Monday, December 27, 2021

The moment I Met You (Chapter 411)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The following morning, Chioma received a phone call from Mama Funke to come and take some empty bottles. Chioma immediately, gulped down her cup of milk, leaving her slices of bread, she hurried out.                                                                       

However, upon reaching the stall, and was about to go to Mama Funke for the bottles, she smelled the familiar fragrance.                                    


Chioma paused in her tracks, turning towards the man that she loved the most in this world. She was surprised to see him here. Honestly, she wondered what could have brought Michael to this kind of place. But, when she saw the smile on Mama Funke’s face, she knew at once that he was here because Mama Funke brought him. Perhaps, they had a relation. Her mind began to race with thoughts.                                  

Even the diners in the foodstall were surprised to see him. The saw the scene in front of them and was in a moment of disbelief. Chioma who lives in this slummy area was actually the love of Michael, whose feet were made of diamond? It was really unexpected that he would arrive in a place like this.

  Chioma didn’t say anything. She simply gazed at him, not knowing what to say. She eagerly wanted to leap into his warm embrace and hug his waist tightly. But, she tried her best to stop herself from running into his arms. She was a bit uncomfortable from the too much attention from the diners. Mama Funke noticed how uncomfortable Chioma was, then, she gestured on the diners to leave, so as to create a moment for Chioma and Michael.                              

‘Hello, Michael,’ Chioma greeted after a moment.                                

Michael smiled. ‘I am happy to see you.’ His voice was charming.

Chioma looked at Michael, at the man dressed in a white suit, looking refreshing as always. This exceptionally handsome man walked towards her as her heart melted into something she could not describe. But she knew it was love.                                                                                        

‘Sir Michael, I am really not comfortable you are with me right now. I don’t want you to be in more trouble.’ She turned to leave but Michael took her hand in his.                                                                             

Chioma didn’t turn as tears filled her eyes. The man holding her hand was the man she deeply loved. It seemed that no matter how much she told herself to give up on this man for everyone’s peace of mind, just the the thought of this man, just a simple touch or just his sweet fragrance was enough to make her long more for him.                                     

  ‘My heart will be in more trouble if you don’t come back to me. I love you so much Chioma. I want to be with you to the ends of the earth.’                                       

 ‘Sir Michael when will you stop dreaming too much? Don’t you see that your mother doesn’t love me? Your father would never accept me because I am a slummy girl.’She wiped off tears with her free hand. ‘Jessica is loved and favoured by your adorable family…I am just your distraction, and know one likes a distraction.’                                                

Michael pulled her to himself, looking into her teary eyes. ‘I love you for who you are…I will never leave you. I know that you were compelled to leave me, but don’t you worry I will make sure that the mastermind suffers for hurting us.’ He reached and wiped off her tears which were flowing down afresh. ‘I hate to see tears in your eyes,’ he whispered. ‘It hurts me a lot.’                                                                                      

‘I...I…’ Her voice sounded choked as she spoke. 

Michael understood what she wanted to say. He could feel it that she was still very much in love with him.  She didn't want to confess her feelings towards him because she felt that her expectations would be cast off.                                                                             

Michael's low, magnetic voice whispered into her ear, ‘I know that you love me very much...’                                                

Chioma wanted to tell him how deeply she was still in love with him, but the thought of her family being the target made her to say instead, ‘I don’t think we should get back together…’                                         

 ‘But…we haven’t broken up. You gave my ring back to me because you were compelled to do so, and not because you wanted to do so.’                                                                                                                  

‘There is nothing going on between you and I. Stop letting your heart deceive you.’                                                                                                      

‘If my heart is deceiving me…what about my eyes?’ Michael questioned in an extremely calm tone. ‘If you don’t love me, then why do you have tears in your eyes? They are rolling down because you love me so much and you are very happy to see me.’                                                           

‘Sir Michael…I gave you back your ring because I realised that I didn’t love you, trust me. We’ve been together for a long time; don’t you know what type of person I am?’ Chioma acted as though she hated him, but deep down she wanted this man and nothing more. ‘It was nothing but one-sided love, the person I love is…’ She couldn’t say the word, for she might be weak if she told Michael that he was the man she loved. 

As she was trying to break free from him, Michael grabbed onto her waist and pulled her to his chest as he whispered into her ears with an alluring tone, ‘Then, love me…’                                                                

‘Let go of me, Michael! We are over, I think you should show me some respect.’ Chioma had forced herself to be strong, but tears were already spilling from her eyes afresh.                                                                                                                  

 Chioma barely finished her sentence before Michael wrapped her in his arms tightly. He hugged her so hard that her head leaned onto his broad chest, causing her to smell the light scent of Chanel brand cologne on his white suit. Chioma felt really comfortable and safe in his arms, which were like soft blankets. Feeling his sweet fragrance and listening to his steady heartbeat made her empty heart bobble with love and happiness.Tears welled up in her eyes as sweet memories of them flashed by. However, when she remembered the threats of Jessica and her father, she furrowed her brows, trying to pull herself from his embrace.      

  In a tearful voice, she said, ‘Michael, we are over.’                                                                                      

‘I like it when you call my name.’ Michael revealed a winning smile, unwilling to let go as he closed his arms around her even more. It seemed that Michael was just very happy holding her. He was deeply in love with her, and he could also see it in her eyes how much she loves him. But the threats surrounding her are making her not want to come closer to him.                                                                                                           

Michael threw out from the pocket of his shirt, a small white box. ‘I brought this with me today. It’s rightfully yours.’His hands, were delicate and graceful as he snapped the box open. ‘I love you, Chioma Chima, and I want you to take this back, because it’s yours and yours alone. It only fits your finger and no one else.’                                                          

The engagement ring glittered beautifully. Chioma remembered how snugly that ring had fitted on her finger, how happy she had been to see it there. Honestly, she wanted the ring back, wanted Michael to put it back on her finger again, wanted him to keep repeating I love you. But how was she going to accept this back knowing that her family would be in danger if she accepts the ring again.

 ‘It’s okay, you will still accept it anyway,’ he smiled, and snapped the box shut, and then he pulled her again into his warm embrace.

Just then, Chioma heard a familiar voice behind her, ‘Michael…’              

Startled, Chioma turned around. Standing not far behind them was Felix, who was also in love with her. He seemed he had just come to check on Michael, perhaps, he was afraid Michael was in danger because of how bad Ajegunle was known to be. But when he saw Chioma in his arms, he wished fate gave him the opportunity to be the man of her dreams. But no, she was already taken and he had definitely lost in the game of love.                                                                                                

When Chioma’s mind finally snapped back into focus, she quickly shoved Michael away, and immediately said, ‘Felix, it’s not what it looks like…’                                                                                                        

  ‘I know you love my brother, please don’t explain anything to me…I am not Jessica that threatened you, so don’t you worry…Go on.’ Felix turned and headed for the car.                                                                       

 ‘So you see, don’t give yourself a hard time,’ Michael said, a sweet smile tugging at the corner of his lips.                                                           

  Inside the Range Rover, Michael and Felix had come with, Felix sat in the back. He didn’t feel like reading the message that popped into his phone, so he took the bottle of banana milk in the car and took a giant sip. Then, he reached for his phone, looking at the screen; he smiled at the picture of Chioma in a simple blue dress, a neatly tied ponytail, with an adorable and innocent look on her face.                                

After taking a brief sip, Felix grew even more depressed. As he reached out his finger to gently touch the photo on his phone, he said, ‘Chioma, I love you so much…but that doesn’t mean that I will do despicable things…because I don’t want to hurt you neither will I hurt my brother…I truly wish you both happiness even though it’s hard for me…’

Still inside the foodstall, Michael didn’t want to let go of Chioma. Holding her tight in his arms was enough for him.                                

‘How did you find me here?’ Chioma suddenly asked.                                    

‘Stanley called me over…and together with the owner of this stall I was able to have you now in my arms. There was also someone special that approved everything.’

 ‘Sir Michael, how could you be this arrogant? You are the president of about one trillion dollar company, yet you left your empire to come in this slummy area…can’t you see that I have work to do…if you would let me go I promise to accept your love.’ Trying to get him to leave her, she snuck a peek at Michael.                                                              

‘I know that trick, but then I will let you go…but remember, I know your house, I know what you do, I know that you have applied in different small companies here…I know everything about you. But I will let you go because you are mine alone…’                                                                 

  ‘Huh?’ Chioma was speechless.                                                                        

Michael nodded. ‘Yes…we are going to have a grand engagement party, so don’t you worry.’                                                                 

   ‘Okay…’ Chioma ran out of the stall, and even though she walked very fast with her head down, she still received countless of gazes. They all thought that she was lucky to be blessed with a god-like figure like Michael.                                                                                                      

  A minute later, Michael walked out after given a cheque of five million to Mama Funke. He knew that the woman would reject the money, so he told her that the money was for her to find a better place for her restaurant.                                                                                                   

‘Sir…’ the chauffeur quickly opened the door for Michael. Michael got in the back and glanced at Felix. He could see the photo on his screen.                                                                                                               

 ‘You still love her, right?’ Michael asked Felix as the chauffeur started the car and drove out.                                                                                

Felix turned to him but didn’t reply.                                                                  

‘I am glad that you love her but aren’t fighting to get her from me. Trust me sooner or later, you will find someone that is meant for you.’ Michael patted his shoulder.


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