Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 448)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Meanwhile, Louisa was at home knitting a jacket to keep herself busy while waiting for her children to arrive. Suddenly, her phone began to ring, and when she turned to see who it was, she smiled.                                                                                                            

As she picked up the phone, she put the sweater down on the sofa.                                                                                                                              ‘Hello?’                                                                                                                

‘How are you doing, Louisa?’ At the end of the phone, Bisi’s voice sounded happily.                                                                                                         

‘I’m fine, Bisi.’ Louisa’s voice sounded calm and peaceful.            

‘Louisa, I miss you so much.’                                                                   

Louisa laughed when she heard Bisi missed her. ‘If you miss me, then come and visit us.’                                                                                   

Bisi chuckled then asked after a while, ‘Do you regret not marrying Edward?’                                                                                                        

‘Bisi…you should know by now that there has never been any medicine that cures regret in this world. Life is a one-way ride, and I know that everyone on earth should take responsibility for the choices they’ve made. Maybe everything that happened to me and Edward was destined. Thank you for your cares, but I don’t wish to remember my past.’                                                                               

 ‘I understand your pain my friend and I wish not to remind you of it, but I wanted to ask if you have seen Edward since he got married.’                                                                                                                               ‘I haven’t even set my eyes on him. I don’t even know where he is and how to find him. He had told me back then that his family owned one of the biggest companies in Nigeria, but I didn’t even bother with the name of the company. Maybe if I had known the name, it would have been easier to find him. But I don’t want to find or see him. He has his own family now, and I am happy with mine.’                                               

‘You might bump into each other sooner or later.’                                

‘I don’t wish for that…’                                                                                      

‘Anyway, I got to go. Goodnight.’ Bisi hung up the phone.                   

Louisa had no intentions of meeting Edward again let alone bumping into him. She had moved on, and that was it. If it wasn’t because Chioma had constantly told her that Michael’s father could be the same Edward that was her boyfriend, she would’ve never thought of him. She doesn’t want to see him, for meeting Edward might cause her a lot of trouble and frustration. So, she wished that Michael’s father wasn’t the Edward that she knew.                                                                             

After Louisa finished talking on the phone, she put her phone down, and then glanced up at the clock in the living room. It was almost nine thirty in the night. She picked up the sweater and continued her knitting.



 ‘I need to go to the restroom,’ Jessica tried to excuse herself from the socialite girls that were happily chatting with her.                              

‘Go ahead,’ they four girls said to Jessica.                                                       

Jessica nodded with a smile as she headed to a hidden corner to make a call. Less than five minutes, Jessica returned to the girls. Picking up a glass of wine from a waiter, she took a sip and turned her gaze to Chioma who was standing beside Audrey. How dare you take over my position in Michael’s life? Did you think you could elevate your value by doing this? She thought with a sneer.                                                       

Forcing a smile on her face, Jessica pretended she wanted to chat with Audrey, but her main target was Chioma who she wanted to spill wine on. ‘Audrey, you’re always looking beautiful,’ Jessica said with a smile as she stared at Audrey’s Dior peach coloured caped gown. She had a diamond drop earrings, a sleek blowout, and matching high-heels.                                                         

‘And you too,’ Audrey sincerely said.                                                               

Jessica looked down at her one-shouldered black gown and said, ‘I had wanted this occasion to be a charity event instead of this good-for-nothing annual part…’                                                                                

‘Michael is the big boss of Moon Corporation, so he decides what happens there. Any name you choose to call what’s yours that is what it answers. Michael chose to call this party an annual party, and no one should question that. After all, he’s making up for those two years that the company didn’t have any party at the end of the year…by the end of the year, another party would be held to make up for 2021…but then, if Michael chooses to do it by early next year, he still has the right to it.’ Audrey’s words were calm but Jessica knew that she was trying to tell her that what happens in Moon Corporation shouldn’t bother her. 

  ‘You’re right.’ Jessica was angry inside, but her expression remained calm. She looked at Chioma. ‘You finally changed into a princess, but then you still smell like mud.’ As she spoke, Jessica pretended her hand slipped and she spilled the glass of wine she was holding all over Chioma’s dress.                                                                                

Chioma felt a cold sensation as she got soaked by the glass of icy cold wine. She was still at the party, how was she going to go home in a wet dress. Most importantly, there were many people here that were interested in seeing her humiliated.                                                                

‘I’m sorry, Chioma. I really didn’t mean to ruin your dress,’ Jessica pretended to be sorry as she immediately apologised.                      

  Chioma knew that Jessica did this on purpose. ‘It’s okay,’ Chioma said calmly.                                                                                                                

Audrey walked over to Felix and pulled out his jacket from him, bringing it over to Chioma, she placed the suit jacket on her shoulder.                                                                                                              

Upon seeing this, Chioma immediately glanced at Michael who nodded for her to wear the jacket until he was done with talking with Nicholas.                                                        

Chioma nodded and turned her gaze towards Felix, she felt extremely warm after receiving this jacket. Envious looks quickly surrounded her. This was Felix’s jacket that so many people had wanted to touch, but didn’t have a chance because they were not qualified. Yet, at this moment, it was in this slummy’s girl embrace. She was actually wearing Felix’s suit jacket.                                                                                               

Jessica was extremely jealous with the turn of events. Everything went in favour of Chioma Chima.                                                  

Meanwhile, Michael lowered his head and sent a message to Robert who was standing with Peter and asked him to bring over the second dress he had arranged for this occasion, for he knew that this was going to happen.             

 Not long, Robert walked over and whispered to Chioma, ‘your second dress is ready. Michael had gone to change his too. Your dress is at the private restroom.’                                                                              

Chioma nodded and excused herself. Entering inside the restroom, she saw a Champagne coloured mermaid dress which had transparent shoulders. She immediately changed into the dress and walked out.                                          

Michael on the other hand changed into a grey retro handmaid suit with a matching tie, and a matching pocket square, carefully placed in his front pocket.                                                                          

  The both went back to the party almost the same time and obviously drawing the attention of the guests.                                                     

‘Chioma is indeed stealing the spotlight,’ Chisom giggled as she held Andrew’s hand.                                                                                          

Andrew nodded.                                                                                       

‘Honestly, Michael and Chioma look good together,’ she muttered.                                                                                                                               Michael went back to Nicholas as Jessica turned her head to glance at him, but was unexpectedly met the gaze of Michael who had turned to look at her. In order to cover up her panic, she immediately patted on Chioma's shoulder, pretending to like the chiffon dress Chioma had changed into.

Audrey, who saw what Jessica did, frowned at her. ‘Stop the act Jessica else you’ll be tormented for the rest of your life.’                     

Chioma turned to look at Audrey as a smile spread across her face, ‘Let her be. The more Jessica tries to ruin me, the more I become stronger.’                                                                                                                                   

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