Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 347)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Meanwhile in the Diamond Gardens, and in the lavish room of Audrey, she stirred while still in bed. Then, she stretched luxuriantly, like a cat, opened her eyes and gazed at the portrait of her and Daniel, neatly placed on the wall. In the portrait, they were holding themselves intimately while looking into each others eyes, tenderly and lovingly.                                                                                                                                            

Smiling, she sat up and hugged her knees. She turned her gaze towards the door when Celine entered.                                                    

‘I saw the dawn break over the city,’Celine giggled.                        

‘Really, how long have you been up?’                                                             

‘For ever…’Celine chuckled.                                                                     

‘Sounds lovely. But I think that I am too old to wake up early for aesthetic appreciation…’                                                                                           

Celine laughed. ‘For you will rather admire Daniel all day, huh?’                                                                                                                                     

‘That’s right,’ said Audrey with a smile while she dressed up for breakfast. 

‘My life will be incomplete without a thought of him. I need to eat. I am famished.’                                                                              

As they started for the door, Celine said, ‘If you hadn’t met Daniel you would have done something foolish, right. I mean, you would go off to some friend’s house to look for a lover, I mean a boyfriend…’                                                                                                                                     

Audrey smiled. Turning around after leaving the bedroom, she put her arm around Celine’s neck and replied, ‘Why would I do such a foolish thing? I can’t just go out and look for a lover or rather a boyfriend. It’s not like shopping for something in a shopping mall. I would have waited until I fall in love…’                                                                                       

Celine chuckled as Audrey released her and they began walking down the stairs. ‘Really? You would have waited to fall in love? That really sounded like something I would have avoided, it sounded like falling ill.’     


Audrey laughed lightly, and then sighed. ‘I’m glad to have found my destiny,’Audrey muttered. She paused when she saw Felix at the grand piano. His mind seemed preoccupied as he played. Why did Chioma who already has a beau appear in his life? Felix is still in love with her even after staying a few months in America. I pray my brother falls in love again. But would he open his heart to another woman? She watched as Felix played and sang Shania Twain’s from this moment on. Tears stole into her eyes, and she wished she could help him fall in love again.           


  Celine also knew those moods well. She still hates Chioma for being the reason for the tears in her brother’s eyes. ‘Better let him play his heart out.’ She looked up at Audrey. ‘But I don’t think I will be able to forgive that friend of yours.’ She started walking again, not minding whether Audrey was with her.


Audrey stood at the foot of the stairs. She had found her own prince, but her brother’s love life has suddenly collapsed.  Her heart ached for Felix, her adorable god-like brother whom she adores and cherishes. For many years Felix had stayed in America or better put, for the many years of his life, he had had so many women begging for him to own them. But among these beautiful women, Felix had never found a woman he could love and trust. So, he didn’t give himself to any of them. Audrey had always prayed that one day Felix could safely entrust his heart to a woman who wouldn’t toy with his emotions, a woman he would love deeply in his heart. She had told herself that she would be the one to find that woman for her brother. Yes, she had succeeded in finding that woman for him, but it had all brought tears to Felix. It was painful to know that the woman you were deeply in love with was deeply in love with another man but not you.


At the lavish dining were piles of delicious food and plates and glasses and wine. As usual, anyone that visited for the first time here might think that the too much food was as a result of a feast. But no, it was the family’s daily eating-habit. There was always abundance of food on the table to eat with relish, and everyone dresses up to the dining. Sometimes, they could wear casual dresses but those casual clothes were always high-end and classy.                                                           

As they ate, the maids-in-wait replenished their plates and glasses. Felix didn’t join them for the breakfast, he was still playing with the grand piano and from the dining, everyone heard him. The music was like background music in restaurants which help the diners to eat with relish; it was soft and pleasing to the ear. But in this case, it brought tears to those who knew the reason why Felix was playing this song. He was heart broken, and wished that this song would mend his broken heart and cause him to forget Chioma, perhaps, help him fall in love again.

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