Monday, December 27, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 404)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Louisa came to the living room after dinner. She sat in a small chair and reached for her embroidery. The living room was brightly lit; thereby she was able to see what she was doing clearly.                             

‘I keep telling you that Michael will come for you, Chioma. But you don’t really want to believe it because you think that it’s pointless seeing him since Jessica will still threaten you.’                                               

  ‘Mum, I don’t really know what to do if Michael should come begging to have me back.’ Celine was peeling papaya in the living room.                 

‘My dear if you don’t fight for your love, you might end up losing him just like me,’ Louisa plunge her needle into the heart of a half-stitched rosebud and said.                                                                                        

‘Did you lose anyone?’ Andrew came into the living room, eating potato chips.                                                                                                                

Louisa paused for a while before saying, ‘My first love…It’s okay. He obeyed his parents rather than his heart. Let’s not talk about the past. Maybe not today.’ Louisa smiled faintly.                                               

  Chioma put a piece of papaya in her mouth as she watched her mother silently wipe a droplet of tear from her eyes.                                       

‘Chioma never let Jessica ride on you anymore. If Michael begs you to come back, don’t hesitate…because if you hesitate, you might regret it for the rest of your life. And yes, you might marry a man that loves you so much, but sometimes, your heart might still long for the man that you truly love. You can sacrifice anything, but never sacrifice your love…anymore.’ Louisa spoke as she tried her best not to remember her past with Edward.

That same day, after meeting with Colorado clients at Pearl Hotel, Michael headed for their mansion in Banana Island. Banana Island houses some of the most expensive houses in Nigeria. This prestigious Island happens to be decked with well-laid lawns, beautiful flowers, and well-paved roads.                                                                                                      

This man-made Island, curved in the shape of banana was undoubtedly one of the few neighbourhoods in Nigeria that can rival other beautiful neighbourhoods of the world. Banana Island was built on the reclaimed land of Ikoyi, Lagos Lagoon shoreline, and dominated by the upper class citizens of the country. When people talk of Banana Island, what flashes in their mind was the amount of money spent to acquire just a piece of land in that area, which can go as high as 1.8 million dollars. It was said that Dollars was the denomination of payment of properties in this area.                                                                            

This Island has been known as the premier neighbourhood in Lagos next in prestige and cost to Eko Atlantic, which was a rising smart city being developed from the reclaimed land on the shores of Victoria Island, and when completed, Eko Atlantic will undoubtedly rise as the next generation of property in Africa.  

An average man with the monthly salary ranging in hundreds of thousands would only dream to own a mansion, but would never own any. Only those that burn cash have the privilege to own mansions in the top seven most expensive places in Lagos, which included; Eko Atlantic, Banana Island, Lekki, Victoria Island, Ikeja GRA, Maryland and Ikoyi. Each household was rich and powerful, and just searching up the background of any random house in these areas would make the average person speechless.

The Njemanzes have mansions in Lagos, both on the Island and the mainland. They are the wealthiest in the country and had mansions in these seven most expensive places in Lagos State as well as in other states of the country.Not even the president of the country could challenge their wealth.                         

As the car drove onto Banana Island, Michael rested his head against the backrest of the car with his eyes closed as his mind raced towards Chioma. Tomorrow he was going to begin his search for Chioma Chima. He would do it in such a way that Chioma would be found easily. Yes, he was aware that she was hiding in Ajegunle, but he wouldn’t be a fool to drive to that area without making a public announcement, for she might want to move again to another state. His reason for doing this was so that if she wanted to escape, anyone who saw her would contact him already, thereby stopping her from leaving.                

He had already booked a nine o’clock special moment with Rose TV. The TV station was very famous in the industry. Michael was certain that after this announcement, Chioma would not have the courage to move to another state. She would come back to him.                          

Through out the drive, Michael never opened his eyes or said a word. He was silent, perhaps because his mind was preoccupied with the thought of Chioma or because he was very tired. Finally, as the car pulled up into the estate, Michael rubbed his temple, looking tired. As the car swerved in through a metal gate that surrounded a beautiful villa with a fountain out the front, he stepped down and started inside; a cold wind swept him along.

Michael walked into the American-style living room, which could leave anyone in awe. The white house was breathtaking and magnificent that anyone would stop in their tracks just to stare at the villa, built in American modern style.                                                                            

Felix was sitting on the sofa wearing comfortable white home clothes as he worked on some documents. He was simply on casual wear, but he was handsome as ever.                                                                           

‘Jessica is in Lagos. Sharon called to tell.’ Felix looked up at Michael and informed him.                                                                                       

‘Lagos is no man’s land. She’s free to come and go.’ Michael seems not interested in the topic.                                                                        

‘Have you thought of her motive? She might be scheming something disastrous.’                                                                                               

‘Felix, lead characters never die in movies…and even if they die, that means the movie has ended and nothing to display anymore. I promise that if Jessica continues with this her behaviour, she would never get away scot-free. She’s a villain in my love story, and will definitely end up just like villains in movies.’ With that Michael turned upstairs.


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