Sunday, April 25, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 231)

    By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 ‘Let me go!’                                                                                               

‘That’s what I am doing,’Michael said mockingly.                                  

Jessica tried using all her strength to pull away from his grasp, but he was stronger. ‘I don’t want to live without you.’ She couldn’t pull her hand away from Michael. There was a huge difference between a man and a woman’s strength. It was tiring fighting a losing battle. The best was to decline or go with the defeating flow.

Michael opened the door, and pushed her away, slamming shut the door.

Michael dialed front desk immediately demanding why they gave Jessica his room card.                                                                                                 

‘You are all fired!’ Michael coldly said and hung up.                       

‘Michael, please don’t do this to me’, Jessica cried, pounding on the door.                                                                                                      

While crying as well as pounding on the door, Jessica deliberated on how to get back inside and be with Michael when Robert came over carrying fancy bags and frowned at how Jessica had disgraced herself. ‘Madam Jessica, if you had listened to me, you wouldn’t have been in this ridiculous state. I warned you not to come here today but you didn’t listen to me.’ Robert’s tone was full of mockery but he still felt pity for her.                                                                          

Jessica glared at Robert. ‘How dare you lecture me like a child! Do you wish to disappear forever?’ Jessica was really furious. ‘I asked the front desk to give me Michael’s room card, but was directed to the hotel manager and he gave me Michael’s room card. Everyone knows that Michael and I are getting married soon…so, don’t you dare lecture me.’                                                                                                                          

‘But you both aren’t married yet. What you did could bring this hotel into trouble.’ Robert wanted to make Jessica see a good reason not to have entered Michael’s room without his permission.          

‘This hotel is under the Moon Corporation, so it can’t be in trouble…’           

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