Monday, June 14, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 293)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Did you book the return flight already?’                                                        

‘Um…no, Sir. After you’re done with meeting with the governor, you will be tired. So, I booked you a hotel instead.’                               

  ‘I need you to book me return flight. I don’t want to bump into Jessica. Cancel the hotel immediately and book me a return ticket. Book also our flight back to Abuja. We are leaving in two days time.’                                        

 ‘Okay, Sir.’                                                                                                                   

With that, Michael coldly worked towards the VIP entrance. Robert stood on the spot until Michael was out of sight before driving back to Pearl Hotel.                                                                                                                  

 Just as Chisom changed into her clothes and was about leaving Star Restaurant, she received a call from Chioma that she had been discharged and brought home by her mother and Daniel. Instead of Chisom heading straight home, she decided to visit Chioma first. On her way home she went to a supermarket and bought vegetables and fruits for Louisa. Then, she took the taxi to the home of the Chimas. As soon as she reached, she smelled the delicious aroma of food. Inside the living room were the close neighbours who had come to celebrate Chioma’s home coming from the hospital. Daniel had already left for home before Chisom reached.                                                                                        

 ‘Chisom, you’re here too,’they greeted Chisom happily. 


Chioma turned around at the mention of Chisom. She looked at her best friend with a huge grin. ‘Your brother just left.’ she reached out her hands, wrapping her in a warm embrace. ‘Thank you for always never leaving me.’                                                                                                               

For all the days Chioma was in the hospital, Chisom had visited her nonstop. She had always brought fruits and nutritious foods for her. Emeka had visited her as well at the hospital; including Segun who was right now beaming from ear to ear as he watched TV while drinking a bottle of chilled cola.                                                                                   

  ‘Did you tell Felix you were leaving the hospital?’Chisom looked at Chioma and asked.                                                                                            

Before Chioma could respond, a neighbor wearing yellow shirt, asked enthusiatically, ‘I heard that you’re now dating the billionaire, Felix Njemanze, is that really true?’                                                     

  Chioma didn’t know what to say. Then, she saw Andrew walk into the living room with a bowl of fruits. Placing the bowl on the dining table he answered in lieu of Chioma, ‘No, Chioma is simply a lucky girl, and we know how good she is. So, it’s normal for my sister to be loved by everyone.’                                                                                      

  ‘Ohh, I know you have been a good girl. I didn’t think of that…I didn’t know that there is still free lunch these days…’a neighbor said with a smile.                                                                                                                 

‘What could have been the main reason for your attack? You’re likable yet those mobsters beat you to the point you had to get surgery…look at your leg still in bandage. Thank GOD your leg wasn’t sawed off. I have seen several amputations which didn’t go well with the victims.’

The moment I met you (Chapter 292)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 Daniel didn’t say more since he was only a friend to the Chimas and not a family member. Perhaps the most important reason was that card Louisa had torn.                                                                                            

‘Water,’Chioma requested for water.                                                                        

Immediately, Daniel filled a disposable cup with warm water and handed it over to her. ‘You don’t look well. Are you okay?’                                   

Chioma lifted her head and looked at Chioma, remaining silent as she took the cup of water. She seems to be in deep thoughts.                           

‘If you want to tell me to help you explain things to Audrey, I will gladly do it.’                                                                                                                         

‘But she’s upset.’ Holding the cup of water, Chioma said slowly. ‘What if she doesn’t listen to you?’                                                                     

‘Why not?’                                                                                                 

‘I’m afraid everything is turning into a mess. I might not be able to handle all of it.’                                                                                                 

‘It’s okay. I am here as well as Chisom and Andrew…’                                       

Chioma nodded, and then drank the water as if it gave her the strength to fight the battle that was brewing before her. 

Michael finished an almost three hours meeting, and immediately Robert drove him to the airport since he needed to catch a flight to Port Harcourt.                                                                                               

‘Sir Michael, since I won’t be following you to Port Harcourt, this is the contract you’ll be signing with the governor of Rivers State during your meeting with him this evening. Here are the documents. I know you have been having sleepless nights, but I wish you take a detailed look at these documents while in the plane.’                                            

‘I know my job and how to do it well.’                                                   

‘The food in first-class is really delicious, I hope you grab a bite.’                    

The moment I met you (Chapter 291)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Daniel shook his head. ‘No, not now, let Chioma decide that. You know that her health isn’t good, and she might not be able to handle the media.’

‘I am curious about one thing, however, as Chioma’s friend, maybe you know something about what I am about to ask.’                                  

‘What’s it?’ Daniel asked quietly. He knew what the question was but he was afraid he might not be able to answer her curiousity.                    

‘Could it be that Chioma has a boyfriend?’ I think…it’s quite strange that Aunt Louisa will suddenly want to discharge Chioma after reading the card?’                                                                                                         

‘I asked for Chioma to be discharged,’Daniel said.                                     

‘Which is why I am absolutely sure that you know a thing about everything going on…’Audrey looked at Chioma. ‘Do you have a boyfriend? The first time I saw you you said you never had a boyfriend. Was that true?’

Chioma bit down on her lips, responding after a while, ‘Actually, you see…’                                                                                                                   

‘Never mind, I believe what you told me before. I believe you will never hurt my brother nor will you hurt my trust in you.’ With that, Audrey turned around and left.                                                                                              

Daniel wanted to follow her out and explain the situation to her, but Louisa stopped him. ‘Let her be. If you go out, she might ask so many questions that you wouldn’t be able to answer.’                                           

‘Aunt Louisa, why did you upset Audrey?’ Daniel turned his head towards Louisa and asked.

‘Because, she doesn’t deserve to be here babysitting my daughter, she has school to do and you have work to do. So, I want to discharge Chioma right now. I know what I am doing might not seem right but I can’t handle the gossip around here. I told Andrew and he said it was all right.’ Louisa left the room and went to file the paperwork for Chioma’s discharge.        

The moment I met you (Chapter 290)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘You’re right, Aunt Louisa. Your daughter isn’t suffering from cerebral hemorrhage, but even if she was suffering from it, my brother Felix, would never hesistate to pay for the surgery costs, pay for the medical supplies and equipment, bring her to VIP Operation Room, hire the best doctors, and make sure that Chioma got the best attention…’she paused. ‘Brain sugeries as I was told, is incredibly demanding because such surgeries require a complete focus from the surgeon. One wrong move or mistake, the patient might suffer long-lasting after effects or might even lose their lives…my brother isn’t the best in this world neither is he a doctor but he will try his hardest to make sure your daughter wouldn’t have after effects. He would try his best to make sure that whether Chioma suffer minor injuries or cerebral hemorrhage, he would treat the two cases with utmost care…and he will do these things for your daughter not because you’re poor but because he believes that Chioma is his woman. Everything relating to Chioma will always be important to my brother. He will always guard it jealously, treat it with care.’Audrey looked at Louisa as she spoke. ‘I understand that Chioma doesn’t want to flaunt her relationship with Felix, nor did she want to tell others about it…’            

‘Chioma, really want to stay here, but unfortunately…how could she match up to repay Felix for his kindness?’ Daniel said softly to Audrey, trying to make her see reason which was obviously not the reason for Chioma not flaunting her love with Felix. Chioma was in love with another man. Daniel was aware of this fact, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell Audrey yet. He knew that Audrey might hate Chioma for this, but he wished that it won’t get to the point were his relationship with Audrey will break out as well as Chioma and Audrey’s friendship.                        

Audrey turned to look at him. ‘So what you’re saying is that my brother’s status is a kind of embrassing to her?’                                                      

‘No, don’t misunderstand the whole scene. Chioma don’t want to get onto the media. Everyone who sees their relationship will have deep misunderstanding towards her.’                                                             

‘So my brother will hide his relationship with Chioma for the rest of his life, just like you want us to hide ours? I don’t agree anymore. Who would want to hide the fact that they are in love with the Njemanze family? In fact, I will personally tell the whole world, that way Chioma will not be attacked by anyone.’        

The moment I met you (Chapter 289)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Audrey waved her hand and said, ‘No, no, it’s just flowers. You don’t have to make her leave the hospital. My brother isn’t the jealous type in romance drama series.’ 

‘Tomorrow I’ll get the paperwork done to get Chioma discharged. Then, she can continue her work,’Louisa said. ‘Is time for Chioma to get some rest.You may leave now.’                                                                            

‘Why do you want Chioma discharged tomorrow?’Audrey was clearly displeased. Did she have to remind Louisa that Felix wanted Chioma to stay here until he gives her the permission to leave?                                 

‘Because she’s getting too much attention that she doesn’t deserve. I don’t want people saying things about my daughter in the hospital. Besides…even the director of the hospital hasn’t gotten such attention. Chioma has stayed a couple of days here and the doctor said that she’s free to be discharged. My daughter only sustained minor injuries and not suffering from cerebral hemorrhage.’                                                 

If Chioma were to really continue staying here, she might attract the media and Michael would hear of it. He might be upset as to why she kept such a huge incident from him, and Chioma’s relationship with him might be ruined. Louisa wouldn’t want that to happen. So, she would have to discharge Chioma first thing tomorrow morning. Besides, she doesn’t know the real motive behind the person that sent the roses. But she felt that something was off.

Audrey was silent. It was obvious that she was upset. Daniel walked up to her, but she turned away to leave. Just as Audrey reached the door, she turned around as if she suddenly remembered something.

The moment I met you (Chapter 288)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘A bouquet of roses? Is someone trying to win your heart? Tell me, who is it? Audrey said with a mysterious smile.

‘No, I have only one boyfriend. I will never betray his trust.’ Chioma said those words sincerely; Audrey face was full of happiness. She thought Chioma was referring to Felix. But no, she was referring to Michael.                                                                                                                                           

‘Then who is this secret admirer of yours?’Audrey asked as she wiped her mouth and got up. Before she could reach to take a look at the card, Louisa had already gotten hold of it.                                                

‘Chioma, can’t accept the flowers.’Louisa tore the card and tossed it at the trash can after reading the note. The roses were sent by Patricia Njemanze. But, she had written Patric in the card with a little note; we haven’t met each other before but you are absolutely good with game of love. I bet if you will succeed…scheming bitch. I wish you an Oscar award but are you qualified to receive such an award?                          


‘No, it’s okay, aunt. My brother won’t get mad. There is nothing wrong with gifting flowers to a patient,’Audrey said gently to Louisa. She had thought Louisa had torn the card because she didn’t like her daughter receiving flowers from people she didn’t know, what Audrey didn’t know was that Louisa had torn that card because the flowers hadn’t come from a secret admirer but from someone who wants to ruin Chioma’s relationship with Michael.                                                                

Chioma was stunned. She didn’t know who the fellow was, and why she would be given flowers. Her relationship with Michael was still hidden except for a few people that where at Star Restaurant that day that Michael forcibly made her his girlfriend. She wondered what was going on.                                                                                                               

Daniel looked at the roses and then back at Chioma and said, ‘Maybe, you need to be discharged as soon as possible.’ He seemed to have understood what was going on.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 287)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 ‘I don’t believe love is stupid until now,’Louisa murmured. ‘Daniel might as well turn into a live-in-son in law.’                                            

Audrey lowered her head, not able to face Louisa who was staring at her. Her eyes were fixed to the marbled floor, and then after a few moments, she slowly lifted her head to sneak a peak at her. She saw that Daniel’s handsome face was staring at her too. But his eyes weren’t as questioning as Louisa’s. They were looking warmly at her.                   

Chioma couldn’t stop smiling at Audrey who was blushing. She gulped down more milk. Before she could swallow the milk, she heard her phone ringing. Chioma glanced at the screen, seeing it was a call from an unknown caller, she didn’t bother to pick up. She finished her milk as she watched Daniel and Audrey staring at each other. Louisa was confused that she had to go to the couch and sat down.                                   

‘Celine brought afternoon tea,’Audrey finally said as she slowly opened the bag that was beautifully packaged with delicious snacks, a box of mixed fruits, with watermelon, apple, strawberries, grapes and papaya.                                                                                                      

Everything in the bag was super expensive, and the afternoon tea had come from a high-end coffee shop in the city, which was specialised in afternoon tea.                                                                                                

Then, sitting down, Audrey shared the food with Daniel. Chioma refused to eat because she didn’t have much of an appetite, while Louisa declined eating because, she had already eaten. So, Audrey and Daniel enjoyed it.                                                                                        

Just as they were about to continue with their game of chess, a male doctor wearing a pair of black frame glasses knocked on the door and said, ‘Miss Chioma, this came from a secret admirer who knows you’re here.’ The doctor placed the bouquet of roses on the table and headed out. ‘Please, don’t forget to check the card, okay?' he said as he walked towards the door, pushing the door open, he went out.        

The moment I met you (Chapter 286)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 Celine didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Prince wanted to laugh but didn’t dare do it. Instead, he acted like he didn’t hear anything and got into the car. Celine followed him as well into the car, sitting beside him.                                                                                                    

Audrey smiled slightly, then, sighing, she returned to the hospital with her afternoon tea.                                                                                     

Pushing the door open, Audrey saw Chioma and Daniel watching the Samsung TV, hanging on the wall. They were watching NTA news, and on the screen was Isabelle who spoke about the Central Bank of Nigeria supporting the many years abandoned, Nigeria’s primary centre for the performing arts-National Arts Theatre as it was undergoing reconstruction. Chioma and Daniel were glued to the news that they didn’t notice Audrey’s presence.       

When they broadcaster took over the news, they saw Audrey was in the room.                                                                                              

‘Has it been long you came in?’                                                                        

Audrey turned to look at Chioma. ‘Not very long, I’m not worried.’ She let out a smile.                                                                                      

Then, Louisa who had just walked inside with heated milk for Chioma, placed a straw into the cup, and handed it to her. Turning to Audrey, she said, ‘I am grateful for your kindness towards my daughter, but I don’t wish she becomes a thing around your neck. You have your classes to attend. Don’t miss classes because of her. Chioma won’t like it if you have carry overs because you’re visting her often. And also, your presence here makes Daniel forget he has his work to go to.  My daughter is absolutely fine now. Thank you, Miss Audrey. But I will appreciate it if you stop visiting, especially, now that I found out that your mother is CBN governor and your father, senate president.’                                   

After taking a sip, Chioma said softly, ‘Mum, I think Audrey is old enough to decide wether to stop visiting me or not.  Besides, her boyfriend is here…Daniel is her boyfriend, which makes them officially a couple.’   

The moment I met you (Chapter 285)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Celine frowned at Audrey. ‘Is that how you’ll repay Prince and me, for bringing you afternoon tea?’                                                                      

‘Thank you. But, I should head back now. Daniel’s waiting for me.’Audrey turned to leave.                                                                                            

‘What about Chioma? Do you know her too well?’Prince asked suddenly.       

Audrey looked back at Prince.                                                             

‘Has anyone visited her aside from Felix?’                                           

‘What do you mean by that?’Celine was surprised at his question as well as Audrey.                                                                                             

‘I heard that Michael is also in love with her.’                                        

Audrey was speechless. ‘How could that be?’She asked in a low, clear voice.                                                                                    

‘I just heard but not sure…’Prince waved a hand. ‘Sharon told me that. I didn’t believe her because if it were true, then Michael would have been here, right?’

Audrey smiled. ‘Yep. You just scared me,’she paused. ‘I told Michael about Chioma being attacked. Maybe Sharon misunderstood everything.’                                                                                    

Prince used his hand to place Celine’s bangs behind her ears as he said to Audrey, ‘All right. I hope it’s all a misunderstanding. You can’t pick Celine up after school today, we are going out to the mall to have a sweet moment together…eat ice cream, take a she won’t be home until later in the evening.’                    

Celine’s face blushed. With the way Prince touched her hair, she looked like a girl who had just fallen in love. She looked adorable and cute.      

‘It’s okay; I wasn’t even planning to collect Celine from school. She can take the bus since she sometimes commute in the states. Or you could save me the stress to always bring her home. ’

The moment I met you (Chapter 284)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘You’ll find the person at the hospital entrance,’the nurse cheerfully said.                                                                                                                    

As soon as Audrey got to the hospital entrance, she saw Celine and Prince in their smart uniform, leaning against a white posh Bentley eating ice cream. The white exterior of the car looked very grand as well as the interior, which was fixed up like a presidential suite of a hotel. The seats were real leather, expensive high-quality white seats and an automatic air conditioning system exuding a sweet fragrance. The car was cosy, causing anyone that passed by to look at it with admiration. Only those that burn cash could afford such a luxury car.

The man that had brought them here was Samson, Prince’s personal driver. He was in a Versace tailored high-end black suit, sitting elegantly on a white driver’s seat.                                                                              

‘I know you hate the unpleasant smell of hospitals, so what brings you here?’Audrey asked Celine. ‘You are even eating ice cream…’she raised an eyebrow.       

Celine smiled, extending a pink plastic bag to Audrey. ‘Here you go.’                                                                                                                                   ‘What’s this?’ Audrey asked, glancing at Celine as she took the bag.            

‘Aftertoon tea, of course…I know you’re surprised to see me here. Yes, I hate the smell of formaldehyde… but then, Prince is going to be a doctor soon. As his girlfriend is natural that I adapt to these unpleasant smell.’She glanced at Prince with a smile. ‘For prince’s sake, I can do anything.’                                                                                                   

‘Enough of Romeo and Juliet scene, the last time I checked they died…’Audrey wasn’t appalled. Infact, she was happy for them and wished that they didn’t end their love story    on the way. She was only a little bit annoyed because she had left Daniel alone just for an afternoon tea? Daniel was important to her, so was everything related to him.    

The moment I met you (Chapter 283)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Daniel awkwardly smiled, because Audrey openly admitted to be his girlfriend. They played another round which later turned out to be a tie. Daniel had allowed this, because he wanted to make Audrey realise that from now on he wouldn’t let himself win over her in a game of chess, maybe, in other games which perhaps included game of life. He would want their love to be equal to each other’s, and everything relating to them should be equal, Daniel thought. Yes, Audrey might be richer in wealth because of her family background but when it came to their relationship, it should be equal.

‘Oh, Daniel, that didn’t count. Let’s play another round.’Audrey was obviously enjoying this moment with him. Happily, they wanted to keep playing but were interrupted with the head nurse that just walked inside.                                                                                                  

‘Miss Audrey, can I see you for a moment?’                                                   

‘Yep.’Audrey slowly stood up. ‘Dan, I am going to head out for a bit…wait for me to come back and finish you off.’                                         

‘That’s if I let you have your way,’Daniel smiled sweetly.              

Audrey smiled gently. ‘We’ll see then.’                                                         

‘I give you ten minutes…’ Daniel said playfully to Audrey.

As she stepped out, Audrey saw that the head nurse was full of smiles.          

‘What’s with the smile?’                                                                                    

‘Someone is here to see you.’                                                                             

Audrey looked surprised. ‘Who could it be?’  she asked with a serious tone.                                                                                                                

Audrey looked at her luxury watch; she needed to go back to Daniel to continue with the game. She had 8 minutes before she had to go back to the game. Daniel had playfully told her to get back in ten minutes, but Audrey had taken it serious. Daniel was important to her, and so everything he said she would respect and cherish it. She still has time. Then, she glanced back at the nurse.     

The moment I met you (Chapter 282)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Chioma was awake, and Louisa fed her delicious Akamu lavished with milk and Milo. She was looking well and fit to be discharged any moment. But Felix wanted her to stay for a few more days at the hospital, for a good rest. Chioma wasn’t comfortable with the special treatment she received from the doctors and nurses that always came in to check on her. Because of her special connection with Felix, they were willing to kneel down and lick her shoes. She knew that they did so only because of Felix’s family fame, and the power that his family name wielded. If not for Felix’s presence no one would even look at her. They would trample on her instead. But money rules the world, so for that reason, Chioma was given respect through Felix’s command.

She had been able to know Felix’s surname matches with Michael’s but she didn’t know if they are related to each other. She was determined to find out before Michael returned from Lagos. She didn’t want to ask Audrey about it, she wanted to do it on her own without raising any suspicion. She had seen movies where two brothers fought over a girl; she wouldn’t want to be a part of such scene neither does she want to be a part of such soap-opera. She didn’t want Audrey to see her as a liar or a user.

She glanced over at Audrey as she happily played chess with Daniel. Audrey sat down across from Daniel. They had played three rounds already and Daniel won in all.                                                          

Audrey smiled. ‘I didn’t know you can play chess.’                                     

‘Yea, sometimes I play alone,’Daniel laughed. ‘My sister only knows how to play online games and smartphone games…’                                   

‘Chisom might have seen game of chess as a boring game,’Audrey laughed, as she found Daniel quite adorable.                                      

‘I’m sure Celine doesn’t like traditional games.’Daniel raised his head from the chessboard. ‘Felix is always busy and wouldn’t have time for games…’                                                                                                            

‘Felix is chess expert just like you. But he rarely plays games because of his busy schedule lately.’Audrey pouted. ‘Daniel, you can’t let your girlfriend lose, right? Let’s play some more. I want to win.’ She pouted prettily.        

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...