Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 432)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Daniel stayed with Audrey till evening. He decided to leave when Isabelle arrived from work, dressed in a high-end green dress with matching pumps. Isabelle handed her bag and silver apple laptop to a servant as Daniel made his way towards her. He smilingly paid his respect, and in a calm tone he said, ‘Madam Isabelle, greetings from me.’

 Isabelle nodded with a smile, ‘Thanks for visiting,’ she said and headed upstairs.

As Isabelle made her way to her room, Audrey walked over to Daniel. Laughing, she said, ‘Daniel, why did you greet my mother formally? Are you afraid she might throw you out if you call her mother-in-law?’She hugged him.                                                                            

Daniel laughed. ‘She will always remain my mother-in-law. You can do nothing about it.’                                                                                                  

Audrey tilted up her head like a queen and snorted, ‘With my charm I can find a handsome man easily and my mother will never be your mother-in-law.’                                                                                                 

‘You aren’t the only one who can charm many. Back when I was in secondary school, lots of women tried to court me, okay? Even when I went to Lagos for business lots of rich ladies wanted me to be their man.’                                                                                                                   

 ‘Then, I think we should end this relationship so I can find myself a better man,’ Audrey said gloomily as she rested her head on his shoulder. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. ‘You’re the best,’ she whispered.

Of course, they were both joking and didn’t mean to end their relationship.                                                                                                               

Daniel heard what she said and smiled. He held up her delicate hand and put it in his. Placing his lips at her ear, he said, ‘Don’t worry. I’ll love only you. No matter how ugly you become, I will always be your man. Don’t even think of marrying another man, do you hear?’                      

Audrey smiled sweetly, and for the first time, she liked how domineering he sounded. Excitedly, she wrapped her beautiful hands around his neck.                                                                                                      

‘Really? You would love me even if I turn ugly?’ Audrey smiled, staring at him.                                                                                                               

‘Yeah.’ Daniel nodded.                                                                                 

‘Then, I will eat big food from now on. I will turn into a pig, just for you.’                                                                                                                            Daniel pinched her nose. ‘You can even rub dirt on your body.’             

Audrey pouted and said, ‘It’s time to go home…’ With her arms around his neck, Audrey was just like a kitty nestling in his arms. She didn’t want to let him go. But, he would still have to go home anyway. She wished the time was soon when they would stay forever.                            

Daniel looked down at her sad face. He knew that she didn’t want him to go. 

‘I promise to visit you tomorrow.’                                                       

With black, bright eyes she stared at him. ‘Really?’                                  

Daniel nodded. ‘I promise.’                                                                   

‘You should go now.’                                                                                

Daniel tightened his hold on her and then said, ‘I will go ahead.’ He kissed her lips softly before letting her go.

When Daniel reached home, Chisom was watching a TV drama with Beatrice. When Chisom saw Daniel, she stood up from the sofa, and said, ‘Mum, I will serve the dishes.’ Chisom stood up and walked straight to the kitchen while smiling at Daniel. She could see how happy he was.                                                                                               

Daniel followed her into the kitchen. He took two scrumptious dishes and followed behind Chisom, smiling as he said, ‘Chisom, I think I will have to get married soon.’                                                                       

Chisom placed the dishes on the table and turning around. She let out a smile and said, ‘Didn’t we agree that Chioma and Michael will get married first?’                                                                                                       

‘Yeah, but I can’t do without Audrey, I want to stay by her side always.’                                                                                                                      

‘Nice pick up line…but no, let Chioma and Michael get married first. Audrey agreed to this. Don’t spoil the fun.’ She continued walking into the kitchen to bring out more dishes.                                              

Daniel stuck out his tongue childishly and said cheerfully, ‘When I marry Audrey we will have cute babies.’                                                                

Chisom laughed but didn’t say another word to him. When the dishes were served the family of four sat down happily to eat.

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