Saturday, March 27, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 123)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

At that moment he mentioned her name, thereby attracting gazers, Chioma felt as if her heart was about to pop out of her chest.                                                                                         

Everyone’s curiosity was roused; they were all eager to hear what Michael had to say to Chioma.                                                   

Chioma didn’t know what to do. She was confused at this moment. She felt like crying. She felt like running away.

In the next seconds, everything went silent. Perhaps, no one wanted to miss what this god-like man was about to announce. Chisom who appeared from the kitchen dropped the tray she was carrying on the floor, thereby dividing everyone’s attention. They all glanced at her, except for Michael whose gaze was still fixed on Chioma.                                                                        

Was this an illusion or dreams? Michael is here again? Chisom knew that if a word about this got out in the open, Chioma was going to suffer. Chisom returned back to her senses; she walked towards Michael while Chioma took the opportunity to go to the washroom.                                                            

‘Sir, what would you like to order?’ Chisom asked cheerfully as she dashed towards them. ‘My friend Chioma is very busy…’Chisom glanced around and didn’t see Chioma. She knew that Chioma had disappeared to the washroom. She turned back to Michael and Robert. ‘She’s busy… you might want to reserve a table?’ Chisom tried her best not to say a word that will anger Michael. She was just been careful.                            

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