Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 388)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

When they reached the entrance to the TV station, they saw Chisom standing by the entrance; her eyes looked wet with tears. Seeing Chioma approaching, she went and embraced her as tears streamed down her face.                                                                                            

‘Maybe this is my destiny,’Chioma said softly to Chisom. ‘I will be fine. You can stay in the car with Segun.’                                                              

  ‘You told him everything?’Chisom asked.                                                  

Chioma shook her head. ‘I only told him that I was fed up with Michael but he doesn’t know it was for their happiness.’                                     

Chisom released her from the hug. ‘Maybe, if you had told him…’                   

‘No, I don’t want him to relocate to his village because he was feeling sorry for me. I will be fine.’                                                                      

‘I know you will be fine, but right now you are not fine.’Chisom reached out to playfully pinch Chioma’s chin. ‘Good people always prevail… Now go. I will wait for you.’                                                                        

  Chioma nodded and left. She slowly went to the interview room; the tears on her face had dried as she stood quietly amongst Eva TV reporters.                                                                                                           

‘Today, I am extremely happy to interview Chioma Chima who had been making the headlines since she became Michael Njemanze’s fiancée. Welcome Chioma Chima!’ the reporter used fluent English to interview her. At this moment, Chioma felt that if she had gotten a job in any of the media houses, she could have been respected like this woman. Perhaps, no one would have seen her as unqualified to be with Michael.                                                                                                            

  ‘I am glad to be here too.’ Chioma’s English was equally fluent as the reporter’s, so she didn’t feel inferior. Instead, she felt that it was a discussion for two reporters.                                                                                      

‘I am aware you have gained a lot of popularity due to your love rival, and also for becoming the fiancée of Moon Corporation Prince. I want to know, regarding your announcement this morning, what could have been the reason for the break-up?’                                                            

After hearing the reporter’s question, Chioma said with a forced smile, ‘I don’t think there should be a reason for breaking up with someone. Michael is a very good man but I don’t think I would want to spend the rest of my life with him.’                                                                   

‘Okay, you are officially asking Michael to move on with his life?’                

Chioma could feel herself wanting to break down in tears, because Michael was someone she would want to live the rest of her life with. ‘Yes, he’s free to have anyone of his choice.’                                             

  ‘You wouldn’t mind if his rumoured relationship with Jessica later turns out to be true?’                                                                                                          

There was a light pause before Chioma replied, ‘They were childhood friends, and even if they hadn’t any relationship before…it’s possible that they could still end up together. After all, Jessica is very beautiful, and would make a perfect woman for him. She has a pure-good heart.’                                        

To most people, this would sound like a compliment, but in reality Chioma was really mocking her. As Jessica thought greatly of herself, she thought Chioma was really praising her. She smiled proudly as she watched the interview which was streaming live. In this kind of situation Chioma has no choice but to praise her, Jessica felt proud of herself.                                                                                                                 

 ‘From what you have said, Miss Jessica must be the perfect person for Michael.’ The reporter looked at Chioma with a smile as she praised Jessica too.                                                                                                         

‘Yes,’ Chioma replied with one word.                                                              

‘Since you have the courage to end things with Michael, what would now happen to the engagement ring in your hand?’ the reporter asked a tricky question that got Chioma speechless.                                          

At this moment, the scene of Michael proposing to her at Wuse Market flashed through her mind. His voice was so charming. Chioma could feel tears stealing into her eyes. She had the urge to tell him everything this morning when he called, but she didn’t. If she had told him, she won’t be here right now. And if Chioma was’t here, that means everyone around her would suffer because she chose Michael and not them. She didn’t dare tell him the situation she was in, because she loved him so much and wanted him to leave his life in peace. Even though they would never be together, she would always love him.                   

‘Does that mean you would still keep the ring?’ The reporter’s question brought Chioma back to her senses.                                                 

‘What…What did you say again?’ Chioma stammered.                            

‘It seems that you’re reminiscing the love that was behind that ring? You don’t really want to let it go…so does that mean you were compelled to end things with Michael?’                                                                   

This was another extremely question. Chioma could feel that the reporter was doing this on purpose. But Chioma answered calmly,  ‘The ring will be returned to the rightful owner.’                                                               

It was a short fifteen minutes interview.  Chioma steeped out of the interview room and went straight to meet Chisom who was sitting in the taxi with Segun.                                                                                             

‘Chioma I know that it wasn’t easy for you, but I clearly understand you and will always support your decision.’                                         

‘Thank you so much.’                                                                                              

Other than her family, Chisom was the most reliable friend Chioma had in the world. She was sure that even if she had killed someone, Chisom would be willing to clean up the evidence. She wasn’t a murderer anyway.                                                                                                    

Chisom might be confused right now, but she trusted and loves her friend so much and knew that leaving for another state was important for her. But she was worried; worried that Chioma might not be coming back to Abuja.                                                                                        

Segun who was at the driver’s seat turned to the back and asked Chioma, ‘When will you be coming back?’                                                          

I am not sure if I would come back here. This place has already become a place of grief for me, Chioma eyes were filled with tears at the thought of leaving Michael behind.                                                                 

‘So, when are you coming back?’Segun smiled, thinking that Chioma was going to Lagos for fun. ‘Lagos is known as the commercial and economic capital of Nigeria and West Africa, and it is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Nigeria…’                                                            

‘It’s also a stressful city,’Chisom said to Segun.                                              

‘Yeah, but there are quite a number of beach resorts in Lagos which provide the best escape plans to ease you off stress, away from the hustle and bustle of the city,’Segun chuckled.                                              

  ‘But the beach resorts in Lagos do not come cheap…Chioma isn’t going to Lagos with her family to explore the city, they are going there to start afresh.’                                                                                                                

‘You’ll come back, right?’Segun was startled.                                        

Chioma pursed her lips and said, ‘Maybe…never.’ Feeling the sadness in the car, Chioma smiled and said, ‘Let’s go. I still have to return the ring to Michael. Andrew must have booked our tickets by now.’                                                                                              

 Chisom wished she could wipe off Chioma’s sadness and lavish her with love and laughter.                                                                                          

When they reached Chioma’s house, they saw Andrew entering inside the house. He was just returning from where he booked the tickets to Lagos.                                                                                                              

As they entered the house, they saw that Louisa had packed everything that would be needed for their travelling. Segun could feel that something was off, but didn’t know exactly what it was.                                

  ‘Chioma, you can tell me if there is a problem,’ Segun sighed and said gently.                                                                                                              

‘Segun,’ Chioma said in low voice, her eyes getting red. ‘Somethings are better left unsaid…’                                                                           

Segun nodded. ‘You will smile someday.’ Segun gently comforted her and turning to Andrew. ‘I pray you find a better job.’                              

Andrew nodded.                                                                                       

Anticipating that Chisom might say something that would make Segun find out why they were really leaving, Chioma quickly said, ‘Chisom follow me to my room. I need to give you something to deliver to Michael for me.’                                                                                                      

  Chisom nodded and followed her into the room. ‘You didn’t want me to tell Segun the main reason you people are leaving, do you?’ Chisom asked once they entered inside the bedroom.                                               

‘I don’t want him to worry,’ replied Chioma as she took a pen and paper from her study desk. She sighed slightly, and said, ‘Chisom, I want to write a letter to Michael and sent it along with the ring.’                             

‘This might break his heart even more.’ Chisom reached for the pen and paper.                                                

 Chioma could tell that Chisom didn’t want her to leave for Lagos. She was going to miss her deeply. But if Chioma don’t write to him, she might not forgive herself. At least, she wanted to give him parting letter that he could look at whenever he missed her.                                         

Chioma stared at the pen and paper that Chisom was holding and after a moment of silence, she reached out her hand to take them back. Subconsciously, Chisom’s grip tightened on the paper as tears trickled on her cheeks, and Chioma paused to look up at her when it was difficult to tug it out of her hands.                                                                           

   ‘Are you going to leave me here?’Chisom cried.                                              

  ‘No,’Chioma said in gently whisper. ‘You are always free to come. My home is your home as well. Besides, I didn’t say that I won’t step foot in Abuja again…I just want to start afresh…when this is all over we might return.’                                                                                                                 

‘Your answer is lazy,’ Chisom said and Chioma gave a faint smile.             

Chisom gave Chioma the paper and pen, then she walked to her desk, bent down, and after a brief pause she began to write;        


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