Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 344)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Three weeks later, on a Saturday afternoon, after a business conference, Felix drove his Tesla to the city’s most luxurious shopping mall in Califonia, after purchasing the stuffs he will be needing, he drove to his home in Beverly Hills. As he drove his car, his mind was on Chioma yet again. In fact when he came to think about it, she had hardly been out of his mind for the entire weeks he was in the States. He hated the thought of her being humiliated by Jessica’s fans, especially since he read a report of her being a cheat. He knew she wasn’t at fault. If he had listened to her, perhaps, he would have known that she was in love with Michael. He kept wondering what was really wrong with him. He thought he would forget her now he was in America, but no, he seemed not to forget her.  Was it normal to think so much about a girl that was already seeing someone?                                        

Again and again he had been tempted to return back to Nigeria and elope with her to the country no one would find them. But which country was that? Perhaps, planets that weren’t discovered yet, because with Michael’s personality, he can find whatever he wanted to find. He has the money to do the searching, and people to do it for him.                      

‘Don’t be so stupid,’he said aloud, his voice drowned by the sound of the police siren behind him. ‘It is very wrong to think about your brother’s woman. You fell in love with her because you didn’t know she was seeing someone, that’s it.’                                                             

He stopped to buy a lot of seafood from a grand restaurant, because a friend of his who was also Califonia branch director of Moon Corporation was coming over, and he favoured seafoods. Reaching his mansion in Beverly Hills, the foreign security officer took the shopping bags while he walked inside with his office briefcase.


The area consisted of luxury family homes, sprawling estates and mansions. Beverly Hills was in fact, the area where many people, if not everyone dreamt of living.                                                                                        

At the neigbourhood, a relatively old woman, wearing a beige-coloured coat, and matching scarf, was cheerfully taking her dog out for a walk.                                                                                  


Few minutes after Felix arrived, a tall, handsome young man in navy fitting suit and matching shoes, was ushered into the lavish living-room of the grand mansion.                                                      

‘If I may flatter you a little, you look stunning, Dra,’Felix joked, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder.                                                                   

‘If you’re bold enough to say I look stunning, you’re quiet bold enough to serve me the seafoods you bought,’ Dra said with a smile.                                                                                                                                                Dra liked Felix.  Although he had only hanged out with Felix only once since he arrived, he found him friendly and god-like. Yes, as the branch director, he had only seen and interacted with Felix with mostly business related matters, he felt elevated that Felix had brought him over to bring urgent files that needed his signature. Felix had liked Dra for the qualities he possessed. He was very intelligent and handled issues maturely. His rich, deep voice was outstanding. He had a warm brown hair, his full lips curved into a half smile while Felix was talking to him.                                                                                                                                            

‘I don’t know why you’re grateful that I brought you over to my home just to sign some important files. Besides, I like to think we are friends,’Felix added.                                                             


 Dra chuckled. ‘Well, you see everyone look upon you like a god. So bringing me over to your home is like a status boost.’                              

‘Do sit down,’Felix said, taking the files from him as he sat down to sign them.                                                                                                  

  ‘Well, boss, I have been so worried about you after I read about your complicated love story. Who is this young woman that twisted your fate?’                                                                                                                   

‘Chioma Chima. She is a waitress. I met her through my sister- apparently Audrey was trying to match-make us, so she asked me to pick my younger sister from school as well as telling Chioma to do so, too.  I’m very glad I met her.’  

  ‘If that’s the case, why give up?’


 Felix was just finishing with signing the files after examining them as a servant came over and invited them to the dining. ‘Because my brother met her before me,’Felix said looking up at him. ‘I try to forget her but I find myself always thinking of her.’ He stood up, and they headed for the dining. 


‘This girl must be very interesting for two mighty men to worship her like a goddess. But I hope she isn’t this ugly lead actress in romance movies, worshipped and adored by male leads, but in reality she only has a good heart, but plain looking face.’                                               


  ‘Do you watch movies a lot?’Felix raised an eyebrow, sitting down to eat.


‘I go to the movie theatres a lot,’ Dra said as he sat down. ‘So I know a lot about love stories.’                                                                        

‘Why are you still single then,’Felix smirked.                                            

‘The same reason you’re,’Dra replied.                                                              

‘Your love story died on you.’                                                                           

‘Sort of,’ was all Dra could say.                                                                                  

‘Maybe you need another gardener to take care of the already dead love story.’Felix was speaking more to himself. But who could replace Chioma. Even if he was to find another woman, will he love her as he loved Chioma?                                                                                                                                              

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