Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 358)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu     

 ‘Michael, will not agree to this engagement,’Isabelle said in a low voice only the two of them could hear, and then elegantly took a sip of red wine.                                                                                                     

‘My son will never let us down,’Patricia beamed with pride.           

‘I’m sure he will,’Isabelle muttered to herself.                        


Just then, a box containing a diamond engagement ring was brought to Michael. Michael took the box without a word, and elegantly, he walked towards Jessica who was beaming from ear to ear.                

‘My Michael look poised like an English gentleman,’Jessica said to herself as Michael approached her. ‘                                                                         

‘He also looked calm and confident like an aristocrat,’Audrey turned to Jessica and said. ‘But have you thought of the huge blow you’re about to receive?’Audrey said mockingly.                      

Jessica frowned at Audrey. However, she was so happy that she didn’t want to spoil her mood.                                                                                 

Facing Jessica, Michael’s lips handsomely curled in mockery. ‘Everyone knows that the closest the can get to me is a 6 feet away,’Michael began and Camera lights kept flashing on him. In fact, the spot light was on him. ‘Everyone also knows that I do not like people that rode on other’s coattails…’ he paused, then continued, ‘According to Jessica’s current status, she still has a long way to go before she comes to the same level as me. As for this engagement, I could do it anytime, but I have promised my mother to obey her…’                

Jessica smiled, and the guest cheered. Audrey, Celine and Felix knew that Michael was about to say something that will shock everyone. Perhaps, make them angry.                                                                                  

Jessica’s eyes contained a touch of warmth. ‘Michael, you have given me so much, what can I do for you in return?’                                     

‘Stay away from me,’Michael said coldly. ‘I am not part of this engagement party. The only woman that I love is Chioma Chima. I will marry her and she alone will be the mother of my children.  I know she is a lowly woman, but I will make sure to love her every day of my life… If you don’t want to listen, I will teach you this lesson in a hard way. I just hate this. Stop pushing me to the wall. I hate it!’                               

Hearing what Michael said, two lines of tears rolled down Jessica’s face. ‘Michael, you know that I love you so much, right?’                                

   ‘I don’t care about your feelings. I only care about Chioma Chima, do you understand?’                                                                                           

Audrey couldn’t hold back her laughter. She knew this was going to happen.                                                                                                                  

Suddenly, Rebecca raised her hand and pointed a finger at Audrey. ‘Do you think that I don’t know you are in love with a lowly man? What is wrong with all the Njemanzes, instead of fallen in love with someone of their status, they chose to love rags.’                                          

‘At least those rags are decent people and wouldn’t do anything despicable. Aunty Rebecca, your daughter has a beau now. He is not from an ordinary family, what else do you want?’                                          

‘My daughter loves Michael…’                                                                         

‘And Michael loves someone else.’                                                                   

‘Trash, I didn’t know that Michael with all his uniqueness will fall in love with trash,’Rebecca said, staring at Michael with a frown.


  ‘Enough!’roared Felix, who had remained quiet all this time. ‘What is wrong with loving a lowly woman? Are they not allowed to love?’    


‘I’m sorry Michael, I didn’t know about this,’Jessica suddenly explained. 

‘However, I think it will be wrong to disobey Aunt Patricia, so I accepted to be involved in this. Your mum has shown me nothing but love; I will never repay her enough.’ With that, Jessica turned to leave.                           


Patricia followed her out. Jessica knew she was coming behind but she didn’t look back. Instead, she pulled the car door open and shoved herself inside.                                                                                                                 

‘I know that you are deeply hurt by what my son did, but I promise to make it up to you.’                                                                                        

‘How?’Jessica looked up at Patricia and asked doubtfully.                                    

  ‘The media will write what I want them to write. They would write that you and Michael got engaged today.’Patricia stroked Jessica’s shoulder to comfort her. ‘Don’t worry, dear. Edward and I are here. I am sure that Michael would learn to love you.’                                                      

  ‘I hope so… I should leave now.’Jessica slammed the car door shut and drove out.                     



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