Monday, December 27, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 397)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu  

 It was five in the evening, and the entire Abuja was still busy at work. Audrey and Kimberly arrived at the coffee shop opposite Moon Corporation after school, and sat down to delicious croissants and milkshake. When they were done eating, Audrey sent Felix a message, ‘After work, please go directly to the coffee shop opposite Moon Corporation, I want to share a meal with my brother.’                                      

Felix had just finished a long meeting. Upon seeing the message, he replied, ‘I will really like it if my beautiful sister keeps me company at the office.’                                                                                                                         

Audrey giggled. ‘If I come, I will grab everyone’s attention. I already have a boyfriend.’ She stuck out her tongue.                                             

‘So what? Don’t you want to have other suitors?’ Felix chuckled.               ‘Big brother, handsome big brother, you are the best brother in history…’                                                                                                                         

‘Stop sucking up…I know you will tell Michael the same.’                      

Audrey laughed.                                                                                                 

‘I will be waiting for you…’                                                                                

‘In that case, wait for me to rip you off.’ After typing, Audrey picked up her Dior handbag and headed to Moon Corporation while Kimberly drove home in her red Ferrari.



An unexpected spell of golden warm weather, descend in Ajegunle, and neighbours around came over to visit Louisa and her children. Louisa was already aware of the importance of building up a good relationship with her neighbours, so she didn’t refused anybody, and soon almost every person living around had become friends with her family. Some of the women offered them food, while others offered stuffs that could be useful to them.                                                                         

Louisa bought an old chair from the market. She also bought cloth to make curtains for the window, and another curtain for the bathroom door.                                                                                                                            

A few boxes obtained from a provision store made a serviceable cupboard for their dishes, dresses and few other items.  Their already washed clothes were hung from the nails hammered into the walls. The rooms were scrubbed so hard with soap and detergents, and all the spiders were gotten rid of.                                                                                           

Louisa started her fruit business again. She went to the market to sell them. Chioma sold empty bottles as well as hopefully waiting for a favourable reply from the companies she had applied to work. Andrew joined a mechanic work-shop close by as well as waiting to be called in the companies he had applied as well.                                                                            

Chioma worked from morning till evening. The work helped her to ease her pain of ending her relationship with Michael, whom she was still deeply in love with. Michael was always in her mind, and she cried herself to sleep at night, longing for the warmth of his arms which were softer than blankets, and the security that his love had given her. Anytime she was with him, she felt safe. She talked to herself about him every time, watched his photos saved in her phone. She was determined never to forget him, despite cancelling her engagement with him.                                                                                                                      Chisom wasn’t here to listen to her sweet gossip about Michael. She couldn’t just talk to her mother about Michael; neither did she talk about him to Andrew who was always busy with work. So she worked instead, driving herself on.                                                                    



Audrey looked stunning in her plaid skirt with a black sweater and high-heeled boots so when she arrived at Moon Corportion, everyone looked at her as though an angel had just landed. With sweet smiles, she happily responded to their greeting before stepping into the elevator, heading to Felix’s office.                                                               

As the elevator went directly to Felix’s office, Audrey’s phone began to ring. Seeing the call had come from Jessica, Audrey frowned and didn’t bother to pick.                                                                                            

Jessica sent her a message, saying that she just did a charity work at Mpape.                                                                                                                         

Audrey sent a smiley and replied, ‘Good for you.’                                          

Staring at the smiley in the chat, Jessica felt that it was mocking her. It was mocking her for her cruelity towards Chioma who because of her moved to another state.                                                                                 

When Audrey entered Felix’s office, she saw him sitting behind the office table and was focused on signing the documents before him as the orange-red sunset which came through the French window fell on his handsome face. He was very handsome that Audrey couldn’t help but chuckle as she teased him, ‘As they say; men are the most handsome when they are serious.’                                                                  

Felix lifted his head and said, ‘Shame on you. You have a boyfriend but you are chasing after me.’

  ‘I am not married yet, so it’s normal for me to pursue you…’ Audrey stuck out her tongue at him.                                                                      

‘I see, I should tell your boyfriend.’ Felix pretended to dial Daniel’s number, but Audrey ran and stopped him, acting coy.                                      

‘If you tell him, then I will hate you.’                                                               

Felix smiled, and said after a moment, ‘Audrey, I am still busy with work. If you want to watch a movie, remember to put on your headset. My tablet is over there.’                                                                                           

‘What childish prank are you playing, big brother?’ Audrey feigned appalled.                                                                                                                     

‘Little sister, you’re violent…why are you so angry? I won’t mind if you break the tablet…I miss my little sister. What’s wrong with you?’           Peter entered the office with pastries and placed them on the coffee table for Audrey.                                                                                              

  ‘Go eat your pastries,’ Felix said gently to Audrey, then looked at Peter and instructed, ‘Get a blanket. The air conditioner is a bit strong.’            

‘Yes, Sir Felix.’                                                                                                   

  Audrey watched as Felix continued signing the documents before him. ‘Big brother I was hoping that you would take me out to eat.’                             

‘Do I need to pay? If I don’t have to pay, I will gladly go with you…’            

‘Why are you such a miser? You are the vice president of this big company, and I am your little sister. You are so rich…’                                         

‘How can I give money to another man’s wife, it doesn’t make sense.’                                                                      

Audrey didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. At this moment, Peter walked in with a blanket and handed it to Felix.                                               

Felix immediately walked over to Audrey and covered her legs with the blanket, ‘This is my payment for letting you come here.’                         Audrey smiled. ‘No problem. Give me ten thousand for suya.’ She gestured with her fingers.

‘Are you blackmailing me…’Felix pinched her nose lovingly.                         

‘Big brother, call the financial department. I only need ten thousand naira for suya.’                                                                                              

  ‘I don’t want to shame myself…I’d rather give you five naira from my pocket.’                                                                                                             

Audrey laughed before reaching out her hand to pinch his cheek. ‘Go do your work.’                                                                                                       

Felix smiled as he stood up and returned to his table to continue working. Meanwhile, Audrey ate her pastries before leaning against the sofa. Just then her phone rang. She pressed on the button answer.             

‘Audrey.’ Daniel’s handsome face appeared on the screen.                    

‘Daniel,’ Audrey smiled.                                                                                    

‘What are you doing?’                                                                                       

‘I’m at Felix’s office at Moon Corporation.’                                                     

‘Oh, I see.’ Daniel could see a bit of the luxurious office from the screen. 

‘What’s up?’                                                                                                       

‘Chioma has received the money. She misses you but is too ashamed to send you Whatsapp messages… she is grateful.’                                     

‘Good. Have they found an apartment?’                                                          

People went in and out of the office. Not only Peter Peterson came into the office, but also a few company higher-ups. Every person that entered greeted Audrey with respect, knowing that she was the younger sister of Felix.                                                                                              

As they entered, they were calm. But exiting the office, they talked happily about how beautiful the Njemanzes are.                                          

‘Yes,’replied Daniel.                                                                                           

Audrey covered the speaker and said to Felix, ‘I will be back.’ Then, she walked out before Felix would stop her. When she got to a place where no one would hear what she was saying, she said gently to Daniel. ‘Did she tell you which part of Lagos?’                                                 

‘Ajegunle,’ Daniel said. Then, after a light pause, he added, ‘Don’t worry, they won’t live there for long.’                                                                       

‘Even so, Ajegunle isn’t a good place to stay…’Audrey paused uncomfortably.                              

 ‘They would temporarily stay there…Audrey, I know that you are worried about their health and safety, but don’t you worry, for I know that Chioma and her family will be fine, okay?’

 ‘Okay,’ Audrey said, and then hung up after the call ended.

Audrey was worried, anyone would be worried. Ajegunle was among the list of slums in Lagos State, a popular neighbourhood, located in the heart of the state.      

 Felix finally finished his work and walked out of the office with Audrey. Heading for the black Rolls-Royce belonging to Felix, Audrey wrapped her arm around Felix’s right arm as she said, ‘Are you giving me or not?’    

 ‘I will,’ Felix replied with a smile.                                                                     

‘In that case, I will love to tell you that Chioma and her family are doing well.’                                                                                                          

Felix was so happy to hear this news. ‘For this good news I will give you a hundred thousand naira for suya.’                                                        

 ‘In that case, I will update you about her from now on.’ Audrey playfully stuck out her tongue.

As they made their way to the car, Moon Corporation curious onlookers were gathered around, talking about how beautiful the siblings are.                                                                                                        

‘Should we go to a restaurant?’ Felix asked Audrey.                                   

‘No. Let’s go home and eat. You have just promised to give me a hundred thousand naira. I’m okay with that.                                                           

 ‘You are so easy to please…just a little hundred thousand naira and you are already happy…Honestly, Daniel won’t have problems with you.’                                  

Audrey did not respond, instead, she pulled his head down and kissed his forehead, ‘Big bother, you are the best.’                                           

 ‘I have always been the best,’ Felix started the engine as he smilingly said.                                                                                                 



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