Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 431)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

At Diamond Gardens, aside from the servants, Audrey was the only one at home. She was in the living room watching, The Ellen DeGeneres show while eating strawberry ice cream. She had told Daniel to come over and visit her. She had waited for him for over thirty minutes, and so she became worried. Anxious, she picked up her phone and dialed his number but it indicated that his phone was switched off. As her mind began to wander, she suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind.

 ‘Miss, are you worried about me?’                                                                

Audrey immediately turned around and leaped into Daniel’s arms, hugging his neck very tight, and not wanting to let go. ‘I was really worried,’ she whispered, looking into his eyes.                                               

‘Of course, I promised you that I will be here. If I didn’t come you will leave me for another man. I don’t want that,’ Daniel said as he lovingly pinched her nose.                                                                                              

‘How will I leave you for another man?’ Audrey poked his cheek and he laughed. She took the bag in his hand and they sat on the couch. ‘I was watching Ellen…’ She opened the bag and took out the iced cola and grilled corn Daniel had bought for her.                                                            

 ‘Didn’t know that you’re her fan…I’ve heard a lot about her generosity,’ Daniel said, looking up at the screen. ‘She has used the show to help millions of people, not only that she’s funny and makes everyone laugh.’                                                                                                 

Audrey took a sip of her iced cola and said, ‘ Yes, Ellen is so kind and giving that it would not be easy to narrow down her good deeds in one list…she has helped a boy pay off a teacher’s debt, gave a struggling family 30,000 thousand dollars worth of Christmas gifts.’                  

‘I heard that every December she does a segment throughout the month called 12 days of Giveaways?’                                                           

Audrey smiled. ‘Yes, many families have been blessed by her show…she has also used her show to organise a surprise military reunion, raised 1 million dollars for the children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. In 2016, she raised over 500,000 dollars to help repair a school in Detroit that was in desperate needs of repairs, books and new technology…she has also donated money to Hurricane Harvey relief…also donated 200,000 meals to the animal shelters.’  

 ‘She’s a vegan?’                                                                                            

Audrey nodded, taking a bite of her grilled corn.                                                

‘I want to be a vegan but I can’t do without meat…I really love meat. I don’t think I might be a vegan.’                                                                    

Audrey laughed.                                                                                           

‘The few times I watched her show, I heard her mention Shutterfly… is she married to Shutterfly?’Daniel looked at Audrey and asked.      

  ‘No…Shutterfly and Ellen DeGeneres are partners in giving…I will explain it this way, shutterfly’s vision is to make the world a better place by helping people smile and be happy…and the Ellen DeGeneres show is the fun and meaningful way Shutterfly delivers that life’s joy to people…’Audrey explained.                                                                                            

  ‘I see how much you like Ellen and not me…’                                           

Laughing, Audrey looked at him. ‘I love you more than anything else.’ Audrey was certain of her love for Daniel. He means everything to her. Suddenly, she remembered that he had only bought one iced cola and one grilled corn, so she asked, ‘You haven’t eaten yet, have you?’                

  ‘No.’ Daniel shook his head. He was about eating his breakfast but left it immediately Audrey told him to come over to her house with a can of iced cola and grilled corn. So, he rushed and bought the snack before heading to Audrey's house. His stomach was empty but the beautiful face of Audrey made him full. But then, Audrey wouldn’t let him starve, so she pulled Daniel up from the couch. She smiled and linked arms with Daniel as they walked into the kitchen to prepare food together.                                                                                                           

Inside the luxurious kitchen, Daniel and Audrey cooked pineapple rice as they chatted happily. This was the first time Daniel had come into the house as her man, and not as a delivery boy. It was nice to see them display their public display of affection while cooking.



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