Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 384)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Early the next morning, Chioma pulled on a pink long sleeve shift dress and black matching shoes before heading to her landlord’s mansion. His ten-year old daughter was the one who came to the door, still on her pyjamas.

 The girl was surprised to see Chioma this early in the morning; Chioma smiled and said calmly, ‘Beauty, I am here to see your father.’         

  ‘Come on in.’ Beauty opened the door and let Chioma in.                     Beauty could see that the always cheerful Chioma was in a bad mood. She truly likes Chioma. She wished that her father wasn’t the reason for her sadness.                                                                                         

‘Dad…Chioma’s here to see you,’ Beauty shouted towards the top of the stairs, and her father walked downstairs wearing a green floral pyjamas.                                                                                                                       

His face looked wet. It seemed he just washed his face after waking up from sleep. Upon seeing Chioma, the landlord sneered, ‘Oh, how could the fiancée of the richest man come looking for a puppet like me.’                                                                                                                     

Chioma’s eyes were already filled with tears. ‘I need to talk to you about something very important.’                                                                    

‘Okay,’ the landlord already knew why she came.                                              

‘Are you aware of this, Sir?’Chioma asked as she handed him a file.                                                                                                                                      

The landlord glanced at her and then at Beauty. ‘Beauty, go upstairs, I need to talk to her in private. I don’t want Chioma to feel shy to talk to me because of your presence.’                                                            

‘Sure, dad. Anything for Chioma,’ Beauty said as she turned around to leave.                                                                                                               

When Beauty passed Chioma, Beauty smiled and asked Chioma, ‘Chioma, would you like some tea?’                                                                            

‘No, Beauty,’ Chioma said calmly to her.                                                         

‘All right, I will have to get ready for school.’ Then, she went upstairs.                                                                                                                           

‘Get your siblings ready as well,’the landlord said to Beauty as she went upstairs, then, he walked up to Chioma and sat down on the couch, casually picking up an apple from the coffee table. ‘What brings you here so early in the morning?’ He placed the file on the coffee table.

‘I want you to take a look at the file I handed to you.’Chioma pointed at the file.                                                                                                         

‘Just say it. I am afraid a bomb might have been planted in it.’             

‘I am in love with Michael, remember? So I wouldn’t risk my life for you…’Chioma said seriously but her words caused the landlord to laugh.                                                                                                                     

‘You would make a good love story writer, ‘the landlord said with a chuckle. 

‘You see, lately you have made the entertainment news interesting. I am glad your life is filled with scandals. Congratulations to that.’                                                                    

 ‘Sir Benjamin, please take a look at the file.’                                                  

The landlord held an apple in his mouth, picked up the file from the table with one hand and opened the file with the other hand. After looking through the file, he said with a smile, ‘You are asked to move out this morning. Why are you here instead of getting the truck that would send your family back to your village.’                                                    

‘Sir Benjamin, I want you to explain everything to me.’                                 

‘I don’t understand your point.’ The landlord pretended not to understand.                                                                                                          

‘You sold your house to the Nnaji group, right?’                                           

‘Yes, I did.’                                                                                                           

‘But why?’ Chioma asked him.                                                                            

The landlord laughed, finding Chioma’s question ridiculous. ‘Are you into comedy?’                                                                                                   

Chioma didn’t answer him instead she said, ‘It seems like you are in a hurry to make money…your business is booming…’                                               

‘Chioma, money is never enough. Besides, I was tired of answering the landlord of that poor area, so when a huge opportunity presented itself for me to make quick money I had to sell the land,’ Benjamin said. After a while he added, ‘I don’t know what Emmanuel wants to do with the place. My business is to make profit. I still have children to train in school and as a father is my duty to give them the best.’                                                   

 Tears streamed down Chioma’s face. ‘My family is stranded right now. My neighbours are confused as well. We don’t even know where to go. My brother is fired from his job. My mother’s business was ruined, and the little that I make every month isn’t enough to find us a place in a hurry.’

 ‘Chioma in the world of the rich, they do anything to maintain their status. Many lives might be sacrificed in the process, cutting corners to get to the top, orchestrating car accidents to defeat their opponents; high-level customs would be bribed with large sum of money. Police would be paid heavily so that they would turn deaf ear to their crimes. Anyone that stood in their way will be eliminated with despicable method…’                                                                                               

  ‘You know why Sir Emmanuel bought the house from you?’                           

‘For business expansion,’Benjamin replied, laughing.                                

‘You love your family very much right?’Chioma asked and Benjamin nodded in agreement.                                                                               

‘I do.’                                                                                                                   

‘What would you have done if I was a part of your family, would you have sold the house to him?’                                                                                 

   ‘I sold all my houses around that area, not just your apartment.’            

‘That’s not my question.’                                                                                   

Benjamin’s expression dimmed as he glared at Chioma. ‘Are you trying to question me?’                                                                                               

‘I was only trying to know if you would have had the heart to do what you did.’                                                                                                                  

Benjamin was silent.                                                                                          

‘I know you wouldn’t have sold it no matter how much offered to you.’ Chioma wiped tears away from her eyes. ‘But because I am no relation of yours, you had to help Sir Emmanuel punish my family.’               

‘You have the richest man as your boyfriend. Well this is the time to go to him for help. Isn’t that why you accepted him in the first place?’                           

‘I accepted Michael because I love him, and not because of his money.’                                                                                                               

 ‘Really? Then why did you let him empty a shopping mall for you? I won’t be surprised if your aim is to work at Moon Corporation and become the vice president. Anyway, Felix wouldn’t mind because you caught him in your web as well. What will you do when you find your way at the company?’ Benjamin laughed. ‘You will immediately join the board of directors and will be a shareholder of Moon Corporation. Isn’t that everyone’s dream, to be a shareholder of the greatest company in the world?’ He spread out his hands, laughing. ‘One percent of Moon Corporation stock share is worth more than ten percent of the Nnaji group stock share. I definitely admire you.’                                                                  

‘Sir Benjamin…’Tears couldn’t let Chioma speak.                                               

‘Does Michael know that you really want to headhunt him? You are aiming for an annual salary of 50 million naira, right? So that means when you finally marry Michael, you will be Moon Corporation first lady. The position pays well than being the first lady of the country.’                 

  ‘I know that you are trying to annoy me but I wish you don’t regret what you have done. You have good-looking children who may fall in love like me. I sincerely wish they don’t suffer what I am suffering right now.’                                                                                                                     

‘Thank you for your concern, but my children won’t be as foolish as you…I just sold my properties for profit, what’s wrong with that? Instead of lecturing me…’                                                                                         

‘I didn’t come to lecture you; I came to know if you are behind this.’                                                                                                                             

   ‘Ask Emmanuel. I believe you have already figured out what to do. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go and relieve myself for the morning.’                                                                                                                         

   ‘Okay. I will take my leave now. Goodbye.’Chioma picked up the file and left.                                                                                                          

Before she came, Chioma had thought that Benjamin would have pity on her family and do them the favour of letting them live in one of his properties that was for tenant, not too far from the ones he sold to Emmanuel. However, Benjamin didn’t seem to care. No matter her tears, Benjamin wasn’t moved to help her and her family and also to help their neighbours that were asked to relocate.   

After getting a taxi, Chioma called Chisom and told her about what the landlord said. Chisom promised to cover for her at work and would visit her later.                                                                                                  

Reaching home, Chioma saw thugs that were hired by the Nnaji Group threatening her family and their neighbours, and the walls of the sold houses were already painted with red marks.                                                 

Chioma’s cheeks were still wet with tear. The tears rolled down her cheeks and dropped onto the ground carelessly. She walked onto the crowd, and said through tears, ‘Please tell Sir Emmanuel to give us some time. Before the end of today, I will give him my reply. I will make sure to stand by it.’                                                                                                 

Her neighbours turned to look at her. Chioma gave them a reassuring smile which had tears in them. She was concerned about her neighbours more than she was of herself.                                                                  

‘Good, I’m not an unsympathetic person, everybody should cooperate. The boss asked all of you to relocate and you will be paid 2000 naira each…we will come back tomorrow to demolish the whole buildings marked in red.’ After speaking, the leader of the thugs and his men strutted out, entering their car, they drove out.                                          

When everyone left, Louisa looked at Chioma and asked, ‘what do you intend to do?’                                                                               

Chioma cried out without restrain. ‘Mum, I will have to do what he wants. I can’t let him throw us into the street. I don’t want to be the reason why our neighbours would be in pain…’ She glanced at the demolition marked in red on the walls and tears rushed out in a torrent.           

Andrew’s eyes were filled with tears. His heart ached for his adorable sister. He walked towards her, hugging her tightly. ‘Just let the pain out,’ he whispered.

 There were no other people here except for her mother and brother. Thus, Chioma cried like a child, as if she had lost her entire world. ‘I love Michael so much…but I won’t turn my family onto the street…I can’t handle the pain…’                                                                                

  ‘You will feel better someday, trust me,’ Louisa consoled.                     

Just then, Chioma’s phone rang. It was a call from Chisom.                          

‘Chioma…’                                                                                                           ‘Chisom.’                                                                                                             

‘Can you come to the restaurant now? Julia is here. Maybe, you could get Jessica’s number from her. I tried my best to get the number from her but she said that she would only give it to you.’Chisom paused. ‘I was hoping you could beg Jessica to tell her father to withdraw his order.’                                                                                                   

‘I will come already,’Chioma hung up and told her mother and brother what she discussed with Chisom. Before they could say a word to object, Chioma had already run out, wiping her tears with her hands.           

The corners of Chioma’s eyes were still teary when she arrived Star Restaurant. Wiping them away, she slowly pushed the entrance door open and walked inside to find Emeka talking to Chisom. At the same time Julia stared angrily at Chioma when she saw her.                                 

Chioma glanced at Chisom and Emeka, forcing a smile; she nodded to them in greeting before heading for Julia’s table.                                

Before Chioma could say a word, Julia yelled, ‘Chioma, what schemes did you use? Why did you have to steal the man that belonged to Jessica?’                                                       

  ‘The man that belonged to Jessica?’Chioma forced a smile, not allowing anyone to notice she was crying. ‘Michael had never loved Jessica; I know you are aware of that. So, why would you make up stories?’                                 

‘Well, it seems you’re stubborn. I am sorry if your friends and family will have to suffer because of your stupidity…Chioma, this is the time to know whether you love your family very much. They reason your family and neighbours are faced with obstacles is because of you. No matter how much you want to fall in love with any man, I have no opinion and don’t care, but…if you want to ruin Jessica’s happiness, then I will always pray that you fall pitifully.’                                                           

‘Chioma, if you break up with Michael now, you can still live in your house and not thrown out to the street. Your neighbours would be happy again. You don’t have much time left; your neighbours will never forgive you if they found out that you are the reason for their misery. Think about it,' 

Emmanuella said. ‘You are the reason Michael doesn’t love Jessica anymore. You are the reason why Uncle Emmanuel wants to forcibly demolition your house, the reason why your neighbours are in pain…’                                                                        

   ‘Why would I agree? If Michael doesn’t love Jessica, it is her problem, why would I give up Michael because of Jessica? Is there a law for it?’Chioma asked boldly, but deep down she was about breaking out in tears. ‘Isn’t Jessica very beautiful to win the heart of Michael on her own…?’                                                                                                                

‘Chioma, this isn’t the time to act brave.’Julia stood up. ‘Tell me your decision when you’re ready. Whether to break up with Michael or to save your nrighbours from their misery, you decide.’                                           

At this moment, the tears Chioma had tried to conceal came rolling down her face. If she couldn’t break up with Michael, then it was obvious that many loved ones of hers would suffer. She should make a choice to favour the majority. So, after thinking of what to do, she raised her eyebrows and said to Julia, ‘I’ll break up with Michael…under one condition.’                                                                                                                

‘Speak,’ Julia said as she held back her anger.                                         

‘I want you to promise me that you would bring Jessica here for me to talk to her,’Chioma demanded.                                                                        

‘That’s impossible.’Julia shot her a glare. ‘Why should I do that?’                ‘Because you love Nathan who loves Jessica,’Chioma said straightforwardly.                                                     

 Julia glanced at Emmanuella. They both looked down and contemplated for a moment. Then, Julia said, ‘All right, I will call her to come, but I wish you do not ruin your life.’Picking up her phone from the table, Julia rang Jessica to come. ‘She will be here soon.’                           

  ‘I will use the restroom, ‘Chioma said and excused herself.                             As she walked towards the restroom, she cried at the thought of making the worst decision of her life. She was going to make the hardest decision of her life. Breaking up with the man that had done her no wrong and showered her with his unconditional love, was something that she wouldn’t be able to handle.

 Her heart was obviously screaming with hatred for Jessica. How could a girl use despicable method to deny another girl her happiness? How could she ruin her life like this? Was it fun for Jessica, to see her fall in love with Michael and heartlessly push her to break up with him? What exactly was she going to do? I am confused right now! I don’t want to do this but so many people’s future depended on it. Oh LORD, please give me the strength to overcome this moment. Help me to be strong and move on. But how can I move on when I am forced to turn my back on the most important thing of my life. If Jessica was Michael’s fiancée I would never break them up. Yes, I could only love Michael from a distance but will never snatch away his happiness.                       

Chioma clasped her chest with her hands, attempting to make the pain she was feeling right now less painful but it was to no avail. She only wished to cry out all her pains, wished that Michael would understand the decision she was about to make, wish that today never existed so she wouldn’t be feeling this excruciating pain.                                      

Entering inside the restroom, she dropped onto the ground crying. Her eyes were now swollen and her throat dry. She was feeling very sad and heart-broken. Her tears could not stop the pain; they kept on falling, causing her to look completely wretched.                                        

She wanted to call Chisom to know if Jessica has arrived, and just as she brought out her phone, the phone vibrated, and the screen lit up, displaying Michael’s name on it.                                                                        

This call made her cry even more. What was she going to tell Michael, that she was forced to leave him? She knew that telling him this would anger him very much. She wouldn’t know how to stop the pain, nor did she know how to fill the cold emptiness he would feel in his heart. She didn’t want to pick up his call, wanting to hang up. But then, she felt Michael might sense all wasn’t well and come here at one. His presence might stop her own pain, but what about her neighbours? With that thought, she looked down at her phone screen which was wet with tears and thus not responding accurately. But when she swiped the screen, the call was somehow answered.                           

‘Chioma, how are you doing today?’Michael’s magnetic voice came through the phone. 

His voice caused the tears to flow afresh, but she tried her best not to cry aloud. ‘I am fine,’she answered.                                                              

  ‘Are you really all right?’Michael was clearly worried. It seemed he had sense that everything wasn’t fine with her.                                                   

To think that the man she loved the most was concerned about her, and never failed to shower her with love, the tears flowed again, and concealing her cry, she said, ‘I am absolutely fine…’ I am not fine Michael. My heart feels so much pain because I will have to do this for the peace of everyone. Honestly, Michael the pain is killing me. The decision that I am about to make is killing me. Could you please come and save me? But if you come, then my neighbours would suffer from the hands of those who wish me bad. I don’t want to be the reason for their misery…please, forgive me, Michael. I love you so so much…                         

On the other side, which was Michael’s office, he immediately felt that something was wrong. Anxious, he asked, ‘Chioma, are you really all right? I just feel that you are in pain? Are you at Star Restaurant? I’ll visit you immediately!’                                                                                       

Chioma was desperate to see him, but the thought of her neighbours made her say quickly, ‘Oh no…I am attending to the customers.’She forced a smile. ‘I am fine…’                                                            

  ‘Okay…but if you have problems, don’t hesistate to tell me about it,’ Michael calmly said to her.       

 ‘Okay…’Chioma wiped her tears as she replied. Then, she hung up the call and stood up to leave.                                                                                     

Just as she walked out from the door, her mobile phone started vibrating. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was Chisom calling her. Chioma hung up when Chisom told her that Jessica has arrived.                 

A tear fell and splashed on the screen surface; she wiped it off and headed to meeting with Jessica, forcing a smile on her face.                            

When she reached the dining area, Chioma saw Jessica sitting on one of the chairs by the window, with Julia and Emmanuella chatting happily with her.                                                                                                

Appearing before them, Jessica looked her from head to toe and twitched the corner of her mouth. She laughed at Chioma’s misery.                 

‘Chioma, I am sure that you have realised now that in this world, the strong get all the support, while the weak get stepped all over. I know we both hate the look of each other, but then I still raced here because I hate to see people in pain.’                                                                        

Chioma’s eyes were filled with tears, but at this moment, there was nothing she could do except to do what Jessica wants for the sake of her neighbours.                                                                                                 

‘The fact that I am helping you is a breach of my father’s trust. He is Imo State and wants me to oversee the demolition of that your filthy slum for our business expansion, but you see, I am here to help my enemy while betraying my own father…’                                                          

‘Tell me what you want Jessica, if you go too far, both of us won’t benefit from it,’ Chioma said softly.                                                                      

Jessica laughed mockingly at Chioma. ‘This is not how to treat someone you are asking a favour from…’Jessica said firmly to Chioma. ‘I have your life now, I have to decide what I want, and not you deciding what you want.’         

‘What actually do you want?’                                                                            

‘Michael belonged to me. I want him back…you can turn it down, after all, in the end; I will still make it happen. But, are you sure, you will be able to bear the consequences?’                                                              

‘Jessica, don’t you think you are going too far? How could you do this to Chioma?’ Chisom was annoyed.                                                                     

Jessica glowered at Chisom. ‘I don’t want you to interfere. One more thing… Do not tell Michael or Felix about this. Just them that you decided to break up because you have found someone else…find something sweet and tell them.’                                           

 Chisom sneered. She knew that Michael would definitely find out sooner or later. Once he finds out about this, Michael would surely deal with Jessica. Chioma was only negotiating with Jessica because her neighbours and family were threatened, if not Chioma wouldn’t mind living in the street.                                                                                                     
So Chioma agreed, because right now, breaking up with Michael was the best decision she could make even though she couldn’t forgive herself. Since she couldn’t fight back, all she could do was to do what Jessica wanted.                                                                                                        

  ‘I agree,’ Chioma responded as she nodded with tears flowing down her face.                                                                                                                  

  Chisom who was standing behind Chioma, gently patted her shoulder and said, ‘Chioma, I am always with you.’                                          

   ‘I know that you will agree, but why are you crying?’ Jessica laughed. ‘After your mother had lived in the slums for so many years, she might not be able to take it if she were forced to relocate. Your brother got fired…I am glad that you learned how to sacrifice. Well done.’                                                                                                                 
   ‘From now on, Chioma no longer have the right to walk with Michael. In other words, she is no longer a part of Michael’s life,’Julia excitedly said.                                                                                                         
‘Chioma, you really surprise me. I am looking forward to seeing you marry a man of your class. I thought that you were really after Michael’s money. Regarding the multiple times that I have misjudged you, I feel extremely apologetic…I wish we become friends from now on, ‘Jessica sneered.                                                                                                    
   ‘No, I don’t want to be friends with you,’Chioma refused her at once.                                                                                                                             

‘It’s okay, I am not bothered. I am glad that you know that sometimes it is more advantageous to become a puppet than to offend the higher-ups.’                                                                                                           

  ‘I wish we never cross path again,’ Chioma said to Jessica.                       Before leaving, Jessica glared at Chioma. There was a chilling look in her eyes. From now on Chioma would have to watch her step carefully; else her family will be uprooted. Chioma understand the chilling glare, but she wasn’t afraid. To her Jessica was a villain, and villains end up sadly in stories.                                                                                    
As she was exiting the restaurant, Jessica gave Chioma a word of warning, ‘I don’t know if you are too smart or too stupid. Chioma, even though you were engaged to marry Michael, that is in the past now. The moment you go against me, you and your entire family will have to suffer. I want you to call Michael and break up with him officially. If you dare make him know that I forced you into doing this, you will pitifully be sent to hell. One last thing, I want you to make this break-up known to the media. Do all you can to make it viral? Don’t make me come back here; you know what I am capable of doing, right?’                                               

  ‘You don’t need to worry about this,’ Chioma said calmly.                           Chisom sneered from behind. Michael was deeply in love with Chioma, even if Chioma was nothing; she was still the woman Michael would end up marrying. Wait till the day that Michael hears about this, you idiots would be sent to hell to dine with Lucifer.                                        

‘Girls, let’s go and and celebrate,’Jessica happily invited Julia and Emmanuella to her house.                                                                                         

After the three of them boarded Jessica’s car and drove out of Star Restaurant, not glancing back even once, they laughed happily at the misery on Chioma’s face.                                                                                   

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