Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 447)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 At exactly eight o’clock, the annual party began.  The invited guests who were obviously from rich background started arriving one by one. Sharon arrived, holding onto Johnson, Nathan held onto Erica as they walked down the red carpet. On a brightly lit stage, two smartly dressed hosts, each holding a microphone, warmed up the audience by introducing the evening’s events as well as beefing it up with jokes and stories.

 Outside the venue lay a magnificently long red carpet and security officers strictly checking the guests that had arrived. The scene was surrounded by excited reporters, either holding phones or cameras. It had been a long time since an event as luxurious as this one was been hosted in Abuja. This was Michael’s first time to host such a party at Moon Corporation. It wasn’t the end of the year, but he had accepted for this party to push through because his mother pleaded with him to do so, for she wanted to see who exactly Chioma’s mother was.                                                                                                                               

But Chioma wasn’t here yet, let alone her mother and brother. Jessica was happy, thinking that Chioma would not attend.                          

After one of the hosts gave an impressive introduction, the other host enthusiastically announced, ‘Please welcome the president of Moon Corporation, Michael Njemanze!’                                                              

During the loud applause from the guests, Michael rose calmly from his seat and walked onto the stage with elegance and poised.                                                                                                                            

 At that moment a Lincoln Limousine pulled up at the entrance of the hall. The person that got out of the car was Andrew. This was the first time he had attended such an event, and that was because of the persuasion from his mother and sister. He walked around the front of the car to the other side and opened the door and helped Chisom out like a gentleman. Then, he finally pulled the back door and Chioma stepped out. 

Everyone watched as Felix came out from the hall and went straight to Chioma. It was truly Chioma Chima that was making such a grand entry. The Chioma that Jessica had supposedly said that she wouldn’t make an appearance had a winning smile on her face as she hooked her arm on Felix’s arm and walked down the red carpet as Andrew and Chisom followed behind. This was just an annual party but Michael made it appear like a Bright Night Gala. He did it all for Chioma. Today was the first time they had attended an event together, so why wouldn’t he leave a lasting impression for this woman that he loved so very much. He arranged the car for her, chose a beautiful dress for her, took her to the best stylist and made sure that she was looking elegant and graceful like any other girl that had tasted the luxury of life.

Louisa, of course wasn’t going to make an appearance. She would rather sleep in the house than attend such party that might bring her to pain. She doesn’t want to remember her past life of being born into a wealthy family and in one night everything was snatched away from her. She was already accustomed to events like this because she had attended so many of them when she was still young.                                               

‘Chioma, you are so beautiful today,’Audrey walked over to Chioma and said admiringly.                                                                                         

Chioma nodded with a smile. She had light makeup on and her hair hung loosely around her shoulders, and when she smiled, attractive dimples appeared on her cheeks. Michael’s eyes twinkled when he saw the beautiful Chioma. He knew what was going through everyone’s minds. He knew they wanted to see Chioma get humiliated. But, unfortunately for them, he would treat her better than anyone in the room. She was his heart’s better half.                                                                

Holding the microphone, Michael smiled and said, ‘Chioma Chima is very beautiful today. I want her to come and stand here with me as I declare the ceremony officially started.’                                                    

  After hearing Michael’s words, everyone except those that liked Chioma for Michael, was shocked and annoyed at what Michael just said. He didn’t say anything when he was called on stage, he was really waiting for Chioma to arrive, and now that she had arrived, she was to stand with him on the stage. Even their clothes are from the same brand. She was looking beautiful tonight. The spotlight was on her. It would only take grace for these ladies in the room not to get jealous of the spotlight Chioma was receiving. A lot of them had tried so many methods to get close to Michael yet it didn’t work out for them.

The annual party, in reality, was also a night to pave way for Chioma and to make everyone understand that Michael was only in love with Chioma, no one else.                                                                            

  Chioma was known by everyone as the slummy girl, a girl that had been denied job severally because she never had good connections, because she wasn’t from a rich background. Someone that almost everyone thought that she wasn’t going to make head ways, yet she was here standing beside the man with the kingly aura, even fortunate enough to become his fiancée, and hopeful that they would become a couple sooner or later.                                                                                   

‘Now, I will begin my speech because my heart’s better half is standing right here with me.’ Michael turned to Chioma, their eyes met. Anyone that had been in love would know that Michael and Chioma’s feelings for each were quickly expressed through this romantic gaze. Anyway, it only lasted for two seconds. Michael glanced away, staring at the audience. ‘It’s obvious that speeches made by company CEO’s are always predictable and boring, although my speech would still be predictable, but it won’t be boring if I told you that the CEO of Moon Corporation is madly in love with this woman standing right here with me. Moon Corporation will move forward in love and in business.’ Michael’s voice was mesmerising and smooth. His presence glowed with charisma and, under the lights; the stage was well decorated and enchanting. And as a man of few words, his speech ended within three minutes.                                                                                                                                     As he walked down the stage, he held onto Chioma Chima like she was the best thing he had ever achieved since he was born into this world.                                                                       

Seeing this lovey-dovey scene, Jessica’s mouth twitched a little but no words came out. I will make you have tears tonight.

Jessica had never expected that Michael would give Chioma such an honour of calling her up the stage with him.                                                      

‘Jessica, don’t tell me that you are giving up now?’Rebecca whispered as she noticed her silence.                                                                    

‘Mum, I never give up. I am sure that tonight, Chioma will be thought a lesson of regret.’Jessica said in a low voice. But then, the fear in her heart was slowly seeping through. She might lose everything if she continued to fight Chioma.                                                                                

  As the first dance of the evening began, Jessica fumed in anger as she watched Chioma and Michael dance happily to the sound of the music. The dancers twirled as waiters served drinks to the guests. It was a bright night, light were flashing and wine glasses clinked.                                      

  Jessica forced herself to drink the glass of champagne she was holding. Seeing Nathan dance with Erica got her angry, and also the sight of Michael and Chioma dancing and laughing made her even more furious.                                           

Chioma knew that Jessica was observing her but she pretended to be unaware and kept on dancing with Michael. Michael looked at Chioma, and smiled satisfactory. He had been told by Chioma not to help her with any sort of job, but he was here indirectly helping her by boosting her fame even more. He knew that she had a promising future; he was hopeful that she would go far in life.  

 All the young men in the room looked at Chioma with fascination. They knew that for Michael to want this slummy girl that means she was really special. Maybe, it was nothing more but love that was driving Michael to her day by day.                                                                              

Meanwhile, Felix was busy with a group of young business magnet, drinking and talking with them. From time to time, he stole a glance at Chioma who was happily dancing with Michael.                                     

‘I hate it when people use Michael to hype themselves,’Jessica said and the men turned towards her. ‘This slummy girl doesn’t know how to create hype…I guess she will need my help,’ Jessica sneered.                                                                                                               

‘Are you sure you are not thinking of grabbing Michael forcibly from her,’ a young man in his late twenty said.                                                    

  ‘I feel jealous but that doesn’t mean I should use others as stepping stone.’                                                                                                                   

‘Chioma already got all the attention, do you think that you are a match?’ Felix sipped his wine and laughed. ‘Jessica, just give up and move over to Nathan who is madly in love with you.’ After speaking, Felix turned away.                                               

 ‘What about you? Are you not still in love with her?’                                 

  Felix stopped in his tracks but didn’t turn to look at Jessica.             

‘Well? Why can’t you speak, huh? Is obvious that you’re still in love with Chioma Chima but you’re such a coward. Instead of fighting for what is yours you’ll rather give up midway? How pathetic!’                               

Hearing this, Felix quickly turned around and glared sharply at Jessica.‘Jessica, I must really congratulate your capability of forever maintaining a jealous heart and a scheming bitch. Because of you, your family destruction will be just around the corner. Look at your parents they are currently mingling with the high-ups, I wonder how you will feel if they ended up in prison.’                                                                                            

‘Michael might hate me but he will never hurt me,’ Jessica said in a huff and walked out.                             

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