Monday, December 27, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 402)

 By  Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Audrey sat leisurely on her bedroom sofa, and reaching for her black handbag lying on the coffee table in her room, she took out a strawberry lollipop. She glanced at the Indian characters written on it which says; made in India. Smiling, she slowly unwrapped the lollipop and put it in her mouth as she watched a Chinese movie with her tablet.

Just then she received a Whatsapp message from Chisom.                          

‘Hi,’ Chisom wrote.                                                                                           

‘Hi,’replied Audrey.                                                                                             

‘Chioma is so happy for your kindness lately. She says I should inform you that her family is doing well now and wouldn’t want you to bother too much.’                                                                                                        

‘What kind of work is she doing now? Did she get a job from a company?’                                                                                                           

Chisom didn’t know how to bring herself to tell Audrey that Chioma sells already used empty plastic bottles now…in fact, she was more of a garbage collector.                                                                      

  ‘Answer me…Is she now a big boss of a company. I know that she studied mass communication. I can help her get a job in any radio or television station.’ Audrey put down the tablet and walked to the window with the mobile phone she was chatting with.                                          

‘She might not be able to repay you in the future.’                                  

‘I never told her to repay me…Where exactly is she in Ajegunle?’           

‘How can I know if I am still here in Abuja,’Chisom lied. Chioma had shared her location with Chisom but warned her not to give the location to anybody, for she was afraid that if Michael should hear of it, he might want to come and paparazzi might follow him to take pictures. Then she would be in bigger trouble from the hands of her enemy. Chioma wanted her family to be safe.                                                                        

‘If you can’t tell me, one thing is sure, Michael would find Chioma wherever she is hiding. Just watch and see.’                                         

Chisom knew this wasn’t a joke. She was happy that soon Michael and Chioma will be happy again. She sent Audrey’s Whatsapp messages to Chioma and got no replies. Then, she rang her. Chioma picked up the phone after two rings. It was already evening and she was going home.

 Pushing her wheelbarrow to the side of the road, Chioma wiped off sweet with her handkerchief and said, ‘Chisom, I am really sorry. My phone was inside my bag…’                                                                                                

‘Was it on silent mode?’Chisom asked with a chuckle.                                   

‘No,’ replied Chioma with a smile as she began pushing the wheelbarrow with the other free hand. She had sold all the plastic bottles, so the wheelbarrow was light for her to push with one hand.               

‘Audrey wants to know where you are residing.’                                            

‘She already knows that I am in Lagos, isn’t that enough for her. Not only that, Daniel told her that we have found a house in Ajegunle. I know I feel betrayed by all of this, but then, I still know that he did it because of me…I’m afraid that paparazzi might come here and cause more trouble for me. I have already told you about here, you can come and visit me anything you want but please, don’t tell anyone aside your parents and brother about the location that I sent to you.’                                     

‘Your wish is my command, Madam Chioma,’ Chisom laughed.                  

Chioma laughed as well but didn’t speak.                                                       

‘Bestie, are you sure that living in Ajegunle was the right thing to do? You could have moved to Apapa or somewhere safe. I heard that Ajegunle are known for rape, stealing, gangsterism, touting and all manners of assaults, to any kind of crime one could imagine…you knew that Ajegunle has been notorious for its ghettos and high crime rate associated with slummy areas, yet you chose to live in such a notorious place?’ Chisom was worried about her friend.                                                

‘I wouldn’t dream of coming here if I had any other option,’ Chioma said as she kept on walking home. There were young boys between the ages of 15 to 18 playing football on the street. Chioma smiled and said to Chisom who was still on the phone, ‘It was this same Ajegunle, known for being one of  Lagos’ toughest, most dangerous slums that has produced some of Nigeria’s top footballers…Chisom talent can be found in every corner as well as danger. Life is not easy for many of the residents of this sprawling ghetto, so everyone here are passionate about everything and are driving to succeed in whatever they do from musicians to taxi’s an all-round community.’                

‘I clearly understand your point, Chioma. It’s very tough growing up there. It’s not like those footballers are in Europe where everything is provided for them…there in Ajegunle, you have to look for money to buy football shoes, jerseys, transport and even water to drink after training. Not everyone there can afford that…’                                                        

Chioma laughed. ‘I understand that you are worried about me, but you see, yes, most of them here can’t afford to buy these things, but with what I have seen for the past few days I have been here, I realised that those who cant’t afford fees to join football academy, came here because they know scouts will always come to watch them play, and It’s a chance for those who could play, show what they can do as footballers. Life here is very hard, so everyone work hard to accomplish their dreams.’                                                                                          

‘What about cultist muttering incantations and behaving awkward on the street in a broad day light? Yes, this area which is famous for breeding creative talents is now breeding criminals. Most of the stars have moved to Lekki…’                                                                                              

‘They left the place that made them, thereby making those living here to feel dejected.’                                                                                               

‘There are many brothels that harbour prostitutes…’                                     

‘I get your point. As my bestie, you are worried about my safety but don’t worry, you’re right about Ajegunle being notorious and dangerous, but what could drive a man into doing something bad if not neglect. If the government neglect them, if there are lack of social infrastructure which have driven some businesses into safer areas, if some businesses also employ people from Ajegunle and pay them peanuts, what do you expect from the poor folks who are working hard to put food in their stomach? Look, Chisom, every country, city, state or street might not be as beautiful as they are painted. Most of them are photoshopped to please your eyes. While some people display their areas no matter how bad it looked…I call those people Heros because they can fight and win the battle in the end.’                                               ‘Stop speaking in riddles,’ Chisom laughed. ‘I have to go.’ She hung up the call.                                                                                                      

 Chioma was tired after a long tiring day. When she reached home, she placed the wheelbarrow at the backyard, and then went inside. The whole house was rich with the smell of ofe egusi Louisa was cooking in the kitchen. Andrew was at the sink by the window, washing off the smell of oil from his face, dressed only in a pair of black trousers.                       

‘Andrew,’ Chioma happily hugged him, regardless of the water spraying from his face and hands as he swung round from the sink.          

‘You must have sold all your plastic bottles today,’ Andrew smiled, returning her hug. Looking up at Chioma, Andrew saw the sweat on her face, and again her hair was already detaching itself strand by strand from the loose bun at the back of the head. He was going to give his sister a better life, Andrew was determined. Before he could reach for the towel to wipe off the sweat from her face, Louisa who was by the stove, quickly snatched the towel from the hook and began dabbing at the two of them.

 ‘Chioma, don’t over labour yourself. If you are tired, don’t hesitate to return home.’                                                                                            

‘Mum, don’t worry, I wont sell plastic bottles forever…I have big dreams, remember?’Chioma joked and they laughed.                                           

‘Mum, our Chioma is Jackie Chan. She can do anything,’ Andrew laughed.                                                                                                 

‘I’d rather have you two home early.’ Louisa hung up the towel up by the sink and went back to her cooking.                                                                

‘That reminds me…’ Andrew reached for his overall hanging over the back of a chair. He pulled out a silk scarf, and said to Chioma, ‘I bought it from a street vendor who was passing by our shop.’                          

This was a red silk scarf with strawberry pattern. The scarf was beautiful. Chioma knew that a scarf like this sold in malls or boutiques would not be cheap. The ones Audrey wore costed at least three months of her pay.                                                                                                     

‘This scarf seems expensive. Even though you bought it from a street vendor, you didn’t need to get something so high-end, I won’t wear it often.’ Chioma looked at Andrew in appreciation. She was grateful that her brother who had little chose to buy a silk scarf for her.                

Hearing Chioma’s words, Andrew’s brows creased slightly, he asked teasingly, ‘When did you become mum?’                                                       

Laughing, Louisa said, ‘Chioma likes it so much, but is worried that you should take care of yourself instead.’                                                             

‘As soon as I saw the scarf I was reminded of Chioma’s stay at Star Restaurant so I thought I could buy it for her. Besides, the scarf is very cheap. You know that your handsome brother is a famous miser. Coming from a poor family, I need to deposite all my money in the bank for fixed interest rates…so I will never buy anything for others, except for my family and close friends.’                                                                            

  ‘Then I should rip my brother off…’ Chioma playfully stuck out her tongue at him.                                                                                                 

 Louisa found her children adorable. She wished that this peace and laughter will never be taken away from them, she thought as they settled down to eat.

 After eating the delicious dinner Louisa cooked, Chioma intended to go to the bathroom for a refreshing bath, but she suddenly received a call. Checking her phone, Chioma realised that the caller was Stanley. Ever since she moved to Lagos, Chioma had never made contact with Stanley.                                                                                       

 She hesitated, for fear that he would track her with this call, but because she felt that he might have called to give her updates about the news in Abuja which he was at advantage to get as a police officer, Chioma still picked up the phone, ‘Stanley, is everything all right?’                     

‘Chioma, am I not allowed talking to you when nothing is wrong?’                

Chioma sighed. ‘I was afraid my location might be tracked.’                       

‘You are in Ajegunle, and it’s easy to find you…I’m at the door of your house.’                                                                                                                 

‘Door?’Chioma chuckled. ‘Please, don’t tease me, Detective Stanley.’                                         

 ‘Come out and see for yourself.’                                                                       

Hearing what he said, Chioma pulled on her jacket and opened the door. Sure enough, Stanley was by the door of her house.                           

 ‘Gosh…you told the truth…come in then. But how did you find me so quickly?’ Chioma asked, closing the door after Stanley walked inside.    

‘Detective Stanley, how did you find me here before anyone?’                      Stanley turned around. ‘Are you referring to Michael? You had expected him to run after you just like in Blockbusters movies?’                      

Chioma frowned. ‘I only asked a simple question, why turning the question into something else.’                                                                                       

‘Chioma, why do you dislike me so much?’ he asked suddenly. ‘I think I have a right to know.’                                                                               

 The living room was only lit by the lamp on the table, and Stanley’s back was blocking out most of the light.                                                 

‘You’re wrong, I do not hate you. But yes, I disliked you intensely the first moment I saw you at Star Restaurant, honestly, I hate the fact you are a smoker. That’s my only reason.’                                                   

There was a pause, then Stanley said with a smile, ‘Chioma Chima, I quit smoking when I found out that you hate smokers.’ He looked at her surprised expression. ‘And to your question, I was able to find out that you moved to Lagos when Segun was telling someone about it. But for the fact that you’re settling here in Ajegunle, I eavesdropped on Chisom’s conversation…I arrived here this morning. I was able to find you quickly, because I showed some of my old friends your picture.’ He glanced around and said, ‘I grew up here. But when I got a job in the Police Force I moved to a place far from here…’                                              

‘Why?’ Chioma curiously asked.                                                                      

‘Because closeness to your former area reminds you of the sad stories you experienced, especially if you wish to change things but was incapable of doing so.’                                                                                       

  Louisa came out of the bedroom after changing into her night dress and said, ‘Chioma, your visitor seems to have come from afar. Instead of questioning him so much, while not let him rest?’                        

Chioma shyly looked at Stanley. ‘Mum is right. You need to rest.’               Louisa walked out of the kitchen with a plate of garri and delicious bowl of ofe egusi. Smiling, she said, ‘Young man, I hope you would manage the food…please, we just moved in, bear with us.’                                   

Stanley glanced at the food as Louisa placed them on the table. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for such a warm reception.                                

‘This is one of my favourite soups, so I would eat it with relish because you made it with love.’                                                                                    Louisa nodded and went back to the bedroom. Chioma glanced at Stanley who reached for the washing bowl and washed his hands to eat.                                                                                                                   

‘Michael has been restless ever since you disappeared?’Stanley said looking up from his bowl.                                                                                 

Andrew came out from the bathroom in floral pyjamas. ‘Stanley,’Andrew greeted.                                                                                                

Stanley nodded with a smile, relishing his food.                                     

‘You said Michael has been restless since we moved to Lagos?’Andrew glanced at Stanley and asked.                                                        

Stanley nodded. ‘Yes…He had been looking all over for Chioma.’           

‘What about you? You still love my sister, right?’ Andrew’s tone was cool.                                                                                                                    

Stanley licked his lips but didn’t reply.                                                            

‘Well…?’Andrew looked at Stanley.                                                                 

Stanley blushed and said, ‘Let’s not talk about that. Chioma has already been taken…’                                                                                                      

Chioma didn’t want Andrew to pursue the topic, but she wanted to make him not to feel awkward. So, she changed to another topic. ‘Stanley, what do you think of Jessica?’                                            

‘Which Jessica?’Stanley was slow to react.                                                      

‘Michael’s rumoured fiancée.’                                                                          

‘Oh, you mean her…’ Stanley chewed the fish in his mouth.                    

‘I think Michael would never love her. She better go back to Nathan. She is playing what would only be seen in blockbuster movies…There is no how her silly games will work on Michael.’                          

Andrew picked up an orange from a bowl. As he peeled it, he said, ‘My sister is the only one for Michael.’                                                           

 ‘I already broke up with him.’                                                                    

‘Really? Why do I feel like without him your brain is malfunctioning?’                                                                                                

‘That’s really not it.’                                                                                           

‘So you think you have given up on Michael?’                                            


 ‘You’re lying…if you really gave up, why don’t you give Stanley a chance?’ Andrew didn’t believe his sister.                                                                 

Stanley nearly choked on his food and awkwardly smiled. Although he was still in love with Chioma, he still knew that Chioma loves Michael and will reunite with him soon. So, he would never raise his hopes for something that will never be his.                                                      

‘I…I am feeling sleepy already.’ Chioma feigned a yawn.                               

Andrew smiled and stuffed a small piece of orange into his mouth and said calmly, ‘Stanley is a good man but he came a bit late.’                    

‘That’s true. If I didn’t appear late, Chioma might have fallen in love with me,’ Stanley mumbled.                                                                          

‘Are you staying over?’ Andrew asked Stanley.                                                

Stanley shook his head even though he would have gladly accepted the invitation to sleep over. But then, he doesn’t want to add to Chioma’s scandal. 

‘I have friends around. I will spend the night with them.’                                                                                                                    ‘Okay.’ Andrew put another piece of orange into his mouth.

At this same moment in Abuja, Jessica, dressed in a floral Prada dress, drove her red Ferrari to a luxury shopping mall downtown. She had booked a plane ticket to Lagos for a morning flight, so she would plead with Sharon to help her father not to be impeached no matter what evidence Michael brought.  

Jessica bought high-end Cartier bracelet which cost nearly 700,000 naira. She also bought several luxury-brand new arrivals of bags, bottles of Chanel and Versace perfume, and some lipsticks.                              

With shopping bags filling the boot, she drove her car back home. Upon entering the house, she saw Rebecca sitting on the living room sofa watching TV while drinking a cup of ginger tea. Rebecca was elegantly dressed in a rich blue Chanel dress and nude heels. Her nude clutch was beside her on the sofa. She seemed to have just arrived here and was served tea by one of the servants while she waited for Jessica to return home.

Jessica put the bags on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa. ‘Mum, has it been long you arrived?’                                                                           

‘Jess, I am here because I don’t know what might happen tomorrow or next…but I do know that we are fighters and never give up.’ Rebecca looked at her daughter smilingly.                                                      

‘I have already booked my flight to Lagos. Perhaps, Sharon would talk to her father for me.’                                                                                         

Rebecca lowered her head but didn’t speak.                                                        

‘Aunty Patricia has done her very best to see that Michael marry's me, but it seems Michael would never take a glance at me.’                                

‘I will never forgive Michael for humiliating you. How dare he hurt you so much,’ Rebecca said coldly.                                                                           

‘Mum, we should talk more of you two. Michael will do anything to nail you both.’ As a daughter, Jessica loves her parents and was willing to do anything for them.                                                                               

‘As long as he has no proof, Michael wouldn’t do anything.’ Rebecca sipped her tea.                                                                                        

‘Do you think Michael can’t do anything because he has no proof?’                                                                                                                 

Rebecca smiled. ‘But he doesn’t have any proof. Jess, if Michael can’t produce any proof, then it’s just a baseless accusation, so let him not do anything stupid, because I will pursue him with a libel lawsuit if he dares speak trash.’                                                                                          

‘Mum, don’t forget that I still love Michael. Don’t you dare hurt him? Anyway, Michael is unbeatable…I just want us to settle everything outside the court.’                                                                                                          

‘Jess, I have the maids make strawberry cake. Would you like some?’                                                                 

  ‘No. I have no appetite. I just came back from shopping and I feel very tired. Go to bed and have some rest as well. I have to sleep too.’          

Grabbing her shopping bags from the coffee table, Jessica left for her room.                  

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