Monday, February 8, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 113)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu   

‘Big brother Andrew, when did you become a pervert?’                      

Andrew chuckled. ‘Are you not my sister? Can’t I joke with you a little?’He pinched her cheek lovingly and her face flushed red. ‘I’m sorry. I know it’s your intimate clothing and shouldn’t be held in a guy’s hand.’                                                                                                                    

Chioma’s face flushed with redness a she put the box away.                                  

‘Do you like it?’ Andrew asked teasingly.                                               

Chioma smiled bashfully. She wouldn’t answer, but she truly liked the laced panties. They were from the same Dior.                                          

The third box, she carefully opened it to see a white jacket. She lifted it up, then took a sleeve of the jacket and held it up.                                   

‘Wow! They buttons on the jacket are bones…that friend of your must be Miss Moneybags. Can I be her beau?’ Andrew said half-jokingly.                                                           

Chioma raised her eyebrows. ‘Would you dare abandon Chisom because of money?’                                                                                 

‘I wouldn’t do that.’                                                                                 

‘I know. I was only teasing you.’ Chioma held the jacket to her face, admiring the jacket.                                                                                 

‘The colour suits you,’said Andrew. And then, when Chioma didn’t answer, he asked, ‘You like it, right?’                                                               

‘Of course. But- I don’t know what her motives are.’                            

Andrew sighed slightly. ‘You’re right. No one will give gifts extravagantly like this for no reason. I don’t believe in free lunch...’                            

‘Maybe, this has answer to it all.’ Chioma saw a note, neatly folded inside the box. She picked it up and read it aloud;  

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