Saturday, March 27, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 129)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma didn’t want to look at him, but the moment she looked at him, it was hard to look away. His eyes were captivating. ‘I do… but.’                                                                                

‘It’s settled then… we’re now a couple.’                                       

Chioma’s face was immediately coloured with shock. She loves this man more than anything in the world. Wasn’t it a bit too early to accept him into her life? What was that diamond ring doing in his ring finger? Chioma suddenly came to her senses at the thought that he might have been married. Perhaps, he was secretly married to Jessica?                                  

‘It isn’t a week yet… I asked you to give me a week, right?’   

‘Now that we are a couple…you’re legally my girlfriend,’ Michael said with a voice that could not be objected.                    

Chioma may have had a thousand words that she wanted to say, but right now, she didn’t have any desire to speak except to nod.                                                                             

‘It’s settled…’Michael smiled, gracefully rising up from his seat. ‘Before I met you I used to dream about playing in my lavish garden with my children and wife. But the girl in my dream never had a face.’ He smiled sweetly at her, his voice magnetic. ‘ I tried to give her a face,  I thought of every film star, models with long straight legs and exquisite face and flawless skin, girls I knew back then in my childhood and school and those I met during my travels in other parts of the world. But their faces never gave me joy, no matter how beautiful they looked…but that moment that I met you, your face stayed. I found myself dreaming about you every seconds of my life. It was you and our children that I see… I am the right man for you.’

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