Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 348)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

At the market, Louisa sold her fruits happily to customers. Different interesting items were sold in the market. Shuffling through the market, happiness could be seen on the faces of the people there. Hawkers ran here and there, trying their best to be the first to sell to customers. The scene was obviously survival of the fittest. It was fun watching the scene.                                                                                                 

Also in the market, shouts and loudspeakers sounds in addition to the fast playing interesting music in the background and the lively chattering crowd made the entire market an incredible exciting place to be.                                                                                                                       

Sharon did not expect Jessica to bring her to such a place to shop for clothes. She thought she would go to a luxury mall with her instead. However, since they hadn’t been to a crowded market like this, she followed Jessica, feeding her eyes with the amazing items in the market. Of course, things are sold cheap here. It wasn’t Jessica’s style to buy cheap things, so, Sharon wondered what could have been the main reason why Jessica brought her here.                                                                                

When she saw people pushing their fruits and vegetable carts, Sharon couldn’t help but admire the freshness of them all. She would gaze at the fruits or items before following Jessica behind.                                

Jessica turned her head back with a smile before saying, ‘we will buy as many fruits and vegetable from a luxury mall. It will be my treat. I know that as the daughter of the president you don’t deserve cheap fruits like the ones here. They might be infected. We’ll head to the mall after we are done with a small task.’                                                       

‘Somehow I don’t trust you,’Sharon said. ‘I know that you have come here for something…’                                                                                        

Jessica chuckled, and didn’t say anything. Instead, she brought Sharon to an ice cream and cake shop. There were many good-looking cakes and ice cream on display. Looking at them, Sharon smiled. She wanted to grab a bite, but was afraid they stuffs weren’t properly made. She would rather go to the mall and buy them even though the sight of them ignited her greed that she wanted them.                                                    

Jessica chose a strawberry cake, which was one of her favourite flavor and a vanilla ice cream. ‘I want this strawberry cake and chocolate cake.’Jessica pointed at the cakes. ‘And I want the two vanilla ice cream.’                                                                                                                 

A shop attendant walked over and retrieved the cakes, putting them in two different boxes, and then handed them to her. Sharon kept wondering what Jessica was up to.                                                         

When the two left the shop, a tall woman wearing a blue blouse with tight-fitting trousers walked towards their direction. She was holding a shopping bag in hand; she had a light make-up on her face. Her hair was let loose.                                                                                          

Jessica gave a smile. Sharon felt that all wasn’t well. Raising her head, Julia looked at Jessica before looking at Sharon. She greeted them.                                                                                                                                            

  ‘What are you roaming in the market for? You could have asked your servants to help you. Anyway, a princess like you shouldn’t buy from such a cheap place,’Julia said.                                                                 

  ‘For the king or emperor to know what his people are going through, he has to dress like a commoner and mingle with them,’Jessica said.                                                                                                                                          

Julia’s gaze fell on Jessica’s outfit. Jessica was wearing a black dress with a matching blazer, accessorised with a silver belt and pearl drop earrings.                                                                                                             

   ‘But you ain’t dressed like a commoner. Your outfit is more like a duchess visiting the market. Here in the market, you appeared clear and refined,’ Sharon looked at Jessica and said. ‘So, tell me what you’re planning this time.’                                                                                                      

Jessica glowered at Sharon through the corner of her eyes and said, ‘You will soon know.’                                                                                    

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