Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 430)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The night sky was filled with twinkling stars. As Jessica was still furious at how destiny was playing with her. She had tried so many methods to pull Chioma down, but no force seems to pull her down. Jessica stared eagerly at the sky, wanting some answers. Of course destiny wasn’t playing tricks on her rather trying to make Jessica understand that Michael had never been hers.                                                         

‘Jessica, since you haven’t been punished yet for your crimes, I’m sure good things are awaiting you. But you can’t see it because you are in love with the wrong man.’                                                                              

Jessica didn’t speak; she just revealed a forceful smile.                          

‘Are you still planning to destroy Chioma again? Isn’t it enough that you had their house demolished, using the Lagos State governor to achieve your aim?’                                                                                                 

Jessica remained quiet. Jessica despises Chioma, but she hated Nathan for pursuing another woman. She was angrier now at Nathan than she was with Chioma.                                                                         

  ‘Jessica, what do you think of how I’ve treated you over the years?’ after enduring her silence for a while, Sharon could no longer hold back.                                                                                                                    ‘Good…’ Jessica responded casually. ‘Do you need to ask me this? You have been my best friend but you chose to side with Chioma and your brother chose to love another woman.’                                                         

   ‘I understand where your anger is coming from. For the sake of your pride, you don’t want to tell my brother that you are beginning to fall for him.’Sharon’s lips curled into a smile.                                            

  ‘Stop it Sharon. I love Michael, and no one else.’ Jessica rolled her eyes at Sharon.



Early the next morning, Felix drove his black Maybach to Chioma’s house. He was dressed gorgeously in Versace navy blue limited edition suit.                                                                                         

  ‘Peter, you’re here!’ Andrew opened the door. He smiled upon seeing Felix standing behind Peter. ‘Sir Felix…you’re here too?’                            

Felix nodded, then asked, ‘Is Chioma at home?’

 ‘Yes, she’s in the kitchen,’ Andrew replied.                                                  

They could already smell the fragrance of food drifting out of the house. Peter who hadn’t eaten breakfast and was starving couldn’t wait any longer, he immediately told Andrew to let them inside. The wind was blowing outside, so Andrew let them inside and closed the door after the chauffeur entered with two shopping bags.

Chioma was cooking in the kitchen and walked out upon hearing Felix’s voice. ‘Felix…what are you doing here?’ she asked with a smile.                   

‘Chioma, I just came to give my own house-warming gift,’ Felix replied with an adorable smile.                                                                                      

Felix waved his hand, and the chauffeur walked over with two shopping bags in his hand, to which he passed over to Louisa and Andrew.                                              

 Felix had given Louisa LV limited edition handbag while to Andrew he gave Louis Vuitton limited edition belt.                                              

‘Wow…how luxurious! That’s why I love being friends with you,’ Andrew said jokingly. He was grateful. ‘But, how can we warm a house with a belt?’ he teased Felix.                                                                                        

‘Maybe next time my boss will bring potted plants, so the living room will be filled with greeneries,’ Peter said with a laugh. ‘Do you like money trees? I will buy that for you, including watering can to spray the money trees with water…the plants will bloom so beautifully that it will be like spring.’                                                                                                       

Felix frowned at the way he talked, and immediately Peter shut his mouth, rubbing his nose awkwardly.                                                                  

‘Thank you Felix, I am going to give you something in return. You guys should stay for breakfast,’ Louisa said as she went to the kitchen.            

Peter looked excited at the invitation to eat breakfast here. Felix couldn’t decline the offer because he felt that it would be rude to reject Louisa’s kind offer, so he didn’t object.

Felix extended his hand and Peter handed Chioma the delicate box he was carrying. Chioma was curious as to what could be inside. She turned to Felix and he nodded for her to open it. Carefully, she opened the box and was surprised to see different books written by Michelle Obama. She picked up the first book and glanced at Felix.

Peter gave her a thumbs-up. ‘Woah… that’s Michelle Obama’s America Grown, it’s the story of the White House kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America. The book promotes healthy eating and documents the White House Kitchen Garden…’ Peter lifted Believe in the possibility from the box and said, ‘When you finish reading all these books by Michelle Obama, I’m sure that you’ll begin to think like her.’               

‘I don’t need you to think like her,’ Felix interrupted. ‘I brought these books because I know that it will help you in many ways…Michelle is a role model of grace and strength of all ages. I sincerely admire her…You’ll soon be with Michael and obviously, you’ll be on the spotlight. Those books will help you.’                                                   

‘Thank you.’ Chioma was grateful. Michelle Obama was already her role model and now that she has most of her books, Chioma couldn’t describe the happiness bubbling inside of her.                      

Louisa served the dishes onto the table, spaghetti, fish stew, fried plantain, akamu and tea.

  Felix who sat on the sofa noticed Peter charging towards the dining table as though he hadn’t eaten in days. His delicate brows faintly creased, but he didn’t speak a word. He quietly stood up, walked towards the dining table and sat down.                                                        

Before saying grace, Peter had already dug in. Everyone looked towards Peter, including the chauffeur who also joined them at the dining table.                                                                                                        

‘Why is everyone looking at me?’ Peter didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. All he wanted was to enjoy the delicious meal.                               

‘Your stomach must be as big as a well,’ Chioma laughed. ‘But don’t worry, I am a foodie too.’                                                                                

‘Fine, you can bring more dishes for me. I promise to finish it all. You can give me a thousand naira to see for yourself what I am capable of doing.’ Peter reached out his hand towards Felix and gestured one with his fingers, leaving Felix flabbergasted.                                                        

   ‘You’re charging me?’                                                                             

  ‘Of course my handsome boss…there is no such thing as free lunch.’ Peter pouted and Chioma laughed. ‘Don’t you want to see me finish everything here?’                                                                                               

Everyone thought that Felix would ignore Peter’s joke, however Felix pulled out his wallet and said, ‘Can we negotiate? 1000 naira is too expensive, what about 10?’                                                                                               

They burst into laughter.                                                                                   

‘That’s right, Felix. 10 naira will be nice,’ Andrew said, laughing again.                                                                                                                   

 ‘You get what you paid for, if you give me 10 naira, then I will just sip water,’ Peter said, word for word.                                                             

‘Then, I will really love to see you sip water and leave,’ Felix said.         

  ‘Mr Moneybags…how could you do this to me?’ Peter didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.                                          

Felix opened his Louis Vuitton wallet, and to everyone’s surprise he brought out five thousand naira, ‘Here’s five thousand naira, you can finish everyone’s plate of food, but you’ll do it while we are still eating.’                  ‘Mr Moneybags…’ Peter chuckled as he took the money. He knew that Felix generously gave him the money, not for him to finish Louisa’s pot of food, but for him to keep it for his own use, anytime he wanted. Anyway, five thousand naira was just like a stick of lollipop to Felix. He was indeed Mr Moneybag, who was born into money, and so knew how good to spend money.                                                                           

After they finished eating, Felix happily thanked Louisa before leaving with Peter and the chauffeur. Andrew left for work shortly after, then; Chioma took her shower, pulled on her fluffy white sweater and headed for Star Restaurant.

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