Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 442)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Michael had ordered for a bunch of dresses for the annual party, for Chioma and her family. He even personally picked out a white strapless gown with gold lining. The dress was beautiful, and would make Chioma turn into a princess once she wore it on her body. There was no doubt; the dress was going to fit her perfectly well.                                       

  To give her the dresses he had ordered, he drove to their house on Saturday morning on his way to work. Chioma was washing vegetables in the kitchen when Michael arrived.

When Chioma heard the door, she turned from the sink with wet hands, stuck her head out the kitchen door, wondering who it could be that visited this early. But when the familiar fragrance reached her nose, she knew that it was Michael. Immediately, she washed her hands and went out to him. 

 She greeted him and quickly ran to the fridge and grabbed two cans of coke.‘Michael, would you like a coke?’   

Michael shook his head. ‘I’ll have milk.’                                                               

Chioma nodded and took a bottle of milk from the milk box in the cupboard and handed to him. She opened the coke, and gulped half of the coke like she was drinking water.                                                              

Seeing Michael smile made Chioma smile as well. Then, she raised her coke can and tapped it to Michael’s milk bottle. ‘Cheers!’                            

Michael didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She had almost finished her coke before remembering to toast with him. Chioma could be foolish sometimes. He had two sips of milk before pushing the bottle away. He didn’t actually want to drink the milk; he was actually comfortable seeing her face. Standing up, he made a sign for his chauffeur to bring the boxes and immediately different colours of boxes were brought in. They contained high-end dresses from a luxury brand.

Michael picked the box with the white dress and gold lining. ‘There are other dresses here for you as well as for your mother and brother, but I want you to wear this one,’ Michael whispered as he stood behind Chioma. ‘You’re like a piece of art.’        

  Chioma curled her lips. ‘I am ugly and you’re the beautiful one. And if I turn into a piece of art after I wear this, then that’s because you have good taste,’ Chioma looked at him with a smile.

‘Why must you think that you are ugly?’ Michael placed his chin on Chioma’s shoulder and complained.

‘Of course, you love me for being ugly so why can’t you handle it when I say it?’ Chioma immediately complained back before she let out a laugh. ‘Don’t worry our children will be ugly in the day and beautiful at night.’  

 ‘How can our unborn children be ugly in the day and beautiful at night?’                                                                                                             

‘Of course, I won’t be the only ugly one in the house. Besides, I never told you that I will marry you…why look so gloomy.’               

‘I am the only man for you.’ After speaking, Michael turned Chioma around and kissed her lips as they stood in the middle of the living room, the two were extremely affectionate. Michael knew that she was the only one for him, and he felt happy anytime he was with her.

  ‘Michael, why is your company hosting this annual party when we haven’t even gone half of the year?’ Chioma asked after a thought.

  ‘Making up for those two years our company didn’t host it. Don’t worry we will still host that of 2021 and you will be by my side,’ he promised her with a winning smile that was trusting, kissing her again gently.                                                                                                   

 Michael had agreed to this party because his parents had asked him to. It was like an emergency annual party. Michael didn’t seem to want to go on with the party, but because his parents told him that it was to bring Chioma’s mother so that they would be able to confirm if Chioma’s mother was the same Louisa of the old, so Michael had to give in, maybe, because this had to do with Chioma’s family.                       

Patricia wanted to take the chance to find her friend Louisa Ugo. Edward wanted to see her too likewise Nicholas and Isabelle.

   ‘That’s enough, you will be late for work. I still have soup to cook,’ Chioma blushed as she gently pushed Michael away from herself.                  ‘When we finally get married you better think of ways to compensate me, for the so many times you’ve pushed me away,’ Michael released her from his embrace.                                                                

Chioma nodded shyly.                                                                            

‘Don’t forget to remind your family,’Michael reminded as he turned to leave.


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