Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 374)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Still at Wuse Market, Michael turned his head and looked at Chioma who was uncomfortable and somewhat helpless with a charming smile.                                                                                                   

‘Can we just go home, please?’ Chioma mumbled with a blush. The many onlookers who stared at her made her incredibly nervous.                                                                                                               

‘No…I haven’t done what I came here for, why insist that I bring you home.’As he said that he pulled out a small  red heart rose flower engagement ring box from god knows where, and handed it to her.                                                                        

Chioma was speechless when Michael pushed the box into her hands. Honestly, her heart began beating faster when she saw the box. Just then, or better put, like magic, the corner of the car was filled with roses, and from know where a handsome foreign musician was seen playing the violin for them.                                                         

‘It’s like magic, I didn’t know Michael has magic now,’Chioma exclaimed. 

‘He has absolutely turned the scene into the best view, and the atmosphere now exceptionally romantic. Unfortunately, I didn’t see his magic wand,’ she laughed.                               

Michael smiled. He was glad she was enjoying the view. ‘It seems you are shy to open the box or do you want me to do it for you?’                                                                                                         

Chioma shook her head. She opened the box slowly to reveal a diamond ring inside.                                                                                  

‘Are you…proposing?’ Seeing the glittering ring, Chioma raised her head to Michael.                                                                   

Michael grinned. Then, he said in the voice that everyone around could here, ‘Chioma Chima, will you marry me?’                        

For a moment, everybody in their surroundings stopped in their trackers, even hawkers became quiet, and watched this romantic scene of Michael gracefully acting the perfect public display of affection.                                                                                      

   With deep blush and happiness, Chioma nodded, ‘Yes, I will marry you.’                                                                                                  

Michael smiled the sweetest smile he had ever known. ‘Let me put it on you.’ He slid the ring into Chioma’s finger, and it was beautiful, and perfectly fit.                                                                                

The ring had been designed by Michael himself. Seeing how much Chioma loved the ring, he was glad that his effort had not been wasted. He personally picked the diamond, then sent it overseas to manufacture before finally flying it back. He had spent more than 5 million naira on this special gift. So the ring wasn’t just like a normal ring that could be bought from a store.                              

At that moment, petals began falling down on them like golden buzzer used in America’s got talent. From the background a soft romantic song that suited the mood was heard.                              

Michael stroked Chioma’s smooth and fragrant hair, then happily said, ‘I just want everyone to see that Chioma Chima belongs to me, Michael Njemanze. She is the only woman for me, my heart beat, the woman that I fell in love with the first time that I saw her, my treasure, my heart’s better half, the woman that I will proudly spend the rest of my life with. She is more beautiful and outstanding than anyone. I love her, and I am not afraid that others will ridicule and mock us.’                                      

After saying that, he leaned down and kissed her lips, not minding the countless gazers.                                                                        

  As their lips interlocked, the moment created a beautiful sight in the bustling market. This time, Chioma didn’t blush. She gladly gave in to his scented kiss as sparkling tears flowed out from her beautiful eyes, which were tightly closed.                                   

Many people focused their gaze on them, and it seemed the world had stopped moving just to watch them. All that could be heard was the music that was soothing from this moment.                    

   After some time, some youngsters began to cheer and clap, and before it was know everyone began to clap as well. Several young couples that wanted to join in the memories of this day began kissing as well.                                                                                             

This day would forever be remembered by everyone that was here. That was what Michael wanted, to make everyone remember the perfect proposal that happened in the car.                   

Chioma was indeed the happiest woman on earth. She had thought that Michael who was seated high up at the pinnacle of power and wealth was a fun and carefree man, a player with a multitude of women. But no, he was the man that was decent and had a pure heart, a man who was willing to give up his special status for her sake. She believed that that day would soon come when she would be with him without fear of what people would say.

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