Tuesday, March 1, 2022

My Little Lamb (Chapter One)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Eva Benedict, dressed in a white simple gown knelt down in the warm dirt of their small garden, plucking weeds from around the vegetable plants. The evening sun shone on her back. The gentle wind caressed her long dark hair. The birds chirped from the tree branches, and she felt herself drawn to the singing birds. She seemed happy as she worked on the garden.                          

When she was feeling tired, she sat back on her heels, turning her head about to ease her muscles. The beautiful Saturday sun shone beautifully on her. She smiled at the thought of William Jonas visiting today. She hadn’t seen him since he returned from Lagos State. When he called this morning to inform her that he was coming to visit them, Eva felt pleased. Suddenly, she laughed. She had told William to buy her suya. William had promised to buy a bucket of suya for her but she told herself that he was joking.          

Thinking of the suya, she bent back to her task, a beautiful smile on her lip.                                                                                                                    

‘Eva?’ A familiar, magnetic voice called her name.  His handsome face broke into a huge grin as he stared at her.                                                      

Her face shone beautifully, and she turned around. William stood not far from her. He seemed to have just come off from work. In his hand were plastic bags full of suya and iced cola. She stared at his tall, handsome figure, and his black high-end suit with matching shoes. William was still as handsome and charming as ever, she thought. She could smell the suya from where she was. It seemed appetizing. The glutton in her was awaken. Eva was a little eating machine, a good foodie.                                           

Standing to her feet, Eva dusted her dress. Then, she happily ran into his warm embrace. William gently let the bags fall to the ground. He swung her up into the air and round in a circle. ‘Big brother, Liam,’ Eva laughed, as he put her down.‘I am old already.’ She playfully prodded him in the stomach. ‘I will make you get fat like a pig,’ she giggled.                   

William smiled without speaking as he picked up the bags.                 

Eva playfully pinched his cheek. ‘Big brother Liam, I am really glad to see you. You’re still as handsome as before.’                                                        

William grinned. ‘My little Lamb, I have always been handsome. You only fail to notice my handsomeness because you see me as your big brother,’ he teased her.                                                                                         

She smiled. ‘Yes, I will always see you as my big brother.’                        

He nodded. ‘Then I should be the first to meet your future husband. I wish you meet the right person for you.’                                               

Eva blushed, turning her face away. ‘I didn’t say I was getting married soon.’                                                                                                          

‘I never said so either.’ He pinched the tip of her nose with his free hand.                                                                                                                      

‘Stop teasing me,’ Eva said, amused. ‘Come on, I have been working in the garden. My back is aching. I don’t want to waste my time standing here.’   

 ‘Anyone home?’ William glanced at Eva and asked.                                      

‘Mum’s in the kitchen cooking rice and beef stew,’ Eva laughed.            

‘Where are Margaux and Nathan?’                                                                

‘They went out to catch up with friends.’                                                        


‘They will be back soon.’ She paused. ‘How are your parents?’

He smiled. ‘Good. Very good.’                                                                            

She couldn’t think of anything more to say. Smiling, she carried the bags from him, took a look at the bags in her hand.                                     

‘The suya should be enough for you, right?’ William asked as they made their way into the living room. ‘It’s not good to eat too much meat.’ William glanced at her and felt that she was adorable and funny at the way she had puffed up her cheeks. He wanted to pinch her cheeks, but he felt that she might feel embarrassed.                                             

Beatrice Benedict, who was in the kitchen cooking, was an easy-going woman. She had always loved William as her son. She was dark skinned and slender, and of course she was beautiful. ‘What’s your trip like, William?’                                                                                                 

  ‘Mama, it was really nice.’ William would always call Beatrice mama. He didn’t feel awkward about it. He just enjoyed calling her that. Beatrice loved it as well.                                                                                        

  ‘How is everyone at home?’                                                           

‘Better than me,’ William said and both Beatrice and Eva laughed. Eva placed the bags on the dining table, and then went to the fridge to get a drink for William.                                                                                               

The kitchen, which also served the family as living room and dining room, was cosy and welcoming. William was familiar with the house. He was always at ease with the Benedicts. The house was rich with the smell of the rice and beef stew Beatrice was cooking.               

After greeting Beatrice, William settled himself on a sofa and said as Eva handed him a can of Malt, ‘I’ve come to tell you that I will be leaving for the States next week. I’ve got a business conference to attend.’        

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