daze. She simply wanted to listen to Michael's voice for all the days of her life. She was grateful too for Felix who played marvellously. Michael turned to Chioma, looking deep into her eyes as he continued to sing.

When the song was finished, everyone clapped excitedly. Michael returned the microphone back to Audrey and Felix handed the violin back to the owner.

Everyone was satisfied. This was the best surprised party they had ever attended and when this party came to an end after a lovely dance by the guests, with their partners, Chioma turned to go to her mother, but Michael grabbed her hand quickly. Chioma immediately turned to look at him.

Michael didn't say any word. He suddenly knelt down in front of everyone. ‘Hop on, I will give you a piggyback...'

 'Everyone is watching,' Chioma quickly said, trying to help him get up.

'They can watch. So, are you going to get on or do you want me to force you?'

Blushing, Chioma quickly climbed onto his back. 'Mic...'

'Our love story should be engraved in everyone's heart. We are getting married soon. I had wanted to announce the date but I changed my mind at the last minute. I wanted you to know before anyone else. Pardon me but our wedding will hold two days after Celine's sweet sixteen birthday party.  I don't want you to object to it...I can't wait anymore to have you as my wife.'

Chioma was speechless and didn't know what to say to this bossy man. In fact, what would she do? She would only have to silently accept to marry him. After all, she wanted to marry him as well.

Michael carried Chioma towards the car he had arranged for her, Louisa and Andrew. But just as he was about reaching the car, a line of reporters followed behind. Due to Michael’s powerful aura, they followed from a distance to get photos of him and Chioma. However, one female reporter ran up to them and said, 'I really want to give you this perfume. It’s from an independent domestic designer.The product might not be a luxury brand perfume but am sure you'll like it...the perfume has an extremely unique scent.'

Chioma received the gift from the woman and smiled. 'Thank you...I promise to cherish it.'

The woman never expected Chioma to be overwhelmed with joy at the sight of the perfume. 'I am glad to know that you like the's very light but long lasting. The designer of that perfume is my uncle. Most of the ingredients for the perfumed were planted in his garden. He called this particular one, Michael and Chioma has an extremely unique scent which you will like...many online shop came out with fake versions of this perfume...I gave you the original made by my uncle himself.'

'I really appreciate your gift.'

'Thank you.' After speaking, the reporter turned to leave. She was left with the lasting impression that Chioma was hated for nothing. She regretted hating Chioma before. This perfume was a peace offering which only she knew.

Michael felt that Chioma would need him to carry her, for she had been wearing high heels for so long and may feel discomfort. Of course, Chioma was feeling tired to walk, and her Prince charming carried her like a princess into a black Bentley. He pulled her down gently, making sure she was comfortable in the seat. He pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and was about to straighten properly when Chioma's arm was wrapped around his neck suddenly, stopping him from leaving. Michael smiled up at her, then, he lowered his head, his handsome face moving closer to hers, and he said in a gentle, coddling voice, 'I am sorry, I had to surprise you like this. I should have told you about it... I want you to hear it again, our wedding is already fixed and I have everything under're free to invite your friends...'

Before he could finish his statement, Chioma wrapped him in her embrace. As though, she wanted something more from him, she lifted her face. Michael immediately understood what she met, and without wasting time, he leaned forward for a kiss, taking Chioma's soft, pink lips into his mouth. The aromatic fragrance of Chioma's mouth entered his nostril, and the sweetness made him yearn for more. His hands cupped her face as he deepened the kiss. But realising that they were still at the public venue, Michael had no choice than to stop.

'You seem to like that perfume so much,' Michael teased Chioma when he saw her carefully put the perfume inside her bag.

Chioma nodded shyly.

'If you like that local perfume so much then I will get him to work for Moon Corporation, and he will make perfume for only you,' Michael said domineeringly.

Chioma was shocked. She wouldn't want that. 'I just like the perfume but not more than I do love you.' She felt that he was a bit envious.

'Sounds good.'

Chioma laughed, and planted a kiss on his forehead.

Then, feeling satisfied, Michael straightened up and left the car as Andrew and Louisa walked towards the car. Stopping to greet them, he turned away and headed to meet with Felix.

That same day, Audrey posted up the surprise party on her Facebook page. In just a few minutes, the post was shared over by ten million people. The power of the social media was indeed unbeatable. Famous bloggers shared the story. Local media reported about the surprise party.

On that same day, Moon Corporation stocks soared very higher.


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