Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 343)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Later that same evening Chioma was just cooking dinner when her phone rang.                                                                                                                   

‘Chioma, your phone is ringing,’Louisa yelled from the bedroom. It’s a foreign number; I guess it could be Felix or someone else.’                                                                                                                                               

‘Hello?’Chioma said when she picked up the phone. ‘Who am I unto?’                                                                                                                             

‘Felix,’he answered. ‘Didn’t you see the foreign number on the screen before picking up?’Felix sounded gently on the other side of the phone.                                                                                                                                            

‘I did check, but I wanted to make sure who I was speaking with.’                                                                                                                                         

‘All right, I heard the news. You succeeded in talking to Michael to withdraw his statement regarding Jessica organising a press conference to apologise to you. I am glad you did that. But I wish you be careful in the future.’                                                                                                                

‘I understand.’                                                                                                    

‘I haven’t finished my work here yet. I will arrive once I am done.’                                                                                                                                               

  Chioma felt awkward talking to him. But she knew he was right about her being careful in the future.                                                                       


‘I will hang up now.’                                                                                            

 ‘Are you in a rush not to hear my voice?’                                     

‘It’s not what you think, Sir…I just don’t want a repeat of what happened.’                                                                                                                 

  ‘Okay, I will leave you now,’Felix said and hung up.                                      

When Felix hung up, Chioma went to the living room to talk to Andrew who was watching business news while relishing a can of pineapple juice. He had a few minutes ago returned from his date. Chioma told him about her conversation with Felix.                             


‘Is felix stll courting you?’Andrew asked.                                             

‘He will give up someday,’Chioma said, taking the can of pineapple juice to take a sip.                                                                                         

‘What if he doesn’t give up like in most movies?’                               

  Chioma handed him back his juice after taking a mouthful. ‘My life isn’t a movie.’                                                                                                          

‘Chioma,’Andrew said thoughtfully, looking up at her. ‘If Michael hadn’t appeared earlier in your life, would you have opened your heart for Felix?’                                                                                                                  

Chioma was stunned for a moment. She had pondered on this herself, wondering if her life would have been different if she had met Felix first. His parents weren’t as annoying as Michael’s. They were willing to give up, and let their children choose whoever they wanted. But Michael’s parents seemed not to like it; they wanted a high-standard woman for Michael.                                                                                 

The truth was that, she might not have poured out much love if she met Felix first. Michael had a place in her heart that no one else could fill. He was everything to her. She doesn’t want to think about Andrew’s question anymore because fate didn’t let it happen. Fate had allowed her to meet Michael first, and she was happy and glad. She could only settle for being close friends with Felix, nothing more.                                                                                                                                         

‘I love Michael so much that I don’t want to think of another man,’Chioma said truthfully. ‘I completely love and trust Michael, and I will never betray that trust.’                                                                                             

Andrew looked at Chioma and saw the complete trust and truth in her eyes.


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