Monday, December 27, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 403)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Why should you look for her? She embarrassed this family, and yet you really want to tell me that you are still in love with this woman that stabbed you in the heart? I saw how capable you are, so I handed over the business to you and retired to the soothing pleasures of my books and my garden, but you keep bringing the issue of that slummy girl who will bring you nothing but loss in the business. I don’t agree that you look for her. She decided to move with her family. She saw that she’s not worthy of your love and ended things with you. Why not love Jessica instead?’

Michael glared at his father who was sitting on the living room sofa watching the news after a sumptuous dinner. ‘Chioma could have chosen to still remain here in Abuja after ending things with me. But then, she left for Lagos State, didn’t it cross your mind that someone was behind everything?’                                                                                       

‘She did all this because she wanted your sympathy. She wanted you to give her the whole of Moon Corporation before she accepts you again into her life. Girls like that slummy girl have no ones interest at heart. Before it is too late, I will advice you to stay away from her.’                       

‘No, dad. She is my life.’                                                                                    

‘What about us, your death?’ Edward filled his glass of wine, and then tilted the bottle enquiringly. When Michael shook his head, Edward set down the bottle and sipped at his own wine.                           

‘I find it hard to believe that my own father hates my woman.’ Michael’s face was cold.                                                                                      

‘There is Jessica who is perfect for you…’                                                        

‘Her father is involved in corruption and criminal bribery…I have in my possession all the records of Emmanuel’s corruption. If you don’t warn him to stop disturbing Chioma, I would make sure to release his crimes to the public.’                                                                                                         

Edward took another swallow of his wine and tried to keep his temper under control. ‘Son, you can’t do anything to hurt Emmanuel. Leave Chioma to rot away and everything will be settled amicably.’ Edward glanced at Patricia as she came into the living. ‘Patricia, I wish you could talk some sense into your son.’                                                          

‘How can I do that when he wouldn’t listen to me anymore?’ Patricia’s beautiful face wrinkled with concern. ‘All these years I have always dreamed of having Jessica as my daughter-in-law, but that slummy girl came out from know where and shattered my dream.’                      

Michael turned and headed for his room. Just the thought of how Chioma might be in trouble in the notorious Ajegunle, walking alone on the street and possible running into dangers, was making him furious. Then, his mobile phone rang as he sat on the bed. Thinking that it was Chioma that had called with unregistered number to surprise him, he quickly answered the call. However, it was Robert who had called him.                 

‘Sir Michael, you’re to leave by 10 o’clock in the morning in one of the Njemanzes private planes.’                                                                             

‘Did you just call to tell me this?’ Michael’s voice was stern.                       

‘Yes, Sir.’                                                                                                              

‘Then you deserve a heavy knock.’ Michael didn’t wait for his assistant to speak, so he hung up the call.                                                                    

Pinching his aching temples, Michael tried to calm himself down; he stood up, and entered the bathroom.                                                          

Inside the bathroom, Michael lay in the bathtub with his head tilted and his eyes closed, apparently thinking of Chioma. He had poured out too much body wash, and the room had a pleasant scent. The tub was overflowing with foam, which was starting to stick to his face.

The warm, soft light in the white, luxury bathroom made the sprinkles on his cheeks show off his perfect and delicate skin. He was indeed very handsome and mesmerising. A few drops of water were hanging on his dark, long eyelashes. No doubt, this man that has total control over the business world, the high and mighty, Michael, was breathtakingly handsome.                                                                                            

After the long refreshing bath, Michael stepped out in his white bathrobe. He poured himself a glass of wine which he drank in a gulp, then turned his gaze to the lamp on the desk in front of him, thinking about Chioma coming back to him, and with a smile, he muttered, ‘Chioma, just a little while and I will fetch you…’



After the morning meeting the following day, Michael returned to his office. Taking a few documents he left the office, bumping into Felix at the entrance of the building, dressed in a black suit, collars neatly ironed with handsome figure while Michael wore white fitting suit. These two brothers were exceptionally handsome.                                     

Stepping inside the Rolls-Royce which was already before them, the chauffeur drove them to the airport where they boarded the Njemanze family private plane, heading for Lagos State.                                   

Jessica, on the other hand,   arrived at the airport, dragging her suitcase. She was wearing a long light blue patterned chiffon dress, her long black hair blew softly in the wind and her makeup was delicately applied. She chewed on her gum, listening to music with her earphones.

Pulling out her phone, Jessica sent Sharon a message on her Whatsapp as she got onto the plane, and it would take about one hour fifteen minutes to reach Lagos State.                                                                            

Jessica sat by the window, and stared at the sky. She wished for a successful trip, and prayed for everything to turn in her favour.                         

After about one hour fifteen minutes, the plane landed in Murtala Muhammed international airport Lagos. A car was already waiting for Jessica at the airport, so she boarded and headed for Victoria Island.


Meanwhile, when Stanley finished watching football at St Mary’s Catholic Church, which was one of the open spaces for many young people to play, he called Chioma to know if she was done with selling her plastic bottles, so he would treat her to a meal.                                              

‘Can you show me this place you are taking me to on the internet,’ Chioma joked and Stanley laughed. ‘Can I search for a map on the internet…?’                                                                                                                  

‘You will be safe with me.’ Stanley assured. ‘And I am certain that you will like Mama Funke’s noodles.’                                                        

‘Anyway, I am already home. I sold all my plastic bottles. I might be lucky to pick many bottles at the restaurant.’                                                    

  ‘I will go bring you.’ with that, Stanley ended the call excitedly.                  Since no one was at home, Chioma immediately thought of giving Louisa and Andrew a call. It was normal for her to tell her family where she was going, especially now that they were residing in a new state which she wasn’t yet familiar with.

After dialing Andrew’s number, he picked the call with a few seconds.               

  ‘Chioma, what’s up?’ Andrew asked. He seemed like he was occupied with work.                                                                                                    

  ‘I’m calling to inform my handsome brother that Stanley is taking me out for lunch. I sold my bottles quickly today,’ Chioma said with a smile.                                                                                                                   

 Andrew paused and thought for a few seconds. He said, ‘I know we have good neighbours, but don’t still forget the fact that Ajegunle is notorious for its high crime rate.’                                                                                     

Chioma sighed before saying, ‘I understand. I’ll be careful.’                   

At the other side of the phone call, Andrew kept quiet for  awhile before saying, ‘All right. But you have to be home early.’ Then, he ended the call.                                                                                                                 

Chioma dialed Louisa to tell her as well she was going out, before changing into a red dress with a chic peter pan collar, a pair of black flats. Her untied long hair smoothly scattered on her shoulders. She looked young like a fresh university graduate.                                       

Upon leaving St Mary Catholic Church, Stanley went to Chioma’s house. As he was about knocking at the door, Chioma pushed the door open. She smiled up at Stanley who wore a blue track suit with matching shoes. Stanley smiled back at her.  Then, they left the house.                   

As they walked down the lively streets of Ajegunle, Stanley broke the silence, and said, ‘Ajegunle means a place where riches dwell…’           

‘But it is decked in poverty,’ Chioma said. ‘Ajegunle is very popular that you can even find it in google…a place bordered on the west of Apapa Wharf and Tincan, two of Nigeria’s biggest sea ports through which over 70 percent of imported goods come into the country, yet poverty is decked here…it hurts to see money slip away from your hand to another person who didn’t even labour for it. Honestly, government should do something for them as well as other places experiencing poverty as well.’                                            

Stanley laughed. ‘You sound like Mother Teresa… I like it.’                    

Chioma rolled her eyes at him. ‘I know you are teasing me. This doesn’t seem like what a police detective would do,’ she said smilingly.

‘Do I look like I care about my position as a police officer?’ Stanley asked.

 She gave a soft sigh before saying, ‘Oh, I almost forgot. You don’t have too good of a character, but you are not that bad. You may not be a gentleman, but you’re absolutely a pervert.’

Stanley knew that Chioma was referring to the few times they met at Star Restaurant. Not only did he provoke her, he also witnessed him bringing various women to the restaurant. It was evident that Stanley was a pervert.

  ‘I admit to provoke you so many times, but those women I brought often to Star Restaurant were just our colleague…There was no relationship.’ He looked at Chioma and asked, ‘Since you still believe I am a pervert, why did you agree to let me treat you to a meal?’         

Because deep down in my heart, I knew you are not a bad person. Besides, you have quit smoking.’ She gave a soft sigh before saying, ‘It’s a lovely day.’                                                                                       

Stanley smiled, feeling particularly happy. Comparing Chioma to other women he had met, Chioma seemed pleasing to be with. She didn’t try to pretend about anything and Stanley could feel that she was geniuely becoming friends with him.                                                                     

Together with Chioma, Stanley walked on as he told her more about Ajegunle, family matters that some people had, including the menial jobs there children did to help put food on the table. The passed mini shops and booths. The pedestrians would look at the two once in a while. Although Chioma looked really ordinary, they could still feel the uniqueness in her.     

Curious, Chioma asked, ‘Did you reside here with your family?’                 

‘Nope. I was staying here with my uncle because of his work. Although I moved after I got a job, I still visited here to chat with my old friends. My siblings don’t like this place. They always felt that this place could influence someone negatively. I will tell them that people can be influenced negatively even if they are in the best of cities…it all depends on a person’s conscience.’ Stanley felt happy as he talked about his family. He kept introducing the place to her as they walked on.                                                                 

The corner of Chioma’s lips rose lightly . ‘It seems you are treating me to a meal because you want to feed me with your family history and the historical messages of this place.’                                                                      

As they walked on, they saw school children playing football. Then, finally they arrived at the entrance of an old alley, which was lit up by a yellow bulb. Stanley brought Chioma to the booth which sold noodles. Facing an old woman who was pulling out noodles from a pot and into a bowl for a customer, he shouted excitedly, ‘Mama Funke!’

The woman referred to as Mama Funke raised her head and immediately revealed a sweet smile. ‘Stanley, you’re here. I’ve missed you. You haven’t come here in a while. How is work?’ She was excited to see him.                                                                                                                    

‘Work is fine.’ Stanley said as he walked over to the woman. He seemed to be really familiar with her. ‘I am off duty that’s why I had the time to visit.’                                                                                                            

After excitedly chatting with Stanley for a while, Mama Funke’s facial expression   turned a bit odd as she looked at Stanley. ‘Stanley, are you not going to introduce that beautiful lady to me?’                                       

Stanley replied with a smile. ‘This is my friend Chioma Chima. I brought her here today so she would taste the magic in your delicious noodles. She would certainly confirm that your noodles are the most mouth-watering food in the entire Ajegunle. Mama Funke I don’t want to lose face after boasting about your noodles.’                                                        

Mama Funke smiled. ‘Stanley, I am still Mama Funke who sells the best noodles here in Ajegunle. I might add in age every year, but my culinary skill wouldn’t change. It can only grow from delicious to deliciousness.’                                                                                                           

Chioma who was watching the two couldn’t help but smile.                           

Stanley said after laughing at what Mama Funke said, ‘Mama Funke, she’s not my girlfriend. I just brought her here to have a taste of your delicious noodles.’                                                                                              

Mama Funke poked at his nose gently. ‘I know you too well. Others might be deceived by what you make them see, but not me. Yes, she might not be your girlfriend now, what about in the future. Stanley, try harder you might win the sweep.’ She winked at him.                                    

  Stanley smiled to himself. He just wished Chioma would be his in the future. But would Michael let it happen, no? If Michael was to give up on her, then the next person in line would be Felix. And if Felix didn’t win the sweep, probably the ball would go to Emeka Ndubuisi. Stanley was the fourth in line, which meant that he didn’t stand a chance at all. So, he would only be happy to be friends with her.                    

Both Chioma and Stanley got seated beside an old table by the window while Mama Funke began making them noodles. There were other diners in the stall which consisted of commercial car drivers and their conductors who were on break.                                                            

As Chioma watched Mama Funke make noodles, she said, ‘If you didn’t bring me to this place, I might not know that a stall like this existed.’                                                                                                                        Stanley poured himself a cup of water while replying, ‘That’s because the stall is hidden seemingly in a vandalised alley…but I still know that you might be afraid to walk around because of the bad news of this place that has clouded your mind.’                                                           

Laughing, she said, ‘You don’t have to say everything.’                                 

‘You’re right; I didn’t say everything even though I know that you would never come across here…’ Stanley drank the water and put the cup on the empty table.

As if remembering something, Chioma said to him, ‘I need empty bottles. Could you please ask Mama Funke if she has any?’She didn’t feel the slightest awkwardness as she requested for already used empty bottles.             

‘All right.’ Stanley was willing to do anything for her. Before he could speak more, Mama Funke brought two large bowls of newly cooked noodles with beef.                                                                                               

‘Enjoy your noodles. If you need anything else don’t hesitate to ask,’ Mama Funke said cheerfully.                                                                             

Chioma signal Stanley to ask him about the empty bottles.                          

Stanley turned to Mama Funke who was already leaving. ‘Mama Funke, I need empty plastic bottles.’                                                                    

Mama Funke turned around as she said, ‘You said that there is nothing between you two, yet you are requesting for empty bottles on her behalf. What else have you two been talking about? Don’t you dare talk behind my back,’ Mama Funke said jokingly. She was in a good mood. She went inside the store and brought a sack filled with empty plastic bottles. Chioma was grateful when Mama Funke handed the sack to her.                                                                                                 

‘You’re favouring her now, Mama Funke,’ Stanley feigned jealous as he took his first bites of his noodles.                                                                            

Mama Funke laughed and said, ‘This girl absolutely has a lovely face that attracts good things to her.’                                                                       

Chioma smiled at Mama Funke. Stanley beamed as he loked at Chioma. Mama Funke was right. Chioma isn’t that beautiful, yet her uniqueness attracted people to her. She was indeed special.                                  

A few customers came; Mama Funke went to serve them. Chioma and Stanley then ate their noodles in silence.                                                      

Without wasting much time, Chioma finished the huge bowl of noodles together with the beef, then, drank water to flush the food down as she looked at Stanley who was still eating his noodles. Feeling happy after the delicious noodles, she asked, ‘Stanley wasn’t a huge ransom placed on my head?’                                                                                    

Stanley ate a mouthful of noodles as he nodded. ‘Yep. Although I will be very rich if I hand you over, but being a police office, Michael might see it as my duty and never pay me for finding you. I better not take you to him. I am happy to enjoy this simple noodles with you.’                

Chioma let out a sweet smile before saying, ‘Then, always buy me more noodles.’                                                                                                          

Stanley rubbed his face. ‘I think handing you over to Michael will be better for me.’                                                                                                         

Chioma laughed. ‘I will tell Michael that you kidnapped me.’                          

Looking at Chioma laugh, Stanley couldn’t help but laugh as well. Then, he reached for the poor-quality tissue on the table. Taking out a piece, he wiped the oil around his lips.                                                                      

‘We have to go,’ Chioma said, rising up as she grabbed Stanley’s hand.                                                                                                             

The warm touch of her hand shocked Stanley. He secretly pinched his face to be sure Chioma was holding his hand as he looked at her with a doubtful expression.                                                                                          

‘You’re now my friend, right? It won’t be wrong if you help me pick empty bottles on our way home,’ Chioma said innocently,                           

‘Of course,’ Stanley said with a smile.                                                              

Stanley helped Chioma pick empty bottles lying on the streets as he took her back home. As they were picking the bottles, they saw some group of boys beating electricity company staff who tried to cut the source of light to some houses.                                                                            

‘What’s going?’ Chioma curiously asked.                                                          

‘Don’t bother to go…just let it be. I’m sure that they wouldn’t kill the man…it seems he wants to cut the source of light to some houses, so he has to receive a good beating. Sometimes there are fights by some landlords who wants to collect their rent…These are reasons why many people wouldn’t want to establish business or live in the area.’            

‘You don’t blame them because poverty is the reason for the fight. If they have great opportunities before them, then none of them would fight for trival things like this.’ Chioma sighed. As she was contemplating whether she should go stop the boys from beating the man, her phone vibrated. It was a message from Andrew.                                 

‘Hope you are home already? You can’t stay out too long.’ There was a house emoji added to the Whatsapp message.                                        

‘What’s it?’ Stanley asked when he noticed Chioma smiling as she read the message.                                                                                                       

‘Andrew wants me to return home already. He’s afraid if I stay out too long I might get into trouble.’                                                                        

‘How will Detective Stanley let that happen?’                                          

Chioma smiled as she looked at Stanley. ‘Don’t you know that although I am with you, my brother will still want to protect me himself?’                                                                                                                   

As soon as she finished speaking, Chioma waved her hand before jogging away. In just a short moment, she disappeared from sight.                       

Almost at her house, her phone vibrated again. As Chioma looked at the number, she saw it was Chisom who was calling.                                              

‘Oh, did you miss me already?’Chioma laughed.                                           

‘In your dreams…Michael is in Lagos. He left this morning,’ Chisom said. She sounded really happy. ‘He will find you soon in Ajegunle.’                 

Chioma was shocked with the news. She didn’t expect him to arrive Lagos so soon. She knew that although he might have come for business but Michael’s main reason of landing in Lagos was to see her.               

‘This time I suggest you move to Calabar or better still return to Abuja,’ Chisom laughed as she hung up the phone.                                         

  A wining smile appeared on Chioma’s face. She was going to see Michael soon, feel his warm embrace and his sweet fragrance. But then, she frowned when she remembered that her family will be in danger if she went back to him.

When Audrey got home from school, Isabelle was in the living room, an Apple laptop on her lap, a glass and a half-empty bottle of red wine on the coffee table. A maid was standing close, waiting for any signal to pour wine for Isabelle who was busy working with her laptop.                                                                                                                         ‘You’re late from school,’ Isabelle said as soon as Audrey went in, wearing a white lace Christian Dior dress. The dress had a cinched waist, quarter-length sleeves and a high neckline. She accessorised the look with nude pumps, a simple ruby necklace and nude clutch.

‘I had some work to finish at school which took most of my time,’ Audrey said, leaning down to kiss Isabelle.’                         

 ‘School is sometimes stressful. But you still have to patiently endure everything for you to graduate smoothly.’                                                      

‘Definitely…is Dad back?’ Audrey asked as she reached for the glass the maid had refilled with wine.                                    

‘Yes. He’s taking his shower.’                                                                    

‘Jessica left for Lagos.’                                                                                          

‘When will that drama queen stop causing trouble for Michael? Isabelle looked up from her laptop. ‘She is also making life difficult for herself if she continues with such despicable character. Look at Felix, I know that he is still in love with Chioma, but that doesn’t mean he will do things to ruin his reputation.’ There was a pause before she said, ‘This same scenario happened during my time. It seems history is repeating itself but in a slight different way.’                                                            

  Audrey, taking a sip of her wine, gave a soft sigh, sad that her brother was in love with Chioma who was in love with someone else. ‘It’s a lovely evening, mum. Why don’t you go into the garden and enjoy the cool breeze for a while instead of tiring yourself with work all the time?’                                                                                                                        

‘I have to finish this,’ Isabelle said with a smile.

‘Mum, I already heard the news about CBN spending 58.6 billion naira to print 2.5 billion naira notes… you should learn to take care of yourself. You can’t kill yourself simply because you’re CBN governor. You must be hungry…’

  ‘That reminds me. Celine is in the garden and she should make me Korean-style rolled omelette. I enjoy it more whenever Celine makes it. Fetch her in, will you?’ Isabelle smiled.  

 Audrey grinned, and turned towards the luxury garden. Celine was crouched down by the white rose garden, studying a butterfly that had settled on her hand. ‘Look,’ she said as Audrey approached. ‘Isn’t it beautiful?’        Celine wore a plain white princess dress, looking very beautiful and graceful.                                                                                  

Audrey beamed as she bent down, steadying herself with one hand on Celine’s back. She was being careful to avoid letting her shadow fall on the butterfly and scare it. The rich colour of its spread wings glowed in the setting sun.                                                                                   

  ‘It’s beautiful,’ Audrey agreed. ‘You’re as beautiful as the butterfly.’ Audrey ruffled Celine’s hair affectionately. ‘Mother says you should make her some Korean rolled omellete.’                                                      

Celine groaned. ‘Already? That’s why I hate to tell people what I can do; they would always disturb me to do more.’                                              

Audrey laughed lightly.                                                                                     

‘Butterfly it’s time to leave me.’                                                                       

Audrey watched as Celine coaxed the butterfly on a cluster of yellow nasturtiums not far from the white rose garden, then she followed Celine as she made for the back door.                                                      

‘I suppose I should tell mum that I am feeling tired to make the omelette rolls for her.’ Celine trotted into the living room while Audrey went upstairs to change out of the dress she had worn to school. ‘Mum...I am…’                                                                                                                   

‘Thanks with the omelette rolls. I can’t wait to grab a bite. Your omelette rolls taste delicious, especially when you add enough milk into it.’

Celine had wanted to decline making the rolled omelette for her mother, but Isabelle’s praise of her left her with no choice than to turned towards the white luxury kitchen.                                                                

Putting on a floral apron handed to her by a maid, Celine reached for the bowl of eggs placed before her and began to crack and beat the eggs, in a bowl with a spoon.

Meanwhile Audrey went downstairs after changing into a pink lounge wear; there was Nicholas in a white home dress. He was sitting in the living room relishing a bowl of fruits as he leisurely watched television. On the other hand, Isabelle’s eyes were focused on her work, and occasionally took fruit from the bowl to eat. The couple was enjoying themselves.  

 It didn’t seem right for her to become the third wheel, so she went to the kitchen to help Celine with the Korean –style egg roll up.                       Immediately, Celine saw her enter the kitchen, she shouted, ‘Audrey, come and help me with chopping vegetables!’                                               

‘You silly girl! How can you ask your big sister to come into the kitchen? Insensible!’ Audrey pretended to be rebuking Celine, but in reality she was happy for this moment.                                                        

Celine softly grumbled. ‘Didn’t you come here on your own?’                        

Audrey looked at Celine and laughed as she washed the vegetables. She said to Celine, ‘I had come to eat from the pan.’                      

‘Really? Then get ready to burn your mouth.’                                      

Audrey stuck out her tongue at her. Then, she asked after a while, ‘How many types of vegetables are you making the Korean egg roll with?’

 ‘Scallions and carrots…it still depends on your choice because the filling options are endless…you can try with onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, zucchini or even garlic chives. You can also add ham, bacon or cheese, if you want.’                                                                              

The carrots and scallions were finely chopped. ‘Here, you go.’            

‘Thanks,’ Celine muttered. The yolks and whites of the eggs had been blended well with no visible strings of whites. As she stirred the egg in salt and pepper, she said, ‘Sometimes is wrong to share your testimony.’

 ‘Because you wouldn’t want to be disturbed, right?’ Audrey teased Celine.                                                                                                                            Celine pouted, adding the chopped vegetables and stirred.                      

‘Big brother Felix and big brother Michael won’t be staying in any of the Njemanze hotel because they wouldn’t want to bump into Jessica.’                                                                                                  

‘Where would they stay?’                                                                                  

‘Your question is silly…Njemanze family have mansion in Banana Island, Victoria Island, Lekki, Ikeja GRA, Ikoyi, Maryland and even Eko Atlantic…They will only have to choose which of the mansions the want.’

The two sisters chatted while making the egg rolls with great efficiency. A short while later, they carried a tray of rolled omelette out of the kitchen, and Celine suggested taking the tray to the coffee table in the living room.                                                                                                       

Thus the four of them sat in the living room to enjoy the delicious Korean egg rolls. Also on the table was four bottles of Korean banana milk, roasted chicken and dressing.                                                                      

Isabelle lifted one omelette roll to her mouth and said, ‘Celine is the best when it comes to rolled omelette.’                                                            

Celine couldn’t help but smile. ‘Isn’t it great, mum already considers my rolled omelette the best.’                                                        

Audrey stuck out her tongue playfully. ‘Mum, I was also a part of this. I helped her mix the milk.’                                                                                  

‘Oh, it’s been long when I saw Audrey become the world’s most jealous sister.’                                                                                                               

Nicholas words sounded very casual, but when Audrey heard it, she wanted to cry. She felt that her father heard teased, and sadly she said, ‘Dad, how could you tease me like that?’                                               

Nicholas smiled and tapped Audrey’s forehead, ‘Silly girl, what’s there to be sad about? It’s all right sometimes to act coy and silly in front of your family.’                                                                                                        

Audrey chuckled. ‘Dad, don’t you think that I deserve to pinch you a little.’                                                                                                                 

Nicholas pulled over his face for the pinch, but Isabelle playfully pushed his head away, taking the pinch on his behalf.                                          

Both Audrey and Celine laughed at Isabelle.                                                  

‘Mum, you’re too old for public display of affection,’ Celine pouted.                                                             

 ‘How can you boldly say that to my woman?’Nicholas placed some meat into Isabelle’s plate, causing the girls to laugh even more.              

Both Audrey poured a cup of banana milk for themselves. This Korean banana milk was indeed delicious; it was something Audrey and Celine couldn’t do without. Isabelle made sure to order cartons and cartons of the milk, especially for her girls.                                                             

‘Where you like this when you both married new?’ Celine suddenly asked. ‘Was mum your first love?’                                                           

Speaking of the past, Nicholas’s movement came to a halt. He sighed, and then said, ‘I used to love this woman named Louisa Ugo. I didn’t know that the woman was in love with Edward...since Edward is my brother and he met the woman before me, I had no choice than to let her go. She was from a very poor background…we loved her but didn’t marry her...’                                                                                                        

  ‘Does it mean that the same thing is going to happen to Felix and Michael?’ Celine asked after a thought.                                                           

‘No,’ replied Nicholas as he ate his omelette roll. ‘Michael won’t let that happen…When I saw that Louisa was in love with Edward, I was hurt but I gave up the dream of marrying her because I didn’t want to hurt my brother. But our parents stopped Louisa from entering into our family because they wanted someone with benefit for us…someone that went to school and could lead the country.’                                                        

Celine laughed. ‘Just like mum…anyway, I am glad that you married mum instead.’                                                                                              

‘You’d have still loved Louisa,’ Isabelle sincerely said. ‘She was a very good person. She saved Patricia and I countless times… she reminds me of Chioma.’                                                                                           

‘Father married you instead because he loves you more, right mum?’ Audrey asked with a sweet smile.                                                            

  Isabelle could only nod a reply as she didn’t want to tell her daughters that Nicholas married her then because he had no choice. But as time went on, he began to love her even though she knew that first loves would never wash away.                                                                           

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