Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 436)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The sun was shining outside, a beautiful Friday morning. Audrey opened her eyes to see her mother standing in her room, wearing a turquoise dress coat and had with a printed shift dress and white accessories. She was already dressed for work.                                                          

‘Good morning, mum,’ Audrey said dizzily as she rubbed her eyes.                                                                                                                                ‘Get up and wash up, Patricia is waiting for you downstairs.’Isabelle kissed Audrey on the forehead and then went downstairs.                                                                                                   

After Audrey got up and washed up, she chose a vibrant Periwinkle kurta from her walk-in-closet, and walked downstairs to the dining, feeling refreshed.                                                                                               

‘Aunt Patricia, good morning,’ Audrey greeted Patricia with a smile.                                                                                               

 ‘I like your outfit.’Patricia praised.                                                                   

Audrey nodded with a smile. Then tilted her head towards Nicholas and asked, ‘Dad, did Felix leave already for work?’                                  

 ‘He had a meeting with the company’s executives,’ Nicholas replied as he sipped his tea.                                                                                     

‘Um, did big brother Michael leave early as well?’ Audrey asked as she tilted her head towards Patricia.                                                                  

‘Yes,’ replied Patricia.                                                                                     

‘Aunt Patricia, did you come to see me?’ asked Audrey as she smiled.                                        

 Patricia slowly held up her coffee cup and said, ‘I want to ask you to ask Chioma to tell you more about her mother.’                                          

‘But why, aunty?’ Audrey was curious.                                                 

‘You will know later,’ said Isabelle as she took bite of sandwich.                     Audrey was worried that Chioma would want to know why she was suddenly questioning her about her mother. What was she going to answer if Chioma became curious to know? ‘I should know why you want me to do this. I’m sure Chioma would ask the same.’                                

‘There is nothing wrong with knowing everything about your friend, right?’Nicholas raised his head and said.                                                         

‘But Chioma might not like this.’Audrey was a bit worried.                       

‘I’m sorry that I am asking you to do this. It’s for a good reason…’                                         

‘You wanted to know if Chioma’s mother was the same woman that your husband as well as my father fell in love with, right?’ Audrey was smart to connect the dot.                                                                                  

‘Uh…can you speak quieter? The maids are here.’ Nicholas felt awkward.                                                                                                                          

‘Dad, are you scared that the maids will hear about this and report it on their social media? It’s okay, dad. Mum and Patricia are not worried that you loved Aunt Louisa. Besides, it was all in the past.’   She turned to Patricia. ‘Give me the address.’

Patricia nodded. She reached for her handbag, took a pen and wrote down the address at the back of a business card. ‘Here, you go.’ She handed it over to Audrey.

  After the breakfast, Audrey drove off in her Porsche. When she passed by a shopping centre, she stepped out of her car to buy clothes for Louisa. She even bought vegetables and fruits and continued her journey to Chioma’s house. She drove past Yusufu Bala Usman Street, turning into Kpaduma, a mere stone throw away.                                                    

  Finally, Audrey’s car slowly stopped in front of the small house. Ever since Chioma returned from Lagos, Audrey hadn’t seen her let alone visiting their new rented house. They had only video-chatted.

 Chioma and Andrew had left for work, so Louisa was the only one left in the house.  She had sold all her fruits yesterday, and today, Andrew and Chioma forced her to rest.

‘Miss Audrey, you’re here?’                                                                          

Louisa was very happy to see Audrey. Louisa was wearing a beige-coloured house clothe, and hair was pulled up in a messy bun. She looked beautiful, even though she was someone that hadn’t any luxury. Indeed, if blessed with the comfort of life, Louisa for sure would be a stunning beauty.

  Audrey smiled at Louisa. ‘Aunt, how have you been?’                              

Louisa was slightly moved by the way Audrey cared for her. Back then, she didn’t like Audrey around because she was afraid that her family will be in trouble because of her. Audrey was from a rich family while Chioma was from a poor family, so Louisa didn’t want people to think that they are only friends with Audrey for her money. And again, the case of Felix being in love with Chioma was another reason.                      

‘I’m fine…why didn’t you go to school today? Is your school on break?’                                                 

 ‘I’ve graduated. There is nothing else for me do to except for my clearance then prepare for my NYSC.’                                                               

Louisa smiled. ‘Wow, that’s my girl. Congratulations!’                               

Audrey nodded with a smile. ‘Aunt, where’s Chioma? I haven’t seen her in a while…I called her, but she didn’t pick up. I asked Chisom but the network didn’t let me hear what she was saying.’                                  

Audrey was here for Chioma, not to see Louisa. She wondered how she was going to bring Louisa to start talking about herself.                              

‘Chioma went to work.  She went back to Star Restaurant. Saturdays are her day off. Andrew works now at George Enterprise,’ Louisa explained with a smile. ‘But, I am here. You’re free to talk to me, anything at all.’                                                                                                                 

Upon hearing what Louisa said, Audrey’s face lit up.                                     

‘Aunt, these are for you. I bought you clothes, vegetables and fruits.’                                                                                                                  

Louisa shook her head. ‘Audrey, you have given me enough. Stop bringing me something anytime you come here. Chioma and Andrew have resumed work, they give me things.’                                                

Louisa refused to accept the gifts. She wasn’t someone that loves ripping people off to begin with.                                                                    

  ‘Aunt, you’ve been very kind to me. Take it, it’s just something that I decided to buy for you…I already know that your children take good care of you. I want to take care of you too…it just a small token of my appreciation for treating me as your child. I have been busy with Celine’s school and haven’t been able to visit you since you returned from Lagos…you must take whatever that I give you because you’re my special aunt.’         

After Audrey’s repeated persuasion, Louisa had no choice than to accept the bags.                                                                                                        

‘Thanks, but as someone that is going to get married to Daniel, you should do more of this for his mum. Anyway, you must eat from me as well.’

Audrey nodded with a smile. Then, the two of them chatted casually. Louisa was very happy Audrey agreed to eat. She brought from the kitchen well cooked beans and plantain, boiled eggs and a glass of watermelon juice.                                                                                           

Audrey wasn’t hungry, because she already ate at home, but because it was served with love, she wouldn’t reject the food.                 

‘What about Felix?’ Louisa asked Audrey.                                                

Audrey felt this was a good opportunity to ask Louisa about her childhood. ‘He left early to the company,’ Audrey said, peeling off the top of her egg.                                                                                     

 ‘And your mother?’                                                                                  

 ‘She should be at her workplace by now. I left before her.’ Audrey ate her egg and asked after a while, ‘Chioma doesn’t look much like you.’                                                                                                                     

Louisa smiled. ‘Yes, she looks more like her dad while Andrew looks more like me.’                                                                                                  

 ‘Aunt, tell me about your growing up. You must be really cute and have lots of men lined up for you.’                                                                            

Louisa smiled but didn’t say anything. She knew Audrey was digging for information. She wondered why the Njemanzes wanted to know more about her past. Was it because of Chioma? Perhaps, they are doing a background check? Louisa didn’t want to think too much into it.      

‘Aunt, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.                                      

‘The truth is, I was in love with a man but we didn’t marry because I didn’t see him as my destiny so we ended things.’                                      

‘But you like your daughter’s choice of man, right?’                                 

‘That’s her life. My only duty is to guide her.’                                       

‘You’re not angry that my brother also loves her?’                                  

Louisa chuckled and said, ‘Your brother and Michael might be the most harmonious love rival in history, that doesn’t mean I would hate Felix because he still loves my daughter despite knowing now that my daughter already had a beau. I think that both men are both frank and forthright gentleman…anyone might see them as competitors, but I see them as the best brothers ever. I like both Michael and Felix but then, you can’t choose the two men to marry…Maybe, I will choose Felix while my daughter goes on ahead with Michael,’Louisa joked.                 

Audrey laughed, knowing that Louisa was smart to answer even the question she hadn’t asked yet.          

After the two chatted, Audrey left the house and walked back to her car. The sounds of children’s laughter, mingling with the game of football going on from somewhere unseen and a tinkling of a piano made Audrey smile. This place might be too stinking, but it was still lively. Looking around, she spotted a beautiful young lady standing beneath an overhanging sycamore tree, guessing from her look, Audrey knew that she must be waiting for her boyfriend to come and pick her up. She had a pretty but cheap black jeans and white blouse. Her hair was arranged in place. The heels of her shoes were a little worn out.                   

Just as Audrey had thought, a young man in grey shirt and white trousers arrived on a motorbike. The girl laughed as she hopped on the back. She held him tight and they were roaring off down the road.                            

Audrey felt that the girl was happy despite the fact that her boyfriend was poor. Happiness comes from within, Audrey thought as she started her car and drove out, heading to Daniel’s house. She bought some fruits and vegetables before going to see his parents. Louisa was right; she should make herself closer to Daniel’s parents.                     

As she arrived, Beatrice was mopping the living room. Audrey smiled sweetly at Beatrice.                                                                                           

Beatrice wore an apron over her green dress, with her dark hair held together with rubber band.                                                                    

‘Wow, Audrey, why did you bring something here?’Beatrice complained when she saw the plastic bags Audrey was holding. ‘You are going to marry my son, and so I see you as my daughter, not as a stranger that will buy something to please me.’                                                          

‘Since I am going to marry your sons, I, of course, had to bring something to my home anytime I please,’Audrey said with a smile. ‘Aunt, I know that you don’t lack anything, so I only bought some vegetables and fruits.’                                                                                             

  After Beatrice listened to her, she happily let out a smile as she wiped her hands and received the plastic bags. Audrey didn’t need her to offer her a seat; she walked over to the living room and sat down.        

‘Leonard, Audrey has come to visit.’ Beatrice informed him, and then went to the kitchen.

Leonard was in the bedroom mending clocks, which was his sideline job. He was very enthusiastic when he heard that Audrey was here to visit them.                                                                                                         

‘Audrey…you came.’                                                                                

Audrey nodded with a smile.                                                                            Beatrice served the dishes from the kitchen and called Audrey. Audrey smiled at Leonard before walking to the dining table herself. She was already used to almost everything here even though she doesn’t frequent here.                                                                                    

‘Miss Audrey, since you’re already a part of my family, don’t feel shy to eat everything in the plate,’ Beatrice said with a smile.                                   

The sumptuous dishes on the table were really eye-catching. Audrey was already full, but how was she going to refuse this food. She doesn’t want Beatrice to be disappointed, so she lowered her head, almost burying her head into the bowl, she managed to stuff big mouthfuls of rice and stew into her mouth.                                                               

Beatrice was happy when she saw how Audrey was eating pleasantly. What she didn’t know was that Audrey was forcing herself to eat. She was already full.                                                                                              

  ‘Aunt Beatrice makes delicious dishes. I truly can’t stop eating even if I’m already full,’ Audrey praised.                                                             

Beatrice laughed. ‘Miss Audrey, I didn’t cook the dishes today.’                   Audrey stunned before looking at Leonard. ‘Sir, did you cook the dishes?’                                                                                                                    ‘Daniel was the one that cooked the food today. We were all busy so he had to help cook breakfast.’                                                                  

Audrey felt happy inside. She was eating the food cooked by her boyfriend. No wonder she forced herself to finish the food despite being full.                                                                                                                      After fifteen minutes, Audrey was done and she yawned, feeling tired and pressed. She seemed to be enjoying herself even though she was already tired. She entered the kitchen to wash the plates, spoons and cooking utensils. While she was doing that, Beatrice resumed mopping the floor.                                                                                                      

The two chatted later over a cup of tea while Leonard continued with the clock-mending. He was off duty today, and so used his free time to mend clocks for people. It was more off a sideline job.                         

After leaving the house, Audrey walked back to her car and dropped the window down, as if the cool breeze would lighten her heavy stomach, which was as a result of too much food.                                      

When she got back her strength, she returned to Diamond Villa. She acted like her stomach wasn’t troubling her. She only walked into the house with a forced smile.                                                                             

Nicholas who was in the living room with some senators noticed something was wrong with Audrey. He excused himself and went to her. ‘Audrey, is everything all right?’ Nicholas was concerned.                          

Audrey turned to him and smiled gently. ‘Don’t worry, the problem is something I can take care of.’                                                             

Nicholas noticed that Audrey didn’t want to explain, so he didn’t ask more question. But he was extremely worried about his daughter.               

At this moment, Audrey’s stomach began to trouble her.                        

Nicholas pointed at her stomach which she held and asked, ‘Did you eat too much?’                                                                                                      

Holding a faint smile on her face, Audrey said, ‘Chioma’s mother had me eat big food. I wanted to be a good daughter-in-law, so I went to Daniel’s house as well and she gave me a big bowl of rice and beef stew. I couldn’t refuse because I didn’t want either of them to think that I dislike their food because of their status.’                                                        

Nicholas didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. ‘Go on and relieve yourself.’ He turned around and went back to the senators while Audrey hurried to her room. She quickly pulled out her shoes, after which she went to the toilet.                                                                    

After relieving herself and taking a cold bath, she felt like a brand new person.                   


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