Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 437)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Celine was a little bored sitting at her seat, and so with nothing else to do, she took out her phone and browsed Facebook to check if there was any gossip to read. She saw a post from Jessica’s fans. The attached photo was the picture of Michael and Jessica staring into each other’s eyes. Celine knew that the picture had been photoshopped. Jessica was wearing a simple turquoise dress from a famous brand. The dress had a simple brooch embellishment. Michael was handsomely dressed in a blue suit. Michael and Jessica look good together was written above the picture.        

    There were comments below from fans all saying Match from heaven and hoping that they would end up together. One person commented that though they might look good together it was still obvious that Michael would not marry Jessica.                                                  

Celine couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She wondered when people will stop being silly. She simply took a screenshot of the comments and sent it to Prince via Whatsapp.                                            

‘Maybe, he’s busy with mixing chemicals,’ Celine pouted. She was dressed today in a black and white dress, tights, black ankle boots and a choker. She was very beautiful and had the most winning smile.

But Prince replied in the next seconds. Instead of replying to any of the comments, he asked, ‘Are you done for today?’                                   

Celine sent him a stuck-out-tongue emoji and said, ‘Not telling you.’                                                           

Prince snorted and said, ‘I will find it out.’                                                      

Celine chuckled and wrote, ‘How will you do that when you don’t have super powers?’                                                                                         

After chatting with Prince, Celine took her phone and stood up to go out. Just then, some of the other female students who were close to she called out her name.

‘Celine, are you going to the restroom?’                                                      

Celine turned to them with a smile as she replied, ‘No, I’m only going out for some fresh air. I feel a little bored.’      

 The girls laughed. ‘Oh…you miss your boyfriend?’                            

Celine smiled but didn’t reply.                                                                         

The girls stood up and left for the restroom while Celine went out to the hallway. Standing at the hallway, she decided to stay there for some fresh air. She then heard a few girls behind her discussing about her.                                 

  ‘Celine shouldn’t be in Economics class. She should be a model.’             

‘She’s wasting her beauty here.’                                                              

‘Hey! Can we not talk about this? Celine’s beautiful but that doesn’t mean that every pretty girl should be a model. There are so many talented models these days and competition is getting fierce each day. By the time, Celine turns 30; I doubt if anyone would remember her name…but on the other hand, actors are different. Actors have films. They leave something behind for the world…’                                               

‘From the looks of it, you want Celine to become a top actress.’            

‘Yes, if she becomes an actress her status would be driven miles apart.’                                                                                              

‘Just let her be.’                                                                                            

Celine couldn’t stop smiling at their conversation. Yes, she was very beautiful but that doesn’t mean she should venture into entertainment industry. Anyway, some people have their own theories and thought, so she would quietly let them be. She was engrossed in eavesdropping and didn’t realise someone was walking towards her.                  

Suddenly, the phone in her hand started to vibrate. She looked down, seeing it was Prince requesting a video call, she smiled sweetly before accepting it.                                                                                                        

‘Prince charming, why did you video call me now?’ Celine curiously looked at Prince through her phone.                                             

 Prince was smiling sweetly. ‘It’s nothing. I just felt like calling you. Can you guess where I am right now, Miss genius?’                                 

Celine examined her phone carefully and realised that he was walking along a hallway that looked familiar to her while video-chatting her. She wondered if he was close. Then, at that thought, she whipped her head around. As had thought, she saw Prince, beaming with smile. He was holding his phone in one hand and placed his other hand in his pocket, looking very dashing. He was handsomely dressed.                                 

Celine wanted to run towards him and embrace him rapturously, but then she acted disdainfully. ‘What kind of a game is this? I snapped out of these silly game years ago.’                                                        

Prince smiled at her silly behavior, and he hung up the phone and elegantly walked towards her.                                                                       

‘Why did you come here to look for me?’                                                  

Prince’s charming lips curled up. He turned around pretending to leave but Chioma stretched her arms out to hug his waist.                             

‘I want to leave,’ Prince whispered.                                                                     

Celine said in a soft voice, ‘I was only joking with you.’                   

Prince sighed as he caressed her slender hand and said, ‘I miss you, so I came to see you.’                                                                                           

  ‘I don’t agree to this!’ Celine puffed out her cheeks as she said, ‘At least, you could have bought me something.’                                                 

  Prince smiled mesmerisingly. Holding her hand tight, he said, ‘Let’s go out on a date.’                                                                                         

Celine was dragged along by him. ‘Why are we going on a date? I still have classes, Prince.’                                                                                           

‘Weren’t you complaining about me not bringing anything?’              

‘I was but I didn’t mean it, maybe after classes?’ Celine pleaded and Prince stopped, turning to face her. ‘I promise you’ll treat me to a high-end Japanese restaurant…the restaurant décor should be grand as though we’re already in Japan. We’ll sit on tatami mats. Outside, there should be a bamboo water fountain…The kind that when the bamboo was filled with water, it would drop down and knock against the stone marvellously…then, outside, the orange-gold sunlight will paint a really grand picture of the sky…’Celine giggled at her thought. ‘The evening breeze will come in from the wooden door and caress my face. It’ll be cool and comfortable, right?’ Her lips curled up in a sweet smile. ‘Please, don’t take me out to skip class.’                                                           

Prince didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. ‘Okay.’ Prince said in his magnetic voice, accepting her request even though he knew that she was only joking and would find an excuse not to go out in the evening, for she would be going to the library to read.

Celine chuckled and then turned back to head back to class. Prince stood on the spot for a while, smiling he walked away.

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