Monday, December 27, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 405)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma woke up very early to cook spaghetti for breakfast, after which she washed their dirty clothes. Taking her bath, she wore a simple blue dress, hung out the already washed clothes to dry, and then left the house with her empty bottles, which were in the wheelbarrow she had often borrowed from her neighbour.                                  

As she cheerfully pushed the wheelbarrow, she waved at her new friends. Chioma had got to know some people in the neighbourhood and most of them blissfully gave her empty bottles to sell.                                

  ‘Chioma?’ Linda Adeboye, a fat-looking woman who ran a tiny restaurant a short distance along the road, cheerfully called Chioma to give her some used bottles.                                                                                        

‘Thank you Aunt Linda,’ Chioma blissfully said as she took the bottles from her. Then, she turned to greet Linda’s husband who was on the phone. He was tiny and clearly younger than Linda. Linda had a warm heart, and sometimes gave her customers free drink and food which had become too stale to sell.                                                                      

Her neighbour, Adam Khan, who was recently out of school and apprenticed at a Barber’s shop, also handed Chioma some bottles and she continued her journey cheerfully to others streets.                                                

The area was always lively, and as Chioma passed by she couldn’t stop thanking those who cheerfully called to give her empty bottles.          

  It was true what people say about certain places, but then no place was entirely good and no place was entirely bad. Even the safest place in the world would always have bad people lurking around, and the deadliest place in the world would still have kind people living among them. That was because not everyone would agree to peace and not everyone would agree to fights.                                                                  

Meanwhile, before nine in the morning, Michael made his way to to Rose TV for a quick announcement, which of course included an interview. Felix had already left to Sharton Hotel to meet with a French client who was arriving today from Paris.

On the way to the station, Felix rang to tell Michael that the French client had arrived.                                                                                            

‘Once you’re done with the meeting you go home and rest. Cancel one o’clock meeting. I will go home after the announcement.’ Michael finished speaking and hung up.

Now inside the meeting room of the TV station, Michael was given a seat by the station manager. This television station was very famous, and it had all being because of the Njemanze patronage. It wasn’t easy to pull Michael to any radio or television station. There were plenty of television stations that wanted to have Michael in their station, even if he had to just say Hello and leave. His presence was a status boast.

The station manager was a forty-something-year old man. As he already had a bit of white hair, he appeared a lot older than he was. He was proud to have this god-like person in his station, because no one was able to invite him. This station has the privilege to have Michael here because the CEO of the station had a good relationship with the Nemanze family.                                                                                                     

‘President Michael, how are you?’ the station manager immediately bowed respectfully to Michael when he saw him. Even the announcer had to show respect to Michael.                                                            

 ‘No need to be polite,’ Michael said coolly.                                                 

‘Who would have thought President Michael would make a special appearance today. I didn’t even believe it when I was told. But now, I can see it has happened,’ the station manager excitedly said.                  

‘I am here only for Chioma Chima,’ Michael had a piercing gaze as he simply replied.                                                                                                   

The station manager was stunned. He never expected Michael to be so straightforward. He had already heard of the broken engagement. So what actually was he here to do? Maybe, Michael was here to officially break off the engagement and announce his marriage to Jessica.  His imagination started to run wild, thinking of the possibilities that Michael had come to announce his love for Jessica instead. However, a brief sentence from Michael made him understand better.                                                                                                                     

‘Chioma Chima is my woman and I want her back. I guess everything has been put in place, right?’

The station manager nodded. Michael had come for Chioma Chima, and nothing more. Then, he led Michael into the studio to begin the interview.                                                                                                             

Michael was looking handsome as always. He was wearing a high-end suit with matching shoes. Everything about him was perfect to behold. As he smiled, the viewers couldn’t help but smile as well.                            

Because of this interview, the studio staff put in a lot of effort to decorate the studio with posters of Michael and Chioma. Also, the presenter had question board prepared for Michael. He would have to answer these questions.                                                                                            

As the clock hit nine o’clock on a dot, the interview officially started. As it was a live broadcast, both the presenter and viewers would have to be careful with their questions, for no one would like to be in Michael’s bad book.                                                                                      

After a warm greeting, the presenter started asking some warm-up questions, ‘President Michael, it was known to everyone that you recently proposed to Chioma Chima at Wuse Market. Then suddenly, one day she announced at Eva TV that she was ending the relationship which of course broke your heart. What was the main reason why you came to Lagos State? Was it because of Chioma Chima or work related?’                                                                                          

‘Chioma Chima is the main reason that I am here.’ Michael smiled. It was a smile that appeared when Chioma Chima was mentioned.    

  ‘Great, now that we are done with the warm-up, it’s time to move on to the main questions. ‘How much do you hate Jessica Nnaji?’                           

After asking this question, even the presenter was surprised she was able to ask such a question to Michael. But then, Michael’s answer will reveal if Michael truly hate Jessica or pretending to hate her.                     

As it was a live broadcast many people listened in their homes. Jessica who was listening to the live broadcast with Sharon couldn’t help but frown. She was sure Michael hated her so much.                                  

  ‘Yes, I do hate Jessica because she is forcing me to love her. I don’t love her and will never marry her. Chioma Chima is the only woman for me, no one else.’                                                                                     

  Hearing what Michael said, Jessica became furious. This live broadcast was going viral. How was she going to handle this public embarrassment?                                                                                                  

‘Really?’ the presenter pretended to be surprised as she laughed and continued to ask, ‘In that case, how are you going to bring Chioma to love you since she broke off the engagement?’                                               

  ‘She has always loved me.’                                                                                

‘Then why did she return the ring?’                                                                  

‘Because she was compelled to hate me. The fact that I am sitting here, doesn’t that already proof to you that Chioma and I love each other?’Michael smiled. ‘Jessica and I knew each other since childhood and I have never noticed her, and never hated her then. But we weren’t engaged to each other like the rumour say we are. Love isn’t something to be force. I can understand that Jessica loves me, but I can’t tolerate the fact that she’s pushing my woman to the wall. Over the past couple of days, Chioma suddenly moved to Lagos with her family and I couldn’t contact her because she blocked my number. I was so anxious that I searched everywhere for her and even contacted the inspector general of police…the police already filed a report and were ready to start an investigation, when suddenly I remembered that I had studies computer science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology…I had to use my hacking skills to locate her. And anyone who caused my woman pain will have to pay.’                                                                            

As soon as Michael said these words, Jessica was tempted to smash the huge TV on the ground. Michael was threatening her in front of the whole world. This was the humiliation, she couldn’t stand.                       

Sharon couldn’t help but smile, ‘From what I know about you, Jessica left her trail after committing her crime this time.                                   

  ‘What do you mean?’ Jessica questioned furiously.                           

  ‘I reckon you didn’t know that Michael had found out the real reason why Chioma moved here. My father was able to connect the dot, from your father purchasing Mpape properties belonging to Chioma’s landlord and the sudden move Chioma made with her family,’ Sharon couldn’t help but chuckle at Jessica’s defeat. ‘Michael will never break up with Chioma. You’re obviously asking for a ruined life. You better stop.’                  

 Jessica rolled her eyes at Sharon, and then turned back to the TV. The presenter smiled, picked up the question board and flipped it. It was a photo of Michael and Chioma at Wuse Market. ‘Regarding this beautiful photo of you proposing to Chioma at Wuse Market, will you propose to Chioma again when you find her?’                                                       

  ‘She is already mine, so don’t trouble your thoughts too much. Right at this moment, I have already hired people to put up our photo in the streets and every corner of the country.’                                                      

  Michael was ready to leave the studio as the entire interview ran for exactly 30 minutes. He didn’t want to waste more time here since he had given out the information he wanted.                                                     

Afterwards, Michael left the studio. However, as soon as he boarded his car, his phone immediately rang. It was Audrey that had called. As soon as he was about to pick up, he saw from the mirror that some reporters were trailing his car, but because the windows were made with a special glass, it was impossible for them to take a photo or rather stop him for exclusive scoop.                                                           

 ‘Big brother Michael, I heard that your mother gave ten million to Chioma’s former neighbours.’ Audrey’s voice was heard from the other side as soon as Michael picked up, ignoring the reporters.                            

Michael gently touched his own forehead. His perfectly chiseled face appeared tired. However, he still felt strong because he wouldn’t fall weak until Chioma was found. ‘I don’t care what she does. My mother can help Jessica all she wants, but I wouldn’t leave the woman I love just to answer a good son.’                                                                             

‘I pray you mend your relationship with Chioma soon.’                                

‘We never had a broken relationship.’                                                          

 ‘I understand. I will hang up now.’                                                             

Michael lips curved upwards as he left the studio building. At the thought of pulling Chioma into his arms when he finally sees her, he revealed a sweet smile.

When Michael reached home, Felix had just finished with some business issues and appeared out of the study room upstairs.                            

‘Michael, you have seriously exceeded your workload,’ Felix said to Michael as he peeled an apple. ‘Tomorrow is another day. I’m sure that we will find Chioma soon.’                                                                              

Michael nodded. ‘Call the director to cancel the meeting tonight,’ Michael said before heading to his room. All he wanted to see was Chioma Chima, and until he found her, he would not be able to rest well.

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