Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 357)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

At Star Restaurant, Chioma who was attending to a customer found that her phone beeped. It was an incoming message from the Whatsapp group chat of her, Audrey and Chisom. Audrey had sent the message to their group chat.                                                                                            

‘What’s happening?’Chisom commented.                                                       

‘Yes, I am having lunch with Jessica, but don’t believe everything you see in picture. She is still in love with Michael.’                        

  ‘Well, I trust Michael. I know he loves me,’Chioma commented.

 Jessica looked at Audrey who was playing with her phone instead of concentrating more on her food, she asked, ‘Who’s it?’                      

‘Nothing.’Audrey didn’t want to say. She put her phone down on the table.                 

   ‘Oh, hey, I just remembered that you have a poor boyfriend. Kimbap is a Korean-style sushi, and every Korean fan would actually like to have a taste of Korean food, right?’                                                                         

  ‘What are you trying to say?’Audrey looked at her, confused. ‘We are in a Japanese restaurant, not Korea.’                              

     ‘My point is, your boyfriend will love it if you give him a lunchbox packed with, kimbap. The kimbap made here is very nice; I will even ask them to make it with love. Each seaweed wrap would be small, cute and delicate-looking. They will be in the shape of little bears, and the seaweed will be used to make eyes and ears. They will be adorable. I’m sure that your boyfriend will love you over and over again,’Jessica chuckled.                                                                                       

  ‘Mind your business,’Audrey said, sipping her wine.                                      

‘I could order the kimbap direct from Korea, what do you think?’ Jessica asked arrogantly. ‘Oh, I almost forgot, your boyfriend prefers to eat akpu with ofe oha, right?’                                                                               

‘Have you seen Chioma lately? Do you still consider her as love rival?’Audrey asked, purposely provoking Jessica.                                         

Jessica’s face immediately went grim. ‘Audrey, do you have any regard for my boyfriend? Michael and I are no longer in a relationship. You can’t just ask me some kind of silly question? I have already rejected Michael, there is no turning back.’ Jessica ultimate aim was for Chioma to be completely destroyed. For now she would pretend to have nothing to do with Michael.                                                              

‘Jessica, even though you are heartless towards Chioma, I know you wouldn’t be unrighteous towards Michael…but then, I wish you every happiness you desire for…I hope Nathan gives you that.’Audrey looked at Jessica. The corners of her mouth slowly curved up.                                                                                                                                                  

‘Jessica is the best woman for me. She wouldn’t betray me like that girl that betrayed Felix,’Nathan said, his eyes twinkled beautifully like stars as he looked at Jessica.                                                                    

‘Chioma never betrayed my brother,’Audrey said.  ‘Nathan, did you know what my brother said about Chioma?’                                      

  Nathan shook his head.                                                                             

‘Felix, will always tell me how Chioma has pretty eyelashes. He loved her natural eyelashes unlike other women who wore fake eyelashes or a thick layer of mascara slathered on…He told me that Chioma’s eyelashes aren’t long, thick, nor curly. But then, her natural look was a breath of fresh air for anyone that saw her. she never wore makeup, she only used basic facial products, so her skin glowed like fireflies… she don’t posses extraordinary beauty, which people refer to as breathtaking, but her looks were extremely comfortable to look at…My brother was able to know about Chioma because he was deeply in love with her. Any man who is madly in love with you will know when you appear even if you are miles away…’                                                          

‘She took advantage of that and betrayed Felix,’Jessica snapped.                                                                                                               

 ‘No, she didn’t. I don’t blame her at all…My brother was at fault…anyway, Jessica, Does Michael know everything about you? Can he describe you with his eyes closed? I think only Nathan could do that because he is sincerely in love with you. Nathan is the right man for you. Congratulations!’                                                                                                  

  If it were another person, Jessica could have slammed her phone onto her head or even slap her with stars flying out. However, because Audrey had been her long term friend, and from Njemanze family, so she didn’t feel the urge to use violence, instead, she looked at Nathan sweetly as if she was in support of what Audrey had said.                

  ‘My brother was going to insure her body parts…’                                  

‘But he didn’t because none of Chioma’s body part was an asset. If something were to happen to her, no one would definitely care,’Jessica laughed mockingly.



Inside Michael’s luxury office, three white men smartly dressed in black Versace suits walked in gracefully. Michael was going over financial receipts when he heard footsteps. He slowly raised his head and then, he elegantly stood up and walked over to greet them.


‘Go prepare some English black tea and snack,’Michael said gently as he instructed Robert. ‘Also, ask Felix to come over. I want him to be here.’                                                                                                                                

  ‘Yes, Sir.’                                                                                                                       

As they sat down, the American man in charge started to talk about how the insurance is being purchased. Insuring body parts isn’t just for celebrities. However, the cost of doing so makes it out of reach for the poor or average person to buy.                                                                         

Celebrities buy insurance policies for specific body parts. Most singers insure their vocal cords, athletes covering their arms and legs, and supermodels insuring facial features. But in the case of Chioma she isn’t a celebrity, she was nothing but a lowly- woman that doesn’t matter to the society and no one would care if any part of her body got damaged, injured, scarred, handicapped or lost. But then, to Michael, Chioma was very precious to him. So, he would do everything to protect her.                                                                                                                          

Michael was going to purchase a major personal insurance on Chioma, and it was an insurance based on different body parts.                            

Felix and Robert arrived almost at the same time. Robert placed the tea and cake on the coffee table.                                                             

  ‘Felix, these men came all the way from America.  I want to purchase insurance for Chioma’s body parts,’Michael told Felix as he sat down on the sofa. ‘Chioma has been suffering too much, so I thought that her body needs protecting.’

  Felix nodded. ‘It sounds good.’ He was glad Michael thought of doing this. Felix was about doing this same thing for Chioma. He didn’t continue when he found out about her relationship with Michael.                  

‘Sir, shouldn’t Chioma be here?’ Robert asked Michael.                  

  ‘No, there are things that she shouldn’t know, for she would refuse them even before they are done,’Felix said in lieu of Michael. ‘She would faint if she were to be here. I think that Michael should tell her about this after the valuer is done and the insurance purchased.’                  

  Michael nodded at Felix’s suggestion.                                                                  

  ‘Chioma must be blessed in her previous life as well,’Robert mumbled.           

Chioma isn’t a celebrity, so he assumed the cost wouldn’t be too high.                                                                                                                                            

Before the valuer could quote, Michael said, ‘My woman is the best asset the world has ever known. You have to state the price to worth it.’                                                                                               

Felix wasn’t shocked. He would have said the same if he had this opportunity. Robert was shocked. He wondered how a man would carelessly burn cash like paper for a woman who could be described by others as the city’s bottom feeder, someone whose everyday life was a struggle, someone who was a slummy girl.            


‘In that case, will 100 million dollars be enough?’ the valuer who was in-charge asked Michael.                                                                           

  ‘Isn’t that too much?’Robert murmured.                                        

  Felix smiled. He seemed happy. Even though he would never have the chance to have Chioma, he was glad to witness something like this. He would always pray for her protection and happiness.                                           

‘I will be willing to pay more than that,’replied Michael as though it was nothing.                                                                                           

  ‘We can’t go more than that, Michael. We will leave it at 100 million dollars.’                                                                                                                          

Robert was in shock over what he was witnessing. Michael really loves Chioma so much. Does love means being stupid? How could a man fork out such amount of money, not on investing in the company but on a woman? Chioma was the only one benefiting from this. She was the benefactor of this insurance. The insurance company would cry if mistakenly Chioma was to bump into things, Robert thought. Anyone who hurt Chioma intentionally would pay, but if they couldn’t pay they would go to gaol.


‘Sir, why don’t you buy insurance for yourself?’Robert asked after the American men left, and Felix back to his office. ‘You’re very precious…’                                                                                                            

  ‘No,’Michael replied.                                                                                                  

‘What about for the company?’ Robert looked at Michael, who acted like he wasn’t interested in what he was saying. He was now reading company emails on his phone.                                                                              

‘What about lunch?’Robert asked, changing the subject. ‘Star Restaurant will be perfect,’Michael said with a big smile on his face.                                                                                                                         

‘That’s not a fancy restaurant. It will spoil your reputation.’                            

Michael gave Robert a death stare. ‘We are going there for lunch.’                                                                                                                                             

‘Sir, I heard that if you spoil women too much, they would cuckold you in the future.’                                                                                               

‘Am I supposed to spoil you then?’Michael coldly glanced at him.                                                                                                                                             

Robert actually wanted to say, you have never treated anyone so generous like you have done for Chioma who was nobody, but instead he said, ‘No, Sir. As long as you are happy, I will be happy for you.’                                                                                                                                               Michael rose up from his seat, and then, they left for Star Restaurant. When they finally arrived at the restaurant, the car stopped.


Glancing at Michael, Robert asked, ‘Sir am I to come in and grab a bite?’                                                                                                                     Michael was so focused on seeing Chioma that he didn’t even listen to what Robert had asked.                                                                            

‘Sir Michael, I really want to grab a bite.’                                                        

‘It will spoil your reputation.’                                                                

Robert didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. ‘I was only joking.’                                                                                                                                                        

Robert got out of the car, ignoring whether Michael would oust him out or not, he hurried into the restaurant. Before he could enter Chisom at the entrance blocked his way. ‘Assistant Robert, are you of age?’                                                                                                                           

‘I am looking for Michael Njemanze,’Robert said proudly. Just the mention of Michael Njemanze was enough to grant anyone entrance.                   Ignoring Chisom’s question, he ducked under her arm to enter.                                                                                                                                               ‘Why should I let you enter? This restaurant only admits hunks and beauties,’Chisom pouted.                                                                           

  ‘But I am still fresh and handsome.’ Robert went on with the flow, not feeling embarrassed.                                                                                           

‘You’re so old and ugly. Go elsewhere for your lunch.’                        

‘Why would I do that? I love free lunch. My boss will pay for my lunch. Don’t hinder my blessing.’ Robert rubbed his brows as he said in his head; Michael is so rich to sign up his girlfriend for life insurance that’s worth 100 million dollars. I will eat as much as I want…


Chisom smiled, and then let him go in. Robert knew that Chisom was only joking with her.                                                                               

Chioma spotted Michael already seated by the window, dressed in Versace blue suit. She felt cool breeze as she walked towards him.                                                                                                                                        

‘Why are you here, Sir?’Chioma asked.                                                 

‘To eat,’Michael replied with a sweet smile.                                                

‘This isn’t an upper-class restaurant. This is an ordinary restaurant for people like me. If you would like, I could order a variety of dishes for you from an upper-class restaurant,’Chioma said.                              

‘I am eating here. The food here smells quite good anyway.’             

As they were talking, Michael’s phone rang. It was his mother calling.                                                                                                                    

‘Michael, can you come home a little bit early today?’Patricia said from the other side of the phone.                                                                                              

  ‘Okay,’Michael said and hung up.                                                                             

Micheal ordered a whole table full of dishes; every dish was extremely delicious. Initially, Chioma wanted only to serve him, and then go about her duties. But Michael told her to eat with him. Michael didn’t speak much but his hands didn’t stop moving and kept putting food on her plate. Before Chioma knew it, she had already finished three plates of fried rice.                                                                                                                

‘Oh, did you come here to punish me with food,’Chioma pouted as she watched the mountain of food stacked in her plate. ‘I will absolutely turn into a pig because of you.’                                                             

‘I will accept you even if you turn into an elephant,’Michael said. ‘Or do you want me to finish the food for you?’Michael teased her.                                                                                                                                                  

  ‘No way.’ Chioma stuffed a spoonful of rice into her mouth.                        Robert watched the two of them interacting and he couldn’t help but smile. He no longer hated Chioma for Michael. Also, Chioma wasn’t a user like most girls he had known. She wasn’t picky with food at all. She was a foodie and ate like she would at home and not like most girls that would conceal their true colour just for a man to like them. They would only eat a few mouthfuls and pretend to be full or even eat akpu or garri with spoon or fork, instead of with their hands, but Chioma didn’t pretend at all. She wasn’t like someone that would pretend.                                                                                                                                         

‘Turning into a pig will fit you pretty well,’Michael teased her.              


  Chioma broke out into laughter, and Michael looked happily at the cute dimples that appeared on her smiling face.                                           

‘Honestly, it is rare to find someone who has such a natural and beautiful smile,’Michael sincerely said.                                                  

Chioma stuck out her tongue, looking more adorable. ‘I am just a plain-looking girl. My smile is just plain and not as you described.’                    

  ‘I mean what I said, and I know you know. Most women give fake smiles, it is either they are covering their mouth with their hands to look ladylike, or they are smiling softly as if they are photographed for a TV show…but your smile is natural and pleasing to the eyes…’ As he was about saying more, he received a call from Felix.                                                 

‘I think you should know about this,’Felix said. ‘I should have told you this before now, but I didn’t yet because I was scared you might think otherwise. I have the courage now to tell you about the terrible situation Chioma was in…’                                                                                   

  ‘What?’Michael asked Felix as he glanced at Chioma.                                             

   Felix told him everything; from Louisa accused of theft and sent to the police station, Andrew fired from his work, and to someone paying the landlord to throw Louisa and her children out from their house.


When Michael hung up, he handed the phone to Robert who was sitting at the next table.                                                                       

Chioma wondered why his mood suddenly changed. He was completely happy before this call but something felt wrong just now after the call. She raised her eyes to look at his face and she noticed that he was not happy. What could have made him sad?                                     

‘What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?’Chioma asked Michael softly.                                                                                                                     

Michael did not say a single word; instead he took her by the hand and led her out.                                                                                                            

  ‘Sir, I am not done eating,’Robert complained following them out.           


Michael ignored him. He opened the passenger door for Chioma, he helped her to her seat, and then he went over to the driver’s seat, fastened her seat belt, and drove off.                                                     

‘Didn’t I tell you not to come in?’Chisom made a face at Robert. ‘Sir Michael is very dedicated to his girlfriend. He would always choose her before anything else…find yourself a taxi.’                                                            

Robert didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Instead of finding a taxi, he decided to get back inside to finish his food.                     

On the way, Michael didn’t utter any word despite Chioma’s so many questions. He didn’t give any reaction. He was focused on his driving.                                                                                                                                        

Chioma knew that certainly he was angry. But what could have been the reason for his sudden anger.                                                                     

‘Sir Michael, I know the best place to buy desserts, should I get you some?’Chioma tried to pacify him.                                                          

Michael remained silent. He didn’t say a word, which troubled Chioma even more. His expression was stern and his focus, on his driving.               


‘Sir, don’t you have an appointment? You still have work to do, right?’                                                                                                                                                           

  Michael was still silent.                                                                                      

‘Sir Michael, should I buy you ice cream?’                                         

Michael didn’t speak.                                                                                        

‘Sir Michael…’Chioma wanted to say more, but Michael turned his head. The cold look he gave her made her swallow the remaining sentence and she didn’t dare say more.                                       

In the car park basement of the Moon Corporation, Michael parked his car, and took her straight through the secret entry, straight up to his office.                                                                                                                      

As the elevator went straight to Michael’s office, Chioma didn’t worry about running into the staff of Moon Corporation because she felt that Michael led her through the secret entry. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, Michael who was still holding her hand led her to his lavish office.                                                                                                                

Michael led her to the door, and took out a card from his inner pocket. Swiping the card, the door opened and he led her inside. The office was too luxurious that Chioma looked at Michael wondering what he had brought her here for. Chioma had never seen an office with such lavish décor, so she was stunned when she saw this one. But that wasn’t the case, Michael hadn’t brought her here for a tour, he had brought her here to reprimand her.                                                                              

As soon as the door was shut, Michael demanded coldly, ‘who am I to you?’                                                                                                              

‘The man I love the most,’ replied Chioma sincerely.                          

‘If you love me the most in this world, why didn’t you consider me as the first person to share your problems with?’Michael sounded cold on the surface but deep down he was glad to hear that from her.                                                                                                                                         

‘Um…I... I am thirsty.’Chioma didn’t know what to say so she pretended to be thirsty.                                                                                             

‘Don’t change the topic. I know you’re not thirsty…so, tell me why you chose to tell your problems to other people instead of me? Am I really unimportant to you? If I am the man of your dreams, shouldn’t you have told me about your mother being accused of theft, about your landlord chasing you out of the house, and about your brother been fired from work.’                                                                                       

Chioma was speechless upon hearing his questions.                    

‘You never mentioned anything to me, not even a single word. Last time that you were attacked you kept it from me. Do you want me to think that you love me or to think that everything has been wishful thinking?’                                                                                                            

‘I didn’t want to tell you because; you have always been a busy man. I don’t want to worry you. You shouldn’t worry about me…’                           

‘Why not, you are my woman, the love of my life, my heart’s better half. I have every right to worry about you. As my woman, it is my duty to protect you. You treat me like an outside…’                                                        

‘You’re wrong…’                                                                                        

Michael pulled her aside. ‘Do you really love me?’Michael didn’t doubt her love for him, but he still decided to ask.                                   

‘I love you so much.’                                                                                          

‘How much is the much?’Michael asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, his warm-scented breath tickling her earlobe.                                                                                                                              ‘Very, very much.’                                                                                    

‘Chioma, could it be that you still love my brother Felix?’Michael breathed.                                                                                                        

‘I just like him…as a friend,’Chioma replied. Chioma’s heart was actually beating fast from their closeness, but hearing his question, she looked up at him. Perhaps, to show him her sincerity while answering his question.                                                                                                     

‘Am glad that Felix was the one that paid your mother’s bail,’ Michael said, narrowed his eyes and studied her, wanting to see her reaction.                                                                                                                           Chioma just stared at him but didn’t say a word. She saw his handsome face move closer as though he wanted to kiss her.                                   

   ‘You ain’t saying anything…’                                                                   

Chioma tried her best to avoid his kiss. Blushing slightly, she said, ‘Someone might come in.’                                                                                              

‘Are we doing anything wrong? Don’t tell me that your heart is telling you something…if you truly love me, you should consider sharing your problems with Me.’ Saying that, he slapped the wall behind her with his palm and closed in on her. Chioma was afraid Robert or anyone might come inside and see them. She didn’t want to be in the entertainment gossip. Both their faces were so close that if he moved further, their lips would touch.                                                                                            

Michael knew what she was thinking. His long and elegant fingers brushed across her cheeks. Lifting her chin, he looked straight into her eyes.                                                                                                                             

‘I didn’t know Felix was the one that bailed my mother,’Chioma whispered.                                                                                          

   ‘I am glad he did, but I am mad you didn’t tell me about it. He is my favourite cousin. I know we both love you, but then; I want to make this request, take him as your brother. Don’t push him away, and don’t accept his feelings. I trust you both.’ Michael’s heart was now softened. ‘My mother wants me home already. I should take you home first.’                                                                                                                                                   

Chioma nodded. He held onto her hand as they walked out of the office. As they sat inside the car, Michael took out his phone and called Robert. He told Robert that he was going to drop Chioma at their house before returning to the Njemanze Villa. So, he told Robert to cancel all his appointments in the evening. Then, he started the car and drove out of Moon Corporation, heading for Chioma’s place.                                         

‘Don’t know who is truly behind everything that had happened to me lately.’                                                                                            

‘You don’t have a suspect?’Michael looked at her and asked.             

‘Jessica was the first to cross my mind, but I just can’t accuse her just because we are love rivals. It was said that she stood up for my mother when she was accused of stealing a wallet…’                                                       

‘The devil has his people to stand up for him, in the end he becomes the culprit that sends people to hell.’ Michael’s words carried layers of meaning. ‘If she wasn’t involved in your mother’s case, what about your house, what about your brother that was fired?’                                            

  ‘Stanley was the one that called Felix to help bail my mother out,’Chioma said, instead of answering his question.                                                               

‘Who is Stanley?’ Michael never seemed to care for unimportant things.                                                                                                   

‘Um…he is a police detective at Nigeria Police Force. He has a crush on me but he gave up when he saw that I am with you.’ Chioma tried to explain things. She didn’t want things to get complicated like before.                                                                                                                                            

Instantly, Michael’s face turned dark when he heard what Chioma said about him. It was obvious he was jealous. But knowing that no one would stand against him, he didn’t see the reason to fight him. Instead, he said, ‘Stop making too much friends. If they get you into trouble they will have the consequences to face,’Michael said coldly.                                                                                                                                           

Chioma glanced at him, wondering what he meant by that.                        

‘How is your mother, have she done a check-up?’Michael asked concerned.’Maybe she sustained an internal injury.’                                             

Ahh ‘There is nothing wrong with her. It was just a flesh wound.’          


 ‘Did she go to the hospital or your assumption?’                              

Chioma didn’t want to be a burden to him, so she nodded. ‘The doctor said that.’                                                                                                          

‘Which hospital?’                                                                                               Chioma was shocked at his question.’Asokoro General Hospital,’she lied.


‘A doctor from City Hospital will come and check up on her,’Michael said when the car stopped in front of their house.                 

   ‘There is no need for that,’Chioma refused.                                       

‘I know you lied to me about your mother going to the hospital.’Michael looked at her. ‘Let me do my duty as her future-son-in-law.’                                                                                                                       Chioma lowered her head, feeling ashamed.                                       

  ‘It’s okay. I am not upset with you.’                                           

After Michael helped Chioma out of the car, he drove straight to the Njemanze Villa.                                                                                        

As he drove on, Michael wondered why his mother wanted him to return home so soon.                                                                                   

At the home of the Njemanze, Jessica sat on the living room couch, feeling extremely happy as she talked and laughed with Patricia. She was happy Patricia invited her to their home.                                                            

Today was the first time she had visited the Njemanze Villa without knowing the reason why Patricia had invited. The house was indeed luxurious and filled with grandeur. It was decorated colourfully for a grand engagement party. Jessica loved visiting here, and she had taken the house to be her second home, so when Patricia invited her to come she didn’t let Nathan take her home, she boarded an Uber, headed home to change before selecting an Audi R8 from their garage and drove straight to this luxurious villa.                                                                

A maid cut up some fruits and poured her a cup of achara tea. Jessica felt like a princess and already the daughter-in-law of the family. Edward came down from the second floor, looking elegant and graceful.                                                                                                                                        

‘Sir Edward.’Jessica smilingly got up to greet him.                                                  

‘Welcome, sit down.’                                                                                Smiling, Jessica sat back on the leather couch while Edward headed outside. Patricia was sitting beside her.                                               

  ‘I brought you here to engage you and Michael,’Patricia said to Jessica, who looked surprised and at the same time pleased. ‘Don’t be nervous, I didn’t tell you about it because I didn’t want you to be hated because of this. I and Edward decided to do this. Look, you are the best girl for my son.’                                                                                                        

  ‘But I am already engaged to Nathan…’ Jessica said, but deep down she was ex-nervous. She felt that today was her chance to become Michael’s woman. And if she succeeded today to finally become his woman, all she needed was to act coquettishly with him, and he would never look at any other woman except her. It was obviously every woman’s dream to be able to own their man completely. But then, the thought of Michael humiliating her so many times made her feel dejected. If Michael hadn’t met Chioma at all, she would have felt a ray of hope. She already knew what she meant to Michael. She was absolutely nothing to him! Not once had he regarded her as his childhood friend, and had never cared or treated her well. So this fantasies, she had dreamed to have him in it, might never happen. However, she still had to be hopeful, give her best to win him over, and never give up until he took her down the altar.


‘You haven’t gone to the altar yet, have you? Relax, I got your back. Besides, I know that you don’t love Nathan. You wish that a miracle would happen before the date for the official engagement party. So I thought of a way to help you. I decided to plan a swift engagement party for you and Michael. ’                                                                       

  ‘Thank you,’Jessica smiled. She was wearing a red Valentino cape dress, nude pumps, and a Valentino Garavani clutch. She wore her hair down, her makeup was applied delicately. Jessica was one of the most beautiful girls in Abuja and had many suitors crawling at her kneels. However, she only wanted Michael. She felt that since they grew up together, she was the only one qualified to be with Michael. What happens in movies didn’t always happen in real life. Jessica wanted to be part of childhood sweethearts scene, where they would get engaged and marry, just like in movies. However, fate has most times turned down some people’s expectations.                                                      

Michael finally reached the Njemanze Villa, to his surprise he saw that the entrance was filled with various types of luxury cars. He wondered what scheme his mother was playing at. Getting out of the car, he muttered under his breath, ‘What scheme are you playing at?’    


As he stood before the door, he saw Jessica walked behind him.


‘Michael, don’t worry, I didn’t come for you,’Jessica smiled sweetly at him. ‘Your mother invited me here. I have Nathan now,’she said.


  Michael didn’t say a word. He seemed not interested in what she was saying.                  


As the two of them stepped inside, a few pops rang out suddenly and streamers landed on their bodies. Michael was shocked. Jessica wasn’t surprised because Patricia had explained her plans to her.


‘Perfect couple! Congratulations on your engagement!’ the crowd in the house cheered excitedly.                                                                       

  ‘Mum, what’s going on here?’Michael laid his mother aside and asked.                                                                                                                                        

Patricia didn’t respond to him, instead she walked over to Jessica and hugged her, kissing her forehead. ‘My girl, I am glad to have you as my would-be-daughter-in-law,’she said delightedly.                                                      

Michael stared at his mother and was obviously angry. The living room was decorated with celebratory props, and the invited guests were gorgeously dressed for the ceremony. The living room was filled with glistening lights and gentle piano music played in the background.


  Furrowing his brow, he asked his mother again, ‘What’s going on here?’                                                                                                                     ‘Today is your engagement party. Anyway, your father and I decided to throw a surprise engagement party for you and Jessica!’ Patricia replied, and before Michael could say a word, she took Jessica by the hand and led her to the ten-tiered cake that looked like a princess castle. It was her dream to cut such a cake with Michael, and today she felt that she was almost close to achieving that dream, however, nearly had never killed a bird.


Edward was with Nicholas and Emmanuel. They three of them were gorgeously dressed for the ceremony. ‘My dream has been to see my son and Jessica wed one day,’Edward said to Nicholas and Emmanuel.


‘Don’t you think this might create another scandal? Over the last few months, the scandal with our children had gained a lot of attention. I thought it would have been best if we let Jessica marry Nathan instead of forcing Michael on Jessica,’Nicholas said.                  


‘That bitch of a girl have used my daughter Jessica as a stepping stone, I am still angry about it. How could a lowly girl become the goddess in just a blink? She must have bewitched Michael,’satisfied with what Edward did, Emmanuel nodded.


  ‘I’m glad you arranged for this engagement party. Personally, I don’t want Michael to be mixed up with the likes of Chioma. Yes, he could marry anyone else, but not just some girl from a filthy slums.

 ‘The background of Chioma is really embarrassing. Girls like her will do anything to be on top, and are involved in too many scandals. Certainly, they are not eligible to enter the Njemanze family. Thankfully, Patricia and I figured out this engagement else…I don’t know what would have happened to my reputation if I didn’t act first,’Edward paused. ‘Business people don’t fall in love. They enter relationships with their eyes wide-open…’                                                                           

Emmanuel nodded. ‘Our children are forbidden to date people from low status. Poor folks are often with bad reputation. I heard that Chioma’s mother is a thief. She would have brought stain into this family if you hadn’t stopped it.’                                                                  

Nicholas shook his head. ‘I thought it was true and was going to ask Michael about it, but then I found out from Felix and Audrey that it was nothing but accusation…We shouldn’t dwell on rumours.’                         

‘Rumours are scary. Michael is so outstanding but is still single, and people will always gossip. Reporters will always write and fill pages of newspapers…Our Njemanze family value reputation.’Edward turned to Nicholas. ‘Nicholas, you should know better. But I am surprise that you let your children have their way.’          


‘What can I do? Should I become enemy with my children just because of our family reputation? Besides, they are old enough to know right from wrong. My duty is to show them the right way, not to live it for them.’                                                                                                                         

The scene was surrounded by excited reporters whom Patrica has paid to write in favour of them. They were either holding smartphones or cameras. Many people wanted this engagement to happen because they felt that Michael and Jessica are perfect for each other.   


Audrey furrowed her eyebrow when she arrived, noticing what was happening. She wanted to turn back with Celine. However Jessica walked over to her and said, ‘Aunty Patricia wanted this. Relax; it’s just an engagement, not wedding.’                                                                                          

‘Have you already thought about the consequences of your actions?’Audrey asked Jessica. Her eyes were filled with ridicule and disdain.       


‘Of course. Although Michael doesn’t love me as much as he loves Chioma, I am still confident that he will learn to love me.’                         

Audrey sneered inside. There were at times when she couldn’t help but admit, Jessica was born to be a villain in love stories. Certainly, she would never win.                                             


  ‘Did you really say that?’Audrey looked at Jessica. ‘You think Michael would learn to love you.’ She shook her head. ‘Nathan loves you, embrace him instead.’                                                                                                      

‘Audrey, please just focus on the engagement and Stop thinking that Michael would disgrace me in front of everyone. You don’t want to be easily distracted, right?’Jessica patted Audrey’s shoulder.


   ‘I never thought the daughter of Imo State governor will be the villain in Michael’s love story.’                                                                              

‘Being a villain doesn’t matter, what matters is that I successfully married Michael Njemanze. I don’t mind the torturing, all I want is him.'

 ‘Did you invite Sharon?’                                                                           

Jessica paused for a moment before replying, ‘I didn’t because I wasn’t aware.  I have come thus far; I can’t allow today to go wrong. I will explain everything to her later.’


‘I will gladly sit back and watch the show,’Audrey murmured with her lips curled in mockery. She wondered how long Patricia had conceived this idea, for all the prominent families here in Nigeria were invited and in attendance, dressed in luxury, and happily mingling with familiar acquaintances. Anyway, Audrey didn’t think much about this. She felt that money was the answer to so many things. Some could have flown into Abuja in private jets when Patricia invited them. Isabelle had told her at the entrance of this house that Edward and Patricia didn’t plan on having this engagement today but seeing the news of Jessica and Nathan getting officially engaged next month, they quickly came up with this idea of getting Michael and Jessica engaged today.                                                                                                                                      Audrey would always dress up gorgeously every time for any event, and had always been the belle of the ball. When she was told that Patricia was celebrating a small get-together, she had casually selected a baby-blue sweetheart neckline gown from her walk-in-wardrobe. Honestly, if she knew she was invited for this, she would have turned down the request.


Celine who wasn’t listening to their conversation picked up a wine glass from a tray carried by a waiter next to her. She was wearing a peach-coloured strapped long dress under a jacket which she handed to an attendant. Taking a sip of her champagne, she scanned the room, looking for Patricia. Soon, her eyes fell on Patricia who was chatting and laughing away with her rich and powerful friends, all dressed in luxury, looking elegant and poised.                                                                                                      

  ‘Aunt Patricia,’Celine greeted her with a smile.                                     

When Patricia heard Celine’s voice, she immediately turned around. Seeing that it was Celine, she happily held her hand. ‘My Celine you’re here…’                                                                                                                                    

Celine nodded, wearing a sweet smile on her face as she stood by Patricia’s side. She listened as they women chatted and laughed. Even though she knew that Michael was hurt, she didn’t dare say a word. She was angry that Nathan has been betrayed, angry that Felix was also betrayed, but then, she wasn’t still happy that Michael was going through this pain. Anyway, she knew Michael very well. It was obvious he wouldn’t dance to their music. He wouldn’t get engaged to Jessica. He would oppose the engagement in front of the guests. She was gladly going to watch a good show.                                   


  When Felix arrived in his fancy sapphire Porsche race car, the engagement party was about to commence. Felix, dressed in pale blue coat, walked to stand beside Michael who had changed into a grey retro handmaid suit with a leopard-print tie, and out of his front pocket sat a matching handkerchief. Felix furrowed his brows in bewilderment, without a clue of what was going on.                                                                

‘Michael, can you tell me what’s going on here?’                                          

‘Misunderstandings can be remedied, but betrayal can never be wiped away,’Michael looked at Felix and said. ‘Jessica will receive a huge blow that she would have no choice than walk with her tail between her legs. She will badly want to find a hole to hide in.’                              

Felix breathed. ‘Jessica thinks she’s smart.’                                                    

Michael knew that what he was about to do might ruin Jessica’s reputation in front of the entire circle of Abuja’s wealthiest, but he can’t do anything except to give her what she deserves.


Edward stood at the platform, holding the microphone, and gave an official introduction and the reason for the impromptu invitation.                                                                                                                                                       

Soon it was time for the exchange of the engagement ring. Patricia walked towards Michael and with a smile, she looked up to him and said, ‘Jessica is the right girl for you, I know you might not like what your father and I did, but I wish that you do not embarrass us before the guests.’                                                                                                                

‘What do you want me to do?’Michael whispered.                        

‘Accept to marry Jessica.’                                                                                  

Michael nodded. ‘Okay, mum.’                                                                                  

‘Good. You both look like the perfect couple...’Patricia looked elegant and poised in her light, printed, long-sleeved dress with a pair of beige heels. Then, she went to stand beside Isabelle who wore a black dress, paired with teal heels and holding a multi-coloured clutch.

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