Friday, December 31, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 453)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Since she’s here for money, there is no way she wouldn’t put up a good act. This is the same reason I hate Chioma!’ Jessica’s eyes were burning with rancor, they flashed crazily as she said, ‘No worries, I will never stop until I set Michael free from their witchcraft.’

             ‘If I truly need money then I would have forced myself to marry rich. I would have killed Patricia to marry Edward. Do you know why? Edward was my first love and both Isabelle and Patricia were my best friends. We just met by accident but we ended up being good friends. Nicholas is also my best friend.’                                                                                         

Hearing what Louisa said, the air in the room instantly froze. All of them that didn’t know about Louisa and the past she had shared with the Njemanzes attended to their own thoughts.                                         

Some in the crowd came up with the thought that just like in some movies; Edward might rekindle his love with his ex-lover. It was not that they wished for such to happen. It was just that most times love stories like that happen both in reality and movies.                                       

‘The Njemanze family is a huge household, and they all highly value their reputation. Even for a man like uncle Edward, he won’t be able to jeopardise his reputation for a slummy woman…The same will happen to your daughter… but I still know that you just made up this story to know the Njemanze family.’                                                                                        

After hearing Jessica’s words, Louisa’s lips curved upwards in mockery.‘Jessica, whether I lost in the game of love, is not up to you to determine the fate of my daughter. My daughter and Michael look good together standing next to each other. You might just be very beautiful but you’ll never stand a chance…’                                                          

  ‘I am as beautiful as diamond that’s why Michael will love me no matter what.’ Jessica’s words were loud and clear with a sense of pride and ridicule.                                                                                                 

‘Yes, you’re beautiful like a diamond glittering in the dark; however, my daughter is like a sun, blocking you out completely. Thus, under the brilliant radiance of the sun, the diamond had lost its original luster…my daughter is the winner and that is obvious. Someone else loves you, but instead you chose to ruin your life. For what reason could you do that, for love? You should know that love doesn’t work that way young woman.’ After speaking, Louisa went to Chioma who was feeling tired. ‘Chioma, let’s go. I’m sorry to have talked too much instead of bringing you home straight away.’                                       

  ‘It’s okay, mum. I’m glad that you finally met your old friends,’ Chioma said calmly as she struggled to stand.                                                       

Michael quickly went to support her.  He couldn’t stand to see his woman in pain.                                                                                       

‘Is okay, she’ll be fine,’ Louisa looked at Michael and said.                           

As Louisa turned to leave, Patricia said, ‘Louisa, I am sorry you met us like this. Honestly, we are sorry.’                                                               

Jessica turned to Patricia and said quickly, ‘Aunt Louisa, you don’t have to say sorry to her. You know her and she doesn’t know you.’                                                                                                                    

‘Jessica, I don’t disagree to you spouting nonsense but when it comes to Louisa I will not tolerate it,’ Patricia said sternly. Everyone in the room, Michael included, was caught by surprise.                                          

Jessica appeared to be smiling, but she looked at Patricia with a surprised expression. Patricia had always supported everything that she did, but now, she seemed to be siding Louisa. Jessica stared at Patricia, then replied softly, ‘I’m not sure I understand what Aunt Patricia means by that.’                                                                                     

  ‘You don’t understand?’Patricia questioned with a jeer. ‘Don’t think I will always support your foolish behaviour. I have only tolerated you because I felt that you’re good enough for my son. Yes, I hate Chioma very much but now that I know that Louisa is her mother, I don’t think I will accept you as my daughter anymore. Before Michael was born, I had already made a promise to Louisa that if my son falls in love with her daughter or her son falls in love with my daughter, I will never stand in their way. Yes, I hated Chioma because she was a slummy girl, but not anymore. I know that she isn’t after my son’s money but I have always refused to believe it because I just wanted you for my son and that was because I didn’t know that Chioma was Louisa’s daughter. Let me get one thing straight, Michael and Chioma are free to get married anytime they want.’                                                                  

Louisa turned to look at Patricia. ‘The only reason I came here was to help my daughter get home. There is no hidden motive.’                

   Louisa wanted Patricia not to think that she hated her for treating her daughter badly.                                                                                  

   Patricia responded with a smile, ‘I was prepared to face all the critics the moment I saw you enter this room. I know that everyone would think that I am a bad person, but as my friend, I know that you know me too well.’                                                                                                

  ‘Patricia, I’m glad that I met you again after so many years. I didn’t want it to be like this…I’m sorry. Isabelle, I’m glad to see you too. Edward, I thank destiny for not letting us marry and creating an opportunity for our children to be happy. Nicholas, I’m sorry that your son fell in the same position as you years ago…but I’m glad you still married Isabelle because she was the best for you. I know that Felix your son will be happy just as you.’ After speaking, Louisa turned around and left with Chioma, Andrew and Chisom.                                       

Edward looked at the retreating back. A glow lit up in his eyes and his face turned into a smile. He had wished to have married Louisa but somehow, he still thanked destiny for preparing a bigger gift for them, and that was the gift of their children falling in love with each other.                                                                                                                             

When Louisa and her children were out of sight, Michael turned to the security officers and ordered, ‘Detain Jessica and wait for the police to arrive!’                                                                                                  

‘Yes, Sir!’ the bodyguards went at Jessica.                                                     

Michael coldly stared at Emmanuel. ‘By tomorrow, you’ll have your own piece of cake…even you.’ He turned to Rebecca.                       

‘Let me go! You don’t have right to touch me. I am still friends with the Njemanze family!’ Jessica struggled in her grip. Her cries seemed to awaken the anger in Rebecca and she started to slew insults at Michael.                                                                                                       

They harder Jessica struggled, the rougher the guards got. Sharon wanted to help her but she was helpless. If Jessica had listened to her warnings then she wouldn’t have been in this mess. She brought this shame unto herself.                                                                                                    

Jessica’s perfect hair had fallen out of place and her eyes red with tears. ‘Aunt Patricia, I know that you don’t want me to be your daughter in-law but please beg Michael to forgive me, I promise not to go after Chioma again,’ she pleaded.                                                                            

Patricia wanted to speak to Michael but Edward stopped her. ‘Let her be for now. We’ll find a better way to resolve this,’ Edward spoke in a low voice.                                                                                                                 

Jessica turned to Nathan who was standing beside Erica, ‘I know that you hate me right now Nathan, but please help me. You can marry Erica if you want but please…’                                                             

‘Jess…’ Nathan wanted to speak but didn’t know what to say.                 

‘Nathan, please tell your father to help Me.’ She held Nathan’s hands, looking up at him and begged, her eyes brimming with tears. ‘Nathan, I’m sorry to have betrayed your love but honestly when I saw you with Erica I began to realise that I have feelings for you. You’re a good man and don’t deserve a scheming woman like me, but please…I beg you to help me.’                                                                             

Nathan nodded but didn’t say a word because he didn’t actually know the right word to comfort her with.                                                            

  Jessica looked at Michael, but Michael was completely unaffected by her pity look. In fact, his eyes glowed with disgust. He stared down at her and said coldly, ‘Blame no one but you for such a horrible ending. I had wanted to punish you for long but Sharon kept pleading for me to have mercy on you. she told me that if I throw you in gaol that Nathan will be the most affected because he was still in love with you and so I listened to her and never did anything to you even though you had so many crimes to put you in gaol …’                                               

‘If I am the problem here, why still punish my parents?’                     

‘Because they committed crimes that were punishable in the law,’Obinna answered in lieu of Michael. ‘Jessica, you did not only hurt my son, you also hurt Chioma Chima who did nothing to you.’                                     

‘Take her away!’Michael commanded and Jessica was dragged away.


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